"The Gospel Plus Nothing and Nothing But the Gospel"


New member
What's the problem?

The problem is I don't believe you are going by the original texts.

You're not claiming you're going by the original texts are you?

Men have induced errors into their translations.

That's what men do. Why are you surprised?


New member
I always look at the original Hebrew and Greek, when I study the bible. However, whether it's the original or a translation, there is no way of establishing, apart from faith, that a book is the infallible word of God. That's a matter of faith.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I always look at the original Hebrew and Greek, when I study the bible. However, whether it's the original or a translation, there is no way of establishing, apart from faith, that a book is the infallible word of God. That's a matter of faith.

Everything is by faith. Nothing can be proven. This is why the Bible says, "The Just Shall Live By Faith" Romans 1:17. If you need a miracle or some sort of revelation, that is not living by faith. Saving faith is always faith in Christ and his Gospel. The best part of the New Testament is that it tells us how we are justified, sanctified and redeemed, 1 Corinthians 1:30. There is no other way to know these things.


Well-known member
Everything is by faith. Nothing can be proven. This is why the Bible says, "The Just Shall Live By Faith" Romans 1:17. If you need a miracle or some sort of revelation, that is not living by faith. Saving faith is always faith in Christ and his Gospel. The best part of the New Testament is that it tells us how we are justified, sanctified and redeemed, 1 Corinthians 1:30. There is no other way to know these things.

You dont have Faith in Christ since you believe those He died for are still lost !


New member
Everything is by faith. Nothing can be proven. This is why the Bible says, "The Just Shall Live By Faith" Romans 1:17. If you need a miracle or some sort of revelation, that is not living by faith. Saving faith is always faith in Christ and his Gospel. The best part of the New Testament is that it tells us how we are justified, sanctified and redeemed, 1 Corinthians 1:30. There is no other way to know these things.

I agree Robert. Faith doesn't require any-thing, but grace. Faith itself is the real miracle.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I agree Robert. Faith doesn't require any-thing, but grace. Faith itself is the real miracle.

Not really. The real miracle is the incarnation of Jesus Christ and the fact that, "He that knew no sin became sin for us: that we might be made the righteousness of God in him" 2 Corinthians 5:21.


New member
Not really. The real miracle is the incarnation of Jesus Christ and the fact that, "He that knew no sin became sin for us: that we might be made the righteousness of God in him" 2 Corinthians 5:21.

It's all a miracle Robert. Do you have to find something wrong with everything I say? Is that how a Christian forum works?


Well-known member
Faith doesn't require any-thing, but grace. Faith itself is the real miracle.

A miracle indeed!

The Faith that Justifies is received passively; Given in New Birth Gal. 5:22; John 3:27 to all God's Election of Grace Eph. 1:4-7; Rom. 11:5.

2 Tim. 1:9
Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,

Titus 1:1-2
1 Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness; 2 In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;


Well-known member
Not really. The real miracle is the incarnation of Jesus Christ and the fact that, "He that knew no sin became sin for us: that we might be made the righteousness of God in him" 2 Corinthians 5:21.

You believe those He was made sin for still die in their sins lost and unrighteous !


New member
Beloved57 writes:

"Read my threads, they explain what I believe and why, if you really want to know !"

No thanks, I don't chase after threads. If you're going to accuse someone of heresy, at least have the integrity, the grit, to defend your charge. This is a discussion board, a forum, where people actually exchange ideas, debate, communicate with each other, like I'm doing now with you.

If you can't do that, then you're just full of hot-air.
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New member
Again... there are 613 Mitzvah's ... please express if you keep all of them? Also... Do you recognize the validity of the Old Testament? Do you reject all of the Bible or simply some of it?

I just read this reply..You don't have to observe all 613 commandments. Think, before you object.

I recognize the law of Moses, delivered to him by the Messiah Himself (it's really the law of Messiah and of His Father, YHWH..)..on mount Sinai. The primary, authoritative scripture of the children of Israel has always been Torah. That's the litmus or standard.

The nation of Israel, the Messiah and His 12 apostles, recognized the Hebrew bible. Torah, prophets, psalms / writings. Logically, and with a bit of study and most importantly, a bit of spiritual discernment, you can reasonably conclude that the Hebrew scriptures are YHWH's instructions.

As disciples of Messiah, we also follow His instructions, as presented in the book of Matthew. A book written to Israel, in Hebrew or perhaps Aramaic. We don't have the original copy, but if the words of this gospel, written to Israel, concord, agree with, the Hebrew bible, then we should accept it, above all other gospels.

Matthew was written, by one of the 12 apostles, in the original language of Messiah and His apostles, decades before the "gospel of John", was ever penned. It is written specifically to Israel, and that's who we are, as disciples. We are Israel, alongside the tribe of Judah.

All other "NT" writings, with the exception of Paul's epistles, are profitable, and useful, for the disciple. That includes the other gospels, the book of acts..etc. Even if Luke was supposedly a student or assistant of Paul, we can still glean valuable information from the gospel that bears his name and the book of acts, which attempts to chronicle events, the activities of the 12 apostles, after the ascension of Our King.
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Well-known member
Beloved57 writes:

"Read my threads, they explain what I believe and why, if you really want to know !"

No thanks, I don't chase after threads. If you're going to accuse someone of heresy, at least have the integrity, the grit, to defend your charge. This is a discussion board, a forum, where people actually exchange ideas, debate, communicate with each other, like I'm doing now with you.

If you can't do that, then you're just full of hot-air.

Then you are insincere on wanting to know my views !


New member
Then you are insincere on wanting to know my views !

Spare me the psychobabel. If you're going to accuse me of disparaging the work of Messiah on the cross, then present your case or shut-up. This is a forum for discussion, hence actively defend your position or it amounts to nothing. Hot air, of no value.

I personally see you as an ignorant pagan, following the mystical doctrines of a false prophet. How about that? If you ask me why I believe that, I'll just return the favor and provide you with a link. There you go, go fetch the answer, I'm to busy to engage you in a debate.
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Robert Pate

Well-known member
Spare me the psychobabel. If you're going to accuse me of disparaging the work of Messiah on the cross, then present your case or shut-up. This is a forum for discussion, hence actively defend your position or it amounts to nothing. Hot air, of no value.

I personally see you as an ignorant pagan, following the mystical doctrines of a false prophet. How about that? If you ask me why I believe that, I'll just return the favor and provide you with a link. There you go, go fetch the answer, I'm to busy to engage you in a debate.

There is nothing to debate about Calvinism. The Bible and common sense totally and completely refutes it.


Messing With worker bee minds... Tired of the Pride!

Messing With worker bee minds... Tired of the Pride!

I just read this reply..You don't have to observe all 613 commandments. Think, before you object.

I recognize the law of Moses, delivered to him by the Messiah Himself (it's really the law of Messiah and of His Father, YHWH..)..on mount Sinai. The primary, authoritative scripture of the children of Israel has always been Torah. That's the litmus or standard.

The nation of Israel, the Messiah and His 12 apostles, recognized the Hebrew bible. Torah, prophets, psalms / writings. Logically, and with a bit of study and most importantly, a bit of spiritual discernment, you can reasonably conclude that the Hebrew scriptures are YHWH's instructions.

As disciples of Messiah, we also follow His instructions, as presented in the book of Matthew. A book written to Israel, in Hebrew or perhaps Aramaic. We don't have the original copy, but if the words of this gospel, written to Israel, concord, agree with, the Hebrew bible, then we should accept it, above all other gospels.

Matthew was written, by one of the 12 apostles, in the original language of Messiah and His apostles, decades before the "gospel of John", was ever penned. It is written specifically to Israel, and that's who we are, as disciples. We are Israel, alongside the tribe of Judah.

All other "NT" writings, with the exception of Paul's epistles, are profitable, and useful, for the disciple. That includes the other gospels, the book of acts..etc. Even if Luke was supposedly a student or assistant of Paul, we can still glean valuable information from the gospel that bears his name and the book of acts, which attempts to chronicle events, the activities of the 12 apostles, after the ascension of Our King.

Any scholar of Torah... Worth two grains of salt... knows that Torah means LAW. The book of the Law... which spans Genesis to Deuteronomy. Pentateuch!

Moses even writes of this. Your heart is deceitful if you believe you even keep the 10. Being God is the underwritten implication of the 10. Mankind breaks the 10 in their hearts and minds more than mankind breaths breath in a collective day!

Do you claim to perfectly keep the 10?

You wanna drop some Kanye bars?

"I had a dream I could buy my way to heaven
When I awoke I spent that on a necklace
I told God I'd be back in a second

Man, it's so hard not to act reckless
To whom much is given, much is tested"

Reference... Kanye West - Can't Tell Me Nothing Lyrics | MetroLyrics

So... how about this?

Na Na Na ... Just wait till you try to buy your soul back!
Whoa OH OH Oh OH... you can't afford nuthin

God can turn Breath into blaze... but... can you site the days... Sin's never tainted your ways? You think it's a phase?

Give your Body to be burned... sell all that you've churned... but that butter isn't fat... it's skinny margrine and you "can't believe it's not better!"... than the flat stipulations of Hebrew STONE!

You think you're offering C.c.r.e.a.m... but "carnal cash rules everything around me... is the base of your spiritual dream".

The hooker, the coke head, the thief and the mercinary that know Who has the RANSOM are sitting on the transom of the broke stead for the grief and the thirstiest somebodies that go to the last hope of the first... and the first hope of the last... Alpha ... or Omega... start or finish... freak show and fool... He seems preposterous! But HIS WORK is all that stands... Everything else is the failure of MAN!

In easy terms? Learn what the blade of penitence and humility mean to your soul. If you don't thrust it in willfully... You'll never be whole!

Here it is spelled out...

What you could never afford has been paid... and what you have to pay... you can't afford!

It's all good. We'll see... You go and try to tell HIM what YOU did for HIM... while I thank HIM for what HE did for ME!

He did it for you, too... but all of your fancy footwork is only dancing around what's T-R-U-E!

Now that's reality... JERK!


Well-known member
Spare me the psychobabel. If you're going to accuse me of disparaging the work of Messiah on the cross, then present your case or shut-up. This is a forum for discussion, hence actively defend your position or it amounts to nothing. Hot air, of no value.

I personally see you as an ignorant pagan, following the mystical doctrines of a false prophet. How about that? If you ask me why I believe that, I'll just return the favor and provide you with a link. There you go, go fetch the answer, I'm to busy to engage you in a debate.
Again not sincere!

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