The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Well-known member
You mean from your 'version' and 'definition' of 'Christianity'.
Yes, one that is NOT based upon fiction but upon SOUND doctrine.

I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
The UB contains a more complete, extensive record(covering every year of Jesus life) than the NT account. That would challenge your assumption above.
I haven't made assumptions because I don't move like that, especially when eternity is at stake. I only post what I have seen and heard from The Living God and I'm more sure of these things than I am of my own identity. He has given me so many Truths to share with others and experiences which verify His Word and enlighten my journey. I know His Word is Truth and it has been proven to myself and countless thousands of others. It is the single most reliable source of life there is. It leads us into a One-on-one relationship with Him that is verifiable. Our fruit proves it. Our love for our fellow-Christian proves it. The single thing that stands out the most about you on TOL is that you HATE Christians and attack everything that we hold dear. The UB does the same.
A further challenge is if you can find anything from Jesus in the UB account that does not teach the highest moral and ethical principles and spiritual laws concerning the kingdom of 'God' based on the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man.
If you could find that principle anywhere in Scripture, I'd agree with it. It's the furthest thing from Christ there is.
Service to others and the fundamental principle of LOVE are extolled and championed in the papers. Those who have read enough of the UB know this to be true.
You cannot 'serve' anyone by peddling lies. The UB is nothing BUT lies.
You cannot limit Jesus words only to the 4 gospels that were 'canonized' by religious councils at a certain point in time, when a 'canon' was being formed...
I don't, which is why I listen to Him every single day.


Well-known member
Christianity is actually Paulanity, nearly all of the NT is about Paul's opinion of Jesus. When the Catholic Church made the NT into the Word of God, they elevated all words and all persons, giving them all equal weight. Therefore Paul's words are equal to Jesus' words, Jesus religion was replaced by Paul's religion about Jesus.
They agree. Paul simply expounded the meaning and brought The New Testament more of Christ.


The pre-cross gospel and the post-ascension gospel.

Matthew 4:23

"And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people."

Then came Paul and the new gospel after the cross:

(2091.10) 196:2.1
Some day a reformation in the Christian church may strike deep enough to get back to the unadulterated religious teachings of Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. You may preach a religion about Jesus, but, perforce, you must live the religion of Jesus. In the enthusiasm of Pentecost, Peter unintentionally inaugurated a new religion, the religion of the risen and glorified Christ. The Apostle Paul later on transformed this new gospel into Christianity, a religion embodying his own theologic views and portraying his own personal experience with the Jesus of the Damascus road. The gospel of the kingdom is founded on the personal religious experience of the Jesus of Galilee; Christianity is founded almost exclusively on the personal religious experience of the Apostle Paul. Almost the whole of the New Testament is devoted, not to the portrayal of the significant and inspiring religious life of Jesus, but to a discussion of Paul’s religious experience and to a portrayal of his personal religious convictions. The only notable exceptions to this statement, aside from certain parts of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, are the Book of Hebrews and the Epistle of James. Even Peter, in his writing, only once reverted to the personal religious life of his Master. The New Testament is a superb Christian document, but it is only meagerly Jesusonian.

- 1 Cor. 15:2-6

"By this gospel you are saved...that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time..."

We were all born into Paul's Christian religion about Jesus and Church governments control of the message, but Jesus had a gospel and we have every right to find out what that was even if it means leaving Paul's religion.

I am NOT one of Paul's Christians, I am a disciple of Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith.


Well-known member
I am NOT one of Paul's Christians, I am a disciple of Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith.
Do you obey His Command to eat His Flesh and drink His Blood?

And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves: for I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come. And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.

He said that if you didn't, you have no life in you...

John 6:53
Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

Without being obedient to Him, you have no claim to Him being anything to you. You have no life in you. You are lost.


* Jesus didn't attack the old ways, he wove the new teachings into older truths.

(1932.1) 178:1.16 And forget not: We have made no direct attack upon the persons or upon the authority of those who sit in Moses’ seat; we only offered them the new light, which they have so vigorously rejected. We have assailed them only by the denunciation of their spiritual disloyalty to the very truths which they profess to teach and safeguard. We clashed with these established leaders and recognized rulers only when they threw themselves directly in the way of the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom to the sons of men. And even now, it is not we who assail them, but they who seek our destruction. Do not forget that you are commissioned to go forth preaching only the good news. You are not to attack the old ways; you are skillfully to put the leaven of new truth in the midst of the old beliefs. Let the Spirit of Truth do his own work. Let controversy come only when they who despise the truth force it upon you. But when the willful unbeliever attacks you, do not hesitate to stand in vigorous defense of the truth which has saved and sanctified you.


after the baptism of Jesus:

Forty Days of Preaching

(1505.1) 135:9.1 When John returned to his disciples (he now had some twenty-five or thirty who abode with him constantly), he found them in earnest conference, discussing what had just happened in connection with Jesus’ baptism. They were all the more astonished when John now made known to them the story of the Gabriel visitation to Mary before Jesus was born, and also that Jesus spoke no word to him even after he had told him about this. There was no rain that evening, and this group of thirty or more talked long into the starlit night. They wondered where Jesus had gone, and when they would see him again.

(1505.2) 135:9.2 After the experience of this day the preaching of John took on new and certain notes of proclamation concerning the coming kingdom and the expected Messiah. It was a tense time, these forty days of tarrying, waiting for the return of Jesus. But John continued to preach with great power, and his disciples began at about this time to preach to the overflowing throngs which gathered around John at the Jordan.

(1505.3) 135:9.3 In the course of these forty days of waiting, many rumors spread about the countryside and even to Tiberias and Jerusalem. Thousands came over to see the new attraction in John’s camp, the reputed Messiah, but Jesus was not to be seen. When the disciples of John asserted that the strange man of God had gone to the hills, many doubted the entire story.

(1505.4) 135:9.4 About three weeks after Jesus had left them, there arrived on the scene at Pella a new deputation from the priests and Pharisees at Jerusalem. They asked John directly if he was Elijah or the prophet that Moses promised; and when John said, “I am not,” they made bold to ask, “Are you the Messiah?” and John answered, “I am not.” Then said these men from Jerusalem: “If you are not Elijah, nor the prophet, nor the Messiah, then why do you baptize the people and create all this stir?” And John replied: “It should be for those who have heard me and received my baptism to say who I am, but I declare to you that, while I baptize with water, there has been among us one who will return to baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”

(1505.5) 135:9.5 These forty days were a difficult period for John and his disciples. What was to be the relation of John to Jesus? A hundred questions came up for discussion. Politics and selfish preferment began to make their appearance. Intense discussions grew up around the various ideas and concepts of the Messiah. Would he become a military leader and a Davidic king? Would he smite the Roman armies as Joshua had the Canaanites? Or would he come to establish a spiritual kingdom? John rather decided, with the minority, that Jesus had come to establish the kingdom of heaven, although he was not altogether clear in his own mind as to just what was to be embraced within this mission of the establishment of the kingdom of heaven.

(1505.6) 135:9.6 These were strenuous days in John’s experience, and he prayed for the return of Jesus. Some of John’s disciples organized scouting parties to go in search of Jesus, but John forbade, saying: “Our times are in the hands of the God of heaven; he will direct his chosen Son.”

(1505.7) 135:9.7 It was early on the morning of Sabbath, February 23, that the company of John, engaged in eating their morning meal, looked up toward the north and beheld Jesus coming to them. As he approached them, John stood upon a large rock and, lifting up his sonorous voice, said: “Behold the Son of God, the deliverer of the world! This is he of whom I have said, ‘After me there will come one who is preferred before me because he was before me.’ For this cause came I out of the wilderness to preach repentance and to baptize with water, proclaiming that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. And now comes one who shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit. And I beheld the divine spirit descending upon this man, and I heard the voice of God declare, ‘This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.’”

(1506.1) 135:9.8 Jesus bade them return to their food while he sat down to eat with John, his brothers James and Jude having returned to Capernaum.

(1506.2) 135:9.9 Early in the morning of the next day he took leave of John and his disciples, going back to Galilee. He gave them no word as to when they would again see him. To John’s inquiries about his own preaching and mission Jesus only said, “My Father will guide you now and in the future as he has in the past.” And these two great men separated that morning on the banks of the Jordan, never again to greet each other in the flesh.


Well-known member
Because the authors of the UB never ate Jesus' Flesh or drank His Blood: they have no life in them, too. :duh:


Eclectic Theosophist
The symbols of 'flesh' and 'blood'......

The symbols of 'flesh' and 'blood'......

Because the authors of the UB never ate Jesus' Flesh or drank His Blood: they have no life in them, too. :duh:

Note that Jesus is NOT talking about his physical 'flesh' and 'blood'.

Relating to this we've covered the issue of 'blood-atonement' many times here and what the symbols of 'flesh' and 'blood' may stand for. These 'tokens' are 'symbolic' of the spiritual principle or life-essence which they represent.



The endless loophole of blood atonement

The Spirit alone is Life (portal page)

Atonement without blood

Atonement (various UB passages on it)


The 'bread' and 'wine' is 'symbolic'. The Spirit alone is life.


The meaning of Jesus death on the cross

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Satan was the assistant to Lucifer, a high administrator and in the direct line of authority under Christ Michael aka Jesus.

"The prince of the world" aka "the crafty beast" who had been the resident spiritual administrator, had been on earth roughly 300,000 years when Satan came to enlist Prince Caligastia in the rebellion against Christ Michael's rule, power and authority. The chief claim of the rebellion was that the Universal Father didn't really exist, that the Paradise Sons had foisted fraud upon the universe in the name of a fictitious God.

The Caligastia Betrayal

(754.2) 67:1.1 For three hundred thousand years Caligastia had been in charge of Urantia when Satan, Lucifer’s assistant, made one of his periodic inspection calls. And when Satan arrived on the planet, his appearance in no way resembled your caricatures of his nefarious majesty. He was, and still is, a Lanonandek Son of great brilliance. “And no marvel, for Satan himself is a brilliant creature of light.”

(754.3) 67:1.2 In the course of this inspection Satan informed Caligastia of Lucifer’s then proposed “Declaration of Liberty,” and as we now know, the Prince agreed to betray the planet upon the announcement of the rebellion. The loyal universe personalities look with peculiar disdain upon Prince Caligastia because of this premeditated betrayal of trust. The Creator Son voiced this contempt when he said: “You are like your leader, Lucifer, and you have sinfully perpetuated his iniquity. He was a falsifier from the beginning of his self-exaltation because he abode not in the truth.”

(754.4) 67:1.3 In all the administrative work of a local universe no high trust is deemed more sacred than that reposed in a Planetary Prince who assumes responsibility for the welfare and guidance of the evolving mortals on a newly inhabited world. And of all forms of evil, none are more destructive of personality status than betrayal of trust and disloyalty to one’s confiding friends. In committing this deliberate sin, Caligastia so completely distorted his personality that his mind has never since been able fully to regain its equilibrium......

The Outbreak of Rebellion

(755.3) 67:2.1 Shortly after Satan’s inspection and when the planetary administration was on the eve of the realization of great things on Urantia, one day, midwinter of the northern continents, Caligastia held a prolonged conference with his associate, Daligastia, after which the latter called the ten councils of Urantia in session extraordinary. This assembly was opened with the statement that Prince Caligastia was about to proclaim himself absolute sovereign of Urantia and demanded that all administrative groups abdicate by resigning all of their functions and powers into the hands of Daligastia as trustee, pending the reorganization of the planetary government and the subsequent redistribution of these offices of administrative authority.

(755.4) 67:2.2 The presentation of this astounding demand was followed by the masterly appeal of Van, chairman of the supreme council of co-ordination. This distinguished administrator and able jurist branded the proposed course of Caligastia as an act bordering on planetary rebellion and appealed to his conferees to abstain from all participation until an appeal could be taken to Lucifer, the System Sovereign of Satania; and he won the support of the entire staff. Accordingly, appeal was taken to Jerusem, and forthwith came back the orders designating Caligastia as supreme sovereign on Urantia and commanding absolute and unquestioning allegiance to his mandates. And it was in reply to this amazing message that the noble Van made his memorable address of seven hours’ length in which he formally drew his indictment of Daligastia, Caligastia, and Lucifer as standing in contempt of the sovereignty of the universe of Nebadon; and he appealed to the Most Highs of Edentia for support and confirmation.

(755.5) 67:2.3 Meantime the system circuits had been severed; Urantia was isolated. Every group of celestial life on the planet found itself suddenly and without warning isolated, utterly cut off from all outside counsel and advice.

(755.6) 67:2.4 Daligastia formally proclaimed Caligastia “God of Urantia and supreme over all.” With this proclamation before them, the issues were clearly drawn; and each group drew off by itself and began deliberations, discussions destined eventually to determine the fate of every superhuman personality on the planet.

(755.7) 67:2.5 Seraphim and cherubim and other celestial beings were involved in the decisions of this bitter struggle, this long and sinful conflict. Many superhuman groups that chanced to be on Urantia at the time of its isolation were detained here and, like the seraphim and their associates, were compelled to choose between sin and righteousness — between the ways of Lucifer and the will of the unseen Father.

(756.1) 67:2.6 For more than seven years this struggle continued. Not until every personality concerned had made a final decision, would or did the authorities of Edentia interfere or intervene. Not until then did Van and his loyal associates receive vindication and release from their prolonged anxiety and intolerable suspense.


New member
* Jesus didn't attack the old ways, he wove the new teachings into older truths.

(1932.1) 178:1.16 And forget not: We have made no direct attack upon the persons or upon the authority of those who sit in Moses’ seat; we only offered them the new light, which they have so vigorously rejected. We have assailed them only by the denunciation of their spiritual disloyalty to the very truths which they profess to teach and safeguard. We clashed with these established leaders and recognized rulers only when they threw themselves directly in the way of the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom to the sons of men. And even now, it is not we who assail them, but they who seek our destruction. Do not forget that you are commissioned to go forth preaching only the good news. You are not to attack the old ways; you are skillfully to put the leaven of new truth in the midst of the old beliefs. Let the Spirit of Truth do his own work. Let controversy come only when they who despise the truth force it upon you. But when the willful unbeliever attacks you, do not hesitate to stand in vigorous defense of the truth which has saved and sanctified you.
Allah was created because all his books on the law were looted by the Roman Empire, the content was help full to govern. An is still favor in nations that sit in moses seat. Governments today favor this seat for one reason. Control, they are using the nations that are raised under the rod. Un fortunately the Muslim nations are appealing, an chosen as trained to except the system that is lighting up the new world order.
Lock up few bankers before they imprision the world using Moses an Allah to assits! The Roman Empire killed an used peter to keep 50 tone of temple gold . Visit the world were politics an religion work together.


Eclectic Theosophist
'names' and 'terms'.......

'names' and 'terms'.......

Satan was the assistant to Lucifer, a high administrator and in the direct line of authority under Christ Michael aka Jesus.

"The prince of the world" aka "the crafty beast" who had been the resident spiritual administrator, had been on earth roughly 300,000 years when Satan came to enlist Prince Caligastia in the rebellion against Christ Michael's rule, power and authority. The chief claim of the rebellion was that the Universal Father didn't really exist, that the Paradise Sons had foisted fraud upon the universe in the name of a fictitious God.

It is interesting to note that one person on Youtube was challenging the UB on the grounds of 'Lucifer' being a mis-translation(of sorts) from the Latin Vulgate brought over into the text by Jerome, that a 'Lucifer' (per se) was a name never in the original Hebrew text, but only 'morphed' over from the latin vulgate and put into some of our modern translations such as the KJV. So,...the idea is, why would the revelators continue to use or apply this name 'Lucifer' in their presentation, if its a name only produced from the latin translation of a Hebrew word 'helel', meaning 'light-bearer', 'shining one', 'daystar', etc. and may not reflect the actual 'name' of the person being described?

However,....we could speculate that the revelators while employing human knowledge from all fields kept the name 'Lucifer' anyways, since its already apart of the tradition and translation records on our world, applying it to that fallen angel, thus substantiating the 'latin' translation of the term, at least for the narrative. Could the revelator still use even mythological names or terms, to convey certain truths and lessons? How far are we to take any story 'literally'. Thoughts?

We used to have a great thread on 'Lucifer' and 'Satan', their origins, historical narrative, relationship, etc.



It is interesting to note that one person on Youtube was challenging the UB on the grounds of 'Lucifer' being a mis-translation(of sorts) from the Latin Vulgate brought over into the text by Jerome, that a 'Lucifer' (per se) was a name never in the original Hebrew text, but only 'morphed' over from the latin vulgate and put into some of our modern translations such as the KJV. So,...the idea is, why would the revelators continue to use or apply this name 'Lucifer' in their presentation, if its a name only produced from the latin translation of a Hebrew word 'helel', meaning 'light-bearer', 'shining one', 'daystar', etc. and may not reflect the actual 'name' of the person being described?

However,....we could speculate that the revelators while employing human knowledge from all fields kept the name 'Lucifer' anyways, since its already apart of the tradition and translation records on our world, applying it to that fallen angel, thus substantiating the 'latin' translation of the term, at least for the narrative. Could the revelator still use even mythological names or terms, to convey certain truths and lessons? How far are we to take any story 'literally'. Thoughts?

We used to have a great thread on 'Lucifer' and 'Satan', their origins, historical narrative, relationship, etc.


I'm aware of the Lucifer issue, the mistake that people make is the presumption that Jerome invented the name as a translation when it was already in existence, he just applied it as an appropriate fit. Also there is the peculiar Jewish domination of western religious history wherein we just assume that the Jews were the only source of any truth in the world when in fact their OT books adopted, grafted and invented histories borrowing heavily from other traditions and religions. Then there is the issue that the spirit of truth helped believers recall the truth.
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God’s Wrath

(1597.1) 142:2.1 There was in Jerusalem in attendance upon the Passover festivities one Jacob, a wealthy Jewish trader from Crete, and he came to Andrew making request to see Jesus privately. Andrew arranged this secret meeting with Jesus at Flavius’s home the evening of the next day. This man could not comprehend the Master’s teachings, and he came because he desired to inquire more fully about the kingdom of God. Said Jacob to Jesus: “But, Rabbi, Moses and the olden prophets tell us that Yahweh is a jealous God, a God of great wrath and fierce anger. The prophets say he hates evildoers and takes vengeance on those who obey not his law. You and your disciples teach us that God is a kind and compassionate Father who so loves all men that he would welcome them into this new kingdom of heaven, which you proclaim is so near at hand.”

(1597.2) 142:2.2 When Jacob finished speaking, Jesus replied: “Jacob, you have well stated the teachings of the olden prophets who taught the children of their generation in accordance with the light of their day. Our Father in Paradise is changeless. But the concept of his nature has enlarged and grown from the days of Moses down through the times of Amos and even to the generation of the prophet Isaiah. And now have I come in the flesh to reveal the Father in new glory and to show forth his love and mercy to all men on all worlds. As the gospel of this kingdom shall spread over the world with its message of good cheer and good will to all men, there will grow up improved and better relations among the families of all nations. As time passes, fathers and their children will love each other more, and thus will be brought about a better understanding of the love of the Father in heaven for his children on earth. Remember, Jacob, that a good and true father not only loves his family as a whole — as a family — but he also truly loves and affectionately cares for each individual member.”

(1597.3) 142:2.3 After considerable discussion of the heavenly Father’s character, Jesus paused to say: “You, Jacob, being a father of many, know well the truth of my words.” And Jacob said: “But, Master, who told you I was the father of six children? How did you know this about me?” And the Master replied: “Suffice it to say that the Father and the Son know all things, for indeed they see all. Loving your children as a father on earth, you must now accept as a reality the love of the heavenly Father for you — not just for all the children of Abraham, but for you, your individual soul.”

(1597.4) 142:2.4 Then Jesus went on to say: “When your children are very young and immature, and when you must chastise them, they may reflect that their father is angry and filled with resentful wrath. Their immaturity cannot penetrate beyond the punishment to discern the father’s farseeing and corrective affection. But when these same children become grown-up men and women, would it not be folly for them to cling to these earlier and misconceived notions regarding their father? As men and women they should now discern their father’s love in all these early disciplines. And should not mankind, as the centuries pass, come the better to understand the true nature and loving character of the Father in heaven? What profit have you from successive generations of spiritual illumination if you persist in viewing God as Moses and the prophets saw him? I say to you, Jacob, under the bright light of this hour you should see the Father as none of those who have gone before ever beheld him. And thus seeing him, you should rejoice to enter the kingdom wherein such a merciful Father rules, and you should seek to have his will of love dominate your life henceforth.”

(1598.1) 142:2.5 And Jacob answered: “Rabbi, I believe; I desire that you lead me into the Father’s kingdom.”

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The 'thing' of it is, though: what we who are Christian DO know for a fact (God's Presence in our lives) causes us to be compelled to tell those of you who ignore His Truths what little we DO know, such that we are not held accountable for you missing out on His promise of eternal life which is ONLY available through Christ's Blood.From an actual Christian perspective, I can tell you: Urantia has NOTHING at ALL to do with Christianity. Jesus isn't in the pages even once. It is a false god named: "Jebus," which Urantia describes, not JESUS, Who is Christ. The Lord doesn't lie. His Word is Truth. Urantia is bunk. Pure and simple.

These two Bozo's; Freelight and Caino are too brainwashed
to be able to distinguish between truth and untruth!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
20 trillion year's ago the Martians landed in Newark, New Jersey and
brought with them a small portion of the "Urantea book!" Some very
prominent scholars who lived in the area at the time, began to study
the documents, and after several minutes of study, decided to, 'shelve'
the writings for a later generation to evaluate!

In and around the 20th century, the 'book' was found by some passerby's
who happened to be strolling around an abandoned amusement park! The
book was lodged in an old Oat-tree covered by a sheet of some strange metallic
like paper. When they reached for the mystery book, it began to
glow, and vibrate. As they were examining it, suddenly it began to emit a
strange sound, leaped out of their hands and floated about two to three
feet above their heads.

Frightened by this strange occurrence, they decided to leave the area, and
return to their respective, places of abode! Chapter two will conclude this
almost true history, involving the 'Urantea Book!"


“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”

― George Orwell, 1984
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