The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

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Well-known member


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
It is OK, I was were you are at one time.... A whole lifetime of believing what they told me and then! I don't really use it as a stump to speak from but do not shy away from it as any time.

In any event, It is good to talk to you. God's speed


Okay, first of all if you don't use the [ quote] tags, i'm not at all likely to know that you've responded to my post. I don't read every post in the thread. I know you're new so its no big deal. I'm just saying that you'll make people's lives easier if you use the [ quote] tags (without the space, of course).

2nd, posting is pretty colors is silly. I mention that just so as to give an example of what a personal opinion looks like.

3rd, the fact that the Earth is not flat is not my opinion and it is something that I merely believe because "they" told me. I have proven it. I personally have flatly proven it and done so on this very thread. Anyone who reads this thread or even just my posts and remains unconvinced is either stupid, a liar, indoctrinated or a combination of the three.

And I am not kidding about that nor am I trying to be gratuitously insulting for effect, I mean it. Anyone who has spent any time at all doing real investigation and applying highschool level math knows for a fact that the Earth cannot possibly be flat. Those who remain unconvinced don't care about the truth of reality, no matter how many bible versses they quote, and they aren't interested in being convinced, either that or they are simply incapable of the level of thought required to be convinced, or, as I said, perhaps its a combination of those things.

So, I'm going to assume that you're interested in my proof. I've refuted every argument made by those who pretend to believe that the Earth is flat (I believe most of them to be lying) but the one post I like the best should, by itself, put the entire discussion to bed (and does so for those interested in learning AND accepting the truth of reality)...

Proof That the Earth Cannot Be Flat

The last few days I've been playing around with some math and thought I'd post some of it here to see if it might move some of the flat earthers maybe an inch or two back toward reality...

Let's put some of the sunset images we've taken to good use and see if what was observed can be made to fit with the FET (Flat Earth Theory).

FET claims the Sun is approximately 3000 miles above the Earth and they do not dispute well established distances between points on the surface of the Earth. I'm going to be using these two presuppositions in my calculations and you'll want to refer to the following diagram to keep track of the variables...

View attachment 26417

Side a is the distance from the ground to the Sun (3000 mi).
Side b is the distance from an observer to a point on the Earth where the Sun is directly over head.
Side c (a.k.a. the hypotenuse) is the distance from the observer to the Sun itself.
Angle A is the height of the Sun above the horizon in degrees as seen from the observer.
Angle C is always 90°
Angle B is not relevant to this discussion.

Note from the start that if the Earth is flat and the Sun is 3000 miles up (or any number of miles up for that matter) that angle A can never ever get to 0°. The Sun would never set because no matter how long you make side b of that triangle, angle A is always a positive number. The only way for the Sun to set on a flat Earth is if the Sun dipped below the plane of the flat Earth. If that were to happen, then it would be night everywhere on Earth at once, which we know does not happen. It's always noon somewhere on the Earth and not only that but the Sun is directly over head at some point on the Earth (this is called the subsolar point - look it up).

That, by itself, ought to be enough to convince anyone that the Earth cannot be flat but there's more. Let's take a look at some of these photos we took last week...

So, since we're assuming a flat Earth, I'm going to focus on just a couple of photos that both show the position of the Sun in degrees above the horizon. I should point out that you don't have to trust the numbers generated by the app on the phones used to take these photos. The numbers can be confirmed by anyone by simply fashioning a simple sextant from a cheap plastic protractor.

I'll use these two photos...

View attachment 26418 View attachment 26419

On the left is the Sun's position as seen from my house on May 8th, 2018 at 01:00 UCT (8:00:01pm central time)
On the right is the Sun's position as seen from Knight's house on the same day just 38 seconds later (7:00:39pm mountain time).

The position of the Sun at my house is just .1° above the horizon while at Knight's it was 10.2° (This information is displayed just to the right of the Sun position indicator. It shows the Sun's heading and then it's elevation in degrees. On Knight's photo it's sort of hidden a little by the NW direction indicator but it reads "Sun 284.0 W 10.2°" The 10.2 is the elevation above the horizon in degrees)

So, let's look at Knight's first...

How far West (more specifically, in the direct of the Sun - in Knight's case 284° W) would you have to go from Knight's house (where sides b and c meet) to get to a place on a flat Earth where the Sun was directily over head (where sides a and b meet)?

It turns out that when dealing with right triangles if you have the length of any one side and either angle A or B, you can know everything about the whole triangle!
The math is boring and so I'm not going to show all that. Just go HERE and plug in the numbers for side b (3000) and angle A (10.2).
You get the following results...

Someone 16,700 miles (length of side b) to his west would see the Sun directly overhead.

There is no point on Earth 16,700 miles from Denver Colorado.

Still not convinced? Well just wait till you plug in the numbers from my house!

At my house the Sun was only .1 degrees above the horizon. So plugging in the numbers from my house (side b = 3000 and angle A = .1) we get the following results...

You have to go 1,720,000 miles to my West to find high noon beneath a Sun that was 3000 miles above the surface of a flat Earth.

That's One MILLION seven hundred twenty THOUSAND miles!
(That's more that 7 times the real distance to the Moon!)

Now seriously folks! What more proof could you possibly need? How are you going to possibly refute this?

Are you going to deny that the Sun is about 10° further above the horizon in Denver than it is in Houston? Even if you did that, the distance to noon calculations aren't dependent on that!

Are you going to challenge the validity of the Pythagorean Theorem?

It seems that's your only option! It's either refute the Pythagorean Theorem or you must reject the notion that the Earth is flat based on the mere fact that the Sun gets to within .1° of the horizon at one point on the Earth while at the same time being directly over head at another.


So let's do some more math!

This time let's assume that the distances on Earth as reported by Google Earth are accurate but that the Earth is flat.

To make the numbers easy, lets assume a location on the equator on an equinox.

And we'll use the same diagram as before...

View attachment 26421

When it is Noon (90° over head (angle C) in one place it is Sunset or Sunrise 6225.25 miles away (side b).
For our Sunset angle (angle A) we'll stick with .1° because any angle below that produces numbers that are even more embarrassing for the FET.

So, plugging in the numbers HERE, we get the following results....

The Sun would have to be a mere 10.865122 miles above the surface of a flat Earth.

If you use a smaller number for angle a, then the Sun has to be closer and closer to the surface. An angle of .01 would require the Sun to be just over one mile above the surface of the Earth.

Clete :Clete:


Active member
You clearly misheard. Go take a look at the NASA site.

By the way- a private group in Israel has launched a probe to the Moon. It is expected to land in a few weeks.

Mr. Chair...I am a person that very carefully evaluates what is said and try very hard to not misunderstand anything, especially when I have heard it several times.

I don't really care what NASA has to say on its web site. In my opinion, they are liars and cannot be trusted for anything. Again, that is my opinion and I hope you respect that.

Yes, I have not heard about Israel's moon landing but it does not surprise me.

Have only heard about the Indian landing on Mars and they emphasized that the landing took place on the very first try. This ad was a radio commercial/doc. Only about 15 sec or so in length and have only heard it once or twice as I do not listen to the radio very much.

The idea that the earth is most likely flat has nothing to do with the way You or I are living today. I believe that it is flat as I believe in the literal, historical and grammatical WORD of GOD. It is simple as that.

Do not think that I have come to my conclusion(s) overnight. It took many years of 'off and on' research to convince myself of this fact. Like I said, I was once where you are at today.

Mr. Chair: I hope you take the Sun Probe (commercial/doc--30-60 seconds)it as I have presented it to you; in good faith.

I do hope you have a good day sir.;)

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Active member
Okay, first of all if you don't use the [ quote] tags, i'm not at all likely to know that you've responded to my post. I don't read every post in the thread. I know you're new so its no big deal. I'm just saying that you'll make people's lives easier if you use the [ quote] tags (without the space, of course).

Mr. Clete, My apologies for not using "reply with Quote". I usually try to use "reply" when I have something that is general and not specific to anyone person. In your case, I will use "reply with Quote" as you wish?

2nd, posting is pretty colors is silly. I mention that just so as to give an example of what a personal opinion looks like.

The colors I pick stay unless that is against the forums rules?

Is it not called hypocrisy if you call me out on colors yet in this post you are using at least three different colors?

3rd, the fact that the Earth is not flat is not my opinion and it is something that I merely believe because "they" told me. I have proven it. I personally have flatly proven it and done so on this very thread. Anyone who reads this thread or even just my posts and remains unconvinced is either stupid, a liar, indoctrinated or a combination of the three.

You said:" either stupid, a liar, indoctrinated or a combination of the three".

Yes, it is your opinion, based on facts that have convinced you. It is the same process only a different view for myself. Calling me a names will not effect a different outcome in my opinion.

And I am not kidding about that nor am I trying to be gratuitously insulting for effect, I mean it. Anyone who has spent any time at all doing real investigation and applying highschool level math knows for a fact that the Earth cannot possibly be flat. Those who remain unconvinced don't care about the truth of reality, no matter how many bible versses they quote, and they aren't interested in being convinced, either that or they are simply incapable of the level of thought required to be convinced, or, as I said, perhaps its a combination of those things.

So, I'm going to assume that you're interested in my proof. I've refuted every argument made by those who pretend to believe that the Earth is flat (I believe most of them to be lying) but the one post I like the best should, by itself, put the entire discussion to bed (and does so for those interested in learning AND accepting the truth of reality)...

I was going to ask for the post that you gave your proof but you have already provided it below. I will read it and let you know what I think of it.

And you can dispense with your flattery as you are simply wasting your breathe, I learned a long time ago, words attacking someone else does nothing except reflex on the one who is speaking.

Proof That the Earth Cannot Be Flat

The last few days I've been playing around with some math and thought I'd post some of it here to see if it might move some of the flat earthers maybe an inch or two back toward reality...

Let's put some of the sunset images we've taken to good use and see if what was observed can be made to fit with the FET (Flat Earth Theory).

FET claims the Sun is approximately 3000 miles above the Earth and they do not dispute well established distances between points on the surface of the Earth. I'm going to be using these two presuppositions in my calculations and you'll want to refer to the following diagram to keep track of the variables...

View attachment 26417

Side a is the distance from the ground to the Sun (3000 mi).
Side b is the distance from an observer to a point on the Earth where the Sun is directly over head.
Side c (a.k.a. the hypotenuse) is the distance from the observer to the Sun itself.
Angle A is the height of the Sun above the horizon in degrees as seen from the observer.
Angle C is always 90°
Angle B is not relevant to this discussion.

Note from the start that if the Earth is flat and the Sun is 3000 miles up (or any number of miles up for that matter) that angle A can never ever get to 0°. The Sun would never set because no matter how long you make side b of that triangle, angle A is always a positive number. The only way for the Sun to set on a flat Earth is if the Sun dipped below the plane of the flat Earth. If that were to happen, then it would be night everywhere on Earth at once, which we know does not happen. It's always noon somewhere on the Earth and not only that but the Sun is directly over head at some point on the Earth (this is called the subsolar point - look it up).

That, by itself, ought to be enough to convince anyone that the Earth cannot be flat but there's more. Let's take a look at some of these photos we took last week...

I will agree with your findings BUT, it seems you have left out the size of the sun (magnification if any and what type).

If one takes a flashlight while standing in the middle of your living room floor, point the light to the floor while holding the it chest-high. There is a "circle"(not a ball)of light on the floor which the light illuminates. Outside this circle, it continually gets darker the further away you get from the circle of light on the floor.

Lets, go one step further.Use the above principle with a penlight or a light with magnification and or zoom lens. The result are astonishing and do not correlate with your math project below

The question is: Since GOD made the SUN and MOON and Stars,,,,,,What Kind of light did HE use. If you know the answer to this then some will consider you a GOD, I will not!

So, since we're assuming a flat Earth, I'm going to focus on just a couple of photos that both show the position of the Sun in degrees above the horizon. I should point out that you don't have to trust the numbers generated by the app on the phones used to take these photos. The numbers can be confirmed by anyone by simply fashioning a simple sextant from a cheap plastic protractor.

I'll use these two photos...

View attachment 26418 View attachment 26419

On the left is the Sun's position as seen from my house on May 8th, 2018 at 01:00 UCT (8:00:01pm central time)
On the right is the Sun's position as seen from Knight's house on the same day just 38 seconds later (7:00:39pm mountain time).

The position of the Sun at my house is just .1° above the horizon while at Knight's it was 10.2° (This information is displayed just to the right of the Sun position indicator. It shows the Sun's heading and then it's elevation in degrees. On Knight's photo it's sort of hidden a little by the NW direction indicator but it reads "Sun 284.0 W 10.2°" The 10.2 is the elevation above the horizon in degrees)

So, let's look at Knight's first...

How far West (more specifically, in the direct of the Sun - in Knight's case 284° W) would you have to go from Knight's house (where sides b and c meet) to get to a place on a flat Earth where the Sun was directily over head (where sides a and b meet)?

It turns out that when dealing with right triangles if you have the length of any one side and either angle A or B, you can know everything about the whole triangle!
The math is boring and so I'm not going to show all that. Just go HERE and plug in the numbers for side b (3000) and angle A (10.2).
You get the following results...

Someone 16,700 miles (length of side b) to his west would see the Sun directly overhead.

There is no point on Earth 16,700 miles from Denver Colorado.

Still not convinced? Well just wait till you plug in the numbers from my house!

At my house the Sun was only .1 degrees above the horizon. So plugging in the numbers from my house (side b = 3000 and angle A = .1) we get the following results...

You have to go 1,720,000 miles to my West to find high noon beneath a Sun that was 3000 miles above the surface of a flat Earth.

That's One MILLION seven hundred twenty THOUSAND miles!
(That's more that 7 times the real distance to the Moon!)

Now seriously folks! What more proof could you possibly need? How are you going to possibly refute this?

Are you going to deny that the Sun is about 10° further above the horizon in Denver than it is in Houston? Even if you did that, the distance to noon calculations aren't dependent on that!

Are you going to challenge the validity of the Pythagorean Theorem?

It seems that's your only option! It's either refute the Pythagorean Theorem or you must reject the notion that the Earth is flat based on the mere fact that the Sun gets to within .1° of the horizon at one point on the Earth while at the same time being directly over head at another.


So let's do some more math!

This time let's assume that the distances on Earth as reported by Google Earth are accurate but that the Earth is flat.

To make the numbers easy, lets assume a location on the equator on an equinox.

And we'll use the same diagram as before...

View attachment 26421

When it is Noon (90° over head (angle C) in one place it is Sunset or Sunrise 6225.25 miles away (side b).
For our Sunset angle (angle A) we'll stick with .1° because any angle below that produces numbers that are even more embarrassing for the FET.

So, plugging in the numbers HERE, we get the following results....

The Sun would have to be a mere 10.865122 miles above the surface of a flat Earth.

If you use a smaller number for angle a, then the Sun has to be closer and closer to the surface. An angle of .01 would require the Sun to be just over one mile above the surface of the Earth.

Clete :Clete:

Thank you for your effort. Yet, there are holes in the math you have used. While I do not have the time to explain nor do I have to the time to debate this any further, the bottom line is: You have not changed my mind.

Again thank you for the effort and the special effects were excellent!

Do hope you have a great day sir.:)

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Right Divider

Body part
Thank you for your effort. Yet, there are holes in the math you have used. While I do not have the time to explain nor do I have to the time to debate this any further, the bottom line is: You have not changed my mind.

Again thank you for the effort and the special effects were excellent!

Do hope you have a great day sir.:)

So you're just here to waste everyone's time like so many others.

If you don't have time to discuss the issues and responses to this thread, then don't reply to it.


Well-known member
Mr. Chair...I am a person that very carefully evaluates what is said and try very hard to not misunderstand anything, especially when I have heard it several times.

I don't really care what NASA has to say on its web site. In my opinion, they are liars and cannot be trusted for anything. Again, that is my opinion and I hope you respect that.

Yes, I have not heard about Israel's moon landing but it does not surprise me.

Have only heard about the Indian landing on Mars and they emphasized that the landing took place on the very first try. This ad was a radio commercial/doc. Only about 15 sec or so in length and have only heard it once or twice as I do not listen to the radio very much.

The idea that the earth is most likely flat has nothing to do with the way You or I are living today. I believe that it is flat as I believe in the literal, historical and grammatical WORD of GOD. It is simple as that.

Do not think that I have come to my conclusion(s) overnight. It took many years of 'off and on' research to convince myself of this fact. Like I said, I was once where you are at today.

Mr. Chair: I hope you take the Sun Probe (commercial/doc--30-60 seconds)it as I have presented it to you; in good faith.

I do hope you have a good day sir.;)


Please post a link to the Sun Probe commercial you are talking about. I apologize if you have posted it already and I missed it.

Nathon Detroit

Thank you for your effort. Yet, there are holes in the math you have used. While I do not have the time to explain nor do I have to the time to debate this any further, the bottom line is: You have not changed my mind.

Again thank you for the effort and the special effects were excellent!

Do hope you have a great day sir.:)

Realized you were in over your head right? :chuckle:


Active member
So you're just here to waste everyone's time like so many others.

If you don't have time to discuss the issues and responses to this thread, then don't reply to it.

I am not in the habit of debating or even talking to anyone who calls me names simply because they do not agree with what I said.

You said: "That explains why your an idiot."

Do I need to place you in that category?

have a good evening



Active member
Realized you were in over your head right? :chuckle:

Not at all sir! I have been around and understand that insults are part of any forum. However, if the other person I am speaking with wishes to lower themselves by unnecessary insults, they can do it by themselves.

I will not help them get to the bottom!

I do hope you have a good evening!


1 Cor 15:3-4.."For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:"

Acts 17:11.."These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so."
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
In order to fly from New York to southeast Asia, which is west and south of New York, the fastest straight line route is to fly northwest from New York instead of southwest.
Southeast Asia is south and west of New York. But instead you fly northwest, in a certain direction, on a straight line, and you'll get to southeast Asia much faster than by flying southwest from New York instead.
How is it possible if the earth's flat?

I'm not saying that it's proof, but it really demands a satisfactory explanation.

If I want to go west, and south of my current position, then I head south-west.

But not from New York to Southeast Asia.

For that, I go north-west, and I get there quicker!

Both flying south-west, and flying north-west will get you to Southeast Asia from New York, but north-west is much quicker!

On a flat earth, how it can be?

What's the explanation?


Well-known member
But over 2,000 years earlier in ancient Greece, a man arrived at nearly that exact same figure by putting a stick in the ground. That man was Eratosthenes. A Greek mathematician and the head of the library at Alexandria.

Eratosthenes had heard that in Syene, a city south of Alexandria, no vertical shadows were cast at noon on the summer solstice. The sun was directly overhead. He wondered if this were also true in Alexandria.

So, on June 21 he planted a stick directly in the ground and waited to see if a shadow would be cast at noon. It turns out there was one. And it measured about 7 degrees.

Now, if the sun's rays are coming in at the same angle at the same time of day, and a stick in Alexandria is casting a shadow while a stick in Syene is not, it must mean that the Earth's surface is curved. And Eratosthenes probably already knew that.

The idea of a spherical Earth was floated around by Pythagoras around 500 BC and validated by Aristotle a couple centuries later. If the Earth really was a sphere, Eratosthenes could use his observations to estimate the circumference of the entire planet.

Since the difference in shadow length is 7 degrees in Alexandria and Syene, that means the two cities are 7 degrees apart on Earth's 360-degrees surface. Eratosthenes hired a man to pace the distance between the two cities and learned they were 5,000 stadia apart, which is about 800 kilometres.

He could then use simple proportions to find the Earth's circumference — 7.2 degrees is 1/50 of 360 degrees, so 800 times 50 equals 40,000 kilometers. And just like that, a man 2200 years ago found the circumference of our entire planet with just a stick and his brain.

Right Divider

Body part
I am not in the habit of debating or even talking to anyone who calls me names simply because they do not agree with what I said.

You said: "That explains why your an idiot."

Do I need to place you in that category?

have a good evening

No I did not say that. Another user was saying that to someone else. Perhaps you should learn what a QUOTE BOX looks like (and also note that that QUOTE BOX is in my SIGNATURE and has nothing to do with you).

At the top of the QUOTE BOX you will see "Originally Posted by Squeaky".

Also, perhaps you did not see the IRONY in that statement of HIS. HE could not even use proper English ("your" should be "your're") and was yet calling someone else an idiot.

If you're not in the "habit of debating" then you do not belong in this thread and should not bother commenting here.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Mr. Clete, My apologies for not using "reply with Quote". I usually try to use "reply" when I have something that is general and not specific to anyone person. In your case, I will use "reply with Quote" as you wish?
The colors I pick stay unless that is against the forums rules?

Is it not called hypocrisy if you call me out on colors yet in this post you are using at least three different colors?
No, but it is stupid to accuse someone of being a hypocrite when they specifically explained why they said what they said.

I don't actually care what color you use and using color for emphasis or to distinguish one thing from another is entirely a different thing than having your entire post in some color or format other than what every other person on the forum typically uses. As I said, doing so is silly (sort of gay, if you ask me) but again, the point was to give an example of a personal opinion as apposed to something like whether the Earth is round or not - get it?

You said:" either stupid, a liar, indoctrinated or a combination of the three".

Yes, it is your opinion, based on facts that have convinced you. It is the same process only a different view for myself. Calling me a names will not effect a different outcome in my opinion.
You are stupid.

You think math is opinion! You think that calculating the sides and angles of a right triangle using the Pythagorean Theorem is a process in opinion making.

If you actually do believe that, which at this point I'm thoroughly convinced you do, you are flatly stupid and beyond any hope whatsoever of being convinced of anything other than what you want to believe.

And that isn't merely name calling. The word 'stupid' means something that applies directly to you. I'm not kidding and I'm not saying this for effect. I'm stating a fact. Your mind does not work, either by design or by intent - probably the later, which is the worse of the two. In your current condition knowledge is beyond your grasp. Everything is opinion, everything is conjecture and nothing is sure, solid, certain or known.

Peas taste terrible. - Opinion!
People from Africa are just as human as people from Europe. - Opinion!
Ford makes good cars. - Opinion!
The sky is blue. - Opinion!
The Earth is round. - Opinion!
God exists. - Opinion!
Jesus is the Messiah. - Opinion!

That's the world in which you live!

I was going to ask for the post that you gave your proof but you have already provided it below. I will read it and let you know what I think of it.

And you can dispense with your flattery as you are simply wasting your breathe, I learned a long time ago, words attacking someone else does nothing except reflex on the one who is speaking.
Flattery? :rotfl:

You're stupid and a fool.

I'd rather you have not read it. It was wasted on you.

I will agree with your findings BUT, it seems you have left out the size of the sun (magnification if any and what type).
If one takes a flashlight while standing in the middle of your living room floor, point the light to the floor while holding the it chest-high. There is a "circle"(not a ball)of light on the floor which the light illuminates. Outside this circle, it continually gets darker the further away you get from the circle of light on the floor.

Lets, go one step further.Use the above principle with a penlight or a light with magnification and or zoom lens. The result are astonishing and do not correlate with your math project below

The question is: Since GOD made the SUN and MOON and Stars,,,,,,What Kind of light did HE use. If you know the answer to this then some will consider you a GOD, I will not!

I am now thoroughly convinced that these flat Earthers are all universally stupid. I can't even understand how such an "argument" can be allowed to proceed out of a breathing human being's mouth, never mind formulated in their mind and accepted as anything that is remotely valid! :bang:

Look, the size of the Sun is all together irrelevant. The argument is about angles above the horizon, not the object's size (actual or apparent). The FACT (i.e. not opinion) that the Sun sets at all, especially when coupled with the fact that it is ALWAYS solar noon at some longitude is proof that the Earth cannot be flat - period.

Thank you for your effort. Yet, there are holes in the math you have used. While I do not have the time to explain nor do I have to the time to debate this any further, the bottom line is: You have not changed my mind.

Again thank you for the effort and the special effects were excellent!

Do hope you have a great day sir.:)

This was a lie.

It's easy enough to say that there are holes in the math and it wouldn't have taken another five minutes to at least state simply what the nature of such holes were. Of course, no one has the time to explain the nature of holes that do not exist.

This was nothing at all but an admission of defeat and a declaration of your unwillingness to allow plain reason to persuade your mind.

I take it back, it wasn't wasted on you, not entirely. Now, anyone who reads this exchange can know how intellectually dishonest and vapid you are (and flat earthers generally, for that matter).

You're an embarrassment to yourself and to the entire Christian faith. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Clete :Clete:

P.S. If someone is wondering why I come down so hard on these people it's because it seems the majority of these morons call themselves Christians. They are a detriment to the entire faith! They will cause people to reject their only hope of escaping Hell and they'll do it in the name of Christ! It's utterly complete stupidity and it has nothing at all to do with the Bible, the Christian faith or anything else that is real or even rational. It is not okay for them to just be allowed to go on their merry way thinking that they can rightly hold to such nonsense and be anywhere within normal Christian doctrine, belief or practice.


Active member
No I did not say that. Another user was saying that to someone else. Perhaps you should learn what a QUOTE BOX looks like (and also note that that QUOTE BOX is in my SIGNATURE and has nothing to do with you).

At the top of the QUOTE BOX you will see "Originally Posted by Squeaky".

Also, perhaps you did not see the IRONY in that statement of HIS. HE could not even use proper English ("your" should be "your're") and was yet calling someone else an idiot.

If you're not in the "habit of debating" then you do not belong in this thread and should not bother commenting here.

Hello, Right Divider..I do believe I ask you about that wording for squeaky. I did not know if that was you or it was from him. And no I did not pay attention to His wording... It is good to know that we can have a conversation without calling each other out or names..

I am glad.

Have a good day


Right Divider

Body part
Hello, Right Divider..I do believe I ask you about that wording for squeaky.
Please post in intelligible English.

I did not know if that was you or it was from him.
It was quite easy to tell. If you cannot understand simple things, how will you discuss anything complex?

It's super SIMPLE.. its says "Originally Posted by Squeaky".

See... that means that Squeaky originally posted that.... see.... not me.... got it?

And no I did not pay attention to His wording...
You don't seem to pay attention to much.

It is good to know that we can have a conversation without calling each other out or names..

I am glad.

Have a good day

We can.

So once again, this thread is a debate about flat earth. If you "don't debate" then you are in the wrong place.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber

Hello, Right Divider..I do believe I ask you about that wording for squeaky. I did not know if that was you or it was from him. And no I did not pay attention to His wording... It is good to know that we can have a conversation without calling each other out or names..

I am glad.

Have a good day


Names like "hypocrite", you mean? :rolleyes:


Active member

No, but it is stupid to accuse someone of being a hypocrite when they specifically explained why they said what they said.

I don't actually care what color you use and using color for emphasis or to distinguish one thing from another is entirely a different thing than having your entire post in some color or format other than what every other person on the forum typically uses. As I said, doing so is silly (sort of gay, if you ask me) but again, the point was to give an example of a personal opinion as apposed to something like whether the Earth is round or not - get it?

You are stupid.

You think math is opinion! You think that calculating the sides and angles of a right triangle using the Pythagorean Theorem is a process in opinion making.

If you actually do believe that, which at this point I'm thoroughly convinced you do, you are flatly stupid and beyond any hope whatsoever of being convinced of anything other than what you want to believe.

And that isn't merely name calling. The word 'stupid' means something that applies directly to you. I'm not kidding and I'm not saying this for effect. I'm stating a fact. Your mind does not work, either by design or by intent - probably the later, which is the worse of the two. In your current condition knowledge is beyond your grasp. Everything is opinion, everything is conjecture and nothing is sure, solid, certain or known.

Peas taste terrible. - Opinion!
People from Africa are just as human as people from Europe. - Opinion!
Ford makes good cars. - Opinion!
The sky is blue. - Opinion!
The Earth is round. - Opinion!
God exists. - Opinion!
Jesus is the Messiah. - Opinion!

That's the world in which you live!

Flattery? :rotfl:

You're stupid and a fool.

I'd rather you have not read it. It was wasted on you.


I am now thoroughly convinced that these flat Earthers are all universally stupid. I can't even understand how such an "argument" can be allowed to proceed out of a breathing human being's mouth, never mind formulated in their mind and accepted as anything that is remotely valid! :bang:

Look, the size of the Sun is all together irrelevant. The argument is about angles above the horizon, not the object's size (actual or apparent). The FACT (i.e. not opinion) that the Sun sets at all, especially when coupled with the fact that it is ALWAYS solar noon at some longitude is proof that the Earth cannot be flat - period.

This was a lie.

It's easy enough to say that there are holes in the math and it wouldn't have taken another five minutes to at least state simply what the nature of such holes were. Of course, no one has the time to explain the nature of holes that do not exist.

This was nothing at all but an admission of defeat and a declaration of your unwillingness to allow plain reason to persuade your mind.

I take it back, it wasn't wasted on you, not entirely. Now, anyone who reads this exchange can know how intellectually dishonest and vapid you are (and flat earthers generally, for that matter).

You're an embarrassment to yourself and to the entire Christian faith. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Clete :Clete:

P.S. If someone is wondering why I come down so hard on these people it's because it seems the majority of these morons call themselves Christians. They are a detriment to the entire faith! They will cause people to reject their only hope of escaping Hell and they'll do it in the name of Christ! It's utterly complete stupidity and it has nothing at all to do with the Bible, the Christian faith or anything else that is real or even rational. It is not okay for them to just be allowed to go on their merry way thinking that they can rightly hold to such nonsense and be anywhere within normal Christian doctrine, belief or practice.

Clete. I see you have used a new word or two to define my character. I have you down for 5 of them with you using 2 of them more than once which do not count as a new word. I think I have a little better dictionary that I would be willing to loan to you...It would help in your word count and help raise you character down a little more.

I have no problem with the Pythagorean Theorem, but what I said is your math had holes in it. As you well know, numbers can be made to say anything a person wants them to say. Like putting data into a computer; if you put crap in you get crap out and the same applies to any formula you might want to use!

The type, size, magnification, etc. of the light source does matter!

I do believe there are enough models out there for one to come to the conclusion that everything our scientist and NASA tells us about how the sun interacts with a globe could also be duplicated on a flat world.

If you want to do math, try the horizon and the curvature of the earth. Please do apply that 8" drop of the earth surface every mile squared and then tell us how an airplane can fly level yet not fly off into space. Don't worry the math of this angle is a simple Hypotenuse forumla of [square root of A(squared)+ B (squared)]....One might say this is an extension of the Pythagorean theorem: C (squared) = A (squared) + B(squared)

There is that word again "Angle"..Hey, we could calculated the downward angle the plane has to fly to prevent it from flying off into space?

Yes, the Bible has a great deal to say about the earth we live in. It is sad that you and others have added, changed or deleted text in order to fit you world view and/or lifestyle. God said what He meant to say and meant what HE said. But this I am sure is on another thread.

Oh, before I go Clete,,, my lifestyle includes being married to my high school sweetheart for 50 years this year...Thought I would mention that about me since you mentioned the "GAY" word.... What about you. Is the Gay word in your repertoire? Just asking?

Have a good evening :)

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Staff member
Super Moderator
Gold Subscriber
Clete. I see you have used a new word or two to define my character. I have you down for 5 of them with you using 2 of them more than once which do not count as a new word. I think I have a little better dictionary that I would be willing to loan to you...It would help in your word count and help raise you character down a little more.

I have no problem with the Pythagorean Theorem, but what I said is your math had holes in it. As you well know, numbers can be made to say anything a person wants them to say. Like putting data into a computer; if you put crap in you get crap out and the same applies to any formula you might want to use!

The type, size, magnification, etc. of the light source does matter!

I do believe there are enough models out there for one to come to the conclusion that everything our scientist and NASA tells us about how the sun interacts with a globe could also be duplicated on a flat world.

If you want to do math, try the horizon and the curvature of the earth. Please do apply that 8" drop of the earth surface every mile squared and then tell us how an airplane can fly level yet not fly off into space. Don't worry the math of this angle is a simple Hypotenuse forumla of [square root of A(squared)+ B (squared)]....One might say this is an extension of the Pythagorean theorem: C (squared) = A (squared) + B(squared)

There is that word again "Angle"..Hey, we could calculated the downward angle the plane has to fly to prevent it from flying off into space?

Yes, the Bible has a great deal to say about the earth we live in. It is sad that you and others have added, changed or deleted text in order to fit you world view and/or lifestyle. God said what He meant to say and meant what HE said. But this I am sure is on another thread.

Oh, before I go Clete,,, my lifestyle includes being married to my high school sweetheart for 50 years this year...Thought I would mention that about me since you mentioned the "GAY" word.... What about you. Is the Gay word in your repertoire? Just asking?

Have a good evening :)

Blade, could you please not color your entire post blue? It forces the site to use that color for your post, which makes it hard to read for those of us who use a dark theme on Tapatalk and other platforms.
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