The Historical Jesus Never Existed

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Well-known member
I'm not all that familiar with Youtube, actually only been able to watch vids for about six months now and really only do so when I see one posted around here, occasionally, if it looks interesting. But I will see if I can find anything by going there. Yeah, also, his point was not really what I'm talking about but is related when it comes to Κ̅Ϲ, Κ̅Υ, Κ̅Ν, and Κ̅Ε. ;)

Here is one example of what I mean Freelight: in certain passages we read the phrase "κυριε κυριε" in modern Greek renderings which have now eliminated the Nomina Sacra, such as Matthew 7:21-22, Matthew 25:11, Luke 6:46, and, (in the Textus Receptus), Luke 13:25.

Matthew 7:21-22 W/H
21 ου πας ο λεγων μοι κυριε κυριε (Κ̅Ε Κ̅Ε) εισελευσεται εις την βασιλειαν των ουρανων αλλ ο ποιων το θελημα του πατρος μου του εν τοις ουρανοις
22 πολλοι ερουσιν μοι εν εκεινη τη ημερα κυριε κυριε
(Κ̅Ε Κ̅Ε) ου τω σω ονοματι επροφητευσαμεν και τω σω ονοματι δαιμονια εξεβαλομεν και τω σω ονοματι δυναμεις πολλας εποιησαμεν

However in every instance κυριε κυριε is written in Nomina Sacra form as Κ̅Ε Κ̅Ε


Rendering Κ̅Ε Κ̅Ε as κυριε κυριε is in itself a translation even before the English translation takes place; and the outcome may seem okay when translating into Ye Olde KJV English, as "Lord, Lord", but in first century Judaism this would have no doubt been a well known phrase in reference to the Father because it is so written in the common language Greek Septuagint Torah and, even more forcefully, it is when Moses prays to the Father on two separate occasions, (Deuteronomy 9:26 as well as what I quote herein below), calling the Father by these very same words in the Septuagint. The phrase equivalent is Adonai YHWH, or Master YHWH, and therefore the authors of the Gospel accounts are testing the reader, (because it is always a test of the reader though many readers do not seem to realize they are being tested these days), and the test is to see whether the reader loves the Father with all of his or her heart, mind, soul, and strength. That is how one may be fairly sure that, at least when it comes to the forms of κυριος, the Nomina Sacra form is what was in the original texts of the Gospel accounts from the beginning, (of those manuscripts originally written in Greek but no doubt the same was the case with Hebrew-Aramaic Matthew). Remember also that the Septuagint would not have originally had Nomina Sacra forms and this too is critical because what it means is that the authors of the Gospel accounts are forcing the reader to study and know the Septuagint Tanach holy scriptures. In other words one cannot understand how to properly interpret the Nomina Sacra outside of the context of the Septuagint version of the Tanach scriptures because the Septuagint did not have Nomina Sacra and therefore works like the key to the Nomina Sacra by overall context and Who is called Who and What in those contexts. The Tetragrammaton is never used in the name of any man in the scriptures.

Deuteronomy 3:23-24 OG Septuagint
23 και εδεηθην κυριου εν τω καιρω εκεινω λεγων
24 κυριε κυριε συ ηρξω δειξαι τω σω θεραποντι την ισχυν σου και την δυναμιν σου και την χειρα την κραταιαν και τον βραχιονα τον υψηλον τις γαρ εστιν θεος εν τω ουρανω η επι της γης οστις ποιησει καθα συ εποιησας και κατα την ισχυν σου

Deuteronomy 3:23-24 Septuagint Brenton English Translation
23 And I besought the Lord at that time, saying,
24 Lord God, thou hast begun to shew to thy servant thy strength, and thy power, and thy mighty hand, and thy high arm: for what God is there in heaven or on the earth, who will do as thou hast done, and according to thy might?

Deuteronomy 3:23-24 The Scriptures TS2009 (M/T)
23 “And I pleaded with יהוה at that time, saying,
24 O Master יהוה, You have begun to show Your servant Your greatness and Your strong hand, for who is a mighty one in the heavens or on earth who does according to Your works and according to Your might?

Deuteronomy 3:23-24 M/T Rendering
23 And I besought YHWH at that time, saying,
24 Adonai YHWH, thou hast begun to shew thy servant thy greatness, and thy mighty hand: for what El is there in the heavens or in earth, that can do according to thy works, and according to thy might?

This is one of many examples where we find κυριε κυριε employed in the Septuagint in place of Adonai YHWH. What therefore does the Nomina Sacra form Κ̅Ε Κ̅Ε stand for when Yeshua uses the term concerning himself? If you love the Father with all of your heart, and with all of your mind, and with all of your soul, and with all of your strength, then it cannot stand for Adonai YHWH any time that the Master Teacher employs it concerning himself; for he also loves the Father with all of his heart, and with all of his mind, and with all of his soul, and with all of his strength. :)

Κ̅Ε Κ̅Ε = Κυριε Κ * * * :shut: ;)


Well-known member
Hey Zeke, the point made in this video about the so-called "Nomina Sacra" is so critical and yet he does not explain his own view of how he understands the overall reason or meanings for/of the Nomina Sacra. Do you know if there is another video or place where he does explain his own understanding of the Nomina Sacra? Most do not realize how even "Kurios" is actually nothing more than an estimated guess by translators when it comes to places that are not known quotes from the Tanach or at least made very clear that the text speaks of the Father. The only way to properly understand what are now called the Nomina Sacra is by the Old Greek Septuagint. There are "Christianized" early versions of the Septuagint with Nomina Sacra in them but I mean without the Nomina Sacra, as in the Jewish versions which are known to have actually had the Tetragrammaton in gold letters, (within the Greek text). However one does not need to have access to anything like that, (I don't think we do anymore anyways), but rather simply needs to realize that the Nomina Sacra were not in the original Septuagint but only added later in Christianized copies which clearly did not even understand why the original authors of the New Testament used such devices, (the Logos-Word of Elohim has a name WRITTEN which no one knows but he himself, [and those to whom he reveals both himself and the Father]). I would be very interested in hearing his views concerning what the Nomina Sacra mean if you know anything about that. :)

To me it doesn't matter the Divine is neither male or female jew or gentile and isn't an exclusive property of any culture or religious club.


Well-known member
There are...But most of them are viewed with a large dose of skepticism as academics and scholars who doubt the existence of Jesus generaly arent taken very seriously. The doubts around Jesus existence started around the so called "Age of Reasoning" (Circa 1800s) whereby Christianity came under serious scrutiny and largely from individuals who were not religious or were atheists. As the world has grown more irreligious this trend has continued into the 21st Century.
Even 'contemporary' critics of Jesus day never doubted his existence, though they did doubt his divinity. Regardless the evidence for Jesus existence is overwhelming. Those that doubt his existence in almost every case have their own 'hidden' agenda usually of the atheistic variety.

So all these other scholars are just trying to deceive people by saying that there is no overwhelming evidence as you assert there is by christian scholars no doubt, feel free to name the sources.


So all these other scholars are just trying to deceive people by saying that there is no overwhelming evidence as you assert there is by christian scholars no doubt, feel free to name the sources.

That's exactly what they do, just you siting here now with your nonsense.
No 'conspiracy', just anti-theistic shenanigans- you all would labor under solipsism before you conceded to anything of God.


Active member
So all these other scholars are just trying to deceive people by saying that there is no overwhelming evidence as you assert there is by christian scholars no doubt, feel free to name the sources.

This is just sophistry. You're free to believe Jesus doesnt exist that is of course your perogative. But dont expect anyone of any sensibility to take this mendacity seriously the same way academics don't take academic holocaust deniers seriously such as David Irving. Theres no sensible discussion that can be had over such a untenable intellectually dishonest position.
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Eclectic Theosophist
Blowing up our concepts of 'God'.......

Blowing up our concepts of 'God'.......

To me it doesn't matter the Divine is neither male or female jew or gentile and isn't an exclusive property of any culture or religious club.


'Reality' is universal, omnipresent, all-encompassing by nature, whether you personalize the primal Reality-Source or view IT as a non-personal or transpersonal BEING :) - all else is but a play of language ;)

While Deity is not male or female in that it transcends and includes both gender-polarities, we can as a term of intimacy call Deity our Father-Mother-God, but these are just names and descriptions that best suit OUR conception of 'God' at any time or context.

There is that Reality that is wholly beyond words, description, form. It just IS...being the substratum and context IN which all else arises.


Eclectic Theosophist
Welcome to the sophistry club.....all are engagin it ........

Welcome to the sophistry club.....all are engagin it ........

This is just sophistry. You're free to believe Jesus doesnt exist that is of course your perogative. But dont expect anyone of any sensibility to take this mendacity seriously the same way academics don't take academic holocaust deniers seriously such as David Irving. Theres no sensible discussion that can be had over such a untenable intellectually dishonest position.

Yes as we noted earlier,....whether Jesus was a real historical person or a pure myth or some mixture thereof,....Jesus STILL only exists in your own mind, and that goes for any concept of 'God' you are holding. - so what is being debated or considered is how we interpret the Jesus-story or what concept or theology (add your own Christology) we adopt to fit 'Jesus' INTO. - and still so many 'salvation-concepts' and 'plans' are charted out and believed in, among so many sects and denominations. 2/3 of our world's population does NOT identify as 'christian' as it is, so these people are referencing 'God' or 'reality' as they know it by their own cultural or religious context, with various conditioning.

Records or statements outside the bible affirming the existence of Jesus are debatable, some interpolations, forgeries or statements so many decades after the public knowledge of 'chrestians' (oops or is that 'Christians' ;) ) existing, so that such is just reporting 'heresay', - we can research and consider those.


Well-known member
That's exactly what they do, just you siting here now with your nonsense.
No 'conspiracy', just anti-theistic shenanigans- you all would labor under solipsism before you conceded to anything of God.

I didn't start this ball rolling and the Spirit isn't insulted by egocentric men and their traditions that claim religious copy right on Divine, Luke 17:20-21 is where the kinghdom is located not Rome or any other institutional parading around like peacocks.


Well-known member
This is just sophistry. You're free to believe Jesus doesnt exist that is of course your perogative. But dont expect anyone of any sensibility to take this mendacity seriously the same way academics don't take academic holocaust deniers seriously such as David Irving. Theres no sensible discussion that can be had over such a untenable intellectually dishonest position.

I believe Jesus represented the spirit that is birthed in us, the historical sacrifice is a evil twist on the Esoteric death and birth that happens within, like I said if you think Galatians 4:20-28 represent two siblings instead of our two states then you are blinded by the observable fraud that pushed that carnal Christ lie.


Well-known member
One thing for sure I won't be condemning anyone to eternal fire and brimstone if you disagree, unlike most of the christian carnalized dogma that loves it literal hell.

patrick jane

I believe Jesus represented the spirit that is birthed in us, the historical sacrifice is a evil twist on the Esoteric death and birth that happens within, like I said if you think Galatians 4:20-28 represent two siblings instead of our two states then you are blinded by the observable fraud that pushed that carnal Christ lie.
You have finally gone off the deep end


Well-known member

One more thing I would like to say about this video, since he touches on the opening lines of the Gospel of Mark from Codex Sinaiticus, which is that Codex Sinaiticus clearly shows a more ancient verse format for the opening lines of Mark which the modern English translations no longer follow for some strange reason. :)

At the opening of the Gospel of Mark Codex Sinaiticus very clearly gives us the verse structure and the proper reading, which does not include "the Son of God", but surely does include "the prophet Isaiah", which is slowly becoming expunged from the modern translations because they apparently do not perceive or even want to perceive what the author speaks of right here in the opening lines of the account. It seems quite clear to myself that the author is right away at the opening statement using what is called a remez-pointer, that is, the mention of a small portion of a well known passage or certain facts about said passage that will point the reader to that section of scripture. However if the reader does not know this, or know the passage, and fails to go check the passage, then the entire point being made sails over the head of the reader and he or she blindly proceeds forward not even knowing what the speaker or the writer has in mind. This seems to be the case with the opening line of the Gospel of Mark, which points the reader to Isaiah 45:1, because that is the one and only place in Isaiah where we read anything whatsoever about a Mashiyach-Anointed one of YHWH. His name is Koresh, that is, Kor, a furnace, and esh, fire, and therefore, "Furnace of Fire" or "Fiery Furnace", whose countenance shines like the sun going forth in his strength. In the Septuagint his name is Kuros, that is Authority, and Kuros is the base word from which Kurios, (Lord or Master), is derived.

Mark 1:1 Codex Sinaiticus (Sinaiticus | Mark)
1 αρχη του ευαγγελιου ιησου χριστου καθως γεγραπται εν τω ησαια τω προφητη
1 Commencement of the good message of Yeshua Meshiah: just as it is written in ha-Navi Yeshayahu!

There is no mention of an Anointed one anywhere else in Isaiah except for what is found concerning Koresh, the Fiery Furnace, right in the middle of the suffering servant passages: Behold, the day comes, that shall burn as a furnace; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that comes shall burn them up, says YHWH Tsabaoth, it shall leave them neither root nor branch. But unto you that reverence My name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings, and you shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall, (Malachi 4:1-2).

Isaiah 45:1-4
1 Thus says YHWH Elohim to His Meshiach-Christos-Anointed one, to Koresh
[the Furnace of Fire] to Kuros, [LXX - Authority-Master-Kurios], whose right hand I have taken hold of, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut:
2 I go before you and make the crooked places straight; I break in pieces the gates of brass and cut in sunder the bars of iron:
3 And I will give you the treasures of darkness, and the hidden riches of secret places,
[things kept secret from the foundation of the world] that you may know that I am YHWH Elohim who calls your name Elohey Yisrael.
4 For the sake of Yaacob My servant and Yisrael My elect, I have even called you by your name: I have surnamed you,
[Elohey Yisrael] though you have not known Me!

Matthew 3:11-12
11 I indeed immerse you with water toward teshuvah-return-repentance-change of heart: but the one coming behind me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to bear: he shall immerse you with holy Wind and Fire!
12 Whose winnowing fork is by way of his hand,
[Seven Spirits] and he will thoroughly purge his threshing floor, and gather his wheat into the granary; but the chaff he will consume with unquenchable fire! [Koresh - the Fiery Furnace!]

So then the first line of Mark is not an incomplete sentence, (which is what would happen if it was not rendered this way and why the modern renderings do not follow the clear structure laid out in Sinaiticus). The first line is rather a clear emphatic statement which references Isaiah 45:1 by way of the very context in the opening statement. Then what follows after the opening line of the Gospel of Mark all makes perfect sense:

Mark 1:1-4
1 Commencement of the good message of Yeshua Meshiah: exactly as it is written in ha-Navi Yeshayahu!
[cf. Isaiah 45:1].
2 Behold, I send My Angel-Messenger before your face, who shall prepare your way
[Exodus 23:20a LXX].
3 Kol Kore bamidbar, (Voice of a Cryer in the desert), Prepare you the way of YHWH, Make straight His paths
[Isaiah 40:3].
4 Yohanan the Immerser was in the desert heralding an immersion of repentance toward the sending away of sins:

So long as one does not already have a pre-programmed mindset to force upon the text. :)

The raising or stirring up of the Spirit of Kuros:

2 Chronicles 36:22 OG Septuagint
22 ετους πρωτου κυρου βασιλεως περσων μετα το πληρωθηναι ρημα κυριου δια στοματος ιερεμιου εξηγειρεν κυριος το πνευμα κυρου βασιλεως περσων και παρηγγειλεν κηρυξαι εν παση τη βασιλεια αυτου εν γραπτω λεγων

The proclamation of Kuros:

2 Chronicles 36:23 OG Septuagint
23 ταδε λεγει κυρος βασιλευς περσων πασας τας βασιλειας της γης εδωκεν μοι κυριος ο θεος του ουρανου και αυτος ενετειλατο μοι οικοδομησαι αυτω οικον εν ιερουσαλημ εν τη ιουδαια τις εξ υμων εκ παντος του λαου αυτου εσται ο θεος αυτου μετ αυτου και αναβητω

The prophecy to Kuros:

Isaiah 44:28 OG Septuagint
28 ο λεγων κυρω φρονειν και παντα τα θεληματα μου ποιησει ο λεγων ιερουσαλημ οικοδομηθηση και τον οικον τον αγιον μου θεμελιωσω

Kuros YHWH's Meshiah-Anointed One:

Isaiah 45:1 OG Septuagint
1 ουτως λεγει κυριος ο θεος τω χριστω μου κυρω ου εκρατησα της δεξιας επακουσαι εμπροσθεν αυτου εθνη και ισχυν βασιλεων διαρρηξω ανοιξω εμπροσθεν αυτου θυρας και πολεις ου συγκλεισθησονται

Nomina Sacra Κ̅Ε form:

Xenophon Cyropedia - Κύρου Παιδείας Β 2:6a
[6] ἄλλος δέ τις ἔλεξε τῶν ταξιάρχων: οὗτος μὲν δή, ὦ Κῦρε, ὡς ἔοικεν, οὕτω δυσκόλῳ ἐπέτυχεν.,0032,007:2

Which may also be a play on names with the priestly name Kore and Kol Kore, the Cryer in the desert, (though in Hebrew spelled with a Qoph, and thus the play on words, because they are not identical and present different meanings). The Koreites or Qorehim, (κορειμ in the Septuagint version of 1 Chronicles 26:1), are the porters and keepers of the Door, and of course Messiah is the Door, (into the kingdom). :)


Well-known member
Here is one example of what I mean Freelight: in certain passages we read the phrase "κυριε κυριε" in modern Greek renderings which have now eliminated the Nomina Sacra, such as Matthew 7:21-22, Matthew 25:11, Luke 6:46, and, (in the Textus Receptus), Luke 13:25.

Matthew 7:21-22 W/H
21 ου πας ο λεγων μοι κυριε κυριε (Κ̅Ε Κ̅Ε) εισελευσεται εις την βασιλειαν των ουρανων αλλ ο ποιων το θελημα του πατρος μου του εν τοις ουρανοις
22 πολλοι ερουσιν μοι εν εκεινη τη ημερα κυριε κυριε
(Κ̅Ε Κ̅Ε) ου τω σω ονοματι επροφητευσαμεν και τω σω ονοματι δαιμονια εξεβαλομεν και τω σω ονοματι δυναμεις πολλας εποιησαμεν

However in every instance κυριε κυριε is written in Nomina Sacra form as Κ̅Ε Κ̅Ε


Matthew 7:21-22
21 Not everyone who says unto me,
Κυριε Κυρε, (Master Kuros), shall enter into the kingdom of the heavens; but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens.
22 Many will declare unto me in that day,
Κυριε Κυρε, (Master Kuros), did we not prophesy by your name, and by your name cast out demons, and by your name do many powerful works?



Well-known member
Matthew 7:21-22
21 Not everyone who says unto me,
Κυριε Κυρε, (Master Kuros), shall enter into the kingdom of the heavens; but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens.
22 Many will declare unto me in that day,
Κυριε Κυρε, (Master Kuros), did we not prophesy by your name, and by your name cast out demons, and by your name do many powerful works?


Interesting, yet I would wonder why John was unsure later in Matt 11:1-3 if the exoteric literal is viable.


Eclectic Theosophist

My former statement holds,.....where does 'God' or 'Jesus' exist, but in your own mind, or is some kind of spirit-presence or quality of consciousness within you?....which is subjective. Can you apply some intellectual honesty to that consideration? So, it doesn't deserve a 'boo hiss', but maybe a serious inquiry on your part. Also,....while we're questioning the historicity of Jesus, why not go 'full bore' and discover for yourself if the evidence or lack thereof adds up or does not, owe it to yourself to find out, instead of just blindly believing what others have written down as 'history', when it may not be. It could be a mix of history and myth, with other embellishments. Its your own personal journey to discover things on your own, that is unless you prefer others to do your 'thinking' for you.



Well-known member
Interesting, yet I would wonder why John was unsure later in Matt 11:1-3 if the exoteric literal is viable.

Perhaps more than anything else that passage is designed to teach the reader. From the Luke companion passage we get to read what the Revelator saw and heard from this exchange while in the Patmos-Prison of Herod. When Yohanan sends a certain duo of his disciples they are called andres-men, (which is not the same as anthropon-man-faced), but after the Nagiyd-Commander tells them what to do Luke suddenly calls them Angelos-Messenger-Angels in the passage that follows the exchange, (Luke 7:24). In other words after the Commander of the Covenant gives them a command they suddenly become his messenger-angels:

Luke 7:19-23
19 And calling a certain two of his talmidim Yohanan sent them unto Yeshua, saying, Are you Ho Erchomenos, or look we for another?
20 And approaching unto him, the andres-men said, Yohanan the Immerser has sent us unto you, saying, Are you Ho Erchomenos, or look we for another?
21 And in that same hour many were cured of maladies, and of plagues, and of evil spirits; and unto many that were blind, sight was bestowed.
22 And answering, he commanded them: Go forth, and apangello-announce unto Yohanan what things you have seen and heard:

1) The blind see:
2) The lame walk:
3) The lepers are cleansed:
4) The deaf hear:
5) The dead are raised-awakened:
6) To the poor the good news message is preached:
7) And blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in me!

And the Angelon of Yohanan departed to announce unto him all these things . . .
And seven thunders uttered their voices . . . :)


Eclectic Theosophist
filling in the gaps.........

filling in the gaps.........

Just to touch on a few things from the video presentation above -

1) Paul claims that Jesus died for our sins 'according to the scriptures' and was raised on the 3rd day 'according to the scriptures',...but there are NO OT scriptures that specifically or clearly teach that Messiah will do such. Is this the case? Many like to tout their doctrine being 'according to the scriptures'....just like any can claim their 'doctrine' is 'biblical' :rolleyes:

2) We note that in some of the oldest manuscripts copies the gospel of Mark does not contain any resurrection appearance account, since ch. 16 ends at verse 8. Perhaps there was some embellishments or development on the resurrection story provided to 'fill in the gaps'? - hence some 'endings' were created, at least a 'long' and a 'short' one,....pick your cherry ;)


Well-known member
Just to touch on a few things from the video presentation above -

1) Paul claims that Jesus died for our sins 'according to the scriptures' and was raised on the 3rd day 'according to the scriptures',...but there are NO OT scriptures that specifically or clearly teach that Messiah will do such. Is this the case? Many like to tout their doctrine being 'according to the scriptures'....just like any can claim their 'doctrine' is 'biblical' :rolleyes:

2) We note that in some of the oldest manuscripts copies the gospel of Mark does not contain any resurrection appearance account, since ch. 16 ends at verse 8. Perhaps there was some embellishments or development on the resurrection story provided to 'fill in the gaps'? - hence some 'endings' were created, at least a 'long' and a 'short' one,....pick your cherry ;)

He is looking in the wrong places for the resurrection and likely for the same reasons the various endings of Mark were added, subtracted, rewritten, supplemented, and reinserted over time, (following Mark 16:8). But he also made a mistake concerning Mark 16:1-8 by leaving out the critical account of the neaniskos-young man, and by stating that the women never entered the tomb, for those things are in the original text. Anyhow, again, he is looking in the wrong places for the anastasis-resurrection. Why do you suppose the following statement is made?

Acts 1:21-22
21 It is therefore necessary that of the men who have been with us all the time that the Master Yeshua went in and out among us:
22 beginning from the immersion of Yohanan to that day when he was taken up from us, that one of these should become a witness with us of his resurrection.

Why do they need one who was with them all the time beginning from the immersion of Yohanan if the purpose for choosing another was to be a witness of his resurrection? It is because all of the time they spent with the Master they were witnessing a resurrection in the way that Yeshua teaches the resurrection. From the record of Yohanan anyone who stands against the beast refusing to bow the knee to Baal must be slain, (Rev 13:15-18). Anyone who is not slain therefore is overcome by the beast and the devil through fear of death because he was not willing to lay down his own soul in the high places of the field. Only those who are willing to die for the truth in that hour will overcome; and for overcoming, they die, and yet live. And if they die in Messiah, and yet live, then they rule and reign with Messiah for at least a day, (for one day beside the Father with the Son may as well be a thousand years).

Mark 1:12-13
12 And immediately the Spirit ejected him into the desert.
13 And he was in the desert forty days,
tempted under the Satan, and was with the θηριων-beasts, [Hosea 13:7-11, Daniel 7:1-14, Rev 13:1-18] and the Angels ministered unto him.

There was no way death could hold him because he had overcome and the flesh profits nothing to the one truly born from above. The physical death of the body counts for nothing to such a one, being in Messiah: for they cannot die any more because they are isangeloi, and are sons of Elohim, being sons of the resurrection. Therefore these things must occur before one sheds the carcass for good, (and I do believe Paul teaches the same since the day he was caught up to Paradise, [it was his twin Baal in the third heaven speaking things unlawful for an anthropos-man-faced to utter]). :)
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