The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Grosnick Marowbe

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The simplicity of Jesus gospel appears to elude some here, since its about repenting and believing in the goodnews of the kingdom. Paul later came and innovated his own gospel message putting his own spin on things.

I can equally share many other sources from spirit-sources and spiritualists where the blood-atonement doctrine is rejected on moral, logical and rational grounds. Repentance and return to God and his eternal laws has always been the way. Jesus revealed and lived the will of God, teaching the principle of faith, calling man to enter into that faith-trust of sonship, where by spiritual rebirth and knowledge the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of man is realized. In this communion man recognizes his sonship with God. This is the primary truth taught in the UB and expounded by Jesus in Part 4.

Teaching on the kingdom of heaven is summarised here.

For newbies to the thread, we've covered so much already here, this being a very lengthy thread. Unfortunately you may have to bear thru alot of trolling, but can profit by those here who have the knowledge and wherewithal to inform and engage the subject. Let your inner light be your guide.


More, "Anti-Christian Rhetoric!"

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
You have 2 assumptions above to research. Jesus is a great teacher and abides in God-consciousness as a divine Son. Jesus is not the Universal Father who alone is the most high God, but is a Creator-Son, the creator of this local universe and our world so in this sense Jesus is 'God', being the creator, sovereign Lord and savior of all souls in the worlds of his creation. Jesus is 'God' to us, but we understand this in light of the divine hierarchy. Jesus is Savior not as a blood-sacrifice, but savior of men in every other way as the way, truth and life of God to us by whom we partake of all God has for us. Understanding UB Christology is helpful here.

See: Christ-Michael of Nebadon

We've covered the blood-atonement concept here and elsewhere.

Jesus teachings stand upon their own merits, whether you believe he is a god or man, or some confusion of the two. As shared is a life of repentance, humility and faith in God that avails.....not merely trusting in shed blood to evoke some magical effect. God honors faith, worship, trust, obedience to his will......doing right. That is atonement. The rest are only rituals, symbols, metaphors to inspire or convey the truth of restoring oneself to God and his eternal laws.


Tell everyone about your, "UFO Cult" beliefs!! You know; how
the little green advise you and Caino what you need to be
'teaching' us "earthlings." Admit it, you're just using Christian
phraseology to entice the, naive, and gullible posters and
observers! You and Caino are, "Pseudo-religious Cultists."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Jesus denounces the shedding of blood:

29"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous.

30And you say, 'If we had lived in the days of our ancestors, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.'

31So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets.

............and they murdered Jesus as well!

Did your "Cosmic Entities" give you these words to say? Come
on, be honest for a change? Which "Entity" is guiding you here?
What is his/her name and position in the Universe?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
These, "Urantians" have a list of their "Cosmic leadership!" Both
names and separate positions. Caino and Freelight use Christian
words and phases to draw the 'unsuspecting' into their Cult!

Google, "Urantia Book" to find out the particulars relating to this,
"UFO Cult!" It's another form of "Scientology!" Only it adds a
small amount of the Bible into it, to make it more palatable!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Jesus denounces the shedding of blood:

29"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous.

30And you say, 'If we had lived in the days of our ancestors, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.'

31So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets.

............and they murdered Jesus as well!


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Good Heavens!!!!!

You're Certainly not as Smart as YOU Think You Are!!

"Communicate -- AND -- Advocate"!! - These People are TRYING to - "Communicate" / Teach Common-Knowledge; - AND "Advocate" / Advertise-New Knowledge!! -- With your Stupidity and False Humanity, YOU Can Do Neither - but disrupt and TROLL like all the Other Phony so called ~~loving ~~christians!!



Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I agree, Jesus of Nazareth, the author and finisher of our faith, is the Son of God, he existed with the Father in eternity, before this world was, as a personality reality. He is the creator of our world, he incarnate in the flesh, lived according to the will of his heavenly Father, he was not only a revelation of that Father but also a demonstration of what man himself can do if he makes the whole-souled surrender to the doing of the will of God.

There isn't just one way of interpreting the cross, Jesus had told his enemies that that he would prove his authority by allowing them to (pointing to his body) "tear down this temple, and in 3 days I will raise it up again." They did kill him and he did resurrect himself. He then appeared to a number of believers before returning to his rightful place in heaven.

For me the cross was an act of Love, it serves different purposes. Jesus lived life to the fullest in faith, even passing through death. We have a God who knows what it is like to die the mortal death as well as live the mortal life, he did it superbly.

The ONLY problem is; you nor Freelight are Christians, you're
Cultists! Remember to let posters know this, every time you
use Christian Scripture!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
God has always been forgiving to the sincere at heart.

Isaiah 43

"You have not bought any fragrant calamus for me, or lavished on me the fat of your sacrifices. But you have burdened me with your sins and wearied me with your offenses.
I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more."

You like to USE Scripture! Satan used Scripture to. You and I KNOW
that you're not a Christian! Why not 'dump' the facade, and be
honest with your fellow posters?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Freelight and Caino are, complete frauds! They use Scripture hoping
to deceive the naive, ignorant, and gullible! They follow the "Urantia
Book. (papers) Freelight will say he's a, "student of eclectic beliefs,
and religions" or some such non-sense! However, he adhere's to
the Urantia Book, the same as, Caino!


New member
Conferring with spirits is prohibited in the Bible.

Who do "YOU" Pray To?? -- Who do "You" try to Talk To?? - Who do "You" Ask to tell You things?? -- GOD?? - GOD HAS Said ( ALL ) HE "IS" Going TO In the Scriptures, and the Scriptures Are Not Spirit, They are Truth / Christ the Only Answering Power there "IS"!!!! The Scriptures, and NOTHING ELSE!!!! - That's how fools do nothing but Contradict the Scriptures ALL THE TIME!!!!!!

SO just do the GM Thing and just Disrupt and TROLL and nothing ELSE!!!!

THUS!!! ((( "YOU" ))) "CONFER" To / With False spirits \ Witch Craft!!! - It's Impossible to be that Stupid and (( Call yourself a "Christian"!!! ))!! - Praying "IS NOT" SPEAKING TO SOME ONE "NOW"!!! - (Pray without Ceasing )?? - How do YOU Do that you Know-It-All?????

There "IS" No "Person" That is Called Jesus NOW, The Name is "Christ". - It's the ( Body of Christ ), NOT The Body OF Jesus!!! - That Body DIED by Your foolish hands; - (( READ IT With that Know it All GM who is going to disrupt and TROLL here SOON!!!!

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You don't understand it, even though any average primary school student can. It's God's will that you make use of Jesus' Blood. Rebirth can't take place until you do. You're blind, ignorant, naked and dead. You think you're part of a kingdom you can't even see. :duh:

Atheists are arminians.
Arminians are atheists.
They both can read the bible in the same way they can read another other fiction or non fiction books.
They both read the bible on plain surface and understand it as they must do the work to receive rebirth.
Boasting completely blinds Atheists and arminians to the point where they can't see the light causing
them to be too total depraved to care about Jesus at all.

100% spiritually dead means a real corpse.

All arminian, atheists unlit unbelievers STAY dead.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Who do "YOU" Pray To?? -- Who do "You" try to Talk To?? - Who do "You" Ask to tell You things?? -- GOD?? - GOD HAS Said ( ALL ) HE "IS" Going TO In the Scriptures, and the Scriptures Are Not Spirit, They are Truth / Christ the Only Answering Power there "IS"!!!! The Scriptures, and NOTHING ELSE!!!! - That's how fools do nothing but Contradict the Scriptures ALL THE TIME!!!!!!

SO just do the GM Thing and just Disrupt and TROLL and nothing ELSE!!!!

THUS!!! ((( "YOU" ))) "CONFER" To / With False spirits \ Witch Craft!!! - It's Impossible to be that Stupid and (( Call yourself a "Christian"!!! ))!! - Praying "IS NOT" SPEAKING TO SOME ONE "NOW"!!! - (Pray without Casing )?? - How do YOU Do that you Know-It-All?????

There "IS" No "Person" That is Called Jesus NOW, The Name is "Christ". - It's the ( Body of Christ ), NOT The Body OF Jesus!!! - That Body DIED by Your foolish hands; - (( READ IT With that Know it All GW who is going to disrupt and TROLL here SOON!!!!


Well, at least you have a reason for sounding "odd" after all, you
shared that you had been committed to a mental institution! That,
explains a lot!


Conferring with spirits is prohibited in the Bible.

That's one reason the Jews reject Jesus. In fact if all the new rules and doctrines that evolved in Christianity after Jesus left were in place today, Jesus would also be unwelcomed and rejected by Christians.

Jesus has returned in the Urantia revelation, but he is being rejected here.


That's one reason the Jews reject Jesus. In fact if all the new rules and doctrines that evolved in Christianity after Jesus left were in place today, Jesus would also be unwelcomed and rejected by Christians.

Jesus has returned in the Urantia revelation, but he is being rejected here.

That last sentence caught my eyes. What's that agian? What does UB contain reguarding to the Second Coming. We know the early puritans believed the second coming happened during the destruction of Jerusalem near AD 70.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Jesus has returned in the Urantia revelation, but he is being rejected here.

You bet! You know why? Because, the Jesus you speak of isn't the
Jesus that we Christians have placed our faith in! The one you speak
of is from the imagination of the authors of the "Uraunchy Book!"


New member
The ONLY problem is; you nor Freelight are Christians, you're
Cultists! Remember to let posters know this, every time you
use Christian Scripture!

WHAT the ( lake of fire ) DO You think You Are?? - You're Nothing but a Trouble Maker and do Nothing but LIE to GOD!!! Who are You and your SPIRIT Dealing With NOW You Cursed KNOW-IT-ALL!!!!!

Look at ALL THE SCRIPTURES YOU ARE USING HERE, JUST LIKE SATAN, Your heavenly "mind" / "spiritual sex offender"!!!!

(( Luke 17:34 KJV ))!!! -- Who is that but YOU and Your Lover Satan??? - Prove it AIN'T!!!!

How YOU Get Away with All this Lying and Cheating, and Disrupting other peoples Threads is (( NOTHING BUT CRIMINAL ))!!!! Go join the ISIS with the Rest of your foolish BUDDIES!!!!

((((( YES!! AND THANKS FOR ((( ALL ))) YOUR CHEAP NEG REPS !!!!))))) - You Worthless Nothing!!!

FAIR??????? - Look at Meshick, A Life Member - BAND TWICE, But Your kind Never, -- even GREEN!!! Check "THAT" OTHER "Life Member" that's Just like YOU!!!!!!!!




From the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus:

Another witness for repentence and restitution being the means to pay one's debts (personal responsibility) and the way of forgiveness. A blood sacrifice is unnecessary and non efficacious.


This reminds me of The Aquarian Conspiracy by Marilyn Ferguson. Some Christian book on new age lead me to that book.

Marilyn Ferguson still alive?

Benjamin Creme describing the return of Maitreya as the second coming has been in full page in the newspapers. Still hasn't been fulfilled yet.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
WHAT the ( lake of fire ) DO You think You Are?? - You're Nothing but a Trouble Maker and do Nothing but LIE to GOD!!! Who are You and your SPIRIT Dealing With NOW You Cursed KNOW-IT-ALL!!!!!

Look at ALL THE SCRIPTURES YOU ARE USING HERE, JUST LIKE SATAN, Your heavenly "mind" / "spiritual sex offender"!!!!

(( Luke 17:34 KJV ))!!! -- Who is that but YOU and Your Lover Satan??? - Prove it AIN'T!!!!

How YOU Get Away with All this Lying and Cheating, and Disrupting other peoples Threads is (( NOTHING BUT CRIMINAL ))!!!! Go join the ISIS with the Rest of your foolish BUDDIES!!!!


Perhaps you ought to "report" me to the "Woodshed?"
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