- I don't recall calling you a 'troll' in this specific address,...but if the shoe fits. I have no problem with anyone praising 'God' or any writings that glorify God truly.
The UB presents itself as an epochal revelation for this current dispensation, it will naturally then correct, enhance and expand upon previous revelations. Remember the NT came along, and pretty much dispensed with much of the OT! - but only kept the parts that were relevant and supporting of its own religious truth claims. See how that works? :think: - in any case,...we have the concept of 'progressive revelation' coming thru. Orthodox Jews reject Jesus as their Messiah, and therefore consider the NT as superfluous. They don't accept the 'new revelation' or 'rennovation' of their original faith-tradition being 'Christianized', which is what appears to them to have happened. Orthodox Jews have their share of 'counter-missonary' ministries, because they are wholly convinced from their own Jewish scriptures and traditions, that the NT is not from YHWH. - but Christian bible believers still carry around the Torah in their bibles, because without that 'root', their branch has no bearing. - quite a conundrum eh? - likewise the UB respects and acknowledges the past dispensations of evolutional progress and revelation, but adds MORE. Remember one of God's names in the OT is 'Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh', which traditionally is translated "I Am", but has a meaning emphasis that is more futuristic, generative, dynamically active....as in "I Will what I will be",...so this generative sense is the Infinite Spirit bringing into being, causing TO BE, unfolding the divine will-potential via creation, manifesting it in space and time. In this way, 'God' is ever inter-acting, engaging within CREATION, as the creative active principle and personality, orchestrating and presiding thru-out.
Again, if you read at least the first
10 papers (not a monumental task to undertake)....you'll find that the UB certainly qualifies as a subject for discussion in the 'Religion' section of a theological forum, since its theology is fundamentally 'theist'. Whether you take it as religious fiction, sci-fi spirituality, cosmic far-out-ness, or zany cosmology,...you're still presented with the significant religious questions, ideals, concepts and principles that the papers elaborate and expand upon, and how this relates to our present circumstance, what kind of 'religion' we undertake as individuals and a society today and how this affects our spiritual evolution, our progression in the divine plan of the ages. These are all
pertinent. Many religionists read both the Bible and UB together, its not a 'either/or' situation, but a 'both/and' endeavor of study....since 'God' is the One Universal Power and Presence. There is One Ocean, but many rivers.