The Green New Deal.


The Green new deal, AKA The Green Scheme AKA Fairy Tale renewable energy.

Renewable energy is a fairy tale that started in the public grade schools with Ted Turners Captain Planet. They brain washed kids, which are now grown up.

All energy is produced with energy.

No amount of technology can do away with the fact that all energy is produced and or discovered with energy. And more specifically potential energy. Again, and again as if I am beating a dead horse, technology can never undue the physical laws. Energy is always less available, you just can't get around it and to believe otherwise you have become Captain Planet.

When you produce the energy you decide to use, after its production, you must have an increase in the available energy over what was used to produce it, just to survive. If you don't have an increase then why do it? O I forgot it makes you feel better, because your Captain Planet. You are Captain of he Green scheme and you feel good about yourself. Sorry it is nothing but a fairy tale for adults.

For energy that works, the larger the increase, the larger the net gain in available energy, the higher standard of living you will have. If you have no net gain, in available energy you can not survive let alone have a good standard of living.

All energy is produced with potential energy and or energy on demand.
No energy is produced with renewable energy as energy can't be renewed.

At traditional levels of interest rates and inflation, Green energy will always be a net loss in energy over its life span. Yes interest must be calculated as an energy cost. All energy is produced at a cost. That cost has a value and that value changes over time, so interest is a real energy cost, that can't be ignored.

The Green new deal, by its supporters, is said to cost 32 trillion, that figure is way low. The truth is the Green new deal can't be done at any cost. The more you spend on the renewable fairy tale, less energy you will have.

You have to use twice the fossil fuel that is used today, to pretend that you are using renewable energy. The more green you go the more good potential energy you use, while you try to maintain the same standard of living.

All so called renewable energy schemes use potential energy on demand (immediately) to produce the fairy tale of renewable energy and there is never a net gain because the energy produced is not available, it is at the whim of the weather. So it is never on demand and it has very little to no value.

In the most optimistic scenario it takes 25 to 30 years to get back the original cost, energy investment and interest that was used to start the scheme and maintain the scheme for 25 to 30 years. In the end you wasted the potential energy, which has great value as it is used when needed. In return you got trickles of energy at the whim of the weather to get back into the system that will never even cover the cost of producing and maintaining the Green scheme.

There is a very easy solution, stop subsidizing the Green Scheme and it will go away as it produces no net gain in anything good. It does produce a net gain of believers in fairy tales who can't think through such an easy issue.

It blows my mind just how many people buy into such a Green scheme that is being sold by the most corrupt people on earth, politicians! Wow how dumb have we become. :(

PS, Hat Tip to Fred Williams at for my use of the term Fairy Tale.

Evolution was/is taught in the public schools and the outcome is very similar to that and the children who watched Captain Planet and today are taught there is renewable energy. Fairy tale evolution and fairy tale green scheme have very similar results in american thought.


The Green new deal, AKA The Green Scheme AKA Fairy Tale renewable energy.

Renewable energy is a fairy tale that started in the public grade schools with Ted Turners Captain Planet. They brain washed kids, which are now grown up.

All energy is produced with energy.

No amount of technology can do away with the fact that all energy is produced and or discovered with energy. And more specifically potential energy. Again, and again as if I am beating a dead horse, technology can never undue the physical laws. Energy is always less available, you just can't get around it and to believe otherwise you have become Captain Planet.

When you produce the energy you decide to use, after its production, you must have an increase in the available energy over what was used to produce it, just to survive. If you don't have an increase then why do it? O I forgot it makes you feel better, because your Captain Planet. You are Captain of he Green scheme and you feel good about yourself. Sorry it is nothing but a fairy tale for adults.

For energy that works, the larger the increase, the larger the net gain in available energy, the higher standard of living you will have. If you have no net gain, in available energy you can not survive let alone have a good standard of living.

All energy is produced with potential energy and or energy on demand.
No energy is produced with renewable energy as energy can't be renewed.

At traditional levels of interest rates and inflation, Green energy will always be a net loss in energy over its life span. Yes interest must be calculated as an energy cost. All energy is produced at a cost. That cost has a value and that value changes over time, so interest is a real energy cost, that can't be ignored.

The Green new deal, by its supporters, is said to cost 32 trillion, that figure is way low. The truth is the Green new deal can't be done at any cost. The more you spend on the renewable fairy tale, less energy you will have.

You have to use twice the fossil fuel that is used today, to pretend that you are using renewable energy. The more green you go the more good potential energy you use, while you try to maintain the same standard of living.

All so called renewable energy schemes use potential energy on demand (immediately) to produce the fairy tale of renewable energy and there is never a net gain because the energy produced is not available, it is at the whim of the weather. So it is never on demand and it has very little to no value.

In the most optimistic scenario it takes 25 to 30 years to get back the original cost, energy investment and interest that was used to start the scheme and maintain the scheme for 25 to 30 years. In the end you wasted the potential energy, which has great value as it is used when needed. In return you got trickles of energy at the whim of the weather to get back into the system that will never even cover the cost of producing and maintaining the Green scheme.

There is a very easy solution, stop subsidizing the Green Scheme and it will go away as it produces no net gain in anything good. It does produce a net gain of believers in fairy tales who can't think through such an easy issue.

It blows my mind just how many people buy into such a Green scheme that is being sold by the most corrupt people on earth, politicians! Wow how dumb have we become. :(

PS, Hat Tip to Fred Williams at for my use of the term Fairy Tale.

Evolution was/is taught in the public schools and the outcome is very similar to that and the children who watched Captain Planet and today are taught there is renewable energy. Fairy tale evolution and fairy tale green scheme have very similar results in american thought.

I would check out Germany, Costa Rica, China, Iceland, Sweden and even Albania. And many, many more.
At least a dozen nations are leading the way to renewables.


New member
One of the only true renewable energy sources:


AOC's Policy Adviser Blatantly Lies To Tucker Carlson About ‘Green New Deal’ Proposal

...Conservatives need to get one thing straight....

***One one hand, they spread rumors and claim that Alexcandra Ocasia-Cortez is so destitute she cannot even afford an apartment in Washington, D.C.

***On the other hand, they also spread the rumor that she grew up rich and has lived in the lap of luxury.

She’s a woman. She’s intelligent. She’s a policy wonk and is inspriational. So Trump and his followers are afraid of her.

I await a humiliating tweet about her from the president. It will be a slap in the face to the small-town family values I was raised with, but who cares--Right?


...Conservatives need to get one thing straight....

One one hand, they spread rumors and claim that Alexcandra Ocasia-Cortez is so destitute she cannot even afford an apartment in Washington, D.C.
On the other hand, they also spread the rumor that she grew up rich and has lived in the lap of luxury.

She’s a woman. She’s intelligent. She’s a policy wonk and is inspriational. So Trump and his followers are afraid of her.

No, she isn't.


I would check out Germany, Costa Rica, China, Iceland, Sweden and even Albania. And many, many more.
At least a dozen nations are leading the way to renewables.

Every country you mentioned will discover as has Germany there is no such thing as renewable energy. Energy can't be renewed.

One gallon of Oil can produce hundreds of gallons of oil.

One therm of natural gas can pump thousands of therms of natural gas hundreds of miles.

One pound of coal car produce more than a ton of coal

One solar panel can never will never produce another solar panel.

If you only used solar power in the, design, production, installation and maintenance of a solar panel, you not only would never ever produce even a single panel, you could't even produce enough energy to even start the production.

Solar power is a Fairy tale for Captain America kids who are now adults.



Every country you mentioned will discover as has Germany there is no such thing as renewable energy. Energy can't be renewed.

One gallon of Oil can produce hundreds of gallons of oil.

One therm of natural gas can pump thousands of therms of natural gas hundreds of miles.

One pound of coal car produce more than a ton of coal

One solar panel can never will never produce another solar panel.

If you only used solar power in the, design, production, installation and maintenance of a solar panel, you not only would never ever produce even a single panel, you could't even produce enough energy to even start the production.

Solar power is a Fairy tale for Captain America kids who are now adults.

Again, at least a dozen nations are leading the way to renewables. America doesn’t yet crack the top 10.



Well-known member
...Conservatives need to get one thing straight....

***One one hand, they spread rumors and claim that Alexcandra Ocasia-Cortez is so destitute she cannot even afford an apartment in Washington, D.C.

***On the other hand, they also spread the rumor that she grew up rich and has lived in the lap of luxury.

She’s a woman. She’s intelligent. She’s a policy wonk and is inspriational. So Trump and his followers are afraid of her.

I await a humiliating tweet about her from the president. It will be a slap in the face to the small-town family values I was raised with, but who cares--Right?
Intelligent? Inspirational?

:mock: aikido7

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Every country you mentioned will discover as has Germany there is no such thing as renewable energy. Energy can't be renewed.

One gallon of Oil can produce hundreds of gallons of oil.

One therm of natural gas can pump thousands of therms of natural gas hundreds of miles.

One pound of coal car produce more than a ton of coal

One solar panel can never will never produce another solar panel.

If you only used solar power in the, design, production, installation and maintenance of a solar panel, you not only would never ever produce even a single panel, you could't even produce enough energy to even start the production.

Solar power is a Fairy tale for Captain America kids who are now adults.

you've pitched this silly song and dance before


Intelligent? Inspirational?

:mock: aikido7

If she weren’t intelligent and inspirational, the Democrats could not claim her. And you wouldn’t stoop to mocking others to make yourself feel comfortablly elitist.

This is the dynamic of a bully.

Maybe you would do better to claim she is a secret Muslim that was not born in America and was deliberately groomed to become President of the United States.

But truly, anyone who majored in international relations and economics at Boston University--and graduated with honors she has already left behind the old ways of living when family values counted and bullying and humiliation were seen as sociopathic.


Facts and evidence have a liberal bias.

I’ve been in Germany and once took a train ride from Hamberg to Munich.
America is shameful next to German technology. They keep things clean because they are justly proud of their country.s
You will find no broken cars, unseemly railroad yards or substandard housing.

Do you think this comes from the fact that Adolf Hitler was an unknown right-wing politician in Bavaria before he was democratically elected as German Chancellor?


Well-known member
If she weren’t intelligent and inspirational, the Democrats could not claim her. And you wouldn’t stoop to mocking others to make yourself feel comfortablly elitist.
Democrats only lower their own credibility by giving her any credence. It isn't stooping when I mock her intelligence or abilities to inspire, since I merely question her intelligence after suggesting pie-in-the-sky nonsense and calling it a New Deal; and someone who suggests that Socialism is capable of being the least bit useful is a fool who doesn't know history. I'm being very kind, believe me. She might only inspire others to sleep in class, get grades they don't deserve and propose nonsensical ideas and give them flowery names to make them seem credible.
This is the dynamic of a bully.
Name calling will only make your own intelligence seem lower than most. Obviously you don't have any content in your reply, other than to merely oppose my statements by opposing them.
Maybe you would do better to claim she is a secret Muslim that was not born in America and was deliberately groomed to become President of the United States.
That's the lie your sacred media giants are trying to pull off with her image. I would never suggest that a Mooslim might ever be in our nation's highest office. EVER.
But truly, anyone who majored in international relations and economics at Boston University--and graduated with honors she has already left behind the old ways of living when family values counted and bullying and humiliation were seen as sociopathic.
Apparently not, according to her actions and words. She's not only ignorant, childish and silly... she's also a laughing-stock. Her graduating from such a prestigious institution with honors is an indictment on their ability to grade a student's progress, let alone accomplishments. However, I do agree that she had left behind all sense of family values and is using bullying and humiliation attempts to make herself seem important. It isn't working. The citizens of the United States of America don't respond to terrorist threats.


One of the only true renewable energy sources:

A seed that is planted where it is naturally watered is far in a way superior to any man made scheme to capture kinetic energy! And it can make you rich if you plant enough of seeds and wait for them to grow. But as a source of energy are they renewable? No. Again energy is not renewable but wood is! YE HA And wood is far more valuable then are typical sources of energy.

A person, a town even a country can establish a good standard of living based on wood they have grown and sold at market prices.

A person, a town even a country could never survive even on day on the energy they produce with solar, and or wind energy sold at market prices. At market prices, they would lose on every KW sold. They will have to buy energy from others to sustain their fairy tale of renewable energy scheme.

Unfortunately some people will still argue that the latter is better than the former.


You probably meant to say that you despise the woman. Period.

Puzzlingly, you accuse her of bullying, childishness, ignorance and intimidation--something our genital-grabbing president does every day.

AND, I don’t see you honoring the memory of Jesus at all.

Children who were hit, hit their own children.
Children who were humiliated, humiliate.
Children who were disrespected, cannot show respect.
Children whose souls were murdered, murder others.

Children who were abused--verbally, sexually or physically--develop disturbing and irreversible changes in their brain and neurological system.


A person, a town even a country could never survive even on day on the energy they produce with solar, and or wind energy sold at market prices. At market prices, they would lose on every KW sold. They will have to buy energy from others to sustain their fairy tale of renewable energy scheme.

...The energy of the sun makes the tree grow.
Your mind-reading is unpersuasive.

The number of cities reporting they are predominantly powered by clean energy has more than doubled since 2015, as momentum builds for cities around the world to switch from fossil fuels to renewable sources.

Your opinion apparently has put blinders on your eyes.

I know it is difficult to give attention to ideas you have discounted all your life.
I believe that America and other nations have both commitment and ambition.
I know I do.

A small farm town in Missouri [I forget its name!] has been wholly powered by wind energy since the 70s, if I remember right.

Kodiak Island in Alaska sustains itself by both wind and water renewables.

Burlington, Vermont bought a hydro-power plant.

The town once relied heavily on coal and is now powered by a combination of energy from burning wood chips, wind, solar, landfill methane and hydropower.

"During times of high demand, Burlington might use a small amount of power that comes from fossil fuels, but it generates and trades enough renewable energy during the year to effectively cancel out that usage. The city estimates it will save $20 million over the next two decades."

Aspen, Colorado set a goal of 100% use of renewable in 2007. By 2014 it reached 80% compliance and buys wind power from other states to bridge the gap.

This is true. This is real data. This is fact.

You will soon know it.
I know it already.
And the American people are constantly learning of it.


Well-known member
Unfortunately some people will still argue that the latter is better than the former.
Many of whom are sitting on a wooden chair at the time in a wood-framed home with a roaring fire going nearby in their fireplace, taking notes on their paper products with a wood pencil.
