The Election is Being Stolen AGAIN


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In this thread, on 25 April 2024, @Avajs wrote:
Heard Gateway Pundit is filing for bankruptcy, any truth to that?
Hmmm. Where'd you hear that from, @Avajs?

It's funny that the day you wrote that post (three weeks ago) happens to have been the same day The Guardian had published the article linked by @Arthur Brain (just yesterday, three weeks later) in reply to your post:

The subject of The Gateway Pundit is very near @Arthur Brain's heart, and, if he and you are ever on hand at TOL at the same time, it would be interesting to see a discussion about it between the "two" of you.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
In this thread, on 25 April 2024, @Avajs wrote:

Hmmm. Where'd you hear that from, @Avajs?

It's funny that the day you wrote that post (three weeks ago) happens to have been the same day The Guardian had published the article linked by @Arthur Brain (just yesterday, three weeks later) in reply to your post:

The subject of The Gateway Pundit is very near @Arthur Brain's heart, and, if he and you are ever on hand at TOL at the same time, it would be interesting to see a discussion about it between the "two" of you.
I've posted a zillion articles from the Gateway Pundit. It's my go-to everyday along with the conservative group on Reddit. So far nobody has been able to refute any of the articles I post. The best they've managed to do is throw a hissy fit.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
In this thread, on 25 April 2024, @Avajs wrote:

Hmmm. Where'd you hear that from, @Avajs?

It's funny that the day you wrote that post (three weeks ago) happens to have been the same day The Guardian had published the article linked by @Arthur Brain (just yesterday, three weeks later) in reply to your post:

The subject of The Gateway Pundit is very near @Arthur Brain's heart, and, if he and you are ever on hand at TOL at the same time, it would be interesting to see a discussion about it between the "two" of you.
A quick look at the analytics for the last three months (Similarweb) shows The Gateway Pundit is getting about the same traffic as Breitbart or The Daily Beast.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
In this thread, on 25 April 2024, @Avajs wrote:

Hmmm. Where'd you hear that from, @Avajs?

It's funny that the day you wrote that post (three weeks ago) happens to have been the same day The Guardian had published the article linked by @Arthur Brain (just yesterday, three weeks later) in reply to your post:

The subject of The Gateway Pundit is very near @Arthur Brain's heart, and, if he and you are ever on hand at TOL at the same time, it would be interesting to see a discussion about it between the "two" of you.
Hey dude, if you wanna think that myself and Avajs are the same person because we're not exact;y fans of far right lunacy then by all means, crack on with it. I've barely been on this site in the last four months cos it ain't even a shadow of what it once was. Could care less if I get banned either. Enjoy!


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Hey dude, if you wanna think that myself and Avajs are the same person...then by all means, crack on with it.
Did I say you're the person who posts as @Avajs? No. I didn't. But remember, if I will think you are, obviously I don't need permission from you to think so. And, you read my posts, so you already know that the reasons I've given for my suspicion didn't even include the obvious fact of your lunatic leftardism/TDS you share with the person who posts as @Avajs, since, alas, thousands -- maybe millions -- share that with you. You know that I specifically detailed some linguistic peculiarity that just happens to feature both in @Arthur Brain text and in @Avajs text, which raises my suspicion. Also, you know I noted a peculiar coincidence involving the date of the The Guardian article to which you linked in your "reply" to the @Avajs post, which also fuels my suspicion. Funny how the writer of that drive-by @Avajs post about The Gateway Pundit never was heard from again regarding it. The @Avajs TOL account was active as recently as yesterday, and its operator has so far not even so much as "liked" the @Arthur Brain operator's "reply" to that post.🤔

You'd better believe I'm itching to see some substantial back 'n' forth posting in these threads between @Arthur Brain and @Avajs, one of these days! The play's the thing, a-ringa-ding-ding!🍿 You keep stressing how dissatisfied you are with TOL these days, yet, shouldn't the advent of the @Avajs account -- the person behind which is obviously quite like-minded with you -- be thought a breath of fresh air, and promising, to you, since all your fellow lefTarDS have left or been jettisoned from TOL? So, let's see some @Arthur Brain-@Avajs tag-teaming happening on here, gentlem"e"n!
I've barely been on this site in the last four months
You mean, in the last four months you've barely posted anything on this site under your @Arthur Brain handle?
cos it ain't even a shadow of what it once was.
You've already said that, repeatedly. What was it once? It's a pretty good site, now, really. But, since you think otherwise, why then, you saw my recommendation, above, for spicing things up a little. MTOLGA!
Could care less if I get banned either.
You've already said that, repeatedly. So, obviously, one thing you do care about somewhat is whether or not we believe you care if you get banned. Weird. Too chicken and unconcerned to go risk your neck on the Ukraine battlefield against Putin, on behalf of the Ukrainians you laughably pretend you care about; yet, showing such courageous resolve and martyr-esque self-denial by advertising that you ain't afraid of no ban from TOL.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Did I say you're the person who posts as @Avajs? No. I didn't. But remember, if I will think you are, obviously I don't need permission from you to think so. And, you read my posts, so you already know that the reasons I've given for my suspicion didn't even include the obvious fact of your lunatic leftardism/TDS you share with the person who posts as @Avajs, since, alas, thousands -- maybe millions -- share that with you. You know that I specifically detailed some linguistic peculiarity that just happens to feature both in @Arthur Brain text and in @Avajs text, which raises my suspicion. Also, you know I noted a peculiar coincidence involving the date of the The Guardian article to which you linked in your "reply" to the @Avajs post, which also fuels my suspicion. Funny how the writer of that drive-by @Avajs post about The Gateway Pundit never was heard from again regarding it. The @Avajs TOL account was active as recently as yesterday, and its operator has so far not even so much as "liked" the @Arthur Brain operator's "reply" to that post.🤔

You'd better believe I'm itching to see some substantial back 'n' forth posting in these threads between @Arthur Brain and @Avajs, one of these days! The play's the thing, a-ringa-ding-ding!🍿 You keep stressing how dissatisfied you are with TOL these days, yet, shouldn't the advent of the @Avajs account -- the person behind which is obviously quite like-minded with you -- be thought a breath of fresh air, and promising, to you, since all your fellow lefTarDS have left or been jettisoned from TOL? So, let's see some @Arthur Brain-@Avajs tag-teaming happening on here, gentlem"e"n!

You mean, in the last four months you've barely posted anything on this site under your @Arthur Brain handle?

You've already said that, repeatedly. What was it once? It's a pretty good site, now, really. But, since you think otherwise, why then, you saw my recommendation, above, for spicing things up a little. MTOLGA!

You've already said that, repeatedly. So, obviously, one thing you do care about somewhat is whether or not we believe you care if you get banned. Weird. Too chicken and unconcerned to go risk your neck on the Ukraine battlefield against Putin, on behalf of the Ukrainians you laughably pretend you care about; yet, showing such courageous resolve and martyr-esque self-denial by advertising that you ain't afraid of no ban from TOL.

You more than insinuated it dude so hey, don't suddenly play coy! It's backfired on ya as it invariably does with that sort of shtick. I've barely posted anything on this site since Christmas under my only user name on here so that should answer that particular. Heck, why on earth would I invent another account given how lacklustre the traffic is on here nowadays? Was worth the risk years ago cos the place was vibrant and not just a far right wing back slapping club. I ain't fussed if I get a ban on here and kinda surprised I haven't already joined the list of folk who've been kicked off the place.

The "lunatic leftardism" & "linguistic peculiarity" is kinda funny - and also a wee bit sorta sad.


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You more than insinuated it dude
I don't know that that's true, but even were it true, so what? What's your "point"?
It's backfired on ya as it invariably does with that sort of shtick.
What's "backfired" on me? I'm not seeing that anything has backfired on me.
I've barely posted anything on this site since Christmas
Not as @Arthur Brain, no, obviously. But what's that supposed to prove?
under my only user name on here
That's what you say. LOL @ you expecting me to believe it.
so that should answer that particular.
According to you?
Heck, why on earth would I invent another account given how lacklustre the traffic is on here nowadays?
Um, because you're not right in the head.🤷‍♂️ I mean, as you even admitted, it's something you do. Also, you are the traffic on here nowadays, so you just called yourself "lacklustre".
Was worth the risk years ago cos the place was vibrant and not just a far right wing back slapping club. I ain't fussed if I get a ban on here and kinda surprised I haven't already joined the list of folk who've been kicked off the place.
LOL @ u keepin' on coming back here to tell us you don't care if you get banned from coming back here to tell us you don't care if you get banned from coming back here to tell us you don't care if you get banned from coming back here...
The "lunatic leftardism" & "linguistic peculiarity" is kinda funny
How so? Do they, being multi-syllabic, cause you to emit clumsy noises when you're trying as best you can to sound them out phonetically?
- and also a wee bit sorta sad.
Funny and sad, simultaneously? How could that be? I'm not sure your tale really agrees with itself, are you?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I don't know that that's true, but even were it true, so what? What's your "point"?

What's "backfired" on me? I'm not seeing that anything has backfired on me.

Not as @Arthur Brain, no, obviously. But what's that supposed to prove?

That's what you say. LOL @ you expecting me to believe it.

According to you?

Um, because you're not right in the head.🤷‍♂️ I mean, as you even admitted, it's something you do. Also, you are the traffic on here nowadays, so you just called yourself "lacklustre".

LOL @ u keepin' on coming back here to tell us you don't care if you get banned from coming back here to tell us you don't care if you get banned from coming back here to tell us you don't care if you get banned from coming back here...

How so? Do they, being multi-syllabic, cause you to emit clumsy noises when you're trying as best you can to sound them out phonetically?

Funny and sad, simultaneously? How could that be? I'm not sure your tale really agrees with itself, are you?
Hey, believe I've got some other accounts here if ya like, up to you if you wanna be a nut really.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
LOL @ u keepin' on coming back here to tell us you don't care if you get banned from coming back here to tell us you don't care if you get banned from coming back here to tell us you don't care if you get banned from coming back here...


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Hey, believe I've got some other accounts here if ya like, up to you if you wanna be a nut really.
Huh? LOL What (if anything) are you even trying to say? You don't even type, do you? You just ramble into a microphone and let a computer convert your raving into text as well as it can, and then paste the output right onto TOL, right?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Huh? LOL What (if anything) are you even trying to say? You don't even type, do you? You just ramble into a microphone and let a computer convert your raving into text as well as it can, and then paste the output right onto TOL, right?
Sorry, I'm too busy trying to create a sock puppet to respond to this right now...

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That's not what I was talking about, though. I meant your wordplay, the pun you used.
Yeah, that's cool. Am gonna be outta here for the foreseeable and not simply because I find this place to be a shadow of what it was. Why I'm posting this here is anyone's guess but I found out today that both of my parents were found dead in their home after a police visit informing me of it earlier. Kinda makes any bickering and pointless snark redundant and all I wish to say to all here is we're all human beings, we're all fallible and life is so fragile. It costs nothing to be kind and the way the world is right now with so much strife in it and so much pointless strife at that, kindness is a priceless commodity - which probably isn't the right word to express stuff in itself. I would say "Be kind to yourself and each other" or "look after yourselves" etc but Jerry Springer quotes aren't great, but the sentiment when properly meant actually is. Take care guys and gals.