It shows the blatant hypocrisy when they cry, "You're a cultist", "Your're a gnostic heretic", "You're an intentional blasphemer", and so on and so on. Yet when questioned about their own belief system sounding an awful lot like three gods in one they proclaim loudly that they only worship one God. Really? And such image files as the one from the previous page are acceptable to Calvinists while what was said to Lon, concerning only Lon, is considered intentional blasphemy? Is Lon therefore their God? The only things that might have been "blasphemed" were the words, deeds and practices of Lon. What is even worse is that the image file posted by Crucible clearly imagines that the Father is one of three faces in the diagram. Therefore in the carnal mind of the artist the Father is clearly imagined as a man.
But as I stated in the above original quote, WHO is the fourth God in the center of the Trinity War Shield? There be four Gods pictured in the Trinitarian War Shield just as there are four faces of Brahma and one is not often shown in the Hindu imagery:
"Oh no, we are not pagans like you; but you are a pagan because our mother church says so, and you are a gnostic heretic, a cultist, and whatever other evil names we can think of, and you are an intentional blasphemer of our God because we know that our IQ's are far superior to your peanut for a brain."
Yeah, nice talkin' to ya, Lonites, AMRites, and Calvinites, do keep me on ignore. :chuckle: