The Green New Deal.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and yeah, you're right about AOC - i guess "bartending" is as good as "community organizer" today :sigh:

The Berean

Well-known member
and yeah, you're right about AOC - i guess "bartending" is as good as "community organizer" today :sigh:

How the heck does someone graduate from a prestigious university like Boston University with a degree in economics and international relations and end up bartending?


None of these are true
How do you know this?
That is true, but you can't assign a gender to her without upsetting the lunatic leftist liberals.

That’s just as ridiculous as saying you can’t do something because of the lunatic right-wing conservatives.

Know that truth is not found in one group or in another group. Truth is found in the relationship between them.


How the heck does someone graduate from a prestigious university like Boston University with a degree in economics and international relations and end up bartending?

Working for an education is sometimes difficult. You often have to leave your pride behind. I don’t know if you had to work for your education, but I sure did. I was a dishwasher for two years to help me afford tuition and supplies. I had to work for my success.

I didn’t know she was a bartender. I love margaritas.


I think you may need to get your facts straight.

1) AOC herself stated that he she couldn't afford an apartment in DC. That is not conservative propaganda. And not being able to live on DC is not the same as being destitute.

2) It is not a rumor that she grew in affluence. Her father was an architect who founded his own architectural firm. Her father bought a home in Westchester, NY so AOC could attend better schools. Her fathered died when AOC was 19 and his death caused her family financial struggles because he didn't leave a will.

3) How is AOC inspirational? I'm a Latino, a child of Mexican immigrants, and I find her an embarrassment to Latinos. She's college educated but spouts socialist nonsense. We Latinos struggle to be take seriously intellectually speaking and AOC makes all of us look foolish, She's arrogant and self absorbed which is shown through her constant Tweets. Her Green New Deal is rather vague and makes no sense.

I think a woman of such calibre HAD to have a set of educated parents who raised her with respect, caring and fairness.
She does not humilate her opponents, she does not call people names on Twitter, she does not lie 7.5 times every day, she is a full-bore House member as far as I can see.

Maybe I’m wrong. But I know enough about body language and NLP eye-movements, voice tone and skin color changes to know she has the sort of small-town family values that we are missing in our government today.

And it doesn’t surprised me she is being attacked.


Sheer terror in my view. She is totally without guile.
She instinctively knows that giving in or fighting back are not adult responses to conflict.

Kit the Coyote

New member
in 2008, obama had a bit of experience as a state senator and virtually no experience as a US senator

further, he had zero experience as an executive

Takes me back to a question I always wondered about, whether all things being equal it was better to select presidents from governors for the executive experience or senators for DC experience?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Ben Shapiro is a good kid and he's right about a lot of stuff, but once in a while he's a little full of himself and he says stupid stuff, especially when it comes to Trump

EDIT that was a reply to okay Dozer about Ben Shapiro but the reply did not work. I hate trying to use my cell phone in a forum

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Takes me back to a question I always wondered about, whether all things being equal it was better to select presidents from governors for the executive experience or senators for DC experience?

i don't know about other states, but albany is a good training ground for DC

and i don't mean that in a good way


Well-known member
Takes me back to a question I always wondered about, whether all things being equal it was better to select presidents from governors for the executive experience or senators for DC experience?
Looks to me like popularity should be the deciding factor. So far those with NO political experience but merely popular to the majority are the best at the highest seat in the land: Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump! :thumb:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Cotton says media was 'Stalin-like' in Ocasio-Cortez Green Deal cover up

Cotton says media was 'Stalin-like' in Ocasio-Cortez Green Deal cover up

Cotton says media was 'Stalin-like' in Ocasio-Cortez Green Deal cover up

Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton unloaded on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal and said the media were “complicit” in burying the most radical parts of the deal.

Cotton, a staunch Republican, appeared on The Hugh Hewitt Show on Tuesday and discussed the widely ridiculed Green New Deal that aims to implement sweeping changes across the nation.

But what particularly caught Cotton’s eye was how the media became complicit in hiding the now-infamous FAQ document circulated by the Ocasio-Cortez office, which included lines such as promising a job to “all people of the United States” – including those “unwilling to work” – and making air travel industry obsolete.

“I understand the Democrats that proposed this immediately tried to retract that white paper that went along with their resolution,” Cotton added. “And too many people in the media have been complicit in the Stalin-like or 1984 technique of disappearing it, sending it down the memory hole.”

Hewitt asked whether the Democrats who immediately jumped to endorse the radical package have actually read what’s inside it.

“Sure. I mean, Hugh, it’s pretty remarkable that when these Democrats put out the Green New Deal last week that you had many Democrats running for president leap onto a proposal that was going to confiscate every privately owned vehicle in America within a decade and ban air travel so we could all drive or ride around on high-speed light rail, supposedly powered by unicorn tears, yes,” Cotton said.

Multiple Democratic 2020 candidates such as Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, and Kirsten Gillibrand have endorsed the deal

The Berean

Well-known member
Looks to me like popularity should be the deciding factor. So far those with NO political experience but merely popular to the majority are the best at the highest seat in the land: Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump! :thumb:

Reagan had a lot of political experience prior to being elected president. He was governor of California for eight years (1967-75).

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Looks to me like popularity should be the deciding factor. So far those with NO political experience but merely popular to the majority are the best at the highest seat in the land: Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump! :thumb:

Are you on dope? Reagan was governor for eight years, which is the exact same job, but at the state level.


Well-known member
Reagan had NO experience before being elected Governor. He was popular, that's all. His focus while President was the same as Trump seems to be doing: whatever's best for the country.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Reagan had NO experience before being elected Governor.........

Moving the goal posts eh?

First you said he had no experience before being president and now you say he had no experience before being elected Governor. In fact he was twice elected President of the Screen Actors Guild (the labor union for actors) where he worked to root out Communist influence. He joined several political committees during the 60's and was deeply involved in politics before being elected governor.


New member
Reagan had NO experience before being elected Governor. He was popular, that's all. His focus while President was the same as Trump seems to be doing: whatever's best for the country.
Career politicians don't seem to have the same goal of doing what is best for the country.