No burning bosoms....just intellectual and spiritual expansion...............
No burning bosoms....just intellectual and spiritual expansion...............

lain: Kind of like the "burning in the bosom."
Sorry to disappoint you Lon, "burning in the bosoms" required

- Mormonism has no relationship to the UB.
Chase after the wind all you desire, but there is nothing on this wind. I've read a good portion of your document. Not only have I given accounts of such shoddy work in this pointless behemoth thread, I've repeatedly deduced my observations of its lack for you.
You've read a few portions from what I've observed, and criticized mostly on some passages in Part 4 of the life of Jesus, the juvenile style of grammar used, etc. The tome is over 2,000 pages and has some amazing dissertations on the cosmology, creation and organization of the Grand Universe, the nature of Deity, man's relationship to Deity, angelic orders, etc.
Until you've actually read the first 12 papers,...I cannot accept that you have a grasp of the basic theology of the UB, to say nothing of the many other subjects it expounds on, some of whats been covered on the thread so far. So,...its back to square one and your biased pre-judgments about an entire book based on a few passages that didn't fit your bar of expectations.
This thread holds no interest to me. In fact, I'm done for awhile.
Oh boy,...but you cant resist coming back to drop your critiques and check out how things are going in such an awe inspiring thread

- and don't forget, this section is about discussion on the subject of 'Religion' and its various artifacts, different views and perspectives. This includes books like the Urantia Book, whose claims in the area in religion, science and philosophy has significance.
What DOES hold interest to me is two waywards needing the gospel of Christ that both of you eschew.
Part 4 and all the teachings of Jesus therein clearly and exponentially proclaim with clarity and great elaboration,
the gospel of the kingdom of God, which includes the spiritual rebirth and awakening of the soul to its relationship with God as 'Our Father', bringing into realization our
'sonship' with God, - remember the foundation is 'The Fatherhood of God & Brotherhood of Man'. The UB presents as being true to Jesus, the gospel that Jesus taught, NOT necessarily any gospels that came after him that were merely ABOUT him, mixed with other concepts, theories and mythology. Remember,....its about promoting the religion OF Jesus, not just a religion ABOUT Jesus. In this context the papers refer to this gospel as 'Jesusonian'. There are 5 reference to the term 'Jesusonian'
here for any interested in understanding the term.
God gets to dictate, by virtue of His being, what is true.
But that's your opinion that 'God' has dictated anything, and that by accepting a book that is being interpreted for claiming such, an 'interpretation' that is debatable. The peculiar thing is you have an OT, and a NT lumped onto what is made into the Christian 'Bible',
while traditional orthodox Jews reject such an addition to their scriptures, and there is are NT believers who reject a good portion of what the OT contains, but still include it as their 'foundation' upon which to piggypack, all the while accepting the NT as a "new revelation", "covenant" or 'dispensation'. So even here you see 'progressive revelation' at work,...dividing religious sects, setting them apart from each other. As we consider the whole of cosmic evolution and man's spiritual progress,...there will naturally be greater unfoldings or dispensations of revelation that previous dispensations are augmented or replaced by new ones. Religious truths and principles still hold, but they are being expanded upon, appropriate to man's needs and level of development as these unfold in time. Such is the nature of things.