The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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I said I pray for you, one would think one would be grateful for prayers, but not you. You attack me. Stick it.

It did not sound sincere since you said it after your disapproval of my comment.

It sure sound like condescending.

Anyway, most of you don't seem to believe Jesus taught us good enough that we need Paul's teachings.

I trust Jesus taught us perfectly how to love God and love one another.

patrick jane

Pray for yourself, dear.

Jesus is the Lord, not Paul.

you never read past Matthew Mark luke and John, you likely have not read all of those completely, yet you tell the DR. to pray for himself -

did you know that Paul teaches all Jesus Christ ? yep, ALL Jesus all the time. Paul re-affirms and teaches what Jesus told him to teach us. just like the gospels where you find Jesus' Words. the words were written, same as Paul wrote them -

pray for me meshak - :wave2:

God's Truth

New member
I dont recall Caino's answer, but certainly the Spirit of 'God' indwells man ( as the thought-adjuster indwelling man's mind), and the Spirit of truth from Jesus, as well as other divine spirits of 'God' in their various forms and functions. Some spirits work within man, others bear their influence without. The UB describes such workings with great detail.

There is only ONE SPIRIT.

You have no idea about God's Truth.

There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called;


you never read past Matthew Mark luke and John, you likely have not read all of those completely, yet you tell the DR. to pray for himself -

did you know that Paul teaches all Jesus Christ ? yep, ALL Jesus all the time. Paul re-affirms and teaches what Jesus told him to teach us. just like the gospels where you find Jesus' Words. the words were written, same as Paul wrote them -

pray for me meshak - :wave2:

I pray that you take your faith seriously instead of playing Christian.

God's Truth

New member
Then you are confining yourself to only one book, assuming it alone speaks for 'God', which limits your knowledge of reality generally and particularly.

Jesus is purported to say many things, and such sayings vary as to their believability and their interpretation. Part 4 of the UB has much more of Jesus teachings then what the gospels present. The very same principle truths, morals and ethic is contained in the papers but further expanded and elucidated.

Good for you, but you're very limited in this discussion choosing wilful ignorance of the material and a bigot mentality. I find that spiritually retarding. Also, revelation is ongoing/progressive. The spirit of truth bears witness to the truth of any teaching. It itself is the teacher.

I do not know how many times I have to say it before you understand, but you picked out what you wanted to believe from the Holy Bible then you threw out and added what you wanted. You do have made for yourself a fictional god.

God's Truth

New member
Again, you cannot prove your 'version' of 'God' is any less fictional.

We reiterate that it is the nature of God that is real itself, being pure Spirit. It is God-consciousness itself that bears witness to its own being. The thought-adjuster indwelling the soul is that pure pre-personal fragment of Deity within man.

How many times do you have to be told that Jesus tells us in the Holy Bible how we can know for sure?

What don't you get about that?

Jesus reveals himself to those who get his teachings from the Holy Bible after we believe and obey.

You would have to get Jesus' teachings from the Holy Bible and believe and obey all of Jesus' teachings, then you will know. However, since you do not do that, you speak about the Holy Bible without any knowledge, just your worthless opinions.

God's Truth

New member
John 14:21 The person who has my commandments and obeys them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and will reveal myself to him."

John 7:17 Anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own.


Eclectic Theosophist
honest research......

honest research......

good luck competing with the Bible and the historic Christian positions on many of things.

This isnt a competition, neither is a 'historic' version of 'Christianity' necessarily correct or accurate.

God raised up Paul to express the Gospel of justification from our sins in a way that many people would not otherwise see that Christ was saying the same thing.

I dont see Paul as being all he was assumed to be, amid a collection of writings almost half attributed to him as being pseudographical. We've been over Paul; there is a mix of good and bad in there as in any other religious writing.

Anyway, a sermon is not a thing arranged by some sub group of the church. It is a transcript. I guess you meant it was not an authentic transcript. Or that the purpose of Acts--to show Roman admin that he was not one of Judaism's zealots/terrorists--is bogus. So I see no need to read someone or something I have not heard of in 50 years of research who talks like they have a new Bible. These have come and gone through church history many times.

See: fictitious speeches in Acts

Remember, revelation is progressive. A new epochal revelation expands upon previous dispensations....adding clarification, corrections and a better comprehension of the whole, plus the particulars.

See: Intro. To the UB for conservative Christians


Eclectic Theosophist
the Spirit light within........

the Spirit light within........

John 14:21 The person who has my commandments and obeys them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and will reveal myself to him."

John 7:17 Anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own.

I dont have a disagreement with the above,.....neither does the UB.

1:2.3 The actuality of the existence of God is demonstrated in human experience by the indwelling of the divine presence, the spirit Monitor sent from Paradise to live in the mortal mind of man and there to assist in evolving the immortal soul of eternal survival. The presence of this divine Adjuster in the human mind is disclosed by three experiential phenomena:

1. The intellectual capacity for knowing God—God-consciousness.
2. The spiritual urge to find God—God-seeking.
3. The personality craving to be like God—the wholehearted desire to do the Father's will.

1:2.7 The existence of God can never be proved by scientific experiment or by the pure reason of logical deduction. God can be realized only in the realms of human experience; nevertheless, the true concept of the reality of God is reasonable to logic, plausible to philosophy, essential to religion and indispensable to any hope of personality survival.

1:2.8 Those who know God have experienced the fact of his presence; such God-knowing mortals hold in their personal experience the only positive proof of the existence of the living God which one human being can offer to another. The existence of God is utterly beyond all possibility of demonstration except for the contact between the God-consciousness of the human mind and the God-presence of the Thought Adjuster that indwells the mortal intellect and is bestowed upon man as the free gift of the Universal Father.

- UB, Paper 1

As we shared earlier.....the Spirit of God bears witness to truth, the indwelling spirit gives inner light or knowledge thru personal experience, and so the consciousness of 'God' is a light unto itself reflecting in the soul.

God's Truth

New member
I dont have a disagreement with the above,.....neither does the UB.

As we shared earlier.....the Spirit of God bears witness to truth, the indwelling spirit gives inner light or knowledge thru personal experience, and so the consciousness of 'God' is a light unto itself reflecting in the soul.

You only have worthless opinions about the Holy Bible.

Jesus tells us how to get knowledge of what he says in the Holy Bible.

You have not done that.


Eclectic Theosophist
You only have worthless opinions about the Holy Bible.

My viewpoints stand and are well articulated and informed on many levels. If you have a problem with any points in particular, treat them appropriately instead of assuming an opinion about the bible is being presented when its not. If you want to deal with truth, you'll research and recognize it wherever it is being presented. That 'presentation' is not limited to any one exclusive collection of books.

Jesus tells us how to get knowledge of what he says in the Holy Bible.

Of which I previously acknowledged, also indicating that more is shared in the UB about what Jesus taught and elaborated.

You have not done that.

Im engaging the subjects at hand just fine, the problem seems to be in the one presuming and misperceiving what is being shared.


You only have worthless opinions about the Holy Bible.

Jesus tells us how to get knowledge of what he says in the Holy Bible.

You have not done that.

Jesus didn't write anything in the Bible for the very reason that men would make an idol out of the writings.


You are one of those who believe Jesus did not teach us enough that we have to rely on Paul's teachings.

As for me, Jesus is the Lord, not Paul.

BTW, I dont subscribe to UR.

True, Paul took the movement in a new direction, a new gospel.


New member
I can't believe there were this many posts about such nonsense. Way to test the spirits: who do they exalt? If it's not the Father, the Son and the Truth of the Word, BEEP....ERROR....ERROR.....ERROR.

God's Truth

New member
My viewpoints stand and are well articulated and informed on many levels. If you have a problem with any points in particular, treat them appropriately instead of assuming an opinion about the bible is being presented when its not. If you want to deal with truth, you'll research and recognize it wherever it is being presented. That 'presentation' is not limited to any one exclusive collection of books.

Of which I previously acknowledged, also indicating that more is shared in the UB about what Jesus taught and elaborated.

Im engaging the subjects at hand just fine, the problem seems to be in the one presuming and misperceiving what is being shared.

Jesus says we get knowledge when we obey what he says in the Holy Bible.

You have no knowledge because you have not done what Jesus says.

All you have is worthless opinions.
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