Eclectic Theosophist
More schooling.......
More schooling.......
Journey and GM have been corrected about their claim of the UB being a 'UFO Cult' here & here (see all links) - he and a few others continue to wave the ole 'ufo cult' flag, yet to no avail with those properly informed. It suits their own pompous religious truth claims to exclusivity, where all others must be marginalized or ridiculed. Far be it from them to engage in a creative dialogue about 'God', the cosmos and Jesus, without resorting to ad-hoc diatribes and insults, upon which worship of only one particular book and tradition becomes their 'idol' (granted whatever particular denomination you might fancy therein) there's a great variety anyhow
If you're fine with a book that you've chosen to believe as 'God's word','re welcome to continue with it....but it might dawn on you one day to find out that there is MORE. In other words to believe that just 66 books that were canonized into a "standard" by tradition, church councils and an institution (and that's what 'custom' you have as your guide) are all 'God' has to say about anything, is rather myopic, but you're welcome to put God in a box if you like. Note that I'm not busying myself downgrading the Bible, referring to it as 'dung', 'toilet paper', 'fecal matter', 'trash', 'garbage',.....just a few words that some have called the UB here and elsewhere. Neither the Bible or the UB is perfect, but I don't need to use vulgar language to admit it.
I hold a more liberal esoteric allegorical view in general, and freely research more skeptical, agnostic or non-theistic perspectives as well. In the greater over-view my survey and commentary on the UB is freely given from my interest and studies of its various parts (I find some parts more meaningful or insight than others, even parts that I have no interest in really), which is only one wonderful volume of info. that inspires and expands my own journey. There are other books, resources, teachers, dispensations of light on this wonderful planet, one 'person' or 'party' has a monopoly on 'truth'.
Life is a journey of consciousness, its ever evolving, progressing, within the omnipresence of a DEITY that is INFINITE.
Therefore, plunging into the depths of 'God' is an adventure into infinity
The UB happens to provide a cosmic template and context where a finite soul can ponder and explore the primal reality from whence all things spring. The Universal Father is the First Source and Center. Its one resource among many, since 'Spirit' is omnipresent. By definition 'God' is the One ABSOLUTE. - all else is 'relative'.
You either hear, see or understand, having some inkling to intuit or resonate with something being shared or you don't, yet all are at different levels of insight, knowledge or experience, anything can change in perception or knowing at any moment in any shift of space or time. That's kinda how the universe works
More schooling.......
Zeke and whoever,
I've been researching God's Word for over 60 years and have no doubt about it. As a contrast, I have nothing but doubts about the flagship of the urantia UFO cult - the ub. In other words, I have no use for the ub.
Journey and GM have been corrected about their claim of the UB being a 'UFO Cult' here & here (see all links) - he and a few others continue to wave the ole 'ufo cult' flag, yet to no avail with those properly informed. It suits their own pompous religious truth claims to exclusivity, where all others must be marginalized or ridiculed. Far be it from them to engage in a creative dialogue about 'God', the cosmos and Jesus, without resorting to ad-hoc diatribes and insults, upon which worship of only one particular book and tradition becomes their 'idol' (granted whatever particular denomination you might fancy therein) there's a great variety anyhow
If you're fine with a book that you've chosen to believe as 'God's word','re welcome to continue with it....but it might dawn on you one day to find out that there is MORE. In other words to believe that just 66 books that were canonized into a "standard" by tradition, church councils and an institution (and that's what 'custom' you have as your guide) are all 'God' has to say about anything, is rather myopic, but you're welcome to put God in a box if you like. Note that I'm not busying myself downgrading the Bible, referring to it as 'dung', 'toilet paper', 'fecal matter', 'trash', 'garbage',.....just a few words that some have called the UB here and elsewhere. Neither the Bible or the UB is perfect, but I don't need to use vulgar language to admit it.
I hold a more liberal esoteric allegorical view in general, and freely research more skeptical, agnostic or non-theistic perspectives as well. In the greater over-view my survey and commentary on the UB is freely given from my interest and studies of its various parts (I find some parts more meaningful or insight than others, even parts that I have no interest in really), which is only one wonderful volume of info. that inspires and expands my own journey. There are other books, resources, teachers, dispensations of light on this wonderful planet, one 'person' or 'party' has a monopoly on 'truth'.
Life is a journey of consciousness, its ever evolving, progressing, within the omnipresence of a DEITY that is INFINITE.
Therefore, plunging into the depths of 'God' is an adventure into infinity
You either hear, see or understand, having some inkling to intuit or resonate with something being shared or you don't, yet all are at different levels of insight, knowledge or experience, anything can change in perception or knowing at any moment in any shift of space or time. That's kinda how the universe works
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