The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Eclectic Theosophist
what a crock..............

what a crock..............

Too much. I don't read long drawn out posts. Especially, when I'm
not interested in the materials.

Well, that's your loss and laziness. That's a lame exuse IMO. If you're not interested in the subject, why are you investing your time here? Your statement is disrespectful to my art and craft, as I've invested the space & time to correspond with you. I don't take such investments lightly, assuming a like respect returned. Henceforth, readers here are apparently more apt to benefit from this inter-action, but no matter, long as information, knowledge and revelation is shared.

So long.............


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Well, that's your loss and laziness. That's a lame exuse IMO. If you're not interested in the subject, why are you investing your time here? Your statement is disrespectful to my art and craft, as I've invested the space & time to correspond with you. I don't take such investments lightly, assuming a like respect returned. Henceforth, readers here are apparently more apt to benefit from this inter-action, but no matter, long as information, knowledge and revelation is shared.

So long.............


Have you been contacted by Cosmic Celestial's lately?


Eclectic Theosophist


Neither one of us ever said we did or anticipate such an unusual event in our lifetime.

Have you spoken with a talking donkey lately? Seen any unicorns?

It appears any benefit or interest is reserved for readers here following along, since he's not interested in discussion but is here to deride, harass and ridicule. Most serious readers probably just pass over his posts, I mean those really interested in the UB. Having not read even the first 5 papers, to begin a foundational understanding of its theology puts him in the twilight zone (with the UFOs and little green men floating around in his head).

Many of the miracles recorded in the bible are verified or modified in their accounts in the UB, but all things are a matter or record, depending on who is keeping the account (men, angels, cosmic recorders, etc.) - like any data, you sift thru all available accounts, then consider the probability/possibility of such events in light of other variables, then of course there is 'faith' in the matter of personal 'religious experience', and so on.

Since even this post is probably too long for GM to read, he's missing the bigger picture, and just clowning around, while the greater questions of life and the mystery of existence itself carries on, but only those open-minded and interested in these frontiers can afford themselves the treasures by their own research. And that's the price you pay for 'learning',....its a matter of 'earning'.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It appears any benefit or interest is reserved for readers here following along, since he's not interested in discussion but is here to deride, harass and ridicule. Most serious readers probably just pass over his posts, I mean those really interested in the UB. Having not read even the first 5 papers, to begin a foundational understanding of its theology puts him in the twilight zone (with the UFOs and little green men floating around in his head).

Many of the miracles recorded in the bible are verified or modified in their accounts in the UB, but all things are a matter or record, depending on who is keeping the account (men, angels, cosmic recorders, etc.) - like any data, you sift thru all available accounts, then consider the probability/possibility of such events in light of other variables, then of course there is 'faith' in the matter of personal 'religious experience', and so on.

Since even this post is probably too long for GM to read, he's missing the bigger picture, and just clowning around, while the greater questions of life and the mystery of existence itself carries on, but only those open-minded and interested in these frontiers can afford themselves the treasures by their own research. And that's the price you pay for 'learning',....its a matter of 'earning'.


I "skimmed" over your post and found the same stale rhetoric. The
Internet information about the UB kind of sheds a very dark shadow
over it. You or Caino said, The Urantia Book has a million followers.
Is that exaggerated some? I can't believe a million people could be
so naive. Although, Scientology has a huge following.


Eclectic Theosophist
Serving reality.......

Serving reality.......

I "skimmed" over your post and found the same stale rhetoric.

'Skimming' doesn't facilitate a genuine discussion, let alone merit respect towards a fellow board member. Such does not constitute a true dialogue. Perhaps you haven't yet stimulated the creative intelligence or intellectual versatility to engage, which has so far been pretty apparent in our exhanges. Courtesy demands I accept a change in that direction.

Internet information about the UB kind of sheds a very dark shadow
over it.

Ample resources and links have been provided here for those interested in the UB. The only 'dark shadow' is the one you're pre-conceiving, looking only for the 'negative' criticism, ignoring the good. Besides not even reading at least the first 5 papers,...which is not a very difficult undertaking. To engage a discussion upon a book, its only fair and logical to read it first, least significant parts of it.

You or Caino said, The Urantia Book has a million followers.

I don't know how many UB readers there are really, can research that for themselves,....besides, the number of followers doesn't really prove the validity or truth of a religion, book, or cult-ure,...add to that there are often many different branches or denominations within any given religious tradition. I'm eclectic at this point in my journey, recognizing truth, wisdom found in many various religious traditions,...because 'God' is the sole fundamental universal 'reality' at the HEART of all. Hence the UB calls The Universal Father the First Source and Center. From that divine center radiates forth all dimensions of space-time creation, every possibility and potential of existence.

I can't believe a million people could be
so naive.

It takes courage to think for yourself, and follow that inner light 'God' placed within you, to search out truth for oneself, instead of just believing what you've been handed down by tradition, or what your family/church programmed you to believe, etc. The UB is just one religious book of epochal significance, a catalyst for a broad range of discussion, since its subjects are essential to man's origin, progress and ultimate destiny. If its not your cup of tea,...find another coffee shop. - just respect this 'coffee shop', as you would your own.

Although, Scientology has a huge following.

There is really no comparison here, as we've already're just sloshing up anything you can find to deride or ridicule the UB. Scientology claims to be a 'religion',...its organizational-structure is 'church-like'....its a whole different animal than any Urantia organization. There is no official UB church or 'religion' per se,...just the Urantia Foundation which is the custodian and publisher of the book. There are educational networks and groups that study and help share the message of the UB, the sense that all religious groups have a natural desire to help and serve their fellow man.

If you start a new thread on Scientology, you'll have to research it fairly well, educate yourself on the essentials, then you can engage in an informed discussion on it. As far as the UB is concerned, haven't done enough reading or research (as so far it appears), but I keep the space open for anyone willing to engage in a 'creative dialogue', who has the courage to at least engage in an 'explorative discusison'. Its all about expanding consciousness. If one is not interested in that, I don't know what they are doing on a 'theology forum', let alone a discussion board.



Eclectic Theosophist
Just you and Freelight.

Again you assume many things, and apparently have not been exposed to many of my other older threads which represent study on various other religious traditions and scriptural texts here (this is just a snapshot). Furthermore, Caino and I have different religious backgrounds and even approach the UB in different ways, he being more of a fundamentalist believer in the UB revelation, while I'm more liberal/eclectic in my approach,.....heck....I sometimes even border on skeptical-agnostic grounds, I'm not afraid to admit I dont know about some things,...and even parts of the UB I'm still somewhat skeptical about, still needing further research in those areas. However, the theology of the UB concerning the essentials of God's nature, the purpose of creation, the evolutionary progress and destiny of man...these interest me most. One can disparage or split hairs over the details, but there is a greater universal vision and purpose for existence, which the papers attempt to articulate, - these are the values, meanings and concepts that matter.



Eclectic Theosophist
Wrong again...........

Wrong again...........

I see there is still begging for people to study the ub, but there appears to be no takers.

Your assumption is presumptuous, beyond a simple recommendation of at least familiarizing yourself with the TEXT in order to have an informed and fair discussion about the TEXT. Understand? What thread are you on? Hello? I simply suggested anyone interested (in the actual subject here) to read at least the first 3 or 5 papers, to get a foundational understanding of the theology, that TOO MUCH to ask for on thread about the UB? Gadzooks.

That you continue to misrepresent the situation and refuse learning to engage in a real 'dialogue' speaks for itself. If not interested in the subject here, go elsewhere....its that simple. Read the rules again.

Stop assuming things that are not the case. I'm 'begging' for anyone to do anything but what is germane to the discussion.

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New member

You don't tell me what to do. I'll come here as often as I wish and post my opinions. Remember: you urantia UFO fruitcakes are no longer a protected species. I'll remind you if you forget again.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Your assumption is presumptuous, beyond a simple recommendation of at least familiarizing yourself with the TEXT in order to have an informed and fair discussion about the TEXT. Understand? What thread are you on? Hello? I simply suggested anyone interested (in the actual subject here) to read at least the first 3 or 5 papers, to get a foundational understanding of the theology, that TOO MUCH to ask for on thread about the UB? Gadzooks.

That you continue to misrepresent the situation and refuse learning to engage in a real 'dialogue' speaks for itself. If not interested in the subject here, go elsewhere....its that simple. Read the rules again.

Stop assuming things that are not the case. I'm 'begging' for anyone to do anything but what is germane to the discussion.


One need only Google, "The Urantia Book" UFO Cult, in order to
find out everything one needs or desires to know about this
ridiculous cult!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Freelight, Caino, how's your little green men friends doing? I hear their
favorite tune is, "One eyed, one horn, flying purple people eater." Is
that true?


Freelight, Caino, how's your little green men friends doing? I hear their
favorite tune is, "One eyed, one horn, flying purple people eater." Is
that true?

We don't have any little green friends, you just make stuff up and lie about the UB because that is the poor character that you are.

As for the Bible, it's difficult to even make up what is actually there:

Death to the Rape Victim (Deuteronomy 22:23-24 NAB)

"If within the city a man comes upon a maiden who is betrothed, and has relations with her, you shall bring them both out of the gate of the city and there stone them to death: the girl because she did not cry out for help though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbors wife."​

What a wonderful belief in God your Zionist masters had. Is it any wonder Jesus referred to their father as "the devil." ?

Will you ever grow a set and defend the Character of the true God? You know in your heart that these things are not true, that God never told anyone to do these things!


Well-known member
Quote away,....the UB and other religious texts that reject the 'necessity' for blood atonement do so on the basis of similar foundations and logics.

All that is essential for salvation is re-turning to 'God', thru prayer and repentance, then doing what is right (being in harmony with divine love, living according to true principles).
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
We don't have any little green friends, you just make stuff up and lie about the UB because that is the poor character that you are.

As for the Bible, it's difficult to even make up what is actually there:

Death to the Rape Victim (Deuteronomy 22:23-24 NAB)

"If within the city a man comes upon a maiden who is betrothed, and has relations with her, you shall bring them both out of the gate of the city and there stone them to death: the girl because she did not cry out for help though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbors wife."​

What a wonderful belief in God your Zionist masters had. Is it any wonder Jesus referred to their father as "the devil." ?

Will you ever grow a set and defend the Character of the true God? You know in your heart that these things are not true, that God never told anyone to do these things!

I'll bet your "Cosmic Celestial's" told you to that, by using their
"Mental telepathy?"


Eclectic Theosophist
Who needs mental telepathy when we can just read about child rape in your belief system?

There's wholesale genocide too, and getting 'stoned' to death for minor violations like gathering wood on the Sabbath, disrespecting parents, etc. - modern Jews however interpret these 'metaphorically' more or less these days,....since some things just cant be taken too 'literally' in modern times.

Besides, many Christians would just say that was the Old Testament, we are now under a 'new covenant',...a whole new system....etc.

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