The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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New member
I think Block may have a different opinion than you....even after all his research. So do thousands of other readers.

Fair enough; he may well have come to a different conclusion. I know I'm not the only one to have reached the conclusion I've reached, among those who have read the whole book and spent some time studying it. But I don't pretend to have any statistics on the matter.

The fact that the UB is not authored by supermortals doesn't make it devoid of value. Some of the most spiritually powerful books I've ever read have been fiction. It's not as though revelation is the only game in town.


Eclectic Theosophist


Fair enough; he may well have come to a different conclusion. I know I'm not the only one to have reached the conclusion I've reached, among those who have read the whole book and spent some time studying it. But I don't pretend to have any statistics on the matter.

:) - yes....many have been readers for many years and profit by integrating its spiritual cosmological principles and context in their own evolving serves as a map or template in which to reference their expanding potential. It may not be for some. Each gravitates to those tools that best serve them in the life-path. Perhaps in another place or time. Just look at all the different religions and philosophical schools just on our planet alone. Imagine the diversity of MIND elsewhere.

The fact that the UB is not authored by supermortals doesn't make it devoid of value. Some of the most spiritually powerful books I've ever read have been fiction. It's not as though revelation is the only game in town.

Again, its a matter of opinion, whether one believes the papers were infact 'facilitated' or 'edited/authored' by celestials, as it claims, (parts did use already extant texts and human knowledge-concepts, while other parts are unique/original yet incorporate the revelation as a whole).

I have agreed thru-out our dialogues on the UB that even if it is 'religious science-fiction' can still inspire and expand one's insight and exploration of the universe and their own life-journey in it. - as a universal-spiritualist, its where I find value in it. I also love sci-fi as a 'genre' and many channeled works, as we see in my ET Theology thread...which incorporates spiritual laws/principles in a universe of limitless inhabited worlds and advanced civilizations. I dont believe we're all alone in the Universe. This is just a grain of sand on a beach that stretches to infinity....then consider the potentials of space-time that have yet to unfold in eternity.



New member
I have agreed thru-out our dialogues on the UB that even if it is 'religious science-fiction' can still inspire and expand one's insight and exploration of the universe and their own life-journey in it.

There's no question about that. Personally, I see it as the work of a mind or minds struggling to make Christianity somehow a better "fit" for the 20th century. It's interesting to me how C.S. Lewis's Out of the Silent Planet, a work of fiction, has many parallels with the UB, especially the ideas of planetary quarantine and supermortal guardians. Oddly (perhaps) I have a greater "reality response" to his fiction than to the UB, perhaps because I'm not distracted by the books' claims about themselves.


The Salem Teachings in Arabia

(1050.6) 95:7.1 The Melchizedek teachings of the one God became established in the Arabian desert at a comparatively recent date. As in Greece, so in Arabia the Salem missionaries failed because of their misunderstanding of Machiventa’s instructions regarding overorganization. But they were not thus hindered by their interpretation of his admonition against all efforts to extend the gospel through military force or civil compulsion.

(1050.7) 95:7.2 Not even in China or Rome did the Melchizedek teachings fail more completely than in this desert region so very near Salem itself. Long after the majority of the peoples of the Orient and Occident had become respectively Buddhist and Christian, the desert of Arabia continued as it had for thousands of years. Each tribe worshiped its olden fetish, and many individual families had their own household gods. Long the struggle continued between Babylonian Ishtar, Hebrew Yahweh, Iranian Ahura, and Christian Father of the Lord Jesus Christ. Never was one concept able fully to displace the others.

(1051.1) 95:7.3 Here and there throughout Arabia were families and clans that held on to the hazy idea of the one God. Such groups treasured the traditions of Melchizedek, Abraham, Moses, and Zoroaster. There were numerous centers that might have responded to the Jesusonian gospel, but the Christian missionaries of the desert lands were an austere and unyielding group in contrast with the compromisers and innovators who functioned as missionaries in the Mediterranean countries. Had the followers of Jesus taken more seriously his injunction to “go into all the world and preach the gospel,” and had they been more gracious in that preaching, less stringent in collateral social requirements of their own devising, then many lands would gladly have received the simple gospel of the carpenter’s son, Arabia among them.

(1051.2) 95:7.4 Despite the fact that the great Levantine monotheisms failed to take root in Arabia, this desert land was capable of producing a faith which, though less demanding in its social requirements, was nonetheless monotheistic.

(1051.3) 95:7.5 There was only one factor of a tribal, racial, or national nature about the primitive and unorganized beliefs of the desert, and that was the peculiar and general respect which almost all Arabian tribes were willing to pay to a certain black stone fetish in a certain temple at Mecca. This point of common contact and reverence subsequently led to the establishment of the Islamic religion. What Yahweh, the volcano spirit, was to the Jewish Semites, the Kaaba stone became to their Arabic cousins.

(1051.4) 95:7.6 The strength of Islam has been its clear-cut and well-defined presentation of Allah as the one and only Deity; its weakness, the association of military force with its promulgation, together with its degradation of woman. But it has steadfastly held to its presentation of the One Universal Deity of all, “who knows the invisible and the visible. He is the merciful and the compassionate.” “Truly God is plenteous in goodness to all men.” “And when I am sick, it is he who heals me.” “For whenever as many as three speak together, God is present as a fourth,” for is he not “the first and the last, also the seen and the hidden”?

(1051.5) 95:7.7 [Presented by a Melchizedek of Nebadon.]



Eclectic Theosophist
'language' and 'context'......

'language' and 'context'......

There's no question about that. Personally, I see it as the work of a mind or minds struggling to make Christianity somehow a better "fit" for the 20th century. It's interesting to me how C.S. Lewis's Out of the Silent Planet, a work of fiction, has many parallels with the UB, especially the ideas of planetary quarantine and supermortal guardians. Oddly (perhaps) I have a greater "reality response" to his fiction than to the UB, perhaps because I'm not distracted by the books' claims about themselves.

Again, we look at the value and meanings found within the content of the information, relational concepts, morals, principles, cosmology, philosophical cohesiveness, rationale, consistency, etc. Just as any book or 'bible'(a collection of books)....that work will 'hold' within whatever genre, cultural context or spiritual cosmology from whence it is referenced.

As a student of universal spirituality,....'God' is the One and Only absolute Reality anyways, matter what props, cosmetics of language, mythos, relational concepts or forms/images one entertains towards a religious perspective. All just 'words'. One Presence and Power ever remains as that which is always already Being, no matter what comes or goes. That pure awareness is the crystal clarity in which all definitions or dimensions arise. That is all there is.....all else are accessories (imagination, creation, abstractions).



Eclectic Theosophist
the way of faith, the gospel of peace.........

the way of faith, the gospel of peace.........

The Salem Teachings in Arabia

(1050.7) 95:7.2 Not even in China or Rome did the Melchizedek teachings fail more completely than in this desert region so very near Salem itself. Long after the majority of the peoples of the Orient and Occident had become respectively Buddhist and Christian, the desert of Arabia continued as it had for thousands of years. Each tribe worshiped its olden fetish, and many individual families had their own household gods. Long the struggle continued between Babylonian Ishtar, Hebrew Yahweh, Iranian Ahura, and Christian Father of the Lord Jesus Christ. Never was one concept able fully to displace the others.

Interestingly we see how the Salem religion sponsored by Melchizedek predates Moses, however we see these basic principles were carried over into the law of Moses. -

The Salem Religion -

93:4.1 The ceremonies of the Salem worship were very simple. Every person who signed or marked the clay-tablet rolls of the Melchizedek church committed to memory, and subscribed to, the following belief:

1. 93:4.2 I believe in El Elyon, the Most High God, the only Universal Father and Creator of all things.

2. 93:4.3 I accept the Melchizedek covenant with the Most High, which bestows the favor of God on my faith, not on sacrifices and burnt offerings.

3. 93:4.4 I promise to obey the seven commandments of Melchizedek and to tell the good news of this covenant with the Most High to all men.

93:4.5 And that was the whole of the creed of the Salem colony. But even such a short and simple declaration of faith was altogether too much and too advanced for the men of those days. They simply could not grasp the idea of getting divine favor for nothing—by faith. They were too deeply confirmed in the belief that man was born under forfeit to the gods. Too long and too earnestly had they sacrificed and made gifts to the priests to be able to comprehend the good news that salvation, divine favor, was a free gift to all who would believe in the Melchizedek covenant. But Abraham did believe halfheartedly, and even that was " counted for righteousness. "

93:4.6 The seven commandments promulgated by Melchizedek were patterned along the lines of the ancient Dalamatian supreme law and very much resembled the seven commands taught in the first and second Edens. These commands of the Salem religion were:

1. 93:4.7 You shall not serve any God but the Most High Creator of heaven and earth.

2. 93:4.8 You shall not doubt that faith is the only requirement for eternal salvation.

3. 93:4.9 You shall not bear false witness.

4. 93:4.10 You shall not kill.

5. 93:4.11 You shall not steal.

6. 93:4.12 You shall not commit adultery.

7. 93:4.13 You shall not show disrespect for your parents and elders.

-Paper 93

The Salem religion inspired Abraham's covenent of faith, and we see that 'faith' is ever the essential thing as far as 'salvation' is concerned, long before any devotion to laws or the legalism of rule-keeping.

As far as peoples worshipping their own 'household gods', and religious cultures all worshipping their 'images' and 'forms' of 'God'....that 'God' as 'source-reality' is still the same universal God-reality...which in the Jesusonian gospel is the Universal Father . At this actual moment now and always...there is only One Being that is being, Real God. - now how all peoples will come together under the banner of 'One God' and his 'Anointed One' remains to be seen, as each tradition still worships their image and form of 'God' (and its messengers or avatars), even if that tradition is more liberal and tolerant of other traditions as in Hinduism,...for all images and forms of 'God'....are still 'God' :) One Power, One Presence, One Original and Universal Reality.

The Salem Religion has some great principles, which Jesus further confirms in his gospel of the kingdom,...for in it the true spiritualist theme holds.....being 'The Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of all men'. Its amazing that all cant just unite in this universal spirit of love, tolerance, understanding, forgiveness, recognizing that we are all children of One Father and its in our best interest to work together to perfect God's will in the earth. In all our religious serving or spiritual vocation.....we can only with a pure together with God towards this end.



Eclectic Theosophist
Path of eternal progress.....

Path of eternal progress.....

Thanks Freelight


You're welcome.

To the One Eternal Father, we direct our worship. In us He has put a divine fragment of himself, a 'pilot light' of pure 'being' and 'consciousness' (the 'thought-adjuster')...whereby our individual soul-life may join and fuse to become an immortal soul. Thus we continue along the path of eternal progress.

5 - (132:3.8) Spiritual evolution is an experience of the increasing and voluntary choice of goodness attended by an equal and progressive diminution of the possibility of evil. With the attainment of finality of choice for goodness and of completed capacity for truth appreciation, there comes into existence a perfection of beauty and holiness whose righteousness eternally inhibits the possibility of the emergence of even the concept of potential evil. Such a God-knowing soul casts no shadow of doubting evil when functioning on such a high spirit level of divine goodness. - UB



Government on a nearby planet:

The Plan of Universal Suffrage

(817.5) 72:9.1 Although candidates for all public offices are restricted to graduates of the state, regional, or federal schools of statesmanship, the progressive leaders of this nation discovered a serious weakness in their plan of universal suffrage and about fifty years ago made constitutional provision for a modified scheme of voting which embraces the following features:

(817.6) 72:9.2 1. Every man and woman of twenty years and over has one vote. Upon attaining this age, all citizens must accept membership in two voting groups: They will join the first in accordance with their economic function — industrial, professional, agricultural, or trade; they will enter the second group according to their political, philosophic, and social inclinations. All workers thus belong to some economic franchise group, and these guilds, like the noneconomic associations, are regulated much as is the national government with its threefold division of powers. Registration in these groups cannot be changed for twelve years.

(817.7) 72:9.3 2. Upon nomination by the state governors or by the regional executives and by the mandate of the regional supreme councils, individuals who have rendered great service to society, or who have demonstrated extraordinary wisdom in government service, may have additional votes conferred upon them not oftener than every five years and not to exceed nine such superfranchises. The maximum suffrage of any multiple voter is ten. Scientists, inventors, teachers, philosophers, and spiritual leaders are also thus recognized and honored with augmented political power. These advanced civic privileges are conferred by the state and regional supreme councils much as degrees are bestowed by the special colleges, and the recipients are proud to attach the symbols of such civic recognition, along with their other degrees, to their lists of personal achievements.

(817.8) 72:9.4 3. All individuals sentenced to compulsory labor in the mines and all governmental servants supported by tax funds are, for the periods of such services, disenfranchised. This does not apply to aged persons who may be retired on pensions at sixty-five.

(817.9) 72:9.5 4. There are five brackets of suffrage reflecting the average yearly taxes paid for each half-decade period. Heavy taxpayers are permitted extra votes up to five. This grant is independent of all other recognition, but in no case can any person cast over ten ballots.

(818.1) 72:9.6 5. At the time this franchise plan was adopted, the territorial method of voting was abandoned in favor of the economic or functional system. All citizens now vote as members of industrial, social, or professional groups, regardless of their residence. Thus the electorate consists of solidified, unified, and intelligent groups who elect only their best members to positions of governmental trust and responsibility. There is one exception to this scheme of functional or group suffrage: The election of a federal chief executive every six years is by nation-wide ballot, and no citizen casts over one vote.

(818.2) 72:9.7 Thus, except in the election of the chief executive, suffrage is exercised by economic, professional, intellectual, and social groupings of the citizenry. The ideal state is organic, and every free and intelligent group of citizens represents a vital and functioning organ within the larger governmental organism.

(818.3) 72:9.8 The schools of statesmanship have power to start proceedings in the state courts looking toward the disenfranchisement of any defective, idle, indifferent, or criminal individual. These people recognize that, when fifty per cent of a nation is inferior or defective and possesses the ballot, such a nation is doomed. They believe the dominance of mediocrity spells the downfall of any nation. Voting is compulsory, heavy fines being assessed against all who fail to cast their ballots.




99:6.1 Sectarianism is a disease of institutional religion, and dogmatism is an enslavement of the spiritual nature. It is far better to have a religion without a church than a church without religion. The religious turmoil of the twentieth century does not, in and of itself, betoken spiritual decadence. Confusion goes before growth as well as before destruction.

99:6.2 There is a real purpose in the socialization of religion. It is the purpose of group religious activities to dramatize the loyalties of religion; to magnify the lures of truth, beauty, and goodness; to foster the attractions of supreme values; to enhance the service of unselfish fellowship; to glorify the potentials of family life; to promote religious education; to provide wise counsel and spiritual guidance; and to encourage group worship. And all live religions encourage human friendship, conserve morality, promote neighborhood welfare, and facilitate the spread of the essential gospel of their respective messages of eternal salvation.

99:6.3 But as religion becomes institutionalized, its power for good is curtailed, while the possibilities for evil are greatly multiplied. The dangers of formalized religion are: fixation of beliefs and crystallization of sentiments; accumulation of vested interests with increase of secularization; tendency to standardize and fossilize truth; diversion of religion from the service of God to the service of the church; inclination of leaders to become administrators instead of ministers; tendency to form sects and competitive divisions; establishment of oppressive ecclesiastical authority; creation of the aristocratic "chosen-people" attitude; fostering of false and exaggerated ideas of sacredness; the routinizing of religion and the petrification of worship; tendency to venerate the past while ignoring present demands; failure to make up-to-date interpretations of religion; entanglement with functions of secular institutions; it creates the evil discrimination of religious castes; it becomes an intolerant judge of orthodoxy; it fails to hold the interest of adventurous youth and gradually loses the saving message of the gospel of eternal salvation.

99:6.4 Formal religion restrains men in their personal spiritual activities instead of releasing them for heightened service as kingdom builders."



New member

99:6.1 Sectarianism is a disease of institutional religion, and dogmatism is an enslavement of the spiritual nature. It is far better to have a religion without a church than a church without religion. The religious turmoil of the twentieth century does not, in and of itself, betoken spiritual decadence. Confusion goes before growth as well as before destruction.

99:6.2 There is a real purpose in the socialization of religion. It is the purpose of group religious activities to dramatize the loyalties of religion; to magnify the lures of truth, beauty, and goodness; to foster the attractions of supreme values; to enhance the service of unselfish fellowship; to glorify the potentials of family life; to promote religious education; to provide wise counsel and spiritual guidance; and to encourage group worship. And all live religions encourage human friendship, conserve morality, promote neighborhood welfare, and facilitate the spread of the essential gospel of their respective messages of eternal salvation.

99:6.3 But as religion becomes institutionalized, its power for good is curtailed, while the possibilities for evil are greatly multiplied. The dangers of formalized religion are: fixation of beliefs and crystallization of sentiments; accumulation of vested interests with increase of secularization; tendency to standardize and fossilize truth; diversion of religion from the service of God to the service of the church; inclination of leaders to become administrators instead of ministers; tendency to form sects and competitive divisions; establishment of oppressive ecclesiastical authority; creation of the aristocratic "chosen-people" attitude; fostering of false and exaggerated ideas of sacredness; the routinizing of religion and the petrification of worship; tendency to venerate the past while ignoring present demands; failure to make up-to-date interpretations of religion; entanglement with functions of secular institutions; it creates the evil discrimination of religious castes; it becomes an intolerant judge of orthodoxy; it fails to hold the interest of adventurous youth and gradually loses the saving message of the gospel of eternal salvation.

99:6.4 Formal religion restrains men in their personal spiritual activities instead of releasing them for heightened service as kingdom builders."


But it seems that institutions are what organize mankind to know even what religion is. Churches print scriptures. Even the Urantia Book is printed by an institution. Institutions are needed for organization and as centralized repositories of all kinds of information. The main failings of institutions reflect the main failings of mankind - a tendency towards selfishness and deceit for selfish goals. These faults can certainly arise in religious institutions too, which can be a magnet for those looking to feed off the "gullible." A religious institution led by God can accomplish great things, however, since he knows the hearts of men.


Eclectic Theosophist


But it seems that institutions are what organize mankind to know even what religion is. Churches print scriptures. Even the Urantia Book is printed by an institution. Institutions are needed for organization and as centralized repositories of all kinds of information. The main failings of institutions reflect the main failings of mankind - a tendency towards selfishness and deceit for selfish goals. These faults can certainly arise in religious institutions too, which can be a magnet for those looking to feed off the "gullible." A religious institution led by God can accomplish great things, however, since he knows the hearts of men.

Hi Rev,

I tend to agree, for 'institutions' are 'companies' of 'individuals' ;) - yet the challenge of 'organizations' remain within their potentials for either too much control or dogmatism vs. being a more affective vehicle for spiritual growth, enrichment and freedom.

The UP has some awesome chapters on the subject of Religion (Go Here).




Eclectic Theosophist



Thoughts on infinity -

3:1.2 "`I am a God at hand as well as afar off,' says the Lord. `Do not I fill heaven and earth?'" The Universal Father is all the time present in all parts and in all hearts of his far-flung creation. He is "the fullness of him who fills all and in all," and "who works all in all," and further, the concept of his personality is such that "the heaven (universe) and heaven of heavens (universe of universes) cannot contain him." It is literally true that God is all and in all. But even that is not all of God. The Infinite can be finally revealed only in infinity; the cause can never be fully comprehended by an analysis of effects; the living God is immeasurably greater than the sum total of creation that has come into being as a result of the creative acts of his unfettered free will. God is revealed throughout the cosmos, but the cosmos can never contain or encompass the entirety of the infinity of God.

3:1.4 The creature not only exists in God, but God also lives in the creature. "We know we dwell in him because he lives in us; he has given us his spirit. This gift from the Paradise Father is man's inseparable companion." "He is the ever-present and all-pervading God." "The spirit of the everlasting Father is concealed in the mind of every mortal child." "Man goes forth searching for a friend while that very friend lives within his own heart." "The true God is not afar off; he is a part of us; his spirit speaks from within us." "The Father lives in the child. God is always with us. He is the guiding spirit of eternal destiny."

3.17 The Infinite is used to denote the fullness -- the finality -- implied by the primacy of the First Source and Center. The theoretical I AM is a creature-philosophic extension of the "infinity of will," but the Infinite is an actual value-level representing the eternity-intension of the true infinity of the absolute and unfettered free will of the Universal Father. This concept is sometimes designated the Father-Infinite.


130:4.2 The source of universe reality is the Infinite. The material things of finite creation are the time-space repercussions of the Paradise Pattern and the Universal Mind of the eternal God. Causation in the physical world, self-consciousness in the intellectual world, and progressing selfhood in the spirit world -- these realities, projected on a universal scale, combined in eternal relatedness, and experienced with perfection of quality and divinity of value -- constitute the reality of the Supreme. But in an ever-changing universe the Original Personality of causation, intelligence, and spirit experience is changeless, absolute. All things, even in an eternal universe of limitless values and divine qualities, may, and oftentimes do, change except the Absolutes and that which has attained the physical status, intellectual embrace, or spiritual identity which is absolute.

Here we see that the cosmos emerges forth out of the creative willing of the Universal Father, allowing all potentials to be actualized, and the infinitude of 'experience' on all levels. All creation is born from the womb of the Infinite.

UB Fellowship (new homepage overlay)




"There was a progressive thinker connected with this local school of philosophy, and Jesus had several profitable sessions with him. In the course of these talks Jesus had repeatedly used the word "soul.” This learned Greek finally asked him what he meant by “soul,” and he replied:

Said Jesus:

133:6.5 “The soul is the self-reflective, truth-discerning, and spirit-perceiving part of man which forever elevates the human being above the level of the animal world. Self-consciousness, in and of itself, is not the soul. Moral self-consciousness is true human self-realization and constitutes the foundation of the human soul, and the soul is that part of man which represents the potential survival value of human experience. Moral choice and spiritual attainment, the ability to know God and the urge to be like him, are the characteristics of the soul. The soul of man cannot exist apart from moral thinking and spiritual activity. A stagnant soul is a dying soul. But the soul of man is distinct from the divine spirit which dwells within the mind. The divine spirit arrives simultaneously with the first moral activity of the human mind, and that is the occasion of the birth of the soul.

133:6.6 “The saving or losing of a soul has to do with whether or not the moral consciousness attains survival status through eternal alliance with its associated immortal spirit endowment. Salvation is the spiritualization of the self-realization of the moral consciousness, which thereby becomes possessed of survival value. All forms of soul conflict consist in the lack of harmony between the moral, or spiritual, self-consciousness and the purely intellectual self-consciousness.

133:6.7 “The human soul, when matured, ennobled, and spiritualized, approaches the heavenly status in that it comes near to being an entity intervening between the material and the spiritual, the material self and the divine spirit. The evolving soul of a human being is difficult of description and more difficult of demonstration because it is not discoverable by the methods of either material investigation or spiritual proving. Material science cannot demonstrate the existence of a soul, neither can pure spirit-testing. Notwithstanding the failure of both material science and spiritual standards to discover the existence of the human soul, every morally conscious mortal knows of the existence of his soul as a real and actual personal experience.”



Martin Luther King Jr, "The Humanity and Divinity of Jesus"

Martin Luther King Jr, "The Humanity and Divinity of Jesus"

Volume I, 29 November 1949 to 15 February 1950

Volume I Table of Contents

Transcriptions are intended to reproduce the source document accurately, adhering to the exact wording and punctuation of the original. In general, errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar have been neither corrected nor indicated by [sic].
"The Humanity and Divinity of Jesus"

[29 November 1949-15 February 1950]
[Chester, Pa.]

This paper, written at the beginning of the second term of Davis's course Christian Theology for Today, signals King's estrangement from the conservative Baptist theology he learned as a child. As he had done in his earlier outline of William Newton Clarke's An Outline of Christian Theology, King dismisses the conception of an inherent divinity in Jesus and concludes: "The true significance of the divinity of Christ lies in the fact that his achievement is prophetic and promissory for every other true son of man who is willing to submit his will to the will and spirit [of] God." By establishing Jesus as human, King allows for the possibility of progressive improvement in earthly society through individual action. Commenting on the essay, Davis warned: "You need to proofread your papers before turning them in. Note corrections on p. 4." Nevertheless, he marked the work a B+ and praised the paper as "a solution which would appeal to the liberal mind."

Many years ago a young Jewish leader asked his followers a question which was all but astounding. He had been working with them quite assiduously. During their work together he was constantly asking them what his contemporaries were saying about him. But one day he pressed the question closer home. It is all very well to say what other people think of me, but what do you think? Who do you say that I am?

This question has gone echoing down the centuries ever since the young Jewish prophet sounded its first note. Many have attempted to answer this question by attributing total divinity to Jesus with little concern for his humanity. Others have attempted to answer this question by saying that Jesus was a "mere" good man with no divine dimensions. Still others have attempted to get at the question by seeing Jesus as fully human and fully divine. This question, which was so prominent in the thinking of the early Christian centuries, was not answered once and for all at the council of Chalcedon, rather it lurks forth in modern theological thinking with an amazing degree of freshness. In grappling with the question of the person of Christ, modern Christian thinking is unanimous in setting forth the full humanity of Jesus, yet Christians have not been willing to stop there. Despite all the human limitations of Jesus, most Christian thinkers have been convinced that "God was in Christ." To be sure, Christian thinkers are often in conflict over the question of how and when Jesus became divine, but as to the presence of the divine dimension within him we find little disagreement in Christian circles. At this point we may turn to a detailed discussion of the humanity and divinity of Jesus.

The Humanity of Jesus

If there is any one thing of which modern Christians have been certain it is that Jesus was a true man, bone of our bone, flesh of our flesh, in all points tempted as we are. All docetist, Eutychean, Monophysite errors which explained away the humanity of our Lord have now been jettisoned be all serious theological thought. Theologians of all shades of opinions have declared that in respect to His human nature Christ is consubstantial with ourselves.

We need only read the Gospels to attest to the fact of Jesus' genuine humanity. There is not a limitation that humanity shares that Jesus did not fall heir. Like the rest of us, he got hungry. When at the well of Sameria he asked the women who was drawing water for a drink. When he grew tired, he needed rest and sleep. He leared obedience, we are told, in the way we must learn it. When his disciples were unfaithful it was very cutting to his heart. The blindness of the city he longed to save moved him to tears. In the garden he experienced the normal agony of any individual in the same situation. On the Cross, he added to all physical tortures the final agony of feeling God-forsaken.

Notice how the unknown writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews speaks of the humanity of Jesus. Nowhere in the New Testament is the humanity of Jesus set forth more vividly. We see him agonising in prayer (5:7) embracing the Cross with joy and faith (12:2). Springing from the tribe of Judah, He passed through the normal development of human life, learning obedience, even though a Son, by the things which he suffered (5:8). Like all other men he was tempted. Yet no corrupt strain existed in His nature to which temptation could appeal. Here we find a frank emphasis of the humanity of Jesus, paralleled nowhere in the New Testament.[Footnote: H. R. Mackintosh, The Doctrine of The Person of Jesus Christ, p. 78.]

Again we may notice that Jesus was by no means omnicient. His knowledge was essentially limited by human conditions. This fact was set forth as for back as 1912 by the notable theologian, H. R. Mackintosh. In dealing with this question of Jesus' omnicience He states: "The question can be decided solely by loyalty to facts; and these, it is not too much to say, are peremptory. Not only is it related that Jesus asked question to elicit information--regarding the site of Lazarus tomb, for example, or the number of the loaves, or the name of the demented Gadarene--but at one point there is a clear acknowledgment of ignorance. `Of that day or that hour,' He said, respecting the Parousia, `knoweth no man, not even the angels in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.' If he could thus be ignorant of a detail connected in some measure with his redemptive work, the conclusion is unavoidable that in secular affairs His knowledge was but the knowledge of His time."[Footnote: Ibid, p. 397.]

Again we may notice the human character of our Lord's moral and religious life. His religious experience was in the human realm. Certainly he had a human faith in God. As Dr. Baille has so cogently stated, "Our Lord's life on earth was a life of faith, and His victory was the victory of faith. His temptations were real temptations, which it was difficult and painful for Him to resist."[Footnote: D. M. Baille, God was In Christ, p. 14.] Jesus overcame his temptations not by relience on some inherent divine dimension, but by the constancy of his will. So we are moved to the conclusion, on the basis of peremptory evidence, that Jesus shared fully our human life.

The Divinity of Jesus

After establishing the full humanity of Jesus we still find an element in his life which transcends the human. To see Jesus as a "mere" good man like all other prophets is by no means sufficient to explain him. Moreover, the historical setting in which he grew up, the psychological mood and temper of the age and of the house of Israel, the economic and social predicament of Jesus family--all these are important. But these in themselves fail to answer one significant question: Why does he differ from all others in the same setting. Any explanation of Jesus in terms of psychology, economics, religion, and the like must inevitably explain his contemporaries as well. These may tell us why Jesus was a particular kind of Jew, but not why some other Jews were not Jesus. Jesus was brought up in the same conditions as other Jews, inherited the same traits that they inherited; and yet he was Jesus and the others were not. This uniqueness in the spiritual life of Jesus has lead Christians to see him not only as a human being, but as a human being surrounded with divinity. Prior to all other facts about Jesus stands the spiritual assurance that He is divine. As Dr. Brown succinctly states in a recent book, "That God was in Christ is the very heart of the Christian faith. In this divine human person the ever recurring antinomy of the universe is presented in a living symbol--the antinomy of the eternal in the temporal, of the infinite in the finite, of the divine in the human."[Footnote: W. A. Brown, How To Think of Christ, p. 9.]

As stated above, the conflict that Christians often have over the question of Jesus divinity is not over the validity of the fact of his divinity, but over the question of how and when he became divine. The more orthodox Christians have seen his divinity as an inherent quality metaphysically bestowed. Jesus, they have told us, is the Pre existent Logos. He is the word made flesh. He is the second person of the trinity. He is very God of very God, of one substance with the Father, who for our salvation came down from Heaven and was incarnate be the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary.

Certainly this view of the divinity of Christ presents many modern minds with insuperable difficulties. Most of us are not willing to see the union of the human and divine in a metaphysical incarnation. Yet amid all of our difficulty with the pre existent idea and the view of supernatural generation, we must come to some view of the divinity of Jesus. In order to remain in the orbid of the Christian religion we must have a Christology. As Dr. Baille has reminded us, we cannot have a good theology without a Christology. Where then can we in the liberal tradition find the divine dimension in Jesus? We may find the divinity of Christ not in his substantial unity with God, but in his filial consciousness and in his unique dependence upon God. It was his felling of absolute dependence on God, as Schleiermaker would say, that made him divine. Yes it was the warmnest of his devotion to God and the intimatcy of his trust in God that accounts for his being the supreme revelation of God. All of this reveals to us that one man has at last realized his true divine calling: That of becoming a true son of man by becoming a true son of God. It is the achievement of a man who has, as nearly as we can tell, completely opened his life to the influence of the divine spirit.

The orthodox attempt to explain the divinity of Jesus in terms of an inherent metaphysical substance within him seems to me quite inadaquate. To say that the Christ, whose example of living we are bid to follow, is divine in an ontological sense is actually harmful and detrimental. To invest this Christ with such supernatural qualities makes the rejoinder: "Oh, well, he had a better chance for that kind of life than we can possible have." In other words, one could easily use this as a means to hide behind behind his failures. So that the orthodox view of the divinity of Christ is in my mind quite readily denied. The true significance of the divinity of Christ lies in the fact that his achievement is prophetic and promissory for every other true son of man who is willing to submit his will to the will and spirit og God. Christ was to be only the prototype of one among many brothers.

The appearance of such a person, more divine and more human than any other, andstanding and standing in closest unity at once with God and man, is the most significant and hopeful event in human history. This divine quality or this unity with God was not something thrust upon Jesus from above, but it was a definite achievement through the process of moral struggle and self-abnegation.


1. Baille D. M., God was in Christ, Scribner's, 1948.
2. Brown, William A., How To Think of Christ, Scribner, 1945.
3. Hedley, George, The Symbol of the Faith, Macmillan, 1948.
4. Mackintosh, H. R., The Doctrine of the Person of Jesus Christ, Scribner, 1912.

THDS. MLKP-MBU: Box 112, folder 17.


God is not hiding

God is not hiding

1:5.3 "God is not hiding from any of his creatures. He is unapproachable to so many orders of beings only because he “dwells in a light which no material creature can approach.” The immensity and grandeur of the divine personality is beyond the grasp of the unperfected mind of evolutionary mortals. He “measures the waters in the hollow of his hand, measures a universe with the span of his hand. It is he who sits on the circle of the earth, who stretches out the heavens as a curtain and spreads them out as a universe to dwell in.” “Lift up your eyes on high and behold who has created all these things, who brings out their worlds by number and calls them all by their names”; and so it is true that “the invisible things of God are partially understood by the things which are made.” Today, and as you are, you must discern the invisible Maker through his manifold and diverse creation, as well as through the revelation and ministration of his Sons and their numerous subordinates." UB



New member
Eventually this thread will have posted the whole of this book of plagiarism, and then it won't need to have anything else posted in it.

Except maybe repeats of the really absurd parts, for us to laugh at again.



Eclectic Theosophist
Souls ascending........

Souls ascending........

Eventually this thread will have posted the whole of this book of plagiarism, and then it won't need to have anything else posted in it.

Except maybe repeats of the really absurd parts, for us to laugh at again.


Readers can decide on the Urantia Papers for themelves :) - thats the beauty of self-discovery. I'll address the topics above soon,....since the subjects are of universal import to we spiritualists. Souls engaged in a wonderful journey of eternal a cosmos of expanding glory, new opportunities and unending creation....I'd say thats awesome!



New member
Readers can decide on the Urantia Papers for themelves :) - thats the beauty of self-discovery. I'll address the topics above soon,....since the subjects are of universal import to we spiritualists. Souls engaged in a wonderful journey of eternal a cosmos of expanding glory, new opportunities and unending creation....I'd say thats awesome!

Thanks for the link. We can have a good laugh at the patently moronic fantasy bad sci-fi whenever we want.

Of course we should respect the real humans who discovered the intellectual property that was criminally stolen from them by the insane people who invented this graceless book. At least those wronged scientists could take some satisfaction from seeing the wrong discoveries, later corrected, set in concrete and attributed to the knowledge of fantasy supernatural space-beings.




Eclectic Theosophist


"There was a progressive thinker connected with this local school of philosophy, and Jesus had several profitable sessions with him. In the course of these talks Jesus had repeatedly used the word "soul.” This learned Greek finally asked him what he meant by “soul,” and he replied:

Said Jesus:

133:6.5 “The soul is the self-reflective, truth-discerning, and spirit-perceiving part of man which forever elevates the human being above the level of the animal world. Self-consciousness, in and of itself, is not the soul. Moral self-consciousness is true human self-realization and constitutes the foundation of the human soul, and the soul is that part of man which represents the potential survival value of human experience. Moral choice and spiritual attainment, the ability to know God and the urge to be like him, are the characteristics of the soul. The soul of man cannot exist apart from moral thinking and spiritual activity. A stagnant soul is a dying soul. But the soul of man is distinct from the divine spirit which dwells within the mind. The divine spirit arrives simultaneously with the first moral activity of the human mind, and that is the occasion of the birth of the soul.

133:6.6 “The saving or losing of a soul has to do with whether or not the moral consciousness attains survival status through eternal alliance with its associated immortal spirit endowment. Salvation is the spiritualization of the self-realization of the moral consciousness, which thereby becomes possessed of survival value. All forms of soul conflict consist in the lack of harmony between the moral, or spiritual, self-consciousness and the purely intellectual self-consciousness.

133:6.7 “The human soul, when matured, ennobled, and spiritualized, approaches the heavenly status in that it comes near to being an entity intervening between the material and the spiritual, the material self and the divine spirit. The evolving soul of a human being is difficult of description and more difficult of demonstration because it is not discoverable by the methods of either material investigation or spiritual proving. Material science cannot demonstrate the existence of a soul, neither can pure spirit-testing. Notwithstanding the failure of both material science and spiritual standards to discover the existence of the human soul, every morally conscious mortal knows of the existence of his soul as a real and actual personal experience.”

A wonderful description of the soul, showing that every soul has immortality-potential by joining or becoming one with the indwelling spirit, choosing the divine will.

Soul. The soul of man is an experiential acquirement. As a mortal creature chooses to "do the will of the Father in heaven," so the indwelling spirit becomes the father of a new reality in human experience. The mortal and material mind is the mother of this same emerging reality. The substance of this new reality is neither material nor spiritual—it is morontial. This is the emerging and immortal soul which is destined to survive mortal death and begin the Paradise ascension.

Morontia is a term designating a vast level intervening between the material and the spiritual. It may designate personal or impersonal realities, living or nonliving energies. The warp of morontia is spiritual; its woof is physical.

- UB Foreward

In light of the soveriegnty of free will and the experiential nature of the soul, it can stay 'mortal' or choose eternal survival becoming immortal. The component of 'personality' also has an interesting place as it interpentrates the soul and maintains its peculiar signature within the surviving soul.

Personality. The personality of mortal man is neither body, mind, nor spirit; neither is it the soul. Personality is the one changeless reality in an otherwise ever-changing creature experience; and it unifies all other associated factors of individuality. The personality is the unique bestowal which the Universal Father makes upon the living and associated energies of matter, mind, and spirit, and which survives with the survival of the morontial soul.

The subject of 'personality' is one of the unique revelations within the UB, as the Universal Father is the source of all personalities, as 'personality' is a unique gift or bestowal of the Father alone.

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