Originally posted by shima
The problem is the credibility of the eyewitnesses. Since Paul set out to establish Jezus as the Savior, he therefore had a vested interrest in manipulating eyewitness testimony.
Fair enough.
How many martyrs for Elvis have you seen?
You might honestly consider Paul and the other apostles and this vested interest. Paul was beaten, stoned and imprisoned. He was a perpetual itinerant. Paul was well educated and professionally established when He converted to Christianity. Why whould a man leave such comfort to incur torture?
That does not follow.
The other apostles likewise were faithful to Christ, maintaining the veracity of their witness up to and including death. Why?
A man may lie to achieve gain or special comfort, but those same men will tell the truth when pressed with loosing their life. These men, with one exception, surrendered their lives, accepting execution. Even given that they believed the story of Christ's resurrection, they could have easily ignored its implications so as to save their skins. Yet, there was some factor present which was compelling enough for them to choose death over comfort. This is uncommon.
Why would they do that?
This is the point where one will bring up suicide bombers etc.
There is a difference. In the case of suicide bombers, we have fanatics who have swallowed a bill of goods, based upon received dogma.
In the case of Jesus' disciples, we have men who were present when Christ was executed. They knew He died. If they hadn't seen Him revive, they would be stepping out to proclaim a lie that they KNEW was a lie. Therein lies the difference. It is one thing to be duped into believing. It is another thing to be an eyewitness to the truth and then dupe yourself, so that you can experience torture. That makes no sense.
Whence came the disciples confidence? Could it be they were telling the truth? Could it be they actually beheld the risen Christ and chose hard lives as a direct result?
If Christ is raised, Christianity is validated.