The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I know, you are main streamers. I am not. I look for what kind of manner, fruit, they are producing. That's what Jesus says to do.

I take heed of all Jesus' word.

Jesus is my Lord, mainstreamers Lord is Paul.

I love your ignorant conclusions! They remind me of the conclusions I came to when I was 6 years old! By the way;
ignorance doesn't mean you're stupid, it just means you don't know what you're talking about!


I love your ignorant conclusions! They remind me of the conclusions I came to when I was 6 years old!

So you regressed instead of progress as Christian.

That's not way to go, friend.

Jesus says to accept Him like child. If you don't have childlike faith, you will not inherit God's kingdom.


Come on Kaino, I am interested. I am not a heckler. You should know that I am not one of main streamers. I am an outcast in this site. I have tons of neg reps and infractions to prove it.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Remember what Delmar told you guys a few months ago? He said
something to the affect that, "TOL allows Urantians to post their
stuff here so, at the same time, Christians have the right to mock
what you're posting! Remember that?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You guys can whine, and shed big tears like a baby however, you're
still part of a cult that rejects the Grace of God towards those who
place their faith in Christ as their Savior! I know you 'cultists' don't
like hearing that truth but, that's what it is!


Remember what Delmar told you guys a few months ago? He said
something to the affect that, "TOL allows Urantians to post their
stuff here so, at the same time, Christians have the right to mock
what you're posting! Remember that?

Yes, I remember that. It is really shame. I like Delmer.


You guys can whine, and shed big tears like a baby however, you're
still part of a cult that rejects the Grace of God towards those who
place their faith in Christ as their Savior! I know you 'cultists' don't
like hearing that truth but, that's what it is!

Your name calling will not intimidate our faithfulness to Jesus. Jesus says narrow is the way to lead to life and only a few find it. You are in the wide road. Why do you disregard Jesus' word and calling yourselves His followers or Christians and true and saved?

You guys are just circus.
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