The Inherent Dishonesty of the Left

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Haven't been online much today did see a little bit this morning of the controversy over Trump's blood bath comments. Listening to the CBC which I used to love but now can't stand because they are worse than CNN and MSNBC and they parroted the left lies about his blood bath comments, so I checked a little deeper into it. Only took me about 15 seconds to find this clip which shows exactly what he was talking about and exactly why the left including the CBC are bald faced liars and don't apparently care.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Tim Pool AKA Tmcast - I enjoy a lot of his YouTube content

Here he covers the dishonesty of the left regarding the Jon Stewart / Donald Trump/ fraudulent valuation of real estate controversy


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
only a demonically dishonest person would claim Trump was calling the neo-Nazis “very fine people.”


I heard Joe the Filthy Lying Rapist repeat this lie just last week in a campaign speech. Calling him demonically dishonest is charitable, I think.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I didn't even bother posting about this before because it was so obviously something that was going to be debunked. But it's depressing that they keep trying even though it's so easily debunked nowadays and so quickly. Who do they think they're fooling, and when will they realize that more and more people are catching on to their dishonesty? Especially young people who get their news from the likes of Joe Rogan who jumps on things like this in a heartbeat?
