The Lawyers that convicted Hovind were Pedophiles


New member
Listen to this one brethren. Kent Hovind is a man of God.

Amen - and that famous saying about Hitler applies:

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me -


Martin Niemöller, a prominent Protestant pastor who opposed the Nazi regime.
He spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps. Germany, 1937.
— Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz

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New member
Here is a fuller picture of the gigantic Government Pedophile Ring
that spreads across both sides of the Atlantic Ocean:

  1. Jimmy Savile (now dead) is proven to be a very prolific pedophile. Savile was knighted by the Queen, knighted by the Vatican, was a top BBC figure (a household name), spent time with Margaret Thatcher at Chequers on several occasions (Thatcher lobbied heavily to have him knighted by the queen), was close friends with Prince Charles (was even described as his "mentor" by Princess Diana), and spent time with him alone on at least one occasion. see here. He also boasted that he had police pals who would protect him from child abuse claims. see here
  2. Famous politician Cyril Smith (now dead) is proven to be a prolific pedophile see here
  3. Cyril Smith was only one of a number of alleged high profile child abusers within Westminster said to have been named in a 40-page dossier submitted to the Home Office by the late campaigning Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens in 1983. see here
  4. Home Secretary at the time, Leon Brittan (a top ranking politician to this day) "lost" file containing evidence of pedophiles in positions of great power - including Cyril Smith (see number 2. above) see here
  5. Kincora Boys Home-linked politician kills self after answering questions pertaining to pedophilia at the home. see here
  6. Ken Livingstone (the ex-Mayor of London) had said that Mi5 orchestrated pedophilia events at Kincora Boys Home in order to blackmail politicians. see here
  7. There are a number of pedophile links to the British Royal Family. Prince Charles was not only close friends with Jimmy Savile, but is close friends with a convicted pedophile priest see here And although he was not a child at the time, Royal valet & footman, George Smith, claimed to have been raped by Michael Fawcett - a top Royal servant to Prince Charles, and also claimed that he once caught Prince Charles and this same (male) servant in bed together see here.
  8. A royal butler 'took his pedophile victims to tea with Queen Mother see here
  9. Prince Andrew was close friends with a now-convicted pedophile see here
  10. Edwina Curry, a top ranking politician during and after the Thatcher era, wrote in her autobiography that Peter Morrison (the now-deceased Personal Private Secretary to Margaret Thatcher) was a noted "Pederast" (aka pedophile) and admitted as much to then Conservative Party Chairman Norman Tebbit (now a British Lord) see here. Thatcher's bodyguard says he warned her that Morrison was rumored to be a pedophile, but she promoted him anyway. see here
  11. An as-yet unnamed Labour peer is being investigated by police after 12 men made allegations of historical child abuse against him see here
  12. Ben Fellows (BBC Child Actor) claims to have been groped by top UK politician Ken Clarke at age 15. He also claims Andrew Lloyd Webber put his tongue down his throat when he was 13 And he also claims he was doing drugs at a party at Esther Rantzen's house as a minor. see here
  13. Member of Parliament Simon Danczuk was warned by top Conservative MP not to challenge Leon Brittan over pedophile dossier. see here
  14. Lord Tebbit admits to establishment cover-up of child abuse . see here
  15. UK Government admits 114 secret files on pedophile cases missing. see here
  16. One of Tony Blair's Ministers is accused by council officials of helping a convicted pedophile foster two young boys. The convicted pedophile was running a children's home at the time. see here
  17. Conservative Party Whip from 1970-1973 admits to covering up problems for MPs, such as "a scandal with small boys", because then the MP would "do what you want forever more" see here
  18. Ex-Minister, Lord Warner, says Children's homes were 'supply line' for pedophiles in the '80s. see here
  19. Former child protection manager says there are up to 20 prominent public figures in alleged pedophile ring covering Parliament and Judiciary. see here
  20. Scotland Yard handed Leon Brittan, the former Conservative Home Secretary, a dossier naming 15 members of notorious pedophile group. This file is currently unaccounted for (this is not the same file given to Leon Brittan by Geoffrey Dickens). see here
  21. UK Prime Minister David Cameron's Aide, Patrick Rock, arrested for child abuse images. see here
  22. Ex-Police Officer involved in the 1992 arrest of notorious pedophile Peter Righton claims that Righton had in his possession an enormous cache of documents that linked him to an establishment child abuse ring (including senior members of the clergy) - but it was not acted on by the police. see here
  23. Former civil servant has accused the Home Office of giving tens of thousands of pounds of public money directly to the British pedophile advocacy group P.I.E. (Paedophile Information Exchange) at the request of the Metropolitan Police’s Special Branch. see here(halfway down the page)
  24. MP who handed VIP pedophile dossier to Leon Brittan (see number 3. above) was on triple killer's hit list. see here
  25. Labour MP Tom Watson has alleged that a member of a notorious pedophile group was connected to a former No 10 aide. He said: "The evidence file used to convict Peter Righton (see number 22. above), if it still exists, contains clear intelligence of a widespread pedophile ring. see here
  26. Member of the House of Lords escapes probe over 20 child sex claims because he is "suffering dementia" see here
  27. The names of at least ten prominent and former politicians plus senior police judges are being named "again and again" by people calling a child abuse hotline. see here
  28. The retired judge leading an inquiry into historic sex abuse said she will not quit, after her brother was linked to an Establishment ‘cover-up’ of the pedophile ring she will be investigating. see here
  29. Current Shadow Deputy Prime minister, the Labour Party's Harriet Harman, was senior NCCL figure at a time that the NCCL argued that "childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in, with an adult result in no identifiable damage” and tried to lower the age of consent to 14. Harman stated that a pornographic photo or film of a child should not be considered indecent unless it could be shown that the subject had suffered, and that prosecutors would have to prove harm rather than defendants having to justify themselves. see here
  30. David Cameron's Advisor on Child Abuse says that a "Westminster Chumocracy" has protected itself from pedophile allegations. see here
  31. Margaret Thatcher 'personally covered up' child abuse allegations against senior ministers according to a source with "inside knowledge of Scotland Yard in the early 1980s" see here
  32. Former Conservative activist Anthony Gilberthorpe alleges that he saw top Tories having sex with boys and told Margaret Thatcher 25 years ago. see here. He also found "Rent Boys" (male prostitutes) for top Tory politicians. see here A victim tells his side of the story. see here
  33. Labour peer now at the centre of pedophile allegations. Letters show the politician cultivated an extremely close relationship with a teenager. see here.
  34. Retired judge, Baroness Butler-Sloss, steps down as head of major inquiry into sex abuse allegations. Possible reasons: a) Her brother Sir Michael Havers was Attorney General during the alleged cover-up of a previous pedophile scandal see here. b) Her Brother was seen at a pedophile party in the '80s see here. c) She has already covered-up pedophile claims against a Bishop see here... The Bishop in question is Peter Ball, who is very close friends with Prince Charles see here
  35. Adopted daughter of Conservative MP Ralph Bonner Pink (now deceased) claims that he abused her as a ten year old girl then put her into Broadmoor mental hospital where shewas abused by Jimmy Savile. see here.
  36. Award-winning author alleges systematic abuse at the council-run Shirley Oaks care home in Surrey was covered up after the investigation turned up information that linked to a prominent Labour MP in Tony Blair's government. see here More victims from the same care home come forward to substantiate his claim. see here
  37. An adviser to the Scottish Government, uncovered a pedophile ring which included well known TV personalities, Lawyers and Police Officers. Calls for an investigation were ignored. see here
  38. Ex-Freemasonic leader, Lord Burton, In 2003, said that the Inquiry into the Dunblane Massacre (a 1996 school shooting in Scotland) was a cover up and he was bullied to keep quiet. The School Shooter (and suspected pedophile) Thomas Hamilton, was, allowed to freely roam around a primary school for children of the military services, even at night. see here
  39. Margaret Hodge, the one-time Minister for Children was linked to a child abuse cover up in Islington, while she was the council leader. see here and see here
  40. Female MP "abused care home boy aged 13 as part of paedophile network at heart of government" see here



Hovind was convicted, he continued to attempt to break the law, he is likely to be convicted again. He is a liar and a thief. Keep him behind bars.

And Naz is so frightened of homosexuals I'm surprised he can get out of bed in the morning.


New member
Hovind was convicted,..., he is likely to be convicted again.

And 'convicted' means nothing when the prosecutors are pedophiles.

He is a liar and a thief. Keep him behind bars.

The Devil was an Accuser of the bretheren from the beginning.

Sorry to see you joining him.

And Naz is so frightened of homosexuals I'm surprised he can get out of bed in the morning.

Why is that? Are you and your gang of homo boy-rapists waiting for me?


New member
Just to expose the hypocrisy further,

The state of Florida had no problem licencing and allowing a 'Tax Exempt Church Status'
for another man, Markus Bishop,

who in fact runs a strip-club/ night-club nudity and sex event,
and sells T-Shirts that advise fornication and drug abuse:

Florida City Yanks Tax-Exempt Status from ‘Church’ Running ‘Sexy’ Spring Break Nightclub

March 12, 2015 | Filed under: Apostasy,Life & Society,Top Stories | By: Heather Clark

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Officials with a Florida city has revoked the local tax-exempt status from a so-called church that has been running what the city deems a sexually-charged nightclub during Spring Break.
“It’s very disturbing, especially inside our city limits here in Bay County,” Panama City Beach Police Chief Drew Whitman told reporters this week. “I think we’re better than that.”
The Life Center Church, run by leader Markus Bishop, has been hosting “Spring Break Amnesia” at its facility since late February, featuring events and merchandise that even the local authorities have found to be shocking for a place of worship.
“A bottle club, charging $20 at the door and selling obscene T-shirts is not being used as a church,” Property Appraiser Dan Sowell told the Panama City News Herald. “A God-fearing, God-honoring church in January does not sponsor this type of debauchery in March.”

The website for Spring Break Amnesia advertises an “Anything But Clothes” painting party, a Mardis Gras bead-throwing event, and a “Wet and Wild” party complete with twerking–a sexually-suggestive dance perhaps made most popular in recent years by pop star Miley Cyrus.
Example of original posting just days ago.

“‘Slumber’ is a pajama and lingerie party hosted by the sexiest ladies on the beach,” the site’s event description read just three days ago. “‘Anything But Clothes’ showcases your artistic side, featuring your mind and body. How creative can you be? Bare as you dare to attend in anything but clothes (toga, body paint, etc.).”
The Spring Break Amnesia website also featured a number of t-shirts for sale, including several that featured graphics of stick figures performing sexual acts on each other, and one that read “I hate being sober.”

Sheriff Frank McKeithen said that he went inside the facility and saw the shirts hanging up on the walls.
“You turn around and you look at the walls on the church, and you see t-shirts with graphic explicit sexual pictures on them,” he said. “I’m scratching my head. How can this be a church, and this is going on?”
But after media outlets in Panama City began to report on the matter, Life Center Church quickly revised their website and took a number of the sexually-explicit t-shirts out of the online store. As of yesterday, the word “lingerie” was removed from the slumber party description and the “Anything But Clothes” event was revised to read, “Bare as you dare to attend (toga, body paint, etc.) This is not a nude event.”
Altered description.

Under the Mardis Gras event, which used to read, “What will you do for your beads?” the event organizers added, “Maybe a backflip or bunny hop” to tone down the connotation.
Patrons are charged $20 to enter what is called “The Tabernacle,” which is being categorized by Life Center as a donation. But officials in Panama City state that what is going on inside of the facility is not a church and is a commercial night club enterprise. McKeithen told reporters that the property has been zoned as a church and because it has been exempt from paying property taxes for year.

Thus, its current operations have been now deemed a violation and the facility’s tax-exempt status has been revoked. Life Center Church claims that the event is simply a part of its “youth ministry.”
According to police, leader Markus Bishop has a criminal past and is currently on probation for allegedly giving a teen marijuana and kissing her against her will. Bishop, former leader of Faith Christian Family Church, professes to be a Christian, but also dabbles with other religions.
“It’s not about what label you wear or title you carry, it’s about what goes on inside you,” he said in 2013. “I am a follower of Jesus. I practice … Buddhism. I am a student of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and I am a student in miracles and more than anything I am passionate about a path of reality that manifests in love and peace.”
“But he’s not the only one out there with a criminal record that’s running a enterprise like this, but he’s the only one out there flying under the colors of a church that’s doing this, and that’s very disturbing to me,” McKeithen said.



New member

BOP Director Charles Samuels Suddenly Plans to Retire After Thousands of Phone Calls From Kent Hovind Supporters Around The World

Below are more than a dozen videos featuring Federal Prisons Director Charles Samuels & his ties to Kent Hovind's persecution case

Official Kent Hovind Update Website

Dozens Of Free Kent Hovind Seminars/Debates – Feel Free To Make DVDs & Hand Them Out For Free Everywhere! (Please Just Don’t Sell Them Though)

Alex Jones Interviews Persecuted Creationist Kent Hovind & Mark Adams On Infowars

A Powerful Letter Of Support From The Baptist Fellowship To Kent Hovind - WOW (2015)

Thousands Of Testimonies Pour In From Around The World For Persecuted Pastor Kent Hovind!! Wow!

20 Shocking Things That Have Happened In the Kent Hovind IRS Targeting & Persecution Case Since 2004 (spread this everywhere!)

Trey Covers Kent Hovind's Persecution Beginning To Present (4-27-15) – Please Share This Everywhere!

Illegal Imprisonment of Kent Hovind & Other Christians in America | #FreeKent

Kent Hovind vs IRS Structuring | Why Kent Hovind is in Prison (3-22-15)

Creation Science Evangelist Kent Hovind Provides A Summary Of His Entire Case (5-14-15)

Judge Rodgers' Preposterous Speech Before Kent Hovind Was Sentenced To 10 Years In Prison (2006)

Urgent Message From Kent Hovind - Goverment Sends "Cyber Bomb" Computer Attacks Against Supporters

List Of More Than A Hundred Creation Ministries & Organizations Across The Country

Kent Hovind’s Old Prison Blog and Writings

Social Media (Get Involved To Help Free Kent Hovind)

Nine of Dr.Kent Hovind's Thirty-Seven E-Books Written From Prison:

Kent’s Converts Website – Write & Encourage New Christians Kent Has Led To The Lord (Kent has led almost 800 inmates to the Lord Now)

Please Contact Your Congress Representative Or Senator At This Link And Demand They Look Into This IRS Targeting/Corruption Case & Christian Persecution Of An Innocent Man Dr. Kent Hovind & Help Assist In Getting Him Released Now That All Charges Have Been Dropped!


New member
There is no conspiracy against Hovind. 99.999999999% of people could care less about the guy. He isn't worth the effort of a conspiracy.

I saw the guy in my teens at a church conference and he compared the decision to have your first sip of beer to sticking your head under a moving truck. That's when I knew the guy was just your run of the mill religious nut job and not a scientist at all.


New member
There is no conspiracy against Hovind. 99.999999999% of people could care less about the guy. He isn't worth the effort of a conspiracy.

I saw the guy in my teens at a church conference and he compared the decision to have your first sip of beer to sticking your head under a moving truck. That's when I knew the guy was just your run of the mill religious nut job and not a scientist at all.

So your position is:

(1) 99.999% of "people" (an unknown group: Americans? Atheists? Homosexuals? Evolutionists?)
are careless.

There's a surprise. Or are you just projecting your own carelessness
for others again?

(2) You were unable to stick your head under a moving truck.

What a shame.

You could have won upper class Twit of the Year
if you had successfully run yourself over.




New member
So your position is:

(1) 99.999% of "people" (an unknown group: Americans? Atheists? Homosexuals? Evolutionists?)
are careless.

There's a surprise. Or are you just projecting your own carelessness

Even most other Young Earth believers reject this guy. Answers in Genesis advises to stay away from his "science."

You know, I'm starting to wonder if you are Kent Hovind . . . :think:


New member
Creationists that dislike hovind are ones that want to be loved by the world usually. Plus they think he's a conspiracy nut bc he points out the fact that the world is ruled by a secret government made up of oligarchs. There are also disinfo agents who just want to falsely accuse men like hovind.