The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Eclectic Theosophist
Truth be told............

Truth be told............

Meanwhile, the urantia UFO cult squad stays busy begging people to read the ub. I understand why - it's drivel, besides being pure fiction.

Don't forget you got corrected here. Don't be dishonest, since your credibility is on the line.

Readers following so far have seen you've failed to take up the challenge to even read the first 5 papers, let alone educate yourself on other aspects of the revelation, and are here only to demean, tear down and denigrate the subject based on bias, bigotry and presumption. So far it doesn't look very good for you.

Whether or not you choose to read the UB or any other religious book for that matter is of no concern to me beyond the parameters of our 'discussion', but the unfortunate thing is, you haven't qualified yourself to even engage in a discussion here, since a dialogue involves a properly informed engagement, and a willingness to be creative, open and innovative in researching the subject to the full, NOT continual attacking, marginalizing, degrading and pontificating.

You're not going to twist the real issue here about a notion of anyone 'begging' you or anyone to read the UB, since its generally customary to familiarize yourself with something before you judge it, something you and others haven't lifted a finger in doing. Apparently you haven't the will. All you can do is say its 'fiction', because you say so. That's all you got. Furthermore, you cant even prove the 'Bible' is not fiction (by your own claims and nebulous standards), neither a standard of truth by which to measure any other religious book.

You are 'vacant' as far as this discussion goes, a robot, a pre-programmed drone.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Don't forget you got corrected here. Don't be dishonest, since your credibility is on the line.

Readers following so far have seen you've failed to take up the challenge to even read the first 5 papers, let alone educate yourself on other aspects of the revelation, and are here only to demean, tear down and denigrate the subject based on bias, bigotry and presumption. So far it doesn't look very good for you.

Whether or not you choose to read the UB or any other religious book for that matter is of no concern to me beyond the parameters of our 'discussion', but the unfortunate thing is, you haven't qualified yourself to even engage in a discussion here, since a dialogue involves a properly informed engagement, and a willingness to be creative, open and innovative in researching the subject to the full, NOT continual attacking, marginalizing, degrading and pontificating.

You're not going to twist the real issue here about a notion of anyone 'begging' you or anyone to read the UB, since its generally customary to familiarize yourself with something before you judge it, something you and others haven't lifted a finger in doing. Apparently you haven't the will. All you can do is say its 'fiction', because you say so. That's all you got. Furthermore, you cant even prove the 'Bible' is not fiction (by your own claims and nebulous standards), neither a standard of truth by which to measure any other religious book.

You are 'vacant' as far as this discussion goes, a robot, a pre-programmed drone.


How are your "Little green men friends" doing? Been to any
other planets this week?


Eclectic Theosophist
Freelight, your 'fancy words and phrases' won't do you any good
once you're standing before God, at the final judgment!

God looks at the heart.

Being able to balance or synergize both heart and mind is a good thing, they flowing as one in Spirit.

I find your 'final judgment' metaphor humorous, as I fear no such thing, since a notion of 'threat' only exists in your theology. My 'God' does not torture souls forever in a lake of fire.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
God looks at the heart.

Being able to balance or synergize both heart and mind is a good thing, they flowing as one in Spirit.

I find your 'final judgment' metaphor humorous, as I fear no such thing, since a notion of 'threat' only exists in your theology. My 'God' does not torture souls forever in a lake of fire.


Your "god" is lying to you! Small "g"


Well-known member
I find your 'final judgment' metaphor humorous, as I fear no such thing, since a notion of 'threat' only exists in your theology. My 'God' does not torture souls forever in a lake of fire.
So, according to you, Jesus was lying...

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.



Lets move on from the haters and discus some truth.

As we know Jesus wasn't the Jewish Messiah, at least as the Jews conceived of the Messiah based on ideas taken from their scriptures.
Jesus had tried to get the idea out of the minds of his followers but to no avail, they thought he was just being humble.

Early on in the narrative, before his public ministry began, Jesus made a decision which set the stage for the heavenly Father to work out one of the most extraordinarily, divinely brilliant transitions from the ideas of Judaism to the Western world using themes from both religious cultures. It happened right after the seemingly accidental conversion of water to wine at the wedding at Cana:

"That night Jesus did not sleep. Donning his evening wraps, he sat out on the lake shore thinking, thinking until the dawn of the next day. In the long hours of that night of meditation Jesus came clearly to comprehend that he never would be able to make his followers see him in any other light than as the long-expected Messiah. At last he recognized that there was no way to launch his message of the kingdom except as the fulfillment of John’s prediction and as the one for whom the Jews were looking. After all, though he was not the Davidic type of Messiah, he was truly the fulfillment of the prophetic utterances of the more spiritually minded of the olden seers. Never again did he wholly deny that he was the Messiah. He decided to leave the final untangling of this complicated situation to the outworking of the Father’s will."

Its a curious thing, we can understand why there could have been some bad apples in charge when Jesus was on earth, but why have the Jews subsequently rejected Jesus for thousands of years? Part of the reason is their use of the scripture to reject the light and block their hearts. But while some of their arguments are correct others are not in light of the most recent revelation of truth in the Urantia Book.

Visit one of the sights and listen to the arguments:


God looks at the heart.

Being able to balance or synergize both heart and mind is a good thing, they flowing as one in Spirit.

I find your 'final judgment' metaphor humorous, as I fear no such thing, since a notion of 'threat' only exists in your theology. My 'God' does not torture souls forever in a lake of fire.


Some churches do ponder on the extreme far future where God changes everything like He done before. Those in hell might be recognizable enough to chat and shake hands with those in heaven. God can do anything including changing anything even though man thinks it's impossible.



Lets move on from the haters and discus some truths[/URL]

I'm surprised you guys even waste your time with haters.

Why bother with baby blood sucking vampires that never got milk?



All we can do is give the unbelievers candy


Well-known member
Lets move on from the haters and discus some truth.
Calling those of us 'haters' simply because we are wise enough to recognize the UB as fiction and demonic doctrine is facetious and petty and only reveals your own hatred for the Truths of the one true faith, once delivered unto us, the saints of God. We believe in The One Who is love and He lives in us and it is only His Presence in us that causes us to love you and be willing to suffer for telling you the Truth. You reject Him when you reject us. We are His call upon your life. We are the proof that His Love reaches out to you still. You reject Truth in favor of lies from hell whispered in the darkness. Your understanding is darkened by the poison you've swallowed and believe to be light. It's severe darkness.

But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!


I'm surprised you guys even waste your time with haters.

Good point, I'm guilty of it, a man once told me, "never wrestle with a pig, you will both get dirty but the pig will enjoy it." :cow:


False. I've covered this many times over already. You're a day late and a dollar short, besides remaining an 'ignoramous' by not educating yourself on the subject at hand.

Day late, dollar short and they missed the boat.

Soon, the arminians will become extinct



Calling those of us 'haters' simply because we are wise enough to recognize the UB as fiction and demonic doctrine is facetious and petty and only reveals your own hatred for the Truths of the one true faith, once delivered unto us, the saints of God. We believe in The One Who is love and He lives in us and it is only His Presence in us that causes us to love you and be willing to suffer for telling you the Truth. You reject Him when you reject us. We are His call upon your life. We are the proof that His Love reaches out to you still. You reject Truth in favor of lies from hell whispered in the darkness. Your understanding is darkened by the poison you've swallowed and believe to be light. It's severe darkness.

But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

Arminians ARE haters of the Lord


Arminians ARE haters of the Lord

I recall just how wise and certain the Pharisees were about Jesus. They only wanted to protect the common man from what they thought was a deceiver. The greatest epochal revelation of all times is right here in front of you, but just like Judaism, people cannot get beyond their old ideas and concepts. In their hatred for us it does not occur to them that God simply used us to bring this to >you< perhaps because you ARE faithful to him.

John 16:2

"They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service."

The people here on this forum really do sincerely think we are a bunch of fruit cakes, to them it is not possible that they could be wrong. So they remain marooned in the distant past with a historical worldview that is in complete contradiction to reality.


Well-known member
Yes, and notice the goon-squad hi-fives each other on their inept posts, with a hearty "amen" giving their egos a pat on the back. Pretty shallow. Its a circus show really, but the sad part is the blind ones don't know they are the clowns in the show, being entertainment and laughs for the more astute ones looking on higher from the balconey who from that higher viewpoint can see thru the show as it were.

The inadequacy of some here who haven't the wherewithal to read even the first 5 papers, to get a foundational start to know what its about, as far as the nature/character/reality of 'God' is concerned, is telling. 'God' is the central orginal reality-source of all, so these papers are of prime importance as foundational. Intellectual honesty, true research, an open and teachable spirit are essential in any quest for truth, no matter the terms or conceptual-frames employed in the presentation. Presumptions do not serve truth at all, neither its discovery. Idiocy or willful ignorance retards the soul.

On that note, readers here respectful to the thread's purpose can learn all they wish on their own, outside of our discussion with all that is available and provided. Its a free world, and the mind is free to explore, question, research any subject it likes, in the realms of religion, science and philosophy. Hence the papers can serve as a medium, springboard, contextual frame in which to engage adventures.

Again,...we encourage the spirit of 'creative dialogue', an exchange where real exploration can ensue, exploring all possibilities, and potentials of mind and spirit, in all fields of knowledge, most importantly 'God' and his relation to the Universe, and all living beings. That's what the papers are about. That's what there is to explore, investigate and discover :)

Its all there for anyone's inquiry, ask, seek and the master Jesus taught. What are you waiting for?


Astrological Science told in allegorical stories, metaphors, legends, and fables to hide it from the lower working class considered dumb beast of burden by the priest craft, then and now.
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