Sorry, dont have time to scratch yer ears,either.
boring, dude.
Sorry, dont have time to scratch yer ears,either.
Well... Your screen name is appropriate. Who do you think is arguing these things, and why do you just argue without others arguing with you?
Do you even know what you are saying? You guys parrot each other and by knowing those kind of clichés, you think you are saved and true Christian.
You keep disregard Jesus' word.
It's the Christian's duty to prove ALL things, and it's easy to prove the lies coming from the mouth of Satan's darkness with the LIGHT!!
Jesus disputed with the Priests when he was 12. - "Dispute" is what the American Language calls "Argue". It took me longer to learn what He did. - This is 2014. I had to studied for about 3 years. -- Now it just like God said:>-
((( John 16:13 KJV ))) -- 13- "Howbeit ((( When He, the Spirit of Truth, is come ))), ((( He will guide you into all Truth ))): for (( He shall not speak of himself )); (( but whatsoever "He shall hear" )), ( that shall "He" speak )): ((( and He will shew you things to come )))". --//-----
Now that is why I really have Faith in The Body of Christ, for "He" is the Holy Ghost COME INTO ME, and I in Him; - Thus ( I ) SPEAK!!
Prove Him Wrong!!
Back to bed, - night.
Paul, David -- 081914
Enjoy yer consolation prize.
Why would I even attempt to prove the Holy Ghost wrong? That would be impossible.
Is you're few moments each day here trying to prove ME wrong, is that your whole life??
- Give me another choice you and your "kind" have
- to inner into the Ark Family of the Clean, - from the unclean!!
Paul, David -- 081914
As I've said, I haven't even responded to you until this short exchange. I haven't said anything in an attempt to "prove you wrong". If anything, I've been in agreement with you.
Why do you argue with those who aren't arguing with you? It makes no sense.
And why do you lump me with whoever it is you call a "kind". I haven't affiliated with anyone here. I don't adhere to mainstream Christian beliefs and practice. Again, it makes no sense, especially since we haven't even conversed and I haven't ever said anything to you.
Even when I've agreed with you, you say these things. It makes no sense whatsoever.
Come On, -- I AM not the only on here!! - You say a lot of stuff to others that Just AIN'T SOOOO; -- SOOOO I respond to any Lie I can get to!! -- OK??? - I don't care who you are, or what you say to whom; if I See Satan in the darkness, I will cast him into HELL right Then, for safety reasons!!!
There is no titles to different Lies, they ALL are SATAN!!! - The Flesh of any man has NOTHING to do with any Lie, it's WHO is in the man that speaketh!!! -- It's Christ in me who now speaketh!! - Prove "ME" Wrong!!!
Paul, David -- 081914
Guys, - I have to go to bed. If you'd rather I not return, Please let me know.
You're the one who ignores 2/3 of the New Testament because you don't like it, or it disagrees with what you believe.
I've tried to read your posts now at least 4 times, and I give up. You are on ignore forever. Your heart is hardened and your eyes are blinded to the Gospel of the Grace of God. It does no good to try and talk with you or share Scripture with you, especially if you don't like the Scripture. So, I'm going to stop wasting any time at all with you. I will pray for you that God softens your heart for the hearing of the Gospel of the Grace of God. In the meantime, you are lost. I won't take you off of ignore again.
98:7.3 The Christian religion, as a Urantian system of belief, arose through the compounding of the following teachings, influences, beliefs, cults, and personal individual attitudes:
1. The Melchizedek teachings, which are a basic factor in all the religions of Occident and Orient that have arisen in the last four thousand years.
2. The Hebraic system of morality, ethics, theology, and belief in both Providence and the supreme Yahweh.
3. The Zoroastrian conception of the struggle between cosmic good and evil, which had already left its imprint on both Judaism and Mithraism. Through prolonged contact attendant upon the struggles between Mithraism and Christianity, the doctrines of the Iranian prophet became a potent factor in determining the theologic and philosophic cast and structure of the dogmas, tenets, and cosmology of the Hellenized and Latinized versions of the teachings of Jesus.
4. The mystery cults, especially Mithraism, but also the worship of the Great Mother in the Phrygian cult. Even the legends of the birth of Jesus on Urantia became tainted with the Roman version of the miraculous birth of the Iranian savior-hero, Mithras, whose advent on earth was supposed to have been witnessed by only a handful of gift-bearing shepherds who had been informed of this impending event by angels.
5. The historic fact of the human life of Joshua ben Joseph,the reality of Jesus of Nazareth as the glorified Christ, the Son of God.
6. The personal viewpoint of Paul of Tarsus. And it should be recorded that Mithraism was the dominant religion of Tarsus during his adolescence. Paul little dreamed that his well-intentioned letters to his converts would someday be regarded by still later Christians as the "word of God." Such well-meaning teachers must not be held accountable for the use made of their writings by later-day successors.
7. The philosophic thought of the Hellenistic peoples, from Alexandria and Antioch through Greece to Syracuse and Rome. The philosophy of the Greeks was more in harmony with Paul's version of Christianity than with any other current religious system and became an important factor in the success of Christianity in the Occident. Greek philosophy, coupled with Paul's theology, still forms the basis of European ethics.
Remember the subject here are the Urantia Papers.....let's stay on course. Discussion/dialogue is preferred over mere argumentation, which is non-productive. You're welcome to leave if not interested in the subject to allow space for its true purpose.
Well, OK. -- I just wanted to help keep the Fools off you all's back.
MY Thoughts are mine, and they would be impossible to Change, as are other people's, -- OK, -- And, -- in the flesh, I wish you all WELL.
SO Long!!
Paul - Letsargue -- 081914
I appreciate your intention, but it's questionable what manners or approach would be most effective or successful in that dept. since those devoted to trolling, distraction, pestering or marginalizing the subject may do so if they wish....regardless of stated rules.
I would see this as a red herring issue, the viable information for what was really written by this Paul is to debatable for certainty, to paint him one way or the other is based on bias, the forgotten virus within the Jesus only camp is the plagiarized teaching from Jesus, which makes the debate a wash, and a subject for baseless arguments that can't be proven. in the recent video I shared....Robert M. Price takes a humorous approach to the Jesus/Paul question. The Jesus Only camp is tempting....but other versions of Jesus complicate the in the Essene, Nazariene, Gnostic, Spiritualist versions also out there. I explore them all as aspects of a certain theme or archetype. Many camps, one frontier