The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Because I left God when I was younger like the prodigal son.

Ok, so are you saying that you did something wrong?

I was disloyal. I returned and repented. I restored right relations with the Father. Sin is deliberate, knowing disloyalty to deity.

But why the need for forgiveness?
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What you have is religious pride.
No, I just know how to actually write a sentence unlike some Dr. Sadlers I know.
That’s what this has always been about.
In your odd mind, yes, I suppose it has.
The UB dings your theological ego
LOL, you mean like a three-year-old calling me a name??? I've been a teacher. No child nor childish mind ever touches my ego. Yeah, I'm that arrogant : plain:
.Jesus chose common men, your degrees and claims of a high IQ wouldn’t impress Jesus either.
Well, Jesus was God. You nor Dr. Sadler are.
Insult me to your hearts content. You aren’t a serious thinker.
Keep up with the digs, Joe. You have 3 fingers pointing back for attempted mean and puerile.
BTW, your mocking of the teaching about belief in spirit possession “Oh brother. Now my rocks are indwelled spiritually! CAINO! WAKE UP!!!!!!”

See Gen 31:19
In your (juvenile?) mind, this all probably made sense to you. Rachel removing an idol is suppose to be 'indwelled' is it? You can wake up Joe. Is there any point to me speaking to you any more? Do you just love irritating people purposefully with this Urantia drivel? It is horrible, juvenile. Subpar, childishness. I've read a LOT of middle school and elementary school papers and corrected them. The UB isn't up to par, even with high school papers, most of them.


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142:6.7 (1602.6) And Nicodemus said: “But how can I begin to lay hold upon this spirit which is to remake me in preparation for entering into the kingdom?”
Has absolutely NO purpose but an 'only natural' one. Your book is about men stuck in their flesh. Your quote about Nicodemus doesn't even make sense, according to Spirit. It is flesh caught in flesh about pretty brain-dead.
Jesus answered: "Jesus greatly enjoyed this, his first experience on a farm." 💫
There is literally no reason to tell anyone, ever, for ANY spiritual reason, that "Jesus 'greatly' enjoyed his first experience on the farm" as if you are a ten year old reading a grade-school reader for the first time in your life! THINK Caino!!!!
"Jesus appeared to be a well-nigh perfect child physically and continued to make normal progress mentally and emotionally. He experienced a mild digestive upset, his first minor illness, in the latter part of this, his fifth (calendar) year."
Completely brain-dead stupidity. It helps no one with anything and is just this stupid (I hate having to tell an adult that something is retarded!). "Jesus had a slight stomach ache that is hardly worth mentioning, but like a gossipy wife with nothing better to do, I, Dr. Sadler, will type the most meaningless mindless thing that first pops into my head and even people who SHOULD be able to see right through the third grade dross, won't because they have shut off their minds." "Well, Jesus had a stomach ache," Dr. Sadler. 🌀 😵 💫
You are an easy mark, Caino. A complete dupe with no discernment or wise thinking. Grow up Caino! It is time to grow up.

THINK! Caino! Use your brain !
I realize you are offended (and rightly so) but I want you to read words of life, not these further words of death from dead men with no Spiritual understanding. Flesh cannot (CANNOT) grasp spiritual things. Dr. Sadler missed it. You are missing it. I can't but scream from a rooftop. It isn't hate, not at all. It is a desperation for your very soul and you are in grave danger of losing it. -Lon
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Has absolutely NO purpose but an 'only natural' one. Your book is about men stuck in their flesh. Your quote about Nicodemus doesn't even make sense, according to Spirit. It is flesh caught in flesh about pretty brain-dead.

There is literally no reason to tell anyone, ever, for ANY spiritual reason, that "Jesus 'greatly' enjoyed his first experience on the farm" as if you are a ten year old reading a grade-school reader for the first time in your life! THINK Caino!!!!

Completely brain-dead stupidity. It helps no one with anything and is just this stupid (I hate having to tell an adult that something is retarded!). "Jesus had a slight stomach ache that is hardly worth mentioning, but like a gossipy wife with nothing better to do, I, Dr. Sadler, will type the most meaningless mindless thing that first pops into my head and even people who SHOULD be able to see right through the third grade dross, won't because they have shut off their minds." "Well, Jesus had a stomach ache," Dr. Sadler. 🌀 😵 💫

I realize you are offended (and rightly so) but I want you to read words of life, not these further words of death from dead men with no Spiritual understanding. Flesh cannot (CANNOT) grasp spiritual things. Dr. Sadler missed it. You are missing it. I can't but scream from a rooftop. It isn't hate, not at all. It is a desperation for your very soul and you are in grave danger of losing it. -Lon
I'm not offended, I speak the truth and let the spirit do its own work. Its not my kingdom and the UB is Christs ongoing gift. Seeing yourself as too educated to learn anything new is a well worn path.

Jesus was both human and divine. The story of his humanity was largely lost in Christianity. I enjoy learning about his life, his family and his fascinating travels and achievements before beginning his public works. Maybe you are uncomfortable with intimate depictions of kindness and love? You might prefer more blood lust, hacking up families (except their little virgin girls), setting people on fire, serpents or dismembering bear attack's?

My soul is safe and your threats are childish.
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Yes, I was disloyal to God. Doing my will and not his. That is why I need forgiveness.

In what way is that any different to what the Bible teaches?

Sounds like a case of pot calling kettle black...
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In what way is that any different to what the Bible teaches?

Sounds like a case of pot calling kettle black...
With the evolution of the religion of Judaism the concept of sin and forgiveness became overly complicated and confusing. The institution of Judaism, its applied 613 commandments , blood sacrifices etc was burdensome for the average person. Jesus clarified and simplified the issue of sin, salvation and forgiveness, even elevating the believer to being a son of God. Rather than annual days of atonement, endless festivals, compulsive rituals and traditions, we are to do Gods will each day and in every part of life.

After Jesus left, Christianity theorized that Jesus had offered himself as a final sin sacrifice, something Jesus never taught which was a contamination from older beliefs in Judaism.

Like Judaism drifted away from the original teachings of Melchizedek, Christianity managed to drift away and overcomplicate the Gospel of The Kingdom of Heaven.


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I'm not offended, I speak the truth and let the spirit do its own work.
From a third grader!??
Its not my kingdom and the UB is Christs ongoing gift. Seeing yourself as too educated to learn anything new is a well worn path.
Yes, yes I am. There is nothing much I'm going to learn from third-grade attempts, Caino. Why even post on a Christian board? Are you really this odd, mentally small, and antagonistic? YOU start these fights. You did it on purpose when you came here. All I'm trying to get you to do is wake up. It is braindead stupid, Caino!
Jesus was both human and divine. The story of his humanity was largely lost in Christianity.
Still is. Your third-grader guru not-with-standing. Why? Because your book is interested in what is 'only natural.' Mine is interested in life.
I enjoy learning about his life, his family and his fascinating travels and achievements before beginning his public works.
Sadly, you'd love reading about Dick and Jane too : plain: It is braindead stupid, Caino. It is idiotic. It is childish, and made up.
Maybe you are uncomfortable with intimate depictions of kindness and love?
No. Just stupidity, Caino. Just things a third grader would say. If coming from a third grader? I love it. It is all about growing up. I hate it in an adult. That person's education and grammar is what I disdain.
You might prefer more blood lust, hacking up families (except their little virgin girls), setting people on fire, serpents or dismembering bear attack's?
No. I didn't like that either, but at least it wasn't made up. When it comes to following an 'actual' God, I want an 'actual' history, that has archeology behind it, not your made-up-in-an-apartment 3rd grade fodder. You WANT to be duped! I never realized that before, but you literally turned your brain off and prefer fairy tales. You don't deal with bears and serpents know...News. You watch fantasy channels. Bad? Not "IF" you know the difference between it and reality.
My soul is safe and your threats are childish.
No. It isn't. I guarantee this: The closer you get to the end, the less confident you'll be in your childish stories and false bravado. Why? Because it IS made-up and you know it. There is a time when fairy tales will face reality at the end.


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With the evolution of the religion of Judaism the concept of sin and forgiveness became overly complicated and confusing. The institution of Judaism, its applied 613 commandments , blood sacrifices etc was burdensome for the average person. Jesus clarified and simplified the issue of sin, salvation and forgiveness, even elevating the believer to being a son of God. Rather than annual days of atonement, endless festivals, compulsive rituals and traditions, we are to do Gods will each day and in every part of life.
Er, "New Testament."
After Jesus left, Christianity theorized that Jesus had offered himself as a final sin sacrifice, something Jesus never taught which was a contamination from older beliefs in Judaism.
Jesus came to them. Jesus came to Paul. The Urantia, and You, call them liars. Not just retarded, a lie, Caino. Your soul, for believing and passing on lies, is indeed in danger. Our souls aren't meant to live on lies.
Like Judaism drifted away from the original teachings of Melchizedek, Christianity managed to drift away and overcomplicate the Gospel of The Kingdom of Heaven.
Meaning YOUR god is a weak mindless being who cannot save people until 2000 TWO THOUSAND years later, speaking though an apartment of subpar people. : plain: You really cannot think, Caino. You are being brainless and unreasonable in your odd expectations. I BET you were so happy when you found the Urantia, because it had the same braindead ideas you had for people who cannot think. A slam? Yes. Your and U-rant-ia ideas are literally against God, Jesus, HIs apostles, disciples and calls them liars. You are definitely in trouble for that. It is no small thing. I often call for the removal of this thread, specifically because when push comes to shove, you not only admit you believe them liars but say so outright when pressed. What bothers me most is YOUR desire to fight and slam and try and destroy Christians. You can't with a third grade offering, but it is maddening/annoying none-the-less, like a buzzing gnat. You get angry when we tell you we don't appreciate third grade drivel and you say you aren't offended. So what? I am. This stuff is beneath a grown man. It is spot on fiction, however, coming from a third grader. It is ugly and inane coming from a supposed grown adult.
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Er, "New Testament."

Jesus came to them. Jesus came to Paul. The Urantia, and You, call them liars. Not just retarded, a lie, Caino. Your soul, for believing and passing on lies, is indeed in danger. Our souls aren't meant to live on lies.

Meaning YOUR god is a weak mindless being who cannot save people until 2000 TWO THOUSAND years later, speaking though an apartment of subpar people. : plain: You really cannot think, Caino. You are being brainless and unreasonable in your odd expectations. I BET you were so happy when you found the Urantia, because it had the same braindead ideas you had for people who cannot think. A slam? Yes. Your and U-rant-ia ideas are literally against God, Jesus, HIs apostles, disciples and calls them liars. You are definitely in trouble for that. It is no small thing. I often call for the removal of this thread, specifically because when push comes to shove, you not only admit you believe them liars but say so outright when pressed. What bothers me most is YOUR desire to fight and slam and try and destroy Christians. You can't with a third grade offering, but it is maddening/annoying none-the-less, like a buzzing gnat. You get angry when we tell you we don't appreciate third grade drivel and you say you aren't offended. So what? I am. This stuff is beneath a grown man. It is spot on fiction, however, coming from a third grader. It is ugly and inane coming from a supposed grown adult.
Awwwww, so childish, so angry. You know you're over the target when you get flack like Lon's diatribes. :ROFLMAO::rolleyes:

Salvation by faith has always been available for hundreds of thousands of years. Shamans and profiteering religious men kept inserting themselves between God and man. Jesus set us free from the Lons of the world.


From a third grader!??

Yes, yes I am. There is nothing much I'm going to learn from third-grade attempts, Caino. Why even post on a Christian board? Are you really this odd, mentally small, and antagonistic? YOU start these fights. You did it on purpose when you came here. All I'm trying to get you to do is wake up. It is braindead stupid, Caino!

Still is. Your third-grader guru not-with-standing. Why? Because your book is interested in what is 'only natural.' Mine is interested in life.

Sadly, you'd love reading about Dick and Jane too : plain: It is braindead stupid, Caino. It is idiotic. It is childish, and made up.

No. Just stupidity, Caino. Just things a third grader would say. If coming from a third grader? I love it. It is all about growing up. I hate it in an adult. That person's education and grammar is what I disdain.

No. I didn't like that either, but at least it wasn't made up. When it comes to following an 'actual' God, I want an 'actual' history, that has archeology behind it, not your made-up-in-an-apartment 3rd grade fodder. You WANT to be duped! I never realized that before, but you literally turned your brain off and prefer fairy tales. You don't deal with bears and serpents know...News. You watch fantasy channels. Bad? Not "IF" you know the difference between it and reality.

No. It isn't. I guarantee this: The closer you get to the end, the less confident you'll be in your childish stories and false bravado. Why? Because it IS made-up and you know it. There is a time when fairy tales will face reality at the end.
We have archeology as well which proves a very old earth and the remains of life that evolved on it over hundreds of millions of yours. The authors of the Old Testament meant well but they had no idea about evolution. Besides, the Bible was a teaching tool, they didn't originally claim God wrote it.




58:4.1 That we are called Life Carriers should not confuse you. We can and do carry life to the planets, but we brought no life to Urantia. Urantia life is unique, original with the planet. This sphere is a life-modification world; all life appearing hereon was formulated by us right here on the planet; and there is no other world in all Satania, even in all Nebadon, that has a life existence just like that of Urantia.

58:4.2 550,000,000 years ago the Life Carrier corps returned to Urantia. In co-operation with spiritual powers and superphysical forces we organized and initiated the original life patterns of this world and planted them in the hospitable waters of the realm. All planetary life (aside from extraplanetary personalities) down to the days of Caligastia, the Planetary Prince, had its origin in our three original, identical, and simultaneous marine-life implantations. These three life implantations have been designated as: the central or Eurasian-African, the eastern or Australasian, and the western,embracing Greenland and the Americas.” Ub 1956


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Proof is in the earth.

Indeed it is. The proof is that the universe is young.

Claims by old holy men were speculation and conjecterummmm.

Wishful thinking.

Science debunks the superstitious claims of religions.

Indeed it does, especially cults like Urantia.

What it does NOT do is debunk the Bible, only affirms it.


Well-known member
Awwwww, so childish, so angry.
Projecting. Your book is childish. Angry at anything that calls God, Jesus, and His apostles liars? Yes. Lies deserve nothing less when discussing what comes from God, and what comes from oddball hacks.

Look, I've called YOUR book childish. It IS childish to turn around this kind of projection. YOU ARE childish for it, Joe. You baited right in but it was not my intent. I simply have said you show yourself unsuitable for adult conversation and reasoning ability defending what isn't defendable. Believing the Urantia is indefensible. You are arguing like a child for childish inane proclamations. Do you ACTUALLY enjoy this kind of thing, Caino? You simply must. Why does animosity float your boat? Why did you THINK (if you did) that such would be welcomed by Christians? You didn't did you? Aren't you carnal and contentious?
Salvation by faith has always been available for hundreds of thousands of years.
Then NO need for a Urantia book, no? Keep working on 'reasonable' Caino.
Shamans and profiteering religious men kept inserting themselves between God and man. Jesus set us free from the Lons of the world.
Or Jesus'? 🤔 Just because you don't like it does NOT mean you or anybody gets to rewrite God in his own image. That is damnable.
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We have archeology as well
which proves a very old earth
Neither here nor there. There are Christians, believing their Bibles, that think it is old, and others that don't. What does matter is that 'we' (Urantia) has absolutely nothing but fairytales and NO (nadda) support that it is anything but a 3rd-grade, 3rd-rate fantasy), don't believe in 3rd grade fodder. We, at least, are smarter than that.
and the remains of life that evolved on it over hundreds of millions of yours.
You've no idea what I, a bible believer, believe. You can guess, but guess what? None of this has anything to do with the U-rant-ia being anything but a fantasy world.
The authors of the Old Testament meant well but they had no idea about evolution.
Who cares!? It has nothing to do with this conversation. One book is history, the other a work of childish fiction and CLEARLY so!
Besides, the Bible was a teaching tool, they didn't originally claim God wrote it.
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Indeed it is. The proof is that the universe is young.

Wishful thinking.

Indeed it does, especially cults like Urantia.

What it does NOT do is debunk the Bible, only affirms it.
If you weren't negatively influenced by the Bible then old earth evolution would be common sense to you because I'm sure you are almost at Lons self described genius level. The doctrine of the inerrancy of scripture forces you to deny scientific facts.

Paper 12 - The Universe of Universes

12:2:3 (130.5) In the not-distant future, new telescopes will reveal to the wondering gaze of Urantian astronomers no less than 375 million new galaxies in the remote stretches of outer space. At the same time these more powerful telescopes will disclose that many island universes formerly believed to be in outer space are really a part of the galactic system of Orvonton. UB 1934, printed 1955

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