ECT The Gospel in Romans 10


Well-known member
With that comment, you prove you know nothing.

Simply post the covenant you claimed God made with Gentiles apart from Israel and I will apologize and repent for everything I've said to you.

If you can't post such support, simply say so and I'll let it drop.


New member
It's not missing, it's just hiding in plain sight.


Thus, my point about the need to look at things from Paul's entire narrative.

In this, one would go to 1 Corinthians 15 to show what is hiding in plain site in Romans 10 - not - to prove it is not there.

But you know, Jerry - if - it is half empty, it is actually half empty only, and no amount of reasoning with him otherwise is going to change that, lol

We should all board a plain to SLP where he is at. Its a beautiful place, and we can use straightening him out on the above as a pretense for going down there; eat and drink him out of house and home, lol

Get those alcohol free Margaritas ready, Jerry.

I'll bring Jordan, lol


God's Truth

New member
Simply post the covenant you claimed God made with Gentiles apart from Israel and I will apologize and repent for everything I've said to you.

If you can't post such support, simply say so and I'll let it drop.

How many times do I have to give you the scriptures before you believe?

John 6:54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.

John 6:55
For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink.

Luke 22:20 In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member

If its hidden in plain sight then why did glorydaz not even mention it? She said:

"That He was "raised from the dead" includes His death burial and resurrection. With the heart man "believeth" unto righteousness. And what is in that word "believe"? The death, burial and resurrection is there. If it isn't then it isn't believing unto righteousness, as Paul has explained already. There it is.... the justification of faith. There isn't one single thing missing."

The fact of the matter is that chapter ten of Romans will be searched in vain for any mention of Christ dying for our sins!

gorydaz's conclusion in regard to this thread which she stated in WRONG. And easily proven to be wrong.


New member
If its hidden in plain sight then why did glorydaz not even mention it? She said:

"That He was "raised from the dead" includes His death burial and resurrection. With the heart man "believeth" unto righteousness. And what is in that word "believe"? The death, burial and resurrection is there. If it isn't then it isn't believing unto righteousness, as Paul has explained already. There it is.... the justification of faith. There isn't one single thing missing."

The fact of the matter is that chapter ten of Romans will be searched in vain for any mention of Christ dying for our sins!

gorydaz's conclusion in regard to this thread which she stated in WRONG. And easily proven to be wrong.

Come on, brother, it is not only about searching the chapter in vain for what it says, but also, for what is built into what it says.

Is there some other way in which Christ is the end of the Law for God's righteousness to everyone that believeth?

Fact is, we will not agree on this; as we are each reading an understanding into it.

Let me ask you this - what is it that Paul is relating in Romans 10 that says what he says with regards to that?

Obviously, neither of us is proving our case to the other, other than in our being "fully persuaded in" each our "own mind."

To demand another believe a thing just because we do is sin - for what so ever is not of faith, is sin.

In this, what we ought to do is all we can do - compare our understandings - not - insist that others believe what we do from where we do just because we do.

You cannot get around this fact no matter how much you insist that you are right and another is wrong.

You should know this by now.

Fact is, we have not proven our case to one another; we only think we have.

Fact is, that is sometimes where things we forever remain, until we run into someone who happens to process things in a similar manner.

Even then, the fact is that we still cannot get around this fact that believers will differ no matter how much you insist that you are right and another is wrong.

To demand another believe a thing just because we do is sin - for what so ever is not of faith, is sin.

In this, you turn the joy of sharing into the regret of having done so with you.


New member
In this, you are like one of those people one asks how things are going, only to end up regretting having asked... there is no joy with you - it is all about how you are right, and another is wrong.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Come on, brother, it is not only about searching the chapter in vain for what it says, but also, for what is built into what it says.

If she saw that it was built into what is said at chapter ten, then why didn't she mention it?:

"That He was "raised from the dead" includes His death burial and resurrection. With the heart man "believeth" unto righteousness. And what is in that word "believe"? The death, burial and resurrection is there. If it isn't then it isn't believing unto righteousness, as Paul has explained already. There it is.... the justification of faith. There isn't one single thing missing."

This is just another example of someone not wanting to admit error even though it is right before her eyes.

In this, you are like one of those people one asks how things are going, only to end up regretting having asked... there is no joy with you - it is all about how you are right, and another is wrong.

Anytime someone shows you the truth about what the Scriptures say you should be joyous. But since your ego is all that matters then you are only joyous when you ego is being massaged.


Well-known member
Some say the Gospel isn't there. I say it is.

Paul has taught extensively in this chapter about the law and justification. The very first chapter speaks of the Gospel of Salvation. Are we just to forget the entire letter and claim Romans 10 has no back story? We "confess" what? That Jesus is Lord, the ONLY Saviour (God). Saviour from sin goes without saying. The Law with it's sacrifices for sin vs. the end of the Law for righteousness for all who believe. Separate the sacrificial death of Christ from the law, and the law has no meaning.

That He was "raised from the dead" includes His death burial and resurrection. With the heart man "believeth" unto righteousness. And what is in that word "believe"? The death, burial and resurrection is there. If it isn't then it isn't believing unto righteousness, as Paul has explained already. There it is.... the justification of faith. There isn't one single thing missing.

Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Romans 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.​

If she saw that it was built into what is said at chapter ten, then why didn't she mention it?:

"That He was "raised from the dead" includes His death burial and resurrection. With the heart man "believeth" unto righteousness. And what is in that word "believe"? The death, burial and resurrection is there. If it isn't then it isn't believing unto righteousness, as Paul has explained already. There it is.... the justification of faith. There isn't one single thing missing."

This is just another example of someone not wanting to admit error even though it is right before her eyes.

Anytime someone shows you the truth about what the Scriptures say you should be joyous. But since your ego is all that matters then you are only joyous when you ego is being massaged.

Jerry, if it would have been a snake it would have bitten you. :chuckle:


Well-known member
In this, you are like one of those people one asks how things are going, only to end up regretting having asked... there is no joy with you - it is all about how you are right, and another is wrong.

Jerry is one of those guys who pretends there is no elephant in the room if he didn't point it out first. ;)


Well-known member
Not sure if we see it the same or explain it differently :)

The issue as to believing for salvation is, for us in Mid-Acts, always the issue of the need to properly understand which gospel we are saved by that we might then place our belief in said gospel - this is our emphasis with others - the clarity of the gospel of our salvation.

Just as what was going on in Acts 15 had been an attempt at a clarification "about this question," Acts 15: 2.

You're better at the 'splainin' than I am. ;)


Well-known member
The fact of the matter is that chapter ten of Romans will be searched in vain for any mention of Christ dying for our sins!

gorydaz's conclusion in regard to this thread which she stated in WRONG. And easily proven to be wrong.

Good, "easily proven" you say? Then you give me a plausible explanation for what Paul says that does not have to do with Christ's dying for our sins.

Be sure to explain how law and righteousness don't presuppose sin and how resurrection doesn't presuppose death. Oh, and that pesky idea of "believing unto righteousness". Come on, Jerry. Tell us what Paul could possibly be saying without saying Christ died for our sins.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Jerry, if it would have been a snake it would have bitten you. :chuckle:

Are you now saying that you listed "that Christ died for our sins" when you listed the other things which pertain to the gospel? For the best of me I cannot see you list that:

" That He was "raised from the dead" includes His death burial and resurrection. With the heart man "believeth" unto righteousness. And what is in that word "believe"? The death, burial and resurrection is there. If it isn't then it isn't believing unto righteousness, as Paul has explained already. There it is.... the justification of faith. There isn't one single thing missing."

You obviously did not list that "Christ died for our sins." No matter how many times you insist that you did those words cannot be found there. In fact, you listed several things, and then sais:

"There isn't one single thing missing."

Of course there is and this truth is an integral part of the gospel"

"Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures" (1 Cor.15:1-3).​

Since you cannot accept the fact that you made a mistake you can somehow trick your mind into believing that you listed that "Christ died for our sins" when you named several things and then said:

"There isn't one single thing missing."

patrick jane

Are you now saying that you listed "that Christ died for our sins" when you listed the other things which pertain to the gospel? For the best of me I cannot see you list that:

You obviously did not list that "Christ died for our sins." No matter how many times you insist that you did those words cannot be found there. In fact, you listed several things, and then sais:

"There isn't one single thing missing."

Of course there is and this truth is an integral part of the gospel"

"Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures" (1 Cor.15:1-3).​

Since you cannot accept the fact that you made a mistake you can somehow trick your mind into believing that you listed that
"Christ died for our sins"
when you named several things and then said:

"There isn't one single thing missing."

everybody knows that jerry - Christ died for our sins - for Sin -

are you done ? - :patrol:

meaning - Romans was written by Paul AFTER 1 Corinthians -

1 Corinthians written approximately A.D. 55, near the end of Paul's 3 year ministry in Ephesus, during his 3rd missionary journey -

Romans written about A.D. 57 from Corinth, as Paul was preparing for his visit to Jerusalem

at Corinth, the church was was mostly made up of Gentiles -

the Roman church was mostly Jewish but had many Gentiles -

are you basically claiming there is no salvation found in Romans 10:9-13 KJV - ?


Well-known member
Are you now saying that you listed "that Christ died for our sins" when you listed the other things which pertain to the gospel? For the best of me I cannot see you list that:

You obviously did not list that "Christ died for our sins." No matter how many times you insist that you did those words cannot be found there. In fact, you listed several things, and then sais:

"There isn't one single thing missing."

Of course there is and this truth is an integral part of the gospel"

"Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures" (1 Cor.15:1-3).​

Since you cannot accept the fact that you made a mistake you can somehow trick your mind into believing that you listed that "Christ died for our sins" when you named several things and then said:

"There isn't one single thing missing."

Read the OP. I know it's difficult for you....

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Read the OP. I know it's difficult for you....

I read it and quoted your list of items which you said were a part of the gospel and you failed to list the fact that Christ died for our sins.

But you are so blinded by your own pride that you are unable to see that you made a glaring omission from your list.


Well-known member

patrick jane

I read it and quoted your list of items which you said were a part of the gospel and you failed to list the fact that Christ died for our sins.

But you are so blinded by your own pride that you are unable to see that you made a glaring omission from your list.

listen to you ! - is that what this is about ?

i think you like to find one small detail and make other people guess what it is - LOL

this is a previous reply to your previous post -

everybody knows that jerry - Christ died for our sins - for Sin -

are you done ? -

meaning - Romans was written by Paul AFTER 1 Corinthians -

1 Corinthians written approximately A.D. 55, near the end of Paul's 3 year ministry in Ephesus, during his 3rd missionary journey -

Romans written about A.D. 57 from Corinth, as Paul was preparing for his visit to Jerusalem

at Corinth, the church was mostly made up of Gentiles -

the Roman church was mostly Jewish but had many Gentiles -

are you basically claiming there is no salvation found in Romans 10:9-13 KJV - ?


Well-known member
I read it and quoted your list of items which you said were a part of the gospel and you failed to list the fact that Christ died for our sins.

But you are so blinded by your own pride that you are unable to see that you made a glaring omission from your list.

Silly man. You neglected to read the OP which must be included...the "list" was a followup on the OP.

So now, you are trying to distract me. A sort of rabbit trail, if you will. You claimed you could prove Christ's death for sin was not included in Romans chapter 10, but you have yet to give us your explanation of what Paul is saying concerning the law, righteousness, the resurrection and our believing unto righteousness. How can there be a resurrection without death? How can there be law without sin?

What does Paul mean, Jerry, if he doesn't mean Christ died for our sins? What explanation can you come up with? Explain it....prove it....back up your claim or simply sit down and bite your tongue.

You do know that when Paul says "saved", he means our being saved from the condemnation of sin, and that sin is called sin because of the law, right? Work backwards and see if you can figure it out.