The Hoax of the Three Days and Three Nights


Christians are not under the Mosaic system of time keeping. Christians are not Jews as you have repeated many times. The New Testament time debunks the old time piece.

The Old Testament is a clock/ calendar for prison inmates. They have received the maximum time penalty and will remain in their prison cells until they have served the entire sentence handed down to them. It is no hoax. You will serve an eternity in hell with no hope of ever getting out.

Ben Masada

New member
The Hoax of the Three Day and Three Nights

The Hoax of the Three Day and Three Nights

1 - Christians are not under the Mosaic system of time keeping.
2 - Christians are not Jews as you have repeated many times.
3 - The New Testament time debunks the old time piece.
4 - The Old Testament is a clock/ calendar for prison inmates. They have received the maximum time penalty and will remain in their prison cells until they have served the entire sentence handed down to them. It is no hoax.
5 - You will serve an eternity in hell with no hope of ever getting out.

1 - There are only two classes of conditions as the Law is concerned. "Under the Law" aka Law abiding citizen; "Above the Law" which only Yahweh is, and "Outlaws" aka those who claim not to be under the Law.

2 - I have never claimed even once that Christians are Jews; let alone many times.

2 - - Hell-fire is for those who believe in it. Jeus don't believe in hell-fire but in Sheol which is the grave.

3 - Only according to the gospel of Paul and his policy of Replacement Theology.

4 - One does not receive any kind of penalty time for observing the Law. The opposite is rather true.

5 - Hell is for Christians, not for Jews as hell-fire is for those who believe in it. The hell we believe is called Sheol aka the grave and there is no pain in the grave.


The Hoax of the Three Days and Three Nights

On the third day or in three days, simply means after a short period of time. (Hosea 6:2)

Night or day for three days, as we have in the request of Esther to fast for her, means three days or three nights whether one follows the tradition to fast by day or by night. Those terms were used here because it was in the Diaspora where most Persians followed the tradition to fast by night. So, Esther's maids who were not Jewish, would share Esther's pain by showing their solidarity with their night fast. (Esther 4:16)

The case of Jonah dispenses all explanation because it happened during a vision. Therefore metaphorical language. That could be the entire three days and three nights, since everything is possible in a vision or dream. (Jonah 2:1)

Now, for the three days and three nights we are talking about, for Jesus to spend in the tomb, according to Matthew 12:40, the writer must have had a very poor insight about parables or metaphorical language to draw his prophecy in the terms of Jonah's allegory. If he had used the language of Esther or Hosea, he could have saved his prophecy from being a hoax, but now he must account for the whole three days and three nights or parts thereof.

We don't even need another gospel writer to contradict the one of Matthew. This contradicts himself as he declares that the next day, the one following the Day of Preparation, the chief Priests asked Pilate for a guard of soldiers to watch the tomb area for three days. (Mat. 27:62-64) The Jewish Preparation Day is always Friday, and the following day is the Sabbath.

Then, after that Sabbath, as the first day was dawning, the women went to see the sepulcher, there was an earthquake, an "angel" came down from Heaven, removed the stone, and the tomb was empty. Someone had cheated the angel by raising Jesus from there long before the "angel" could at least be an eyewitness to the resurrection.

Based on the Jewish method that a whole day or night can be accounted for any part of the day or night, we can consider the first day for those minutes that took Joseph of Arimathea to get Jesus into the tomb before sunset. The first night from sunset to sundawn of Saturday, the second day from sundawn Saturday to sunset that Saturday, and the second night from sunset that Saturday to the sundawn of the first day. It was still dark when the women arrived at the tomb to find it empty. Therefore we are missing a whole day and a whole night to save Matthew 12:40 from becoming a prophetical hoax and a classical contradiction in the NT.

Any volunteers to solve this puzzle?

Resurrecting Lazarus:

"The Jews were in the habit of burying their dead on the day of their demise; this was a necessary practice in such a warm climate. It often happened that they put in the tomb one who was merely comatose, so that on the second or even the third day, such a one would come forth from the tomb. But it was the belief of the Jews that, while the spirit or soul might linger near the body for two or three days, it never tarried after the third day; that decay was well advanced by the fourth day, and that no one ever returned from the tomb after the lapse of such a period. And it was for these reasons that Jesus tarried yet two full days in Philadelphia before he made ready to start for Bethany." UB 1955

Ben Masada

New member
The Hoax of the Three Day and Three Nights

The Hoax of the Three Day and Three Nights

Passover is on different week days with the Civil Hebrew Calendar. Passover is on the same week day with the Biblical Calendar.

Now, you are trying to know better than I do who observe Passover every year. Passover according to Jewish tradition is on the same day of the month of Nisan but not on the same day of the week in the common calendar.

Ben Masada

New member
Resurrecting Lazarus:

"The Jews were in the habit of burying their dead on the day of their demise; this was a necessary practice in such a warm climate. It often happened that they put in the tomb one who was merely comatose, so that on the second or even the third day, such a one would come forth from the tomb. But it was the belief of the Jews that, while the spirit or soul might linger near the body for two or three days, it never tarried after the third day; that decay was well advanced by the fourth day, and that no one ever returned from the tomb after the lapse of such a period. And it was for these reasons that Jesus tarried yet two full days in Philadelphia before he made ready to start for Bethany." UB 1955

The case of Lazarus in the NT was a parable and this post above is a joke. Why? Because according to the gospel of Jesus which was the Tanach, once dead, no one will ever rise again. Read II Sam. 12:23; 14:14; Isaiah 26:14; and Job 7:9; 10:21.


New member
The case of Lazarus in the NT was a parable and this post above is a joke. Why? Because according to the gospel of Jesus which was the Tanach, once dead, no one will ever rise again. Read II Sam. 12:23; 14:14; Isaiah 26:14; and Job 7:9; 10:21.
You have a misconception Ben. You should restudy those verses.


The case of Lazarus in the NT was a parable and this post above is a joke. Why? Because according to the gospel of Jesus which was the Tanach, once dead, no one will ever rise again. Read II Sam. 12:23; 14:14; Isaiah 26:14; and Job 7:9; 10:21.

1) The gospel of Jesus wasn't the Tanach, your spiritually blind, history revisionist brain, isn't serving you well. The Jews rejected the original gospel of Jesus and killed him. Now Israel is a museum full of false hope.

2) Both Enoch and Elijah translated to heaven.

3) Both Jesus and Lazarus returned from the dead, so the Tanach idol fails!

Ben Masada

New member
The Hoax of the Three Day and Three Nights

The Hoax of the Three Day and Three Nights

1 - The gospel of Jesus wasn't the Tanach,

2 - your spiritually blind, history revisionist brain, isn't serving you well. The Jews rejected the original gospel of Jesus and killed him. Now Israel is a museum full of false hope.

3) Both Enoch and Elijah translated to heaven.

4 - Both Jesus and Lazarus returned from the dead, so the Tanach idol fails!

1 - Oh! I did not know that Jesus was a Christian because the only other gospel was the one of Paul in the NT. If Jesus was indeed a Christian, "oi va'avoi" because the NT is replete with contradictions.

2 - If you don't have any thing else to say, your Christian pre-conceived notions is working well on the side of Paul's because, as he said in II Cor. 5:7, Christians were made to walk by faith and not by sight. Since by sigh is to walk with understanding, by faith must be to leave the understanding with Paul. IOW, to walk by faith is to walk blindly.

3 - You are simply implying that Enoch and Elijah where not from the lineage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. What is this, Replacement Theology?

4 - Now, that both Jesus and Lazarus were not Jews because according to the Jewish Scriptures aka the Tanach, one once dead, none will ever return from the grave. For that truth, you may read II Sam. 12:23; 14:14; Isaiah 26:14; and Job 7:9; 10:21. If all these quotes are not enough, let me know, I have a few more.


Active member
Ben Masada,
re: " I grew up as a Jew and I have always been said that a festival that falls on the Sabbath, it makes of that Sabbath a HIGH Sabbath...

But I wonder what is the earliest writing available that says that?


1 - Oh! I did not know that Jesus was a Christian because the only other gospel was the one of Paul in the NT. If Jesus was indeed a Christian, "oi va'avoi" because the NT is replete with contradictions.

2 - If you don't have any thing else to say, your Christian pre-conceived notions is working well on the side of Paul's because, as he said in II Cor. 5:7, Christians were made to walk by faith and not by sight. Since by sigh is to walk with understanding, by faith must be to leave the understanding with Paul. IOW, to walk by faith is to walk blindly.

3 - You are simply implying that Enoch and Elijah where not from the lineage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. What is this, Replacement Theology?

4 - Now, that both Jesus and Lazarus were not Jews because according to the Jewish Scriptures aka the Tanach, one once dead, none will ever return from the grave. For that truth, you may read II Sam. 12:23; 14:14; Isaiah 26:14; and Job 7:9; 10:21. If all these quotes are not enough, let me know, I have a few more.

* Jesus wasn't a Christian, you have that correct, Peter and Paul founded the Christian religion, a mere shadow and replacement of the original gospel.

* The gospel of Jesus was based solidly on the sincere, faith based, personal relationship between God and man as every person on earth is in FACT a child of God. No traditional barrenness, no chosen people arrogance, no sacrificing little birds, no national favoritism or compulsive obsessive rituals, holidays and 1001 man made laws of self righteous distinction!

In the Judaism of Jesus' day, God was conceptualized more as the national God of the Old Testament. Jesus revealed the truth of a personal God to man and in a greater, more accurate detail. The Loving Father was revealed in the life of his Son incarnate on earth.​

There are certainly many contradictions in the entire Bible as it has been edited and redacted many times to fit the bias, speculation and conjecture of various people in different ages. The most deliberate and despicable rewriting was during the Babylonian captivity. However they made no claim to be writing the Word of God, nationalist Jews came up with that later, leading them to a dead end.

The original gospel of Jesus was spiritual and faith based, the same kind of blind faith Abraham had........then came the priests, theologians and politicians.
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Ben Masada

New member
Ben Masada,
re: " I grew up as a Jew and I have always been said that a festival that falls on the Sabbath, it makes of that Sabbath a HIGH Sabbath...

But I wonder what is the earliest writing available that says that?

Never mind! That's a Jew who with all Jews throughout the world celebrate the Passover every year and I know that it never happens on the Sabbath every year. Only it seldom does. If this is not enough for you, go right ahead and ask any other Jew you meet. All over the world, we are more than ten million already "baruch HaShem."

Ben Masada

New member
The Hoax of the Three Days and Three Nights

1 - Jesus wasn't a Christian, you have that correct, Peter and Paul founded the Christian religion, a mere shadow and replacement of the original gospel.

2 - The gospel of Jesus was based solidly on the sincere, faith based, personal relationship between God and man as every person on earth is in FACT a child of God. No traditional barrenness, no chosen people arrogance, no sacrificing little birds, no national favoritism or compulsive obsessive rituals, holidays and 1001 man made laws of self righteous distinction!

3 - In the Judaism of Jesus' day, God was conceptualized more as the national God of the Old Testament. Jesus revealed the truth of a personal God to man and in a greater, more accurate detail. The Loving Father was revealed in the life of his Son incarnate on earth.

4 - There are certainly many contradictions in the entire Bible as it has been edited and redacted many times to fit the bias, speculation and conjecture of various people in different ages. The most deliberate and despicable rewriting was during the Babylonian captivity. However they made no claim to be writing the Word of God, nationalist Jews came up with that later, leading them to a dead end.

5 - The original gospel of Jesus was spiritual and faith based, the same kind of blind faith Abraham had........then came the priests, theologians and politicians.

1 - Finally, "baruch HaShem!" Now, Paul was not with Peter but with Barnabas when he founded the Christian religion in Antioch. (Acts 11:26)

2 - The gospel of Jesus was based on the Torah. The version you present in item 2, it must include the Gentiles and we can agree but only if the Gentiles convert to Judaism according to Isaiah 56:1-8. Otherwise, Jews remain Jewish and Gentiles remain whatever the way they are.

3 - Now, you are speaking about Greek Mythology. The incarnation of God as a man is akin to the Greek myth of the demigod which is the son of a god with an earthly woman. This is absolutely disagreeable as Judaism is concerned.

4 - I got the point of what you mean to have the Scriptures translated at, according to anthropomorphism. If you don't know what I mean, read Deuteronomy 4:15,16 and Isaiah 44:13. Yahweh is not like a man to be compared with a man. The time of a personal God is long gone. As Jesus said in John 4:24, God is a Spirit.

5 - I believe Torah is progressive. Ezra in the captivity in Babylon was seen in the prophecy of Malachi as the angel used by Yahweh to be the messenger of the Lord to write the New Covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. (Jer. 31:31)


1 - Finally, "baruch HaShem!" Now, Paul was not with Peter but with Barnabas when he founded the Christian religion in Antioch. (Acts 11:26)

2 - The gospel of Jesus was based on the Torah. The version you present in item 2, it must include the Gentiles and we can agree but only if the Gentiles convert to Judaism according to Isaiah 56:1-8. Otherwise, Jews remain Jewish and Gentiles remain whatever the way they are.

3 - Now, you are speaking about Greek Mythology. The incarnation of God as a man is akin to the Greek myth of the demigod which is the son of a god with an earthly woman. This is absolutely disagreeable as Judaism is concerned.

4 - I got the point of what you mean to have the Scriptures translated at, according to anthropomorphism. If you don't know what I mean, read Deuteronomy 4:15,16 and Isaiah 44:13. Yahweh is not like a man to be compared with a man. The time of a personal God is long gone. As Jesus said in John 4:24, God is a Spirit.

5 - I believe Torah is progressive. Ezra in the captivity in Babylon was seen in the prophecy of Malachi as the angel used by Yahweh to be the messenger of the Lord to write the New Covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. (Jer. 31:31)

* Paul learned of a new, post cross version of the original gospel from Peter. Paul then amplified that gospel and made compromises with the Pagan worlds way of thinking which gave us Christianity.

* It's wishful thinking to make Torah idolatry the foundation of Jesus' gospel that liberated his believers from the Torah.

* God delegates creative powers and authority to his Son(s) who are indistinguishably linked in divine oneness.

* Petrifying the Torah into Gods writing stunts peoples growth and hardens the heart. It's therefore not possible for you to learn anything new.

* The redacted Torah is very young, about 700 BC. This earth has hundreds of thousands of years of human history that predate the very narrow and inaccurate Torah history.


Well-known member
Now, for the three days and three nights we are talking about, for Jesus to spend in the tomb, according to Matthew 12:40, the writer must have had a very poor insight about parables or metaphorical language to draw his prophecy in the terms of Jonah's allegory. If he had used the language of Esther or Hosea, he could have saved his prophecy from being a hoax, but now he must account for the whole three days and three nights or parts thereof.
Based on the Jewish method that a whole day or night can be accounted for any part of the day or night, we can consider the first day for those minutes that took Joseph of Arimathea to get Jesus into the tomb before sunset. The first night from sunset to sundawn of Saturday, the second day from sundawn Saturday to sunset that Saturday, and the second night from sunset that Saturday to the sundawn of the first day. It was still dark when the women arrived at the tomb to find it empty. Therefore we are missing a whole day and a whole night to save Matthew 12:40 from becoming a prophetical hoax and a classical contradiction in the NT.

Any volunteers to solve this puzzle?
You are a Jew looking for the proverbial nail, in this case, literally?

There are a lot of mathematical solutions that have been provide on many forums and books.

"These aren't the droids days you are looking for."

If you are just curious, more power to you :carryon:


New member
IOW, to walk by faith is to walk blindly.

Not true. To walk by faith means to be led by God's Spirit just as Moses was led when he led the people of Israel out of Egypt. The people walked by sight following Moses wherever he was led.

Ben Masada

New member
The Hoax of the Three Days and Three Nights

1 - Paul learned of a new, post cross version of the original gospel from Peter. Paul then amplified that gospel and made compromises with the Pagan worlds way of thinking which gave us Christianity.

2 - It's wishful thinking to make Torah idolatry the foundation of Jesus' gospel that liberated his believers from the Torah.

3 - God delegates creative powers and authority to his Son(s) who are indistinguishably linked in divine oneness.

4 - Petrifying the Torah into Gods writing stunts peoples growth and hardens the heart. It's therefore not possible for you to learn anything new.

5 - The redacted Torah is very young, about 700 BC. This earth has hundreds of thousands of years of human history that predate the very narrow and inaccurate Torah history.

1 - Peter never wrote a thing either in the NT or anywhere else. According to Luke in Acts 4:13, Peter and John were two unlearned and ignorant men. IOW, illiterate people cannot write books.

2 - No Jewish believer is liberated from the Torah, including Jesus who was not. Only Paul who was an outlaw for having claimed to have been liberated from the Law. (Rom. 7:6)

3 - Yahweh has never had a son without a biological father. It would be akin to the Greek myth of the demigod aka the son of a god with an earthly woman.

4 - This is a Christian practice, not Jewish. (Deut. 4:15,16; Isa. 44:13)

5 - Torah has been completed much later than that at the hands of Ezra in the captivity in Babylon.