The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Well-known member
Note that the 'Holy Spirit' is not limited to a 'canon' compiled or organized by a religious community (human conventions) to serve its own needs and interests. The SUN shines on all, and thru-out are its various 'reflections'. 'God' alone is the eternal reality.


If you have a prophecy or other revelation from the Holy Spirit we would love to read it.

Posted from the TOL App!


Well-known member
One is forgiven as they forgive. If you don't forgive your fellowman, God cannot forgive you...since this is a principle at work, that either 'binds' or 'looses' an individual. 'God' is at work behind the principle, because all 'laws' and 'principles' originate 'in' or 'from' God.


There is NO forgiveness without The Blood of The Lamb. None. Period.

Posted from the TOL App!


Well-known member
Such was shared with no 'anger' at all,...that is your own 'projection'.

You can re-read it and apply it to yourself as well.
Just so that you're aware: you don't come across civil in your posts. You seem to have a Christian 'chip' on your shoulder. You need to realize that Christians base their theology on Truth (Christ) and the rest are thieves and robbers, especially this Jebus found in the UB. It's simply demonic doctrine masquerading as Truth. It just doesn't fly. It isn't from above.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Just so that you're aware: you don't come across civil in your posts. You seem to have a Christian 'chip' on your shoulder. You need to realize that Christians base their theology on Truth (Christ) and the rest are thieves and robbers, especially this Jebus found in the UB. It's simply demonic doctrine masquerading as Truth. It just doesn't fly. It isn't from above.

It doesn't even crawl!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Note that the 'Holy Spirit' is not limited to a 'canon' compiled or organized by a religious community (human conventions) to serve its own needs and interests. The SUN shines on all, and thru-out are its various 'reflections'. 'God' alone is the eternal reality.


However, you present a false teaching/doctrine!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Its a shame that you've been trolling here for this long, and have not even read the discourse by Jesus that I linked (or any significant portion of the papers themselves), so you could properly evaluate it, and then intelligently discuss it. Being ignorant, presumptuous and flippant disqualifies one's input here....until educated.

You still haven't a clue about the papers, yet continue your silly little crusade. Since the papers include the entire gamut of human knowledge from the early 20th century with expanded revelation from this group of revelators, serves as a wonderful 'platform' to discuss 'theology', since its fundamental subject is Deity, Deity-personalities, divine Son/Angelic hierarchies, the cosmos, history of Urantia, Bestowal of Jesus (Christ-Michael), his life and teachings and more. That covers a broad range from which to explore and expound. It certainly covers much more than the limited canon of the Bible, which is not a complete/perfect or final revelation of 'God'. Remember,....the principle of 'progressive revelation'.

If you have no interest in learning the Urantia Revelation so you can discuss it intelligently, you're wasting your time and everyone elses.


Any book/paper that's not inspired by God, at least in the
Spiritual realm, needs to be discarded! The Bible, I trust! Your
"urantia non-sense" I discard without having to read it! It's similar
to the "Book of Mormon! I don't read to read/study it, to know
it's false!

I also don't need to read/study all the literature on Scientology,
to know it's false! Does your form of logic permit you to understand
what I'm saying? If not, any further clarification will be fruitless!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Its a shame that you've been trolling here for this long, and have not even read the discourse by Jesus that I linked (or any significant portion of the papers themselves), so you could properly evaluate it, and then intelligently discuss it. Being ignorant, presumptuous and flippant disqualifies one's input here....until educated.

You still haven't a clue about the papers, yet continue your silly little crusade. Since the papers include the entire gamut of human knowledge from the early 20th century with expanded revelation from this group of revelators, serves as a wonderful 'platform' to discuss 'theology', since its fundamental subject is Deity, Deity-personalities, divine Son/Angelic hierarchies, the cosmos, history of Urantia, Bestowal of Jesus (Christ-Michael), his life and teachings and more. That covers a broad range from which to explore and expound. It certainly covers much more than the limited canon of the Bible, which is not a complete/perfect or final revelation of 'God'. Remember,....the principle of 'progressive revelation'.

If you have no interest in learning the Urantia Revelation so you can discuss it intelligently, you're wasting your time and everyone elses.


The technical term for the urantia book is, Baloney! The urantia book is merely
an "uninspired" pseudo addition to the inspired word of God! (The Bible) It must be
discarded! Unless you relish the thought of clinging to untruth the remainder of your

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Anytime believers segregate from the fellowship, formulate rigid creeds and inflexible doctrine, daring to claim infallibility, going so far as to persecute those who question or disagree with their claims, that is the "chosen people delusion." The Papacy inherited the attitude from those who rejected Christ.

I understand you've been banned! Good decision!


Well-known member
The technical term for the urantia book is, Baloney! The urantia book is merely an "uninspired" pseudo addition to the inspired word of God! (The Bible) It must be discarded! Unless you relish the thought of clinging to untruth the remainder of your life?


Well-known member
Any book/paper that's not inspired by God, at least in the Spiritual realm, needs to be discarded! The Bible, I trust! Your "urantia non-sense" I discard without having to read it! It's similar to the "Book of Mormon! I don't read to read/study it, to know it's false!
Also any book that is 'Christian' in context but strays from the Truth revealed by The Holy Scriptures.


Eclectic Theosophist
Paper 11, The Eternal Isle of Paradise......

Paper 11, The Eternal Isle of Paradise......

I've often thought it's so ironic that he has read so much and studied so much about religions and philosophies and yet only clings to that which is untrue. :comeout:

Remember this thread is about the UB, I've expounded where needed where real discussion and creative dialogue is respected and maintained. Trolling is not respectful. There are hundreds of other religious books, traditions, cults, schools, etc. Whose clinging to what? I cling to nothing. In 'God' I AM inherently free, need cling to anything. In Spirit I AM always already free. This is my 'essence' and 'identity'. - anything else is an assumption of 'body-mind' (personality-complex) temporarily assumed, a 'vehicle' for consciousness.

Unlike you and some of your cohorts, I've never said or claimed the UB is "God's word", "absolute truth", or a final, perfect or complete revelation of reality. Never. I've served as an expounder here, comparing, sharing, evaluating and letter the reader judge for himself, the content and relative truths of the material. That is all. Heaven forbid I would be so arrogant to assume that my 'theology' (whatever books that includes as a tradition or canon) are the sole, absolute and exclusive truth. Any who know me here, know the grounds and contextual liberties upon where I stand and continue to pioneer.

All belief systems, concepts, ideas, principles, meanings, values, etc. are subject to investigation/research. - such is the general premise of the study of 'comparative religions'. The UB just happens to be a wonderful synthesis and platform of comprehending the whole context of both 'evolutionary' and 'revelatory' truths concerning creation and eternal progress of the soul, its potential and destiny, besides acknowledging data that goes well beyond the ascension-plan of man.


Continuing our audio-video series from here (going back in chronological order), we now venture upon Paper 11, The Etermal Isle of Paradise (most interesting in that Paradise is at the very epi-center of the Universe of universes, the very center of infinity, governing all material energy and gravity movements in association with the Paradise Trinity. Amazing explanations continuing with 'Deity' at the heart of all, like the 'central hub' of a cosmic wheel)

Study on Paradise

UB Cosmology


Paper 11 The Isle of Paradise

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New member
The technical term for the urantia book is, Baloney! The urantia book is merely
an "uninspired" pseudo addition to the inspired word of God! (The Bible) It must be
discarded! Unless you relish the thought of clinging to untruth the remainder of your

I agree, but this might be more credit that it deserves.


New member
I've often thought it's so ironic that he has read so much and studied so much about religions and philosophies and yet only clings to that which is untrue. :comeout:
Yes, some folks consider themselves to be intellectuals because they are so open-minded. I consider this to be very sad, but it's good for BALONEY sales.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Unlike you and some of your cohorts, I've never said or claimed the UB is "God's word", "absolute truth", or a final, perfect or complete revelation of reality. Never.

For a guy who claims he doesn't cling to his 'chosen belief system'
as the 'absolute truth,' you sure act like a high pressure salesman
trying to sell/push it!


Well-known member
Remember this thread is about the UB, I've expounded where needed where real discussion and creative dialogue is respected and maintained.
Yep. It's about the UB being doctrines of demons. It's about the UB being worthless. Thanks for reminding us.
Trolling is not respectful.
Was I trolling? I apologize. I only meant to tell the truth. Did it hurt? Sorry.
There are hundreds of other religious books, traditions, cults, schools, etc.
All of which are thieves and robbers, except Christ, Whose Blood was shed to free men from sin.
Whose clinging to what? I cling to nothing.
You cling to anything that is false. You cling to anything that disputes sound doctrine. You cling to only lies.
In 'God' I AM inherently free, need cling to anything.
You aren't 'in' God (except the god of this world: Satan).
In Spirit I AM always already free.
You're wretched, miserable, blind, poor and naked and you don't even know it.
This is my 'essence' and 'identity'. - anything else is an assumption of 'body-mind' (personality-complex) temporarily assumed, a 'vehicle' for consciousness.
Your identity is: "ChainedToDarknes," not FreeLight. You have no light in you and you are captive of a demon spirit.
Unlike you and some of your cohorts, I've never said or claimed the UB is "God's word", "absolute truth", or a final, perfect or complete revelation of reality.
Neither have I. It's nothing but lies. It's from hell. It is completely false and has nothing to do with God. It reveals nothing but darkness.
I've served as an expounder here, comparing, sharing, evaluating and letter the reader judge for himself, the content and relative truths of the material.
Truth isn't relative. Truth is Truth. Jesus is Truth. Jebus is a false god that doesn't exist. The UB portrays Jebus, NOT Jesus.
Heaven forbid I would be so arrogant to assume that my 'theology' (whatever books that includes as a tradition or canon) are the sole, absolute and exclusive truth. Any who know me here, know the grounds and contextual liberties upon where I stand and continue to pioneer.
When you shut your ears to the True Gospel and listen to every single lie the enemy tells, then go around promoting those lies as if they have even a shred of truth in them you're making yourself the enemy of God. You're playing for the wrong team. You are not doing good. You're doing pure evil. The worst kind: you're self-deceived.
All belief systems, concepts, ideas, principles, meanings, values, etc. are subject to investigation/research.
Yes, they are; but only ONE is subject to God: Christianity. Without Christ there is no hope.


Eclectic Theosophist
No selling involved here......but a sharing of information.....

No selling involved here......but a sharing of information.....

For a guy who claims he doesn't cling to his 'chosen belief system'
as the 'absolute truth,' you sure act like a high pressure salesman
trying to sell/push it!

That would be a false caricature of the situation at hand, as I've already set out the purpose of my contributing to this thread, merely as an expounder and correlator of the knowledge given. In that I find some creative value and worth, giving opportunity for any who would actually investigate/read the material in order to engage in a cordial open minded discussion of such. That's what the purpose of the thread is, and the greater purpose of TOL in general, since this is the 'Religion' section, - all religious topics are allowed engagement.

The one's trolling this thread, disrespecting/marginalizing the subject matter, ridiculing...being ignorant of the material, cannot intelligently contribute anything of worth relative to the discussion, hence are unnecessary distractions, 'thread-pests'. They are oblivious to what is actually being shared here, instead reverting back to their preconceived notions and pre-packaged theology, presenting their 'theology' as the exclusive and only 'truth'. No where here have I presented the UB as the only, absolute, final, truth, but its worth investigating since the contents speak for themselves and are consistent philosopshically speaking.

Some might see the casting of pearls before swine metaphor as fitting here, and wonder why I share at all,....but heaven knows the value and significance of all inter-actions, and heaven will weigh and evaluate those 'sharings' in the light of time and eternity. I do not fear anything, but can modify my sharings as wisdom leads. Knowledge is not something to fear.

The last audio-video on paper 12, The Universe of universes will be shared soon, as a recommended intro. to the UB in general, comprising the first 12 papers. Those actually learning the material are encouraged to discuss it, that being a basic requirement for intelligent discussion. Ignorance and presumptions cannot afford such.

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