I think my engagement record here shows I'm much more, but do note that healthy skepticism on any speculative, theoretical or experiential matter is acceptable. On that level, all religious books, cults, concepts and theories are included, the Bible, UB and every other. Consider history, cultural-context, intention of writers and many other factors behind any religious book, then the meanings and values shared in that book (content), - there are many things to consider. One can learn thru parables and myths, so allegory and metaphors have their place whether you can prove these stories actually took place somewhere in space or time, or are religious fictions more or less. Im just expanding my self beyond thinking any one single 'book' has all the answers or is the
FINAL revelation of 'God'. This does not compute, if God is an infinite SPIRIT, whose omnipresence and dynamic activity is ever-expanding, ever-renewing, ever-creating.
Jesus illuminates the scriptures
The very First Paper is fundamental in foundation, the theological core to the entire revelation
here. We begin with the Universal Father Himself. I think if you'd like to engage the actual material of the papers, that's a good place to begin

- very foundational in this priority truth, is the personality of God, since 'personality' a most interesting subject holds a significant place.
The "I AM" of Life is the fundamental reality for starters, but this 'life' and 'consciousness' that we also are, can only be of God, since there is no other 'life' or 'consciousness', God being the One and Only. - hence while it may appear we are separate from God the Universal Father, he abides in each soul as the
'thought-adjuster', an actual fragment of the essence of infinite deity. So while God is an omnipresent, all transcending reality, he also abides in the soul of man. Here we have the God without and the God within, but ultimately there is no without God. Nothing can exist outside or without God.