The Justification of the Ungodly, Romans 4:5

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Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Anyone that is an advocate of organized religion will not like me, nor will they like what I teach. The "Historical Gospel" of Jesus Christ is anti-religion. That is all that I teach and believe. Your problem is not with me. Your problem is with the word of God.
Terribly sad to read this on the Sabbath day, Robert. Instead of taking my words to heart, you dismiss them, followed by the same tactics I described above. You had an opportunity to engage, yet you continue in your choleric ways. I continue to pray that whatever has led you down the path of your bitterness is removed for the glory of God.



Well-known member
Why not let the moderators speak for themselves, Robert?
@Sherman ??

You've gone out of your way to consign anyone that disagrees with you to be lost, hell-bound, and sin bent. By implying what you have declared to be de fide and all others in disagreement anathema, you effectively draw first blood each and every time you are met with disagreement. Is there any wonder that others take umbrage with you and respond in kind?

It is one thing to lay that charge at the feet of a non-believer, but quite another when your opponents, are professing believers. You are living up to the Pope Pate moniker often assigned to you.

Digging in as you have done, refusing to being open to even a modicum of correction, speaks to your blindness to any opinion outside your own. In all the years you have been present there has been not one indication that you consider anyone here by name to be your brother or sister. I wonder exactly who, specifically, is considered walking the same path of faith that you do. Can you name a single specific person on this site you would call brother, sister? Do so, if you can.

Why not actually engage with real discussion? Ask questions. Probe your interlocutors for more details, then respond sincerely. Your usual tactic of teeing up Scripture verses lifted from their surrounding context, then declaring victory is really becoming wearisome.

Instead it seems you to want to hold yourself forth as some sort of prophet endued moreso by the Spirit and His illumination than anyone else. Examine yourself, Robert. Go back and review your behavior in these past few months wherein you have peppered the site with redundant pronouncements. Carefully look at the responses you have been given. Ignore any vitriol therein. Tease out what is being said, and then begin an honest dialog.

From someone who has been basically on the sidelines in this long running topic, it appears that each time you have been given a substantive response, your rejoinders have been but terse denouncements, sprinkled with more Scripture citations, left naked and unexplained by you. You take no pains to dig into responses received, ask questions, cast your responses with attention to their content, and make substantive arguments. Instead, it is "I, Robert, have so stated. That settles it." That is not discussion, Robert. It is browbeating rhetoric.

If you are unwilling to change your methods, it would be best for you to confine yourself to picking on us Calvinists. That way you will fly under the radar and provide some entertainment for others. For—if the past few months is any indication—when you come out of your comfort zone and dip your toe into matters outside of Calvinism, your embarrassing deficiencies are made plain for all to see.

Lastly, I have to observe that the past couple of months have been quite telling about your state of affairs on important matters of the faith. It has been a revealing lesson in how far you have strayed beyond the bounds. No one is taking you seriously anymore, Robert.

This post has me lol!

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
Terribly sad to read this on the Sabbath day, Robert. Instead of taking my words to heart, you dismiss them, followed by the same tactics I described above. You had an opportunity to engage, yet you continue in your choleric ways. I continue to pray that whatever has led you down the path of your bitterness is removed for the glory of God.


I am not bitter. I am at peace with God and with man, Romans 5:1.

However, I am not an advocate of religion and consider those that are to be anti-Gospel and anti-Christ. This is why I cannot fellowship with you. It is only natural that you do not like me or what I teach.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
John W is so full of bitterness and hate. He needs counseling and some laws against stupidity. You're in violation of the Moron act of 51'.

More Oprah psycho babble...Standard fair, as the troll-ette continues to bore us.

And thanks for the compliment! An admitted subjectivist, God hating, hater of the holy, spiritual, good, just law of God, and devil child, does not approve of me. Thanks again, toots!

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Why not let the moderators speak for themselves, Robert?
@Sherman ??

You've gone out of your way to consign anyone that disagrees with you to be lost, hell-bound, and sin bent. By implying what you have declared to be de fide and all others in disagreement anathema, you effectively draw first blood each and every time you are met with disagreement. Is there any wonder that others take umbrage with you and respond in kind?

It is one thing to lay that charge at the feet of a non-believer, but quite another when your opponents, are professing believers. You are living up to the Pope Pate moniker often assigned to you.

Digging in as you have done, refusing to being open to even a modicum of correction, speaks to your blindness to any opinion outside your own. In all the years you have been present there has been not one indication that you consider anyone here by name to be your brother or sister. I wonder exactly who, specifically, is considered walking the same path of faith that you do. Can you name a single specific person on this site you would call brother, sister? Do so, if you can.

Why not actually engage with real discussion? Ask questions. Probe your interlocutors for more details, then respond sincerely. Your usual tactic of teeing up Scripture verses lifted from their surrounding context, then declaring victory is really becoming wearisome.

Instead it seems you to want to hold yourself forth as some sort of prophet endued moreso by the Spirit and His illumination than anyone else. Examine yourself, Robert. Go back and review your behavior in these past few months wherein you have peppered the site with redundant pronouncements. Carefully look at the responses you have been given. Ignore any vitriol therein. Tease out what is being said, and then begin an honest dialog.

From someone who has been basically on the sidelines in this long running topic, it appears that each time you have been given a substantive response, your rejoinders have been but terse denouncements, sprinkled with more Scripture citations, left naked and unexplained by you. You take no pains to dig into responses received, ask questions, cast your responses with attention to their content, and make substantive arguments. Instead, it is "I, Robert, have so stated. That settles it." That is not discussion, Robert. It is browbeating rhetoric.

If you are unwilling to change your methods, it would be best for you to confine yourself to picking on us Calvinists. That way you will fly under the radar and provide some entertainment for others. For—if the past few months is any indication—when you come out of your comfort zone and dip your toe into matters outside of Calvinism, your embarrassing deficiencies are made plain for all to see.

Lastly, I have to observe that the past couple of months have been quite telling about your state of affairs on important matters of the faith. It has been a revealing lesson in how far you have strayed beyond the bounds. No one is taking you seriously anymore, Robert.

"...Thou hast spoken well...Thou hast well said..."(Exodus 10:29 KJV, John 4:17 KJV), AMR.

Thanks for giving me an "out," as no more needs to be said, as I'm done with Pate, on this subject.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
"...Thou hast spoken well...Thou hast well said..."(Exodus 10:29 KJV, John 4:17 KJV), AMR.

Thanks for giving me an "out," as no more needs to be said, as I'm done with Pate, on this subject.

You never had anything to begin with. All of my post were full of scripture and confirmed what I believe. You had little to no scripture. The only thing that you were able to do is persecute me by calling me names. Christians don't call other Christians names.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
[MENTION=7209]Ask Mr. Religion[/MENTION] Has pretty much summed up what is going on. John w usually doesn't attack unless you have given him a reason to. He's done a lot of maturing in the last couple of years. TOL gives infractions for Name Calling without cause. You have done a lot of provoke people that participate in your threads by consigning them as an anathema--a thing devoted to evil. You are doing this to fellow Christians. It is no small wonder you have earned such monikers as Pope Robert.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You never had anything to begin with. All of my post were full of scripture and confirmed what I believe. You had little to no scripture. The only thing that you were able to do is persecute me by calling me names. Christians don't call other Christians names.

No, all your posts, as I/AMR/others, have pointed out, proved, are posted in isolation, ignoring the context, ignoring the verses preceding, and following, changing words, adding words, deleting words, making up words, like your daddy devil did, and tried on the Saviour, and does now, through you; and besides the devil misquoting scripture, other lost people, such as yourself,like JW's, Mormons, Catholics...............................................................................quote scripture. And your point? As pertaining to your assertion, plead, "persecute me by calling me names. Christians don't call other Christians names." Agreed, Pate. But you're not a Christian,so what is your point?


New member
No, all your posts, as I/AMR/others, have pointed out, proved, are posted in isolation, ignoring the context, ignoring the verses preceding, and following, changing words, adding words, deleting words, making up words, like your daddy devil did, and tried on the Saviour, and does now, through you; and besides the devil misquoting scripture, other lost people, such as yourself,like JW's, Mormons, Catholics...............................................................................quote scripture. And your point? As pertaining to your assertion, plead, "persecute me by calling me names. Christians don't call other Christians names." Agreed, Pate. But you're not a Christian,so what is your point?

1) Jehovah's Witnesses
2) Mormons
3) SDA
4) Christian science
5) Dispensationalism
6) hyper-Calvinism

All cults, all anti-christ! That includes you John W Darby lover.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Thanks for giving me an "out," as no more needs to be said, as I'm done with Pate, on this subject.

Indeed. This thread is done and should just be closed. Unfortunately, I suspect Robert will find another opportunity to smuggle the topic into one of his upcoming new threads. Sigh.



New member
Indeed. This thread is done and should just be closed. Unfortunately, I suspect Robert will find another opportunity to smuggle the topic into one of his upcoming new threads. Sigh.


Hyper-Calvinism is a cult, wouldn't you agree? Clean up your own mess before you clean up others!

B57 is a disgrace and he comes from your dung field.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Here is an excellent example of how the Christian is no longer under the law or subject to the law,

"Know you not brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law) how the law has dominion over a man as long as he lives?

For a woman which has a husband is bound by the law to her husband as long as he lives: but if the husband dies she is loosed from the law of her husband. So then if while her husband lives, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, SHE IS FREE FROM THAT LAW; so that she is not an adulteress, though she be married to another man.

Wherefore my brethren you also are become DEAD TO THE LAW by the body of Christ; that you should become married to another, even to him who has been raised from the dead, that you should bring forth fruit unto God. For when we were in the flesh , the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death. BUT NOW WE ARE DELIVERED FROM THE LAW, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in NEWNESS OF THE SPIRIT and not in the oldness of the letter" Romans 7:1-6.

When Jesus died, the law died with him. This is how we are free from the law. Not only did the law die with Jesus, the whole Old Covenant died with him, including the Jewish religion. We now serve in NEWNESS OF THE SPIRIT and not in the oldness of the law. The Holy Spirit has replaced the law because the law has been abolished by the death of Christ, Colossians 2:15.

This means that your religion, whatever it might be is worthless and is why Paul said, "The Just Shall Live By Faith" Romans 1:17 and not according to rules, laws or religion.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
1) Jehovah's Witnesses
2) Mormons
3) SDA
4) Christian science
5) Dispensationalism
6) hyper-Calvinism

All cults, all anti-christ! That includes you John W Darby lover.

Please give us another original zinger, like "All cults, all anti-christ!" Please? It took you 3 days to GOOG that stunner? Weighty.

Please teach us, troll-ette. Please?

And you wouldn't know the difference between a cult, and the rock bands "Blue Oyster Cult," or "Cultural Club," and you think that Phil Collins of "Genesis" fame's great, great, great granddaddy wrote the book of Genesis, biblical incompetent, impotent.

You and your fellow trolls:

1. God haters
2.Haters of God's holy, good, spiritual law
3.Ehical Subjectivism, moral relativism proponents*
4.Scripture deleters/adders/corrupters
5.Christ rejectors
6.The devil's followers, his children
7. Mystics, Buddhists, Siggy Freud, the Mahatma, Dali Lama followers

*"There ain't no sin and there ain't no virtue. There's just stuff people do."-John Steinbeck



Epoisses: My mind is my "god,"Judges 17:6 KJV, Judges 21:25 KJV, and I shall be as gods...I will be like the most High, Genesis #:5 KJV, Isiah 14:14 KJV.

Face you, troll-ette, admitted proponent of ethical subjectivism, moral relativism, lover of mysticism, "The Inner Id"...Defiled,seared conscience, and all....John Steinbeck, Sigmund Freud's lover.

So there.

Get off this site, with your litter, dung, with which you trash this site, as you are quite irrelevant.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Anyone that is an advocate of organized religion will not like me, nor will they like what I teach.
Was the ministry of Jesus while He walked the earth organized or chaotic?
How about the ministry of the 12, organized or chaotic?
What about Paul's ministry, organized or chaotic?

I think you overstate your cause by insinuating that an "organized" ministry is a bad thing.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Please give us another original zinger, like "All cults, all anti-christ!" Please? It took you 3 days to GOOG that stunner? Weighty.

Please teach us, troll-ette. Please?

And you wouldn't know the difference between a cult, and the rock bands "Blue Oyster Cult," or "Cultural Club," and you think that Phil Collins of "Genesis" fame's great, great, great granddaddy wrote the book of Genesis, biblical incompetent, impotent.

You and your fellow trolls:

1. God haters
2.Haters of God's holy, good, spiritual law
3.Ehical Subjectivism, moral relativism proponents*
4.Scripture deleters/adders/corrupters
5.Christ rejectors
6.The devil's followers, his children
7. Mystics, Buddhists, Siggy Freud, the Mahatma, Dali Lama followers

*"There ain't no sin and there ain't no virtue. There's just stuff people do."-John Steinbeck



Epoisses: My mind is my "god,"Judges 17:6 KJV, Judges 21:25 KJV, and I shall be as gods...I will be like the most High, Genesis #:5 KJV, Isiah 14:14 KJV.

Face you, troll-ette, admitted proponent of ethical subjectivism, moral relativism, lover of mysticism, "The Inner Id"...Defiled,seared conscience, and all....John Steinbeck, Sigmund Freud's lover.

So there.

Get off this site, with your litter, dung, with which you trash this site, as you are quite irrelevant.

Christians do not persecute Christians by calling them names. Actually, Christian don't call anyone names. Jesus shed his blood for everyone, therefore, everyone is of infinite value to God. John W. does not believe that.

Down through the years I have noticed that those that have persecuted me have wond up either dead, sick or broke. This is why the Lord said, "Vengeance is mine saith the Lord" "I will repay". It is a serious thing to persecute one of God's children. John W. will probably have to find that out the hard way.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Was the ministry of Jesus while He walked the earth organized or chaotic?
How about the ministry of the 12, organized or chaotic?
What about Paul's ministry, organized or chaotic?

I think you overstate your cause by insinuating that an "organized" ministry is a bad thing.

Not only is organized religion a bad thing, it is anti-Gospel, anti-Christ and is under the judgment of God.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Here is an excellent example of how the Christian is no longer under the law or subject to the law,

Not being under the law, under its authority,spammer, does not mean it no longer exists, is void, is destroyed, as you demonically insist.

Pate:US citizens are not under the laws of foreign countries. Therefore, the laws of foreign countries no longer exist, are destroyed, are abolished-gone, "poof"-no longer exist!!!

When Jesus died, the law died with him. This is how we are free from the law. Not only did the law die with Jesus, the whole Old Covenant died with him, including the Jewish religion. We now serve in NEWNESS OF THE SPIRIT and not in the oldness of the law. The Holy Spirit has replaced the law because the law has been abolished by the death of Christ, Colossians 2:15.

No, we are dead to the law, moron, not that the law is dead to us=not that it no longer exists. Being freed from an existing law, idiot, does not mean, by definition, that the long no longer exists, has vanished, is void, as you continually satanically keep spamming.

Pate: I went to the judge and demanded that he abolish the laws against speeding, cuz I got a speeding ticket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told hi, to abolish the law against speeding,as it is contrary to me and all my fellow drivers!!!!He told me, that, no, the law against speeding is not bad, not contrary to us, the fine/debt is. He later kicked me out of court, held me in contempt.

And you devil like change Colossians 2:14, from:

Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances


Blotting out the ordinances/law...

As Paul is asserting that the sin debt, the IOU, the "bond of indenture," for breaking an existing law, the law that defines the offense/transgression/sin, was blotted out, wiped out.

You are a deciver. for all of TOL to witness.

Pate would revise "The $2 dollar bill of the US has been cancelled."(the handwrting of ordinances"b


"The US has been cancelled called."

That is how he deviously attempts to "prove" that Col. 2:14 KJV says that the law was blotted out.

The Holy Spirit has replaced the law..

=confirmed ethical subjectivism, moral relativism proponent, and, again, he can provide no objective, "outside of himself" source, as to why murder, lying, rape, theft, sodomy,........................................................................................................................................are wrong, except to mumble, subjectively, Cuz my Holy Spirit told me so. He is more right than your Holy Spirit." No scripture teaches this satanic assertion, that God's objective revelation, is replaced by the Holy Spirit, as that a false dichotomy-the HS illuminates/interprets, for everyone, but only that which is given by objective words-"scripture"-"written."

Pate is a wicked deceiver. Stay way from this wolf, and his made up doctrines of demons, which he obtains by posting verses in isolation, ignoring that which precedes/follows it, context, and deletes from/adds to/changes words in scripture.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Not being under the law, under its authority,spammer, does not mean it no longer exists, is void, is destroyed, as you demonically insist.

Pate:US citizens are not under the laws of foreign countries. Therefore, the laws of foreign countries, no longer exist, are destroyed, are abolished-gone, "poof"-no longer exist!!!,

No, we are dead to the law, moron, not that the law is dead to us=no longer exists. Being freed from an existing law, idiot, does not mean, by definition, that the long no longer exists, has vanished, is void, as you continually satanically keep spamming.

And you devil like change Colossians 2:14, from:

Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances


Blotting out the ordinances/law...

As Paul is asserting that the sin debt, the IOU, the "bond of indenture," for breaking an existing law, the law that defines the offense/transgression/sin, was blotted out, wiped out.

You are a deciver. for all of TOL to witness.

Pate would revise "The $2 dollar bill of the US has been cancelled."(the handwrting of ordinances"b


"The US has been cancelled called."

That is how he deviously attempts to "prove" that Col. 2:14 KJV says that the law was blotted out.

=confirmed ethical subjectivism, moral relativism proponent, and, again, he can provide no objective, "outside of himself" source, as to why murder, lying, rape, theft, sodomy,........................................................................................................................................are wrong, except to mumble, subjectively, Cuz my Holy Spirit told me so. He is more right than your Holy Spirit." No scripture teaches this satanic assertion, that God's objective revelation, is replaced by the Holy Spirit, as that a false dichotomy-the HS illuminates/interprets, for everyone, but only that which is given by objective words-"scripture"-"written."

Pate is a wicked deceiver. Stay way from this wolf, and his made up doctrines of demons, which he obtains by posting verses in isolation, ignoring that which precedes/follows it, context, and deletes from/adds to/changes words in scripture.

You are not a Christian John W. You think that you are, but you are not.

The apostle John said, "Try the Spirits to see if they be of God" 1 John 4:1.

Your spirit is not of God. Christians do not persecute other Christians by calling them names.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Or ...... it is anti-Christ to think the ministry of Jesus, the 12, and Paul were all chaotic and not organized.

The early church was a mess because very few understood and believed the Gospel. The Judaizers followed Paul everywhere that he went and persecuted him. Where there is no Gospel there is no Holy Spirit.
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