Are you technically allowed to use "learned" and "Flat Earth" in the same sentence? :think:
I'll go one better and say the logo is exactly what it looks like.

lain: What?
Where does the Great Turtle come into this? (Ha, trick question, as we come into the Great Turtle)
Whereas this theory circles the drain from a much nearer distance.
How would it manage to do that?
No one believes that stars are planets and the distances vary, but we can calculate that the nearest neighboring star is 93 million miles...that's the sun, by the way. The next nearest star system is around 4.37 light years from the sun.
How do we know how far away things are from us in the cosmos? Well Hipparchus did it with the parallax. Objects observed from different angles shift in line of sight by degree, with the nearer causing the greater shift. Want to demonstrate the effect yourself? Hold out your arm and give it the old hitchhiker's thumb. Close one eye, then open it and close the other. You'll see the shift is dramatic with the thumb and not so much with the objects farther away and behind it. So he applied a little geometry in observing the moon from two cities at a fixed distance and came within less than a 10% variance from our modern and more accurate assessments.
What's it made of?

Is it infinite?
I've always said that most of the real problems of the world could be traced to ice walls.