Originally posted by Zakath
Z Man,
Thank you for your post, it is very interesting. My comments follow...
Originally posted by Z Man
Sin is imperfection. Any action we take that inhibits us from perfection is wrong. I will also go on to say that sin is what keeps us seperated from God.
Just to be clear, are you intimating that these are two separate things or the same thing?
Well, you asked what my take on sin was and I replied that it was imperfection. Then, I just deceided to throw in there why it's a problem. No big deal; it didn't cost extra.
I believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah, or Christ.
The Jewish Messiah? If so, then why do his followers generally reject Judaism?
Yeah, the Jewish Messiah too. They just don't know it yet. I don't reject Judaism, persay, or look down upon them. I respect them greatly. They believe in the same thing we do other than the issue on Jesus being the Messiah. Besides, one day, when Jesus comes back in the end, the Jews will know He is their Messiah as well.
The reason for this is that He is the only person who took care of the "sin problem" amoung humankind. He is also the only individual who was "qualified" to do it.
How so? How so you believe he did so and what were his qualifications?
God requires one to be perfect in order to be holy and acceptable to Him, thus ensuring a relationship with Him. But mankind chooses not to attain perfection. The punishment for our sins is death. God knows we're doomed, so He deceided to come down and save us by showing us how to live a perfect life. Then, He bore our punishment, even though He was not guilty. He chose to sacrifice His own Son so that we could have a way to perfection. The only way is through His Son. He's the key to salvation.
Yes, I know I wasn't alive when He was, so I don't have firsthand experience with His life, but that dosn't make any claims that have been made of Him in the Bible any less valid.
That's OK, old as I am, even I wasn't around back then...
Unfortunately you've opened an entirely different line of discussion here - the validity and accuracy of the Bible. Are you interested in pursuing that, say on a separate thread?
Your choice.
Why don't we pursue a discussion on the validity and accuracy of some other written form of history, such as that on Alexander the Great, or George Washington, or some other great historical figure? It seems you guys, Atheists, want to pick apart the Bible and you request "extrodinary evidence", but when it comes to someone else who would not effect the way we live, you don't apply the same standards. Check out this site for more details:
I wasn't alive when Alexander the Great was around either, but I believe he existed, even though the first historical claims of his existence first appeared around 300 years after he was dead.
That's the first time I've heard that one. I would assume you mean Plutarch's or Arrian's writings. Here are a few other earlier references...
Demonsthenes, (fourth century BC) tried to convince the leaders of Athens not to sign a treaty with Alexander (see "Demosthenes. The Olynthiac and Other Public Orations of Demosthenes. trans. Charles Rann Kennedy (London: Henry G. Bohn, 1852), 217-220.")
A mosaic, a copy (circa 200 BC) of an original allegedly completed around 300 BC, represents Alexander leading troops at the battle of Issus. (see "The Alexander Mosaic." Mosaic. Ca. 200 B.C. Naples, Museo Nazionale.)
Diodorous, a Roman historian writing in the first century BC, chronicled Alexander's sacking of Perspolis. (see Diodorus. Diodorus of Sicily in Twelve Volumes. trans. C. Bradford Welles, vol. 8 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1933), 319-327.)
Again, check out the site above.
But I really don't want to get into a debate about historical accuracy or what-not. With faith that God has given me, I believe in what the Bible says about Jesus, and nothing can take that belief away.
So you're belief is based entirely on faith and not on evidence?
I have evidence: the Bible. It's the same kind of written evidence that we all have for any type of history.
Look, I didn't "choose" to just believe in all this "hunky-doorie" hoobla one day. I didn't believe in God because of some kind of evidence or "feeling". I believe in God because He came to me and showed me the Truth. He saved me. He gave me the faith it takes for one to totally change their lives and give up everything they know to follow some guy who claimed to be God some 2000 years ago. And I know that evidence is not what it is going to take to change your mind either. It's going to take an act of God...
IMHO, we all need to be saved from our sins. What we have done against God is outrageous, and we definitly deserve a consequence that is damning. We can't save ourselves from sin, because sin is our nature. We don't teach children how to steal cookies from the jar, or to lie, or to disrespect their parents or siblings; it all comes natural to them.
What has a newborn infant "done against God"? What has a severely mentally retarded person "done against God"?
They'll all be judged by God accordingly. I don't know their fate, and it's not for me to say.
God gave humanity the law so that we could know what sin is, but we definitly can not uphold to it.
How do you explain Deuteronomy 30?
…if you obey the LORD your God and keep his commands and decrees that are written in this Book of the Law and turn to the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach. It is not up in heaven, so that you have to ask, "Who will ascend into heaven to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?" Nor is it beyond the sea, so that you have to ask, "Who will cross the sea to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?" No, the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it. – Dt. 30 10b-14 – Emphasis mine - Z
We cannot uphold to it because we choose not to.
That's why God had to come to earth Himself and bear our punishment; death.
This presents several logical problems:
First, you appear to believe that an immortal entity died.
Second, if you are speaking of what Christians refer to as "the crucifixion", then you are claiming that YHWH demanded human sacrifice.
Third, you are claiming that the death of one man affected the entire race, even though they were not descended from him as Christians allege humans are from Adam.
First, Jesus was human, not immortal.
Second, YHWH didn't demand it from anybody; He choose to sacrifice His Son for us.
Third, I am claiming that because of Christ's death, those who believe have been set free from the punishment of sin, and that because of His ressurection, we have hope and a reason to believe.
The only way to be free from sin is to never commit it; become perfect, if you will. I believe the only individual to do this was Jesus.
Again, you are claiming that Moses (and YHWH) lied to Israel?
We could be perfect if we choose to stop sinning. But can we; no. Because we love sin so much, it is part of our culture; part of our nature. The only person who has lied to us is us.
I believe that if anyone is a true believer in Jesus as their savior, then they can't be wrong.
So real Christians are "infallible" or incapable of error? You are saying essentially the same thing the Roman Catholics do, except you're extending the infallibility from the leaders of the Church to the entire Church. That's quite a claim! If it is true, how do you explain the twenty centuries of infighting among the Christians about who is "right" and who is "wrong" in major areas of doctrine.
I guess you misunderstood me. You asked me,
"How do you know that you're correct [in your doctine] and [other Christians] are wrong?" To me, disagreement in doctrine is so little important in comparision to what really matters; belief in Jesus Christ. To me, as long as a Christian believes in this key point to the belief, then it dosn't matter what else we disagree on; they're still a Christian. That's all I was implying.
I could care less if we disagree on what to eat or not, how to dress or not, when to go to church or not, etc. etc. These are minor details. As long as someone beleives in Jesus as their personal Savior, I will always count them
Two points:
1. What do you mean by "personal Savior"?
2. If you will study your church history you will find that Christians disagree on much, much more than a few "minor details". Do you really think a few minor details were what caused the killings of Christians by Christians for the last 1600 years or so?
1. I mean just that. Christianity is about a relationship with God, nothing more or less. Jesus Christ is the only person, thing, object, reality, or whatever, that can save an individual. A person has to believe this on their own. Someone else can't walk down that road for them; they have to have a relationship with God on their own. It's personal. God wants personal relationships with us.
2. Zakath, I'm not religious and I could care less about Church history or why people killed who for what reasons. I don't care. Having a relationship with God is all that matters to me. Not religion, church history, church songs, offerings, whatever, just me and God. He's the only one who can save me. He's the only one that matters.