The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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No, not all men and women are sons and daughters of the living God.

Only those who do the will of God are God's children.

Those who do wrong are the children of the devil.

The devil doesn't or didn't have any children, he was a child of God himself high in authority and powers.

There is only one God, Satan never was a God.

God's Truth

New member
The devil doesn't or didn't have any children, he was a child of God himself high in authority and powers.

There is only one God, Satan never was a God.

Satan is the god of this world.

If you do what Satan does, then you are like your father because you do what he does.

If you do what God does, them you are like your Father God in heaven.
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Satan is the god of this world.

If you do what Satan does, then you are like your father because you do what he does.

If you do what God does, them you are like your Father God in heaven.

That is one of many inconsistencies among the extreme right, they claim there is only one God but then claim Satan is God.


Well-known member
That is one of many inconsistencies among the extreme right, they claim there is only one God but then claim Satan is God.

You don't know you're way around.

That expression is a line from Jesus especially in reference to the ordeal of events he was going to have to go through in the Gospel. Meanwhile, with no intrepidation about the Gospel events in mind, in Mt 12, he explains that Satan is bound, which allows his work and the Gospel to succeed.

Likewise Paul also used the expression once out of grief about how blind Israel was in the Old Covenant, the veil. The reign of Christ was always said to be in a state of conflict and overlap with Satan's effort until the end of time.

That's very different from saying there is one god and then saying it is Satan. They are merely venting that in certain contexts, things looked dark. In Rom 16, however, Paul was quite sure that Satan would soon be crushed.


You don't know you're way around.

That expression is a line from Jesus especially in reference to the ordeal of events he was going to have to go through in the Gospel. Meanwhile, with no intrepidation about the Gospel events in mind, in Mt 12, he explains that Satan is bound, which allows his work and the Gospel to succeed.

Likewise Paul also used the expression once out of grief about how blind Israel was in the Old Covenant, the veil. The reign of Christ was always said to be in a state of conflict and overlap with Satan's effort until the end of time.

That's very different from saying there is one god and then saying it is Satan. They are merely venting that in certain contexts, things looked dark. In Rom 16, however, Paul was quite sure that Satan would soon be crushed.

Spare me the condescension, Just look at the post that follows yours. Their are Christians who quite clearly believe Satan is a personality reality, that he still lives, that he is God of this world who is even in cahoots with the real God.

Satan is by default granted powers far above man within their theology.


Eclectic Theosophist
Not quite............

Not quite............

You belong on this thread. Why don't you stay a while.

Having refused to research or read the UB, I dont see how that qualifies him to be an informed participant in the discussion. This goes for everyone else here on the thread. If one is not willing to learn the subject, engage in a real dialogue, respect the discussion....they dont belong here. There are plenty of other threads one can pursue, or create your own. We remind you again to remember the thread subject.


Eclectic Theosophist
God said that it is. His Word says that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness for sin. You cannot pay the price for your sin, which is: death. Jesus paid it with His Blood. If you don't want His Blood then you cannot have His forgiveness of your sin.

Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

Jesus doesn't say things that He doesn't mean. Your Jebus is a liar.

Already addressed here & here.

Furthermore, your quote from John above does not necessarily imply anything about blood-atonement, since drinking human blood NEVER is a means of atonement. Jesus was speaking figuratively about nourishment, he being the bread of life. Only in John are these metaphors used, there is nothing about drinking Jesus blood in the other gospels. Bloodshed only increases condemnation and suffering. Repentance is the remedy, not ritual sacrifice or cannibalism.


You are a bitter man.

Grosnick was voted TOL's troll of the year for that very reason.

Jesus' brother:

James 1:26

Hearing and Doing

…But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does. If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless. Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.​


Well-known member
Furthermore, your quote from John above does not necessarily imply anything about blood-atonement, since drinking human blood NEVER is a means of atonement. Jesus was speaking figuratively about nourishment, he being the bread of life. Only in John are these metaphors used, there is nothing about drinking Jesus blood in the other gospels. Bloodshed only increases condemnation and suffering. Repentance is the remedy, not ritual sacrifice or cannibalism.
The ONLY remedy for sin is God's Forgiveness. It is ONLY available through The Blood of The Lamb of God, Jesus. Without His Blood and His Flesh, you have NO PART in Him. He said so and He doesn't lie. You, on the other hand do lie, as does the Urantia book, which is nothing but lies.
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