For heaven's sake.
I think you may fare better by dropping the 'martyr complex', and 'holier than thou' mentality. - and I mean this in the 'assumption' and 'posture' that one has the absolute truth or only true 'interpretation' of scripture, when so many 'interpretations' exist, and may be just as tenable. There are also more than one way to describe an elephant, and its various parts....recall the story of the blind men and the elephant
'Truth' is relative (beyond the actuality of
absolute reality itself), and 'theology' is subject to so much 'translation' and 'interpretation'. Better to engage the subjects under discussion (treating them), then demean or belittle
persons. Engaging in pot shots, demonizing, and kindergarten antics reflects immaturity and
spiritual retardation. - just saying.
Remember,...regarding 'theology'....
it is true religious principles, values and ethics that matter, how these are realized and practiced in
how one treats others. This is what fundamentally counts. LOVE. This is what DEITY judges you by, and it remains a universal principle, a conduct of nature that you reap what you sow, - measure for measure. - here the proper understanding of '
karma' holds,...and note...properly understood.
Debates or discussion can be done in a similiar ethic, tone and respect....with love and wisdom guiding, directing the dialogue. Love is always edifying, NEVER demeaning, devaluing, depressing, belittling, condesending. Much is really about in what manner or spirit we are behaving. Discussion such as in an open forum as this, provides an opportunity to see
HOW we are engaging with others, and the chance to change or modify our words and tone with one another, editing and researching our commentary, before we actually 'submit' it. Thank God for the editing/preview mode for this. I find myself editing quite a bit, before actually posting, and even sometimes AFTER posting.
We are judged by our logos,....the words we share,....for 'words' carry creative/productive....or destructive power. "death and life are in the power of the tongue". Some things to think about.