The Gateway Pundit

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


Well-known member
Let's play are you smarter than an Italian pm? For most Americans I suspect the answer will be alas no

View attachment 9370
I fear that Christian culture is being flooded by Islamic culture for a stage managed conflict to come.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


Well-known member
Good catch

"Christian" culture?

View attachment 9371

I don't think, at this point, that I would point to the present Pope as representative of "Christian culture." What I hoped was obvious in my point is that the countries that are being flooded with those not indigenous to their land are predominately white and Christian, as a general demographic, prior to this effort. "Googling" the term "replacement theory" will yield no small number of results that indicate that this effort is real and ongoing. This begs the question, "to what end?"


Well-known member
The most important video you will watch this year.
