The Hudson River Landing was not a Miracle

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Jefferson said, "Both verses together show that living a godly life enhances your effectiveness when you share the gospel with people but it also produces persecution from those who reject your testimony."

Yes. Although I do not know what you do, as for me it brings persecution mostly. So when the point was made that godly acts (of any kind), usually bring out the nasty in the majority, I say that from my own experience. Yours may be different.

Jefferson, "I'm not asking God to do anything of the sort. I'm simply pointing out that He doesn't."

The devil wanted Jesus to do something specific, so that He could prove He was the Messiah. Jesus was doing plenty of other things and yet that was not enough for the devil. To me, it is the same here. Bob hasn't checked out all the claims of reported miracles, but he does flipantly say God never does this particular thing, so that makes the whole thing concerning miracles overwith.

If the car tire was reported to have been completely restored, Bob would not believe it (imo). And so goes the faith, expectation and knowing that God can do more than what they ask or think, in that congregation.

Jefferson responding to, "tell me again, what good is going to come out of your belief (no more miracles)? - It will produce a closer relationship with God. I can't tell you the number of Christians I have known who have become bitter at God because He didn't give them their miracle. If they had been biblically taught that we don't live in the dispensation of miracles on demand their tribulation would have produced patience leading to godliness instead of bitterness. I've seen the same thing with people who attend Charismatic denominations. When they are never able to learn how to speak in tongues they think God doesn't love them as much as the other believers or that maybe they're not even saved. It's just ridiculous. Bad theology produces a bad relationship with God."

Stated before: It doesn't take long to realize in this walk, that every request is not granted by God, yet this does not prove that we cannot ask or that we should not ask. If these people had been lead to believe that every thing we asked for would come to pass, they were certainly out of it, and so was the person teaching them. But that doesn't mean that we scrap the whole thing just because there are some who teach bad doctrine out there, no, it only proves that we need to be more balanced with it.

And balanced is not saying God does not do miracles anymore. That is swinging extreme in the other direction.

Jefferson asks, "Is that what the verse says power produces? No. It says the aspect of Christ likeness that power produces in us is the aspects of patience and longsuffering. Sorry, but the verse says what it says. Paul could have added "miracles" on to that short list but he didn't. Why not?"

You cannot say everything about God or His Holy Spirit in a couple of verses. That's why not. So what do you do? You do a study of all that is revealed about the Spirit and then you answer the question, what kind of power can you expect from the Spirit? Is it limited to my behavior (just the fruit list), or can God do through me more than what I can ask or think? Answer: He can do more, He is not in a box though people like Bob have been trying to get Him in there for 2,000 years.

Jefferson ends, "Corinthians was written near the very beginning of the dispensation of grace before miracles started fading away. Coincidence?"

As Martin stated, the people that hold onto this position (no more miracles), have only one verse to site out of Corinthians. They build the entire doctrine from it and then persecute all reports about anything that's contrary to it.

While we are at it, I notice that the other show about Doubletree canceling the homo event has no mention of the call from Ray who said He had been very close to God these past weeks and the God was certainly telling Him things. To which Bob ended the show saying that anytime a person says God told them so, they should be persecuted also. I'd like to comment about that from Corinthians but the blog over there has not even mentioned this part of that broadcast. Why is that Jefferson, do you know why?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
God has the right to intervene and interact with mankind as He wants. When He doesn't... I'm going to put an event like this, due to human error and or the devil's account, but not God's.

So God let the devil murder those people for his plan. Ok.

BTW, has He interacted with you lately?

You really don't know this answer? Are you one of those people that only read the words in red?

Why? in the account given in John chapter 5, does it say that there were a great multitude of sick people there; and yet, only one man is reported of being healed (1-9)?

One reported healed. How many unreported? How many didn't believe him? I am guessing none after the man got up and walked. You completely miss the point of Jesus going to Israel and doing those things. Go stick your nose in the OT prophecy for the kingdom(that didn't come) and find out.

And how does faith (believing) play a part in it? I am reminded of this statement from Gods word, "Jesus did not do many mighty miracles there because of their unbelief (Jn.13:58)."

Why did Jesus say I come only for the lost sheep of the house of Israel? It is the key to your answer, knucklehead.

My point and concern is this, what does He ask us to acknowledge?

Your sin, and need for a savior.

Yet... what is the mindset of those who proclaim, no more miracles? Just the opposite of what the above verse states as fact.

Ask God, he is the one that told Paul they would pass away.


New member
Hey Nick M,

Isn't it great, that on the internet you can take your words back? I think so. Guess what? You and I disagree. Imagine that.
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New member
Hi Pastor Bob,

You said, "not by the pilot."

Here is my take on it, if the pilot gave God thanks for giving him the nerve and the sound mindedness to land the plane, that is something good. Right? Right. But did he?

Now you might not consider it to be a supernatural manifestation, to have extra nerve and clarity of thought, but the pilot might have. He might have known something more had occured, but did he tell it? I don't think he did.

As I said earlier, "it would have been a very lively time to hear yourself and Dr. Walter Martin debate the no more miracles topic."

And BTW... I have a copy of a broadcast where Martin ends the talk with his own encounter with a miraculous event. If I made you a copy, would you listen to it? God is not in a box. DBCR...

Bob Enyart

Staff member
DBCReviewer sees miracles where unbelievers don't...

DBCReviewer sees miracles where unbelievers don't...

Hi Pastor Bob [Hi DBCR], You said, "not by the pilot." ...if the pilot gave God thanks [he didn't; he attributed their survival to his training and experience]... But did he? [No] Now you might not consider it to be a supernatural manifestation, to have extra nerve and clarity of thought, but the pilot might have. [He didn't.]

DBCR, this is what we've argued. Nowadays, the "miracles" are only seen and acknowledged by the true believers. In the Bible, even the God-haters could not deny the miracles (Pharaoh, Acts 4:16).

This is from my book, The Plot (you know it has a money-back guarantee :) ) which as a rule I never excerpt online, but, I think it'll help here:

Definition of “Miracle”
What is a miracle? Men use the term loosely.
• “The Chicago Cubs need a miracle to win the World Series.”
• “It will take a miracle to pay the rent.”
• “Each moment is a miracle.”
• “It is a miracle that I survived that accident.”
• “Miracles flower in my garden every spring.”

Americans even make their sandwiches with Miracle Whip. If every moment is a miracle, and every thing is a miracle, then the term has lost its meaning. The topic then leaves little to discuss. Believers must resist the transformation of words into nebulous concepts. Words have meaning. Miracle does not mean everything.

Something that means everything usually ends up meaning nothing. Saying the miraculous means everything makes a mockery of the biblical claim that God worked miracles. Imagine if Jesus did not heal the leper (Mat. 8:2 3) but pointed to his sore saying, “You have your miracle.” When the Bible claims miracles occurred, it does not mean that a blind person fell into a ditch. It is not a miracle when a river is polluted, a dog bites a baby girl, a cow burps or when a man commits suicide. Everything is not miraculous.

Webster’s 1988 New World Dictionary defines ‘miracle’ as an event that “contradicts known scientific laws” due to “an act of God.” Noah Webster’s American Dictionary of the English Language of 1828 defines ‘miracle’ in theology as “a deviation from the known laws of nature; a supernatural event.”

These definitions cover miracles in the physical realm. Spiritual miracles occur also such as a spirit inhabiting a physical body (1 Sam. 19:9); casting out of demons (Mark 1:39; Luke 11:14); and conjuring up the spirit of the dead (1 Sam. 28:7 25). These events do not contradict ‘scientific’ or ‘natural’ law. Rather, such occurrences are exceptions to standard spiritual laws. Thus, it helps to broaden the definition of “miracle” to include spiritual miracles. For when angelic beings, against their will, obey humans, that runs contrary to the normal course of events in the spiritual realm. For example, exorcism is effected by God and does not result from normal spiritual interaction. Therefore, Jesus refers to the casting out of demons as miracles (Mark 9:38 39) as does the author Luke (Acts 8:6 7; 19:11 12).

The definition of ‘miracle’ used in this book is “an event that supersedes natural or supernatural law.”​

Thanks for thinking these things through DBCR!


p.s. Yes, you can't put God in a box, and I wouldn't think He'd want you to put him in a sideshow either.


New member
When God actually does miracles, like the parting of the Red Sea, restoring sight to the blind, and the raising of Lazarus, even unbelievers acknowledge the miracles.

These are all past tense... "does" isn't really applicable.

Which unbelievers acknowledge these alleged miracles?


New member
Hey Bob,

It wasn't a side show with Martin, he just simply believed and asked. So, if you two debated... and Martin cited the incident (on the tape), what would you have said to him at that point?

Answer: I still maintain there are no more miracles (Bob Enyart).

So, why don't I bring a copy of the tape to Church and you can figure out how to answer Martin?

However, since you avoided that part of my comment I think your avoidence of it means that you won't listen to it. Is that right or am I wrong?


New member
Hey Bob,

It wasn't a side show with Martin, he just simply believed and asked. So, if you two debated... and Martin cited the incident (on the tape), what would you have said to him at that point?

Everyone knows someone, who knows someone, and has a "story" of a so-called miracle. In the end, they are "stories", which are no different than people who have "stories" of UFO visits, Bigfoot sightings, Angels appearing, and so on.

If the World Trade Towers came crashing down and everyone walked away unhurt, that would be a REAL miracle. What you have today is "sideshow" stories. God is not in the business of doing miracles today. That is the fact.


New member
Hey Butterfly,

At one time Bob studied under Dr. Martin and I hope respected him. So calling what he reported as a sideshow (which is pretty much blasphemous toward God), also questions Martins truthfulness and integrity.

Even asking for wisdom (something Bob often says), is expecting something Miraculous to happen. Bob will say that's standard operating procedure for the Christian, and not Miraculous. But I disagree.

As Bob shared - let's clarify what is a miracle. What is Miraculous and what is not?

Here is my take on it (partly from Webster), "any Divine interaction or intervention with mankind = Miraculous."

To you and Bob... what Martin reports is a sideshow, to me it is an answered prayer, one that we can thank God for. DBCR...


New member
Hey Butterfly,

At one time Bob studied under Dr. Martin and I hope respected him. So calling what he reported as a sideshow (which is pretty much blasphemous toward God), also questions Martins truthfulness and integrity.

Even asking for wisdom (something Bob often says), is expecting something Miraculous to happen. Bob will say that's standard operating procedure for the Christian, and not Miraculous. But I disagree.

As Bob shared - let's clarify what is a miracle. What is Miraculous and what is not?

Here is my take on it (partly from Webster), "any Divine interaction or intervention with mankind = Miraculous."

To you and Bob... what Martin reports is a sideshow, to me it is an answered prayer, one that we can thank God for. DBCR...

"Blasphemy" can also be attributing something to God, that God had no part of. This "blasphemy" is done my thousands of Christians, almost every day. Pastor Enyart is a cecessionist, as am I, we both believe the sign gifts have ceased. The position is based on the Bible. God choosing to withdraw the signs and wonders during the Age of Grace.

Now, heaven is silent today, God is not speaking through prophets, on top of mountains, burning bushes, audible voices, and so on.

The fact is that the sickness rate from disease, cancer, viruses, is identical in Christians vs. non-Christians.
The fact is the recovery rate from those ailments is identical in Christians vs. non-Christians.
The fact is that the death rate of Christians vs. non-Christians is identical.

In the end, time and space is limited, so I cannot explain the position in Biblical detail in this post. Suffice it to say, one can read 'The Plot' or other mid-Acts, right division books, and the issue on miraculous signs and wonders will be explained in detail.

Medical science and data has shown that for every time a "Christian" claims a medical miracle has happened, there is an unbelieving, God-hating person who has had the same event occur.

Lance Armstrong is an atheist. He had terminal cancer and was given 2 months to live. The doctors stated that he would die in 2 months, guaranteed. Since then, he has won seven Tour de France races.

Lance Armstrong stated:
"If there was a god, I’d still have both n*ts.”

To recap, your story is just that, another story and for every one like yours, I can find unbelievers and God-hating people who had 100% complete medical recoveries.

One for one. That is the ratio.

I can safely state that you do not hold to a mid-acts position, correct?

Bob Enyart

Staff member
...Bob studied under Dr. Martin and I hope respected him.
Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed his teaching and respected him. That doesn't mean that I'd accept his word over God's Word. He was fallible, as I am, and I prefer Scripture to his memory and interpretation of events. DBCR, have you read The Plot? You have no obligation to, but in there I recount a miracle that I saw as a young Christian... that is, until I grew, and set aside childish things, and I realize that what I had interpreted as a miracle was no miracle.

Atheists recover; flukes happen; people walk away from plane crashes (but not from those that come straight down at 1k mph). No?

I'd love to listen to Walter Martin's tape. I've listened to many, and very possibly have already heard the one you're referring to, but I don't recall off hand -- 35 years ago is a long time. And since then I've probably heard more than a thousand Christian claims of miracles, none of which now cause me to doubt the teachings of the New Testament regarding the passing away of these signs that were for Israel and the transititon from Peter to Paul, from Law to Grace, from Israel to the Gentiles, from Saul to Saul, from the Kingdom to the Body. I do get books, DVDs, articles, audiotapes, letters, magazines, letters, VHS tapes, website links, etc. regularly because of pastoring and hosting a talk show, and I would have to divorce my wife and estrange my children and quit my jobs just to read/watch/listen to the incoming material. So while I'd love to listen to that, I don't know how to fit it in (and I don't even own a tape player I don't think :( ). And even if I did make the time, and listen to it, it would be miracle story #1001 that I've heard.

DBCR, you talk about going to Charismatic churches and the ones you've described, you have rightly judged that their behavior is not what God intended. And you judge the same of me. So what makes you and me so different? I judge Walter Martin was wrong; you judge that I am wrong. You should realize that it is not my doubting Walter that makes me right or wrong, anymore than you doubting me or those Charismatics makes you right or wrong. It falls to the truth, as revealed by God's Word. And yes, we'll find that truth worked out in the world around us. Thus, for the billion miracles that Christians pray for annually that do not happen, I find confirmation in my Scriptural understanding; and so too in the complete lack of undeniable supernatural occurences that not even unbelievers can doubt.
Even asking for wisdom (something Bob often says), is expecting something Miraculous to happen. Bob will say that's standard operating procedure for the Christian, and not Miraculous. But I disagree.
If I understand you DBCR, you're saying that it was not consistent with God's created order that men would grow in wisdom, thus some miracle, some superseding of God's law must occur for a man to gain wisdom. I'm sure you can see how and why we at DBC disagree with that. Growing in wisdom is part of God's plan, and requires no exception or suppression or superseding of God's law. The same is true with prayer: prayer and communion with God does not supersede the normal interaction between God and man that He created us for.

Here is my take on it (partly from Webster), "any Divine interaction or intervention with mankind = Miraculous."

DBCR, that's one of Webster's definitions, but it was not God's. Mary's conception was miraculous. Jesus talking to Peter was a Divine intervention, but His talking was not a miracle. It was quite consistent with all physical and spiritual laws that the Son of God, once incarnate, could talk.

To you and Bob... what Martin reports is a sideshow, to me it is an answered prayer...

And the truth, you will agree, is not in the least dependent upon what either of us think. Either Walter Martin was relating an actual miracle that occurred, or he was not, perhaps through exaggeration or some other tendency, he misled people. If he was not accurate, when He met saw God, then that was not an episode in his life that he received rewards from the Lord for.

I read in Scripture, and I see all around me, that those who look for miracles retard their spiritual growth. As Jesus said, "It is a wicked and perverse generation that seeks a sign."

In Christ,
-Bob E
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New member
Hey Butterfly,

What about my beliefs on miraculous? How I define it? To me you failed to comment simply about that.

BTW, your one to one ratio, that I can tell you think is a great argument; what's new or out of the ordinary about it?

As far as I can tell, that has been going on since the beginning. Mocking God: it happens today and there will be an increase of lying wonders as the day of judgement draws near. Foretold, predicted and has been going on from the beginning.

But as far as your comments towards Dr. Martin, since he has left the Earth,
you can call him a liar if you want, but I respect the man. *

P.S. I'll have to wait in replying to Bob, since he has said so much. I do work a day job and sometimes can't reply... or I'll wind up getting a divorce.

Plus, I want to be careful in my response so I can continue to go to Church there. Later... (there needs be differences - Paul). DBCR

Bob Enyart

Staff member
demonic supernatural activity & one-to-one correspondence?

demonic supernatural activity & one-to-one correspondence?

Hey Butterfly... your one to one ratio... what's new or out of the ordinary about it? As far as I can tell, that has been going on since the beginning. Mocking God: it happens today and there will be an increase of lying wonders as the day of judgement draws near.
DBCR, I think you're correct in identifying demonic intervention as a class or kind of the supernatural. I'd like to clarify though: God made human beings to interact with Himself, perhaps most typically through His Holy Spirit, but also through the Father and the Son as they desired, and the Holy Spirit convicting a man, or the peace of God leading him, does not supersede the normative operation of the created order. If God had created us and the realm we live in to be utterly isolated from Him, such that in this alternate reality, the controlling authority of the physical and spirtitual realm sealed us off from any influence upon, or leading from, God, then yes, He would have to perform a miracle to simply hear our prayers or convict us of sin. (I wouldn't call call Judas' guilt a miracle; the creation of Adam and Eve was a miracle; that they could then eat a meal, expel waste, sleep, dream, these are not miracles, it's what God created us to do; when a rapist impregnates a victim, that is NOT a miracle; it's the normal consequence of the ability God has given men to procreate.)
But God didn't create us to be hermetically sealed from Him; we are body, soul, and spirit, so when someone gives us a backrub, and our physical nervous system responds well to the sensations, and our soul is thankful for the human interaction, or when our spirit is joyed or convicted by the Holy Spirit within us, these do not supersede the normal functioning of the body/soul/spirit creatures that God had created.

So if God created spirit beings to be able to interact with our spirit, and they do, in the manner that He established at creation, for example if a demon presents a firery dart of temptation to the mind of a believer, that is not a miracle but an interaction, not unlike if a hungry teenager tells the cashier he wants a big mac; only spirit beings do not by their created nature communicate with vocal cords, air wave vibrations, and ear drum reception; they communicate spirit to spirit, and that's not a miracle.

Consider that an angel is not performing a miracle just by being an angel, or by moving or singing. Otherwise, if miracle means everything, then miracle means nothing. It's like the pantheists who say that everything is God, which ends up being very much like atheism, because is the pantheists' human waste is a god, as is the HIV virus killing him, and his child pornography, and even his resentments and bitterness, then hey, if god's everything, he's pretty much nothing. It's the same with miracles, no? But you wrote...
Hey Butterfly... your one to one ratio... what's new or out of the ordinary about it? As far as I can tell, that has been going on since the beginning. Mocking God: it happens today and there will be an increase of lying wonders as the day of judgement draws near.
So, when Jesus healed the blind and raised the dead, are you saying there was a one-to-one correspondence of demonic healings occurring throughout Israel? I don't think there's a record of that. For every plague God brought on the Egyptians, the devil brought one on the Israelites? Peter walked on water and the devil appeared as an angel of light and had Thomas hover over their boat? For each astounding wonder performed through the Apostle Paul, Elymas the sorcerer matched him? No DBCR, there is not a one-to-one relationship between miracles and lying wonders through Scripture. In The Plot I itemize in a series of charts every miracle in God's Word and record the response to those miracles; if there were anything like a correspondance of satanic miracles to God's miracles, that would have been noticed long ago and considered in a thousand books.

Butterfly's point is completely valid. Healings, which seem to be the lion's share of claimed miracles today (which is because God gave us extraordinary recuperative bodies), are experienced equally by the wicked. However those kinds of healings that God did not build into our DNA, like regenerating body parts, do not occur in either the wicked or among believers (although starfish, flatworms and chameleons handle that rather well). Why don't pastor's wives (or your wife) fair better against birth defects than atheist wives? As Butterfly asked, if Christians are the recipients of the claimed millions of ongoing health miracles, why can't demographers find this trend; why don't money-hungry health and life insurance companies find ways to exploit this imbalance?

DBCR, when I say that Christians pray for their cars to start, but never for a broken windshield to fix itself or a flat tire to inflate, I am talking about you.

-Pastor Bob Enyart
Denver Bible Church

's miracles were offset by those of Judas?


New member
Hey Bob,

I notice that you've written another comment about what I've written to Butterfly!?

I guess my mentioning that I had to go to work, wasn't important and that I wanted to take careful time wasn't important either. It all was ignored. Why?

And might I ask, is it an under-shepherds job to bombard the congregation with questions? Did you say, "I don't care if he has a job and I don't care how he answers? I have a feeling that you thought that?

But maybe this is another control tactic? Not only bombard the discussion but alienate the person, just like Jesus did. Did He do that?

Here are my thoughts about your first questionnaire: You said, "Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed (Dr. Martins) teaching and respected him."

After reading through some of the rest of Bob's prolonged discourse (aimed at trying to wear me down and away), I'd like to add what Bob is saying next to the statement above, "but now that Martin has left the Earth... Dr. Martins account is a lie and he was deceived (Bob Enyart)."

That's respect?

No... I think it reveals this; you won't allow even one miracle into your mind as real, because then your doctrine would be in question.

I don't think it would do that much damage, but I know you do. Yes, even if it came from Al or your mother, it would be the same thing. You would try like Butterfly to shoot a hole in it and the person.

I remember Butterfly on another thread said to Nick's Mom, that what she was praising the Lord for... was a lie and she was deceived. You do the same thing toward Martin, Bob.

And as far as Butterfly's ascertion that I would be blaspheming God because I would be praising Him for something that He hadn't done (ex: like keeping a person from being killed), I don't believe that.

I don't believe that God the Father would be angry with me over that. I do know one thing however, my wife thinks I'd better just end this discussion because we still want to go to Church their. And I agree.

We do like a lot of the people their and appreciate you Bob, but we don't agree on the subject of miracles and the miraculous. For the most part you try an undo what we have seen and know as factual. That cannot be done. DBCR...


New member
DBCReviewer -

Look, one can give examples and stories, all day long. Atheists, Mormons, Catholics, JW's, Buddhists, Eastern Religions, Hinduism, Islam, they all claim the same "miracles" that you claim.

In the end, the Bible has to be the final Word. Being that I am mid-Acts dispensational, just like Pastor Enyart, we conclude from our study in God's Word that miraculous signs and wonders is not part of the program for the Body of Christ. I am sure that you are aware that Pastor Enyart is Mid-Acts dispensational and holds to a cessationist position (the sign gifts have ceased - tongues, miraculous healings, etc)

Arguing with "examples" and "stories" is a waste of time. The discussion should be based on God's Word. Having people listen or read stories is waste. Either our truth and final authority is the Bible, or it is in mankind and their stories.


TOL Subscriber

I just stumbled in here and found this conversation most interesting.

For 14 years, I believed miracles were common in this dispensation; I prayed for thousands of them and saw a handful of them. My leg got longer so both of my legs were the same length, my son's persistent ear infection was healed after a prayer meeting, I often made it to the gas station long after the gas tank was empty because of my faith, I saw demons cast out of people, I could speak in tongues, I knew people healed from cancer, I prayed for healing miracles for anyone and everyone who I knew who was sick, etc, etc. I told lots of people about these miracles and many more; giving God all of the glory! I was and still am zealous for the Lord, love his Holy Word and am strong in the Faith.

But an interesting thing happened. A few years back when studying God's Word, the Holy Spirit inspired me to honestly and objectively analyze the miracles that God was doing in my life and all of the miracles I had seen and heard about. It was painful to recount all of the *experiences* and note how they could all (without exception) be explained either by natural processes, self deception, or deception by others (both intentional and not intentional.) I wanted to cling to my belief that I had seen and told others about. Admitting that I was decieved, in many cases, by myself, was very painful!!!

Anyway, if you are ever willing to consider doing this, I warn you that it is a humbling experience, but like all times when we humble ourselves, and move from error to truth, it ends up being most liberating!

I now hold to a biblical view of miracles that fits exactly with what we see in reality. I know His work in me and my character is where the the real power of God lies. I have the power to point people to God and change lives forever without conjuring up "miracles." One of the things that really helped me was to stop calling everything that happened that was "good," a miracle.

DBCR, you seem to put a lot of weight on Martin and his end of the tape miracle. That seems unbalanced and I would encourage you to consider Jesus Christ and His whole counsel in the Word of God; rightly divided. Let me be clear; I totally agree that God could do a miracle today, but He is not doing that now.

Thanks for listening and may God's greatest blessings be with you and yours!
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