False charge. The UB wholly agrees with this passage. Only someone ignorant of its teaching would make such a claim.
Are you ignorant or a liar? Caino has often come against the gospel of Jesus Christ and especially against His work on the Cross. You too, skate around those terms. John 6 is nowhere compatible with your Urantia-propositions. As a reminder, they aren't given as the words of God either. They scriptures are.
"False charge" is the false charge here.
2 Peter is pseudographical
How convenient (like ALL of your quote mines).

and no one is necessarily against Paul's teaching, unless...



one is emphatically anti-Pauline
Er, already your partner is in this thread. You too, are distanced at best.
Paul's gospel is his own and differs from the original gospel of Jesus
MAD agrees with you. They aren't that many of them. I'm not disparaging them, but they would not support you here. I'll let them speak to this. For your and my conversation: :nono:
recognizing that is not a sin, neither is it necessary to create an imaginary enemy and assume a defensive posture based on an assumed threat which is common among some of the critics here
Er, lies are sins. While I may not intend to do damage, doing damage is still a 'bad' thing. Ignorance? Sure. You can't do it without a guilty conscious any longer, however. You at least know you are seen as attempting damage so are innocent no longer (more in a moment).
( they think they are under attack, again a false perception based on fear, presumption and insecurity).
You either build off the foundation of the Lord Jesus Christ, or you stumble from Him. Being a Mormon, you never understood Who He was. As a Urantia, you are stumbling further. For you, He IS the stone of stumbling you outright reject. He isn't just a good guru. He claimed to be God very God- YOUR God.
Jesus didnt teach anyone to worship Paul, neither did he prophesy that a 13th apostle would arise to be added to his original 12. You may recall After Judas defected, Mattias was chosen by casting lots.
Bad for you: Peter and the other apostles accepted him. This is a throw-over Mormon ploy. Get rid of it.
That was Paul's claim, and note it was after his contention with Peter and the original apostles of Jesus that he felt the need to exalt 'his gospel' as the only valid one.
Again, no. Only you and a few Hyper-Dispensationalists would buy this.
John 3:12 If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things?
John 3:13 No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man.
John 3:14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
John 3:15 that whoever believes
in him may have eternal life.
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
See John 12:24
He knew it was different than their gospel, a fusion of various schools plus his own visions and personal revelations. Note Paul is the one cursing, boasting, professing this and that so that his own testimony when closely scrutinized is questionable at certain points.
Again, only by you and a few others. It is veneer and thin at that when even Christians disagree with you. They would ONLY agree with you that his gospel is different BUT they will not agree with anything else you say and this means something quite different than what you'd like it to mean.
This is why some totally reject Paul and stick with
Jesus words only. Let us note the UB is not totally anti-Pauline....it recognizes his contribution to the formation of christian theology and tradition, but emphasizes Jesus original gospel of the kingdom, minus the need to adopt Judaism and its laws or customs.
Way to generous for yourself. Again, I read it a LOT more than you imagine, even today in reading for counterpoints. It just doesn't and cannot measure up.
See every mention of Paul in the UB
I've read a number of these already. As an aside, I hate Urantianese: "... ascendant-citizen corps; Moron- (

lain: ) -tia" DON'T you guys EVER think somebody is making fun of your very intellect when you read this!!!??? Seriously??? Sorry, I've nothing but honesty with this question. It CANNOT seriously have been said. Where do you find "U-rant" or "Moron-i/Moron-tia" In the Bible? Don't you think Bill Sadler and Joseph Smith were pulling your legs with this stuff? :idunno: I'd at LEAST think Satan was playing a game with me at that point. There is no way I could take it seriously.
Then, Paul belonging to a cult against marriage and sex???? Seriously? I hate this book. It's brain-dead stupidity.
THIS is where you are 100% against Paul, unlike your previous statement.
since our Heavenly Father is surely FOR us, he being infinite love. Its all this "for or against" divisional thinking that is conflicting, and posits adversarial judgments and fear
:nono: ALREADY & FROM inside of you. WE are the weakest link.
which are not characteristic of love. Love shows a better way. Why not take it?
You are TRYING to love yourself
the way you are. I
hate sin inside of me. You and God
should hate sin inside of me too!
You are speaking against the very nature of God to suggest He should love sin. Your
concept of Him, is nowhere the same as mine, either.
The UB is repackaged Buddhism, Hinduism, and other Eastern Mysticism. Ba'Hai is hardly different from the UB in that respect.