The Gospel and Justification


Well-known member
The infinite self is one with everyone and everything. How can it just be about me when it's very nature is all inclusive? Are we projecting our desire to separate from God onto the situation? And how am I supposed to share my experience if I don't talk about myself? I'm not asking you to believe me. I'm asking you to find out for yourselves. Do we notice how the personality is finding every reason to keep itself away from what is infinite and eternal? When it runs out of reasons it will just make up some more. It is the father of lies. Every single idle thought it has is subliminally designed to move it away from what it takes to be its own death but it's just the opposite.

Are you talking panentheism or are you just deconstructing yourself?


New member
Are you talking panentheism or are you just deconstructing yourself?

When we reverse engineer the personality and get to the center of our being we realize we are one with infinity and eternity. Call it what you want but once you see what it feels like you will have no problem throwing everything else away as worthless. Guaranteed.
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Well-known member
When we reverse engineer the personality and get to the center of our being we realize we are one with infinity and eternity. Call it what you want but I once you see what it feels like you will have no problem throwing everything else away as worthless. Guaranteed.

So you are doing this because it feels good and/or right?


Well-known member
The infinite self is one with everyone and everything. How can it just be about me when it's very nature is all inclusive? Are we projecting our desire to separate from God onto the situation? And how am I supposed to share my experience if I don't talk about myself? I'm not asking you to believe me. I'm asking you to find out for yourselves.

You're the one who needs to find out for yourself....where you're looking now is a dead end road.

Do we notice how the personality is finding every reason to keep itself away from what is infinite and eternal? When it runs out of reasons it will just make up some more. It is the father of lies.

That's the state of the unbeliever.

Every single idle thought it has is subliminally designed to move it away from what it takes to be its own death. The way to true life is to allow this part of us to die. But who in their right mind would want to do that? This explains why there is so much resistance to the soul. It is highly misunderstood and rejected yet it is one with God.

Those who trust God.

Galatians 2:20
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.​


New member
Why should I fall for the same trap that got us here in the first place? The proof is written in our hearts. We've been steered away from trusting the faculty of discernment in our own souls in favor of gaining approval from our peers. There is a feeling that something is not quite right with Christianity, that something is missing. We are taught not to honor this feeling and just go along with peer pressure. The soul has access to infinite intelligence. How do you suppose I know this information? It is not written down anywhere because the system has been designed to only show us what they want us to know.
So, then, you actually have no proof for your opinions. So noted.

What specific religious tradition(s) are you affiliated with? I'm just curious what informational sources you're getting your ideas and beliefs from. Can you list them? Thanks.

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
So you are doing this because it feels good and/or right?

What are you referring to my sharing my experience or my doing the work to awaken to the soul? Believe me, the path to the soul does not feel good at all especially in the beginning. It is kissing the face of death. I share because I have been called.


New member
You're the one who needs to find out for yourself....where you're looking now is a dead end road.

That's the state of the unbeliever.

Those who trust God.

Galatians 2:20
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.​

I already did. Correct about the state of the unbeliever. The symptoms are an inability to quit thinking and inability to let go of what it is hanging onto for fear of facing what it infinite and eternal. I didn't actually trust God anymore before I took my leap of faith. In fact I was trying to send myself to hell because I knew in my heart that's where I was going. It got the exact reverse of it.


New member
So, then, you actually have no proof for your opinions. So noted.

What specific religious tradition(s) are you affiliated with? I'm just curious what informational sources you're getting your ideas and beliefs from. Can you list them? Thanks.

Gaudium de veritate,


WE ARE the proof. You and me and everyone on this planet. I pieced all this together after I had my awakening. Something inside of me communicated it to me through feeling. The main book I read was "Soul Without Shame" by Byron Brown. I learned he was a student of The Diamond Approach which was founded by Hameed Ali who goes by the pen name A.H. Almaas. I am not affiliated.


New member
WE ARE the proof. You and me and everyone on this planet. I pieced all this together after I had my awakening. Something inside of me communicated it to me through feeling. The main book I read was "Soul Without Shame" by Byron Brown. I learned he was a student of The Diamond Approach which was founded by Hameed Ali who goes by the pen name A.H. Almaas.
That explains a great deal, thank you. Again, I highly recommend the excellent book cited in my previous post.


Well-known member
What are you referring to my sharing my experience or my doing the work to awaken to the soul? Believe me, the path to the soul does not feel good at all especially in the beginning. It is kissing the face of death. I share because I have been called.
{Emphasis added}

But you have not given any good or compelling reason why I should believe you. Again...see my question about the authority on which you say all this.

Ben Masada

New member
Abraham believed in God's promise of a savior and was justified by faith, Romans 4:3. also Romans 4:20.

Not according to James 2:21. He said that our Father Abraham was justified by the Law; the works of the Law aka good works. Faith without the Law is as good as a body without the breat of life. The word is "dead." (James 2:26)