The Ever Present Problem of Atheism (HOF thread)


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Z Man
Because everything else I've believed in has failed me.
I'm sorry your life has worked out that way.

Think about what you are saying: you are willing to stake your eternal destiny on rejecting the Truth because of your pride and pleasure in sin.
Pride? No. Pleasure in "sin"? No. I am in my present position due to lack of sufficient evidence provided by any relgionist to change my mind.

As a psychologist, I frequently speak with people who believe all sorts of things. Most of those things are not "real", that's why these folk visit me. ;)

Something I've learned over the years: the fact that someone is convinced something is real is insufficient evidence for me to accept the reality of their belief without corraborating evidence from outside the indivdual's perspective.

I know, it's hard to give up what we love, (snipped sermonette)...In the end, you'll have to bear your own burden for your fulfillment in sin, which is a hard burden to bear. I pray that God will save you before it's too late...
But as an atheist, I have already agreed to bear my own burdens. There is no one else who will, except for the mythical imaginary deities of the thousands of sects of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc. I expect no help from myths or fantasies. the following verses and be educated:

1 Corinthians 15:3-8
First, this begs the question of the accuracy of the Bible which we've already discussed extensively.

Second, you expect me to base my relationship with your deity on a second hand report of an alleged vision of a dead person? Perhaps I'll just contact Sylvia Browne or John Edwards. They claim to be able to put me in contact with the dead real time. I wouldn't have to rely on questionable manuscript evidence plus 18 or 19 centuries of self-serving commentary by various church officials.

There are many other historical documents that state and declare Jesus's existence. Either you haven't looked hard enough, or you have ignored them.
For example???
Since there are many, how about providing the names of a dozen, or even ten. :)

[qoute]Other than that, I really don't know what kind of evidence you want.[/quote]We've already discussed this, as well. You do not seem to be able to provide anything concrete, merely vague references to contemporary movies and "many other historical documents".

Hardly a convincing argument. :(

All the evidence that we have of history is hearsay!
You're finally getting the point, as it pertains to written evidence. There is historical evidence that is not hearsay, but speaks pretty clearly to the actuality of a given historical event.

For example, we can be relatively certain that Julius Ceasar crossed the Rubicon and brought his legion into Rome due to the observable fact that history was changed by that event. The Roman governent changed form, the Roman state underwent significant change as well.

There are no comparable changes that can be directly attributed to Jesus of Nazareth. While many of his followers have left their imprint on history, he himself left virtually no directly discernable trace.

...The only person who can save you is God. He's the one that holds the "key", which is faith...
But only if one believes what you termed the alleged "bologna". The problem, as I see it, is that no amount of faith changes reality. In reality, as I understand it, the deity of the Bible does not exist. No amount of faith will change that. ;)


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by RogerB
Think about what YOU are saying: you are willing to turn your back on eternal life based on something you cannot know for a fact does not exist. You will admit, won't you, that you do not know everything there is to know about the universe? Heck, you "don't know and don't care", right? It's just as likely that tomorrow a scientist will discover a new galaxy in the universe as you could discover proof of God's existance.
Actually the likelihood that someone will observe a previously uncatalogued galaxy is many, many times greater that the chance that some religionist will present convincing evidence of the existence of their deity. ;)

I do not claim to know everything. Neither do I need to know everything to have a reasonable certainity that what I understand to be real is true. For example, when I drive to work, I am not absolutely certain that I'll arrive there intact. But I am reasonably certain enough so that I can plan to engage in activities after arriving at work. I would wager you engage in similar probability exercises on a daily basis when you turn on a light switch, drink beverages or eat food prepared by others, or fly on a scheduled airline. You have no certainty that any of those events won't kill you, yet you act and plan as if you'll survive. That's life.

Next, you are merely playing with a variation on Pascal's wager. So I'll play back... :)

Suppose there is a deity, or deities, out there. Why do you think the one you've chosen is the correct one, or the only one?

This is where Pascal's Wager breaks down. He, being a good Christian, conveniently ignored the observable fact that the majority of the human race does not accept the Christians' versions of deity as correct. What if the majority is actually right in this case?

The atheists destiny is an eternal separation from God.
Separation from what does not exist is a moot argument.

What is it about trying to become more Christ-like that you are affraid of? What material things do you love more than yourself?
I would wager that by many measures I am more "Christ-like" in my behavior and attitudes than many people who call themselves Christian. I have little problem with some of the moral teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. I have significant heartburn about the ones made up as mandatory by his followers throughout the centuries... ;)


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by RogerB
But it's up to you, not Him. So Zak posting every day "God still hasn't saved me" is like saying "I still only have two eyes". Duh!!!

God is waiting for you to make the next move. He has forever....what about you?
Why'd you post this here, and not on the thread where it is applicable?

BTW, I checked and I'm still not saved... ;)


New member
Zakath tells us: For example, we can be relatively certain that Julius Ceasar crossed the Rubicon and brought his legion into Rome due to the observable fact that history was changed by that event. The Roman governent changed form, the Roman state underwent significant change as well.

Well, we can be certain there was a risen Jesus because we have the observable reality of the church (that celebrates the risen Christ) that has remained with us for over 2,000 years. History has been changed by the reality of the church for the body of Christ has founded relief missions, hosptials, chapels, homeless shelters, etc all over the world. How many atheistic hosptials in our world, Zakath? Any women shelters started by an atheist?

As we can see Zakath has lied to us once again. He told us: There are no comparable changes that can be directly attributed to Jesus of Nazareth.

The Church is the change in human history that is directly attributed to Jesus. For He once said: I will build my church.


New member
There is a difference between Jezus of Nazareth really existing and inspiring others, and Jezus of Nazareth being Christ, the Son of God.

That history was changed in his name is beyond doubt. What is NOT beyond doubt is the question: is Jezus really the Son of God?


New member


An Atheist is a person with out belief.
Those who believe they are an Atheist are not Atheists so we must conclude that there is no such thing.


Resident Fiend
Should I jackslap him...?

Should I jackslap him...?

Originally posted by anon
An Atheist is a person with out belief.
Those who believe they are an Atheist are not Atheists so we must conclude that there is no such thing.
An atheist is a person without belief in deities, you dolt!
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

::stalks away, fuming::


New member

You answered NONE of my questions, as expected.

I don't think you want to talk probability. Not only do you not know everything there is to know about the universe, you don't even know how much there is to know about it. Your comparisons mean nothing. :D

I would wager that by many measures I am more "Christ-like" in my behavior and attitudes than many people who call themselves Christian.

And the One who is qualified to determine whether you win or lose that wager will make that judgement. ;)

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by Gerald

RogerB's not taking up the challenge, either...

Well maybe if you could come up with one... I can't speak for RogerB, but I haven't exactly found your trick questions very challenging.


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
Well maybe if you could come up with one... I can't speak for RogerB, but I haven't exactly found your trick questions very challenging.
No tricks here, Jack!

All I'm asking for is documentation of evidence that conclusively demonstrates that the invisible beings I have described actually exist.

I betting there isn't any. Care to wager?


New member

If this doesn't answer your questions, please re-state them.

Since you cannot know all evidence, it is possible that evidence exists that proves God's existence, or at least supports his existence.
Therefore, it is possible that God exists.
If it is possible, then faith has its place.
If it is possible that God exists, then you should be an agnostic (an agnostic holds that God may exist but no proof can be had for His existence.)
It is possible that there is no evidence at all for God.
But this cannot be stated absolutely, since all evidence would need to be known to show there is no evidence.
Therefore, since all evidence cannot be known by any one person, it is possible that evidence exists that supports theism.
Then what kind of evidence would be acceptable?
If you have not decided what evidence would be sufficient and reasonable, then you cannot state that there is no evidence for God.
If you have decided what evidence is sufficient, what is it?
Does Christianity fit within that criteria?
If not, why not?
Is it possible that your criteria for evidence is not reasonable?
Does your criteria put a requirement upon God (if He exists) that is not realistic? For example
Do you want Him to appear before you in blazing glory?
Even if that did happen, would you believe he existed or would you consider it a hallucination of some sort or a trick played on you?
How would you know?
Does your criteria put a requirement on logic that is not realistic?
Do you want him to make square circles, or some other self-contradictory phenomena or make a rock so big He cannot pick it up?
If God exists, He has created the laws of logic. He, then, cannot violate those laws.
Are you objectively examining evidence that is presented?
Granted, objectivity is difficult for all people, but are you being as objective as you can?
But, do you have a presupposition that God does not exist or that the miraculous cannot occur?
If so, then you cannot objectively examine the evidence.
Therefore, the presuppositions you hold regarding the miraculous may prevent you from recognizing evidence for God's existence.
If so, then God becomes unknowable to you and you have forced yourself into an atheistic/agnostic position.
Do you define the miraculous out of existence?
If so, on what basis do you do this?
If you assume that science can explain all phenomena then there can be no miraculous evidence ever submitted as proof.
If you made that assumption, it is, after all, only an assumption.

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by Gerald

No tricks here, Jack!

All I'm asking for is documentation of evidence that conclusively demonstrates that the invisible beings I have described actually exist.

Which ones? I asked you to define 'invisible nasties,' and you failed to do so.

I betting there isn't any. Care to wager?

Why would I want to take that wager? If there was any evidence that conclusively demonstrated their existence, we wouldn't be having this debate, now would we?

C'mon, Gerald. You can do better than that.


Resident Fiend
I have never stated that deities and other invisible this-and-thats can't exist, precisely because I don't and can't know everything.

However, my life experience and my five senses have all failed to demonstrate that a compelling reason exists to act as if such things do exist.

Of course, it could be that the Calvinists are right, and I'm just one of those unfortunates who is predestined to never see the light...


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
Which ones? I asked you to define 'invisible nasties,' and you failed to do so.
Okay, let's start with...Demons!

Those things that Freak claims to be casting out of people all the time.

Do you believe such entities exist? If so, have you any reason for believing thus other than "The Bible says they do."?


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by RogerB

So what was your question(s)?

What compelling reason is there for behaving as if such things as gods, demons, etc. do exist, other than "The Bible says so."?

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by Gerald

Okay, let's start with...Demons!

Those things that Freak claims to be casting out of people all the time.

Do you believe such entities exist?

I know they exist.

If so, have you any reason for believing thus other than "The Bible says they do."?

Yes, I do.
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One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by Gerald

Care to expound on this, O monosyllabic one?

Not especially. Besides, these were personal experiences, so it's not like you could investigate them anyway.

I may appear flippant, but I am interested.

Based on your behavior in this thread and others, I find that somewhat hard to believe, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Suffice it to say, I've dabbled in the occult a little more than I should have.