The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

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Active member
Yes. It's really interesting. It gives you a peek into the Flat Earth community and what makes them tick. I think it was very enlightening.

Hi Mr. Knight, It is good to speak to you finally.:banana:

Yes, it is very interesting as NASA is advertising they are going to send a ship to the sun that is 4,000 miles away. Somehow, I remember in school it was 93,000,000 miles away. Oh well, but the best of all.....

They are going into the corona of the sun at 1 million degrees but first have to go through the outer layer which is only 10,000 degrees. I do a lot of metal work on my farm and have yet to hear about or see a metal that will stand up to those temps. About 5,000 degrees with pretty well melt anything we have. Guess they have been talking to Tony Stark or some other Marvel character.

While I am still a rookie on this forum, I believe in the WORD of GOD and am at least a Geocentrist . NASA keep trying to confirm my position each time they speak or place an ad.

Again, It is a privilege to speak to you as I have heard a great deal about you from others on other forums.



Well-known member
Hi Mr. Knight, It is good to speak to you finally.:banana:

Yes, it is very interesting as NASA is advertising they are going to send a ship to the sun that is 4,000 miles away. Somehow, I remember in school it was 93,000,000 miles away. Oh well, but the best of all.....

They are going into the corona of the sun at 1 million degrees but first have to go through the outer layer which is only 10,000 degrees. I do a lot of metal work on my farm and have yet to hear about or see a metal that will stand up to those temps. About 5,000 degrees with pretty well melt anything we have. Guess they have been talking to Tony Stark or some other Marvel character.

While I am still a rookie on this forum, I believe in the WORD of GOD and am at least a Geocentrist . NASA keep trying to confirm my position each time they speak or place an ad.

Again, It is a privilege to speak to you as I have heard a great deal about you from others on other forums.


um, where are they advertising this? Do you have a link?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Hi Mr. Knight, It is good to speak to you finally.:banana:

Yes, it is very interesting as NASA is advertising they are going to send a ship to the sun that is 4,000 miles away. Somehow, I remember in school it was 93,000,000 miles away. Oh well, but the best of all.....

They are going into the corona of the sun at 1 million degrees but first have to go through the outer layer which is only 10,000 degrees. I do a lot of metal work on my farm and have yet to hear about or see a metal that will stand up to those temps. About 5,000 degrees with pretty well melt anything we have. Guess they have been talking to Tony Stark or some other Marvel character.

While I am still a rookie on this forum, I believe in the WORD of GOD and am at least a Geocentrist . NASA keep trying to confirm my position each time they speak or place an ad.

Again, It is a privilege to speak to you as I have heard a great deal about you from others on other forums.

It took about 20 seconds to find out why the probe won't melt (because I don't think I'm smarter than NASA or that there is meansinless and mindless and impossible conspiracies going on all around me so I bothered to look)...

The Science Behind Why It (The Parker Solar Probe) Won’t Melt

One key to understanding what keeps the spacecraft and its instruments safe, is understanding the concept of heat versus temperature. Counterintuitively, high temperatures do not always translate to actually heating another object.

In space, the temperature can be thousands of degrees without providing significant heat to a given object or feeling hot. Why? Temperature measures how fast particles are moving, whereas heat measures the total amount of energy that they transfer. Particles may be moving fast (high temperature), but if there are very few of them, they won’t transfer much energy (low heat). Since space is mostly empty, there are very few particles that can transfer energy to the spacecraft.

The corona through which Parker Solar Probe flies, for example, has an extremely high temperature but very low density. Think of the difference between putting your hand in a hot oven versus putting it in a pot of boiling water (don’t try this at home!) — in the oven, your hand can withstand significantly hotter temperatures for longer than in the water where it has to interact with many more particles. Similarly, compared to the visible surface of the Sun, the corona is less dense, so the spacecraft interacts with fewer hot particles and doesn’t receive as much heat.

That means that while Parker Solar Probe will be traveling through a space with temperatures of several million degrees, the surface of the heat shield that faces the Sun will only get heated to about 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit (about 1,400 degrees Celsius).


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It took about 20 seconds to find out why the probe won't melt (because I don't think I'm smarter than NASA or that there is meansinless and mindless and impossible conspiracies going on all around me so I bothered to look)...

The Science Behind Why It (The Parker Solar Probe) Won’t Melt

One key to understanding what keeps the spacecraft and its instruments safe, is understanding the concept of heat versus temperature. Counterintuitively, high temperatures do not always translate to actually heating another object.

In space, the temperature can be thousands of degrees without providing significant heat to a given object or feeling hot. Why? Temperature measures how fast particles are moving, whereas heat measures the total amount of energy that they transfer. Particles may be moving fast (high temperature), but if there are very few of them, they won’t transfer much energy (low heat). Since space is mostly empty, there are very few particles that can transfer energy to the spacecraft.

The corona through which Parker Solar Probe flies, for example, has an extremely high temperature but very low density. Think of the difference between putting your hand in a hot oven versus putting it in a pot of boiling water (don’t try this at home!) — in the oven, your hand can withstand significantly hotter temperatures for longer than in the water where it has to interact with many more particles. Similarly, compared to the visible surface of the Sun, the corona is less dense, so the spacecraft interacts with fewer hot particles and doesn’t receive as much heat.

That means that while Parker Solar Probe will be traveling through a space with temperatures of several million degrees, the surface of the heat shield that faces the Sun will only get heated to about 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit (about 1,400 degrees Celsius).

Nathon Detroit

Hi Mr. Knight, It is good to speak to you finally.:banana:

Yes, it is very interesting as NASA is advertising they are going to send a ship to the sun that is 4,000 miles away. Somehow, I remember in school it was 93,000,000 miles away. Oh well, but the best of all.....

They are going into the corona of the sun at 1 million degrees but first have to go through the outer layer which is only 10,000 degrees. I do a lot of metal work on my farm and have yet to hear about or see a metal that will stand up to those temps. About 5,000 degrees with pretty well melt anything we have. Guess they have been talking to Tony Stark or some other Marvel character.

While I am still a rookie on this forum, I believe in the WORD of GOD and am at least a Geocentrist . NASA keep trying to confirm my position each time they speak or place an ad.

Again, It is a privilege to speak to you as I have heard a great deal about you from others on other forums.

Thanks Blade and welcome to the discussion. That was a really good question and I'm glad you asked it. Thankfully it gave Clete a chance to answer it for you. :up:


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber

Sorry if I came off a bit rude in my last post.

This flat earth stuff just strikes me as completely ridiculous but I have to admit that it is interesting to find all the correct answers to the questions and problems that flat-earthers bring up so I'll try to keep a lid on the flippant remarks.

Welcome to TOL!


Active member
It is OK, I was were you are at one time.... A whole lifetime of believing what they told me and then! I don't really use it as a stump to speak from but do not shy away from it as any time.

In any event, It is good to talk to you. God's speed



Active member
Mr. Chair..... They advertised it on TV...Did have a good visual display..... There are many items where NASA is slowly letting it out; (that we have never been out of our atmosphere or landed on the moon.)

Please Mr. Chair, let me say this first. I believe in Jesus Christ and His WORD, The Holy Bible. There are many scripture that tell us about the earth and most of the time they seem to conflict with our scientist.

For many many years, I believed in the science, math, physics, etc. but sometime ago decided that too many variances, too many exceptions, too many outright lies have been told for our scientific data to be true.

Even in Quantum Physics, they tell us, at a specific point in time, we would lose locality. That number is 10x-43.

Our science has finally come to the conclusion, we no longer live in an Infinite universe but rather a finite one.

I know this does not answer your question? The advertisement I spoke of was real and on TV. I have seen it several times which is why I remembered it so well a feat at my age. It might be also on You-tube but I have not tried to find it.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
This is why we are debating flat earth

1. Experiments could not detect motion to the earth. "Soon I came to the conclusion that our idea about the motion of the Earth with respect to the ether is incorrect, if we admit Michelson’s null result as a fact. This was the first path which led me to the special theory of relativity...I have come to believe that the motion of the Earth cannot be detected by any optical experiment--Albert Einstein “How I Created the Theory of Relativity,” Dec. 14, 1922

2. The sun, moon, and stars tell us nothing about the shape of the earth. The sun and the moon are not habitations for life. They are lights in the sky that appear much smaller than the earth. They have no atmosphere, water/oceans, or forests. We observe them, along with the clouds and the stars, moving across the sky.

3. The horizon line always appears straight/flat and is never curved. The horizon always rises up to our eye level regardless of how high we go. The higher we go the further into the distance we see the land and water/oceans rise up before us as a flat plane would do, we never see the earth drop away from us as we would if the earth were a globe.

4. Everything we know about a globed earth and heliocentric universe is as "imagined" as Einstein's relative space/time universe. There exists much evidence that NASA faked the moon landings and is now faking space missions to keep us from finding out the earth is flat just as our God given senses and the Bible tell us.

In order to fly from New York to southeast Asia, which is west and south of New York, the fastest straight line route is to fly northwest from New York instead of southwest.
Southeast Asia is south and west of New York. But instead you fly northwest, in a certain direction, on a straight line, and you'll get to southeast Asia much faster than by flying southwest from New York instead.


Well-known member

Yes, it is very interesting as NASA is advertising they are going to send a ship to the sun that is 4,000 miles away. Somehow, I remember in school it was 93,000,000 miles away...

This is the part I was most surprised at. I think you misread something.


Active member
This is the part I was most surprised at. I think you misread something.

NO, I like to have fell out of my seat as well. Did not have to read it, just listened to it...

On another front: India is landing a spacecraft on MARS (they emphasized this...>on the first try...)

Of course, we can have a colony on the moon, for we have now found ice water on it??????

Mr. Chair,,,, you are going to have to get out more often... LOL no disrespect to yourself intended, only jest at best.

Because they seem to be unable to keep up with what they have said in the past....It is so funny.

Just to be frank, there are so many more from the MIT Engineer telling us we have never sent a spacecraft through the Van Allen Radiation Belt for it would FRY the computer on board......>to the astronauts (x2 sets) that tells us, we have never been beyond low earth orbit. That use to be around 70 miles but who knows these days.

Do hope you have a great day sir.



Active member
If you believe this OP, you believe Jesus swooned and never died.

Mr. Raven,,,,,,why would I lie to you... It is on TV as an advertisement. All the other information is there if you really want to know!

I have no problems with your post, just trying to make conversation?

Have a good day sir.



This is why we are debating flat earth

1. Experiments could not detect motion to the earth. "Soon I came to the conclusion that our idea about the motion of the Earth with respect to the ether is incorrect, if we admit Michelson’s null result as a fact. This was the first path which led me to the special theory of relativity...I have come to believe that the motion of the Earth cannot be detected by any optical experiment--Albert Einstein “How I Created the Theory of Relativity,” Dec. 14, 1922

2. The sun, moon, and stars tell us nothing about the shape of the earth. The sun and the moon are not habitations for life. They are lights in the sky that appear much smaller than the earth. They have no atmosphere, water/oceans, or forests. We observe them, along with the clouds and the stars, moving across the sky.

3. The horizon line always appears straight/flat and is never curved. The horizon always rises up to our eye level regardless of how high we go. The higher we go the further into the distance we see the land and water/oceans rise up before us as a flat plane would do, we never see the earth drop away from us as we would if the earth were a globe.

4. Everything we know about a globed earth and heliocentric universe is as "imagined" as Einstein's relative space/time universe. There exists much evidence that NASA faked the moon landings and is now faking space missions to keep us from finding out the earth is flat just as our God given senses and the Bible tell us.


Hahah....that’s funny.
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