While we wait for that and Dave, can one you science embracing members answer the question at the bottom of this powerful image? No change in Parallax with the North Star? Is that true?

Yes. West and slightly north.So the sun is West, NW? Like slightly to the North and West? Are Denver and St. Louis about even in location on the map of the US or are you north of St. Louis?
You should get the Spyglass app so you know what you are looking at. Denver is north of the St. Louis so I doubt the sun is direct west or slightly south at sunset. (if it's north-west of me it would have to be north-west of you.)Because from where I am in the Lou, the sunset appears to be West of course, but also slightly South.
Polaris is a VERY distant star. The distance to Polaris is VASTLY greater than the diameter of the earth's orbit around the sun.While we wait for that and Dave, can one you science embracing members answer the question at the bottom of this powerful image? No change in Parallax with the North Star? Is that true?
While we wait for that and Dave, can one you science embracing members answer the question at the bottom of this powerful image? No change in Parallax with the North Star? Is that true?
Compared to 8 light minutes for our sun. VASTLY different.... but I don't think that FE'ers have any understanding of SCALE whatsoever.The figure that is currently the most widely accepted figure puts Polaris at 433 light years away.
Compared to 8 light minutes for our sun. VASTLY different.... but I don't think that FE'ers have any understanding of SCALE whatsoever.
Compared to 8 light minutes for our sun. VASTLY different.... but I don't think that FE'ers have any understanding of SCALE whatsoever.
This is why we are debating flat earth
1. Experiments could not detect motion to the earth. "Soon I came to the conclusion that our idea about the motion of the Earth with respect to the ether is incorrect, if we admit Michelson’s null result as a fact. This was the first path which led me to the special theory of relativity...I have come to believe that the motion of the Earth cannot be detected by any optical experiment--Albert Einstein “How I Created the Theory of Relativity,” Dec. 14, 1922
2. The sun, moon, and stars tell us nothing about the shape of the earth. The sun and the moon are not habitations for life. They are lights in the sky that appear much smaller than the earth. They have no atmosphere, water/oceans, or forests. We observe them, along with the clouds and the stars, moving across the sky.
3. The horizon line always appears straight/flat and is never curved. The horizon always rises up to our eye level regardless of how high we go. The higher we go the further into the distance we see the land and water/oceans rise up before us as a flat plane would do, we never see the earth drop away from us as we would if the earth were a globe.
4. Everything we know about a globed earth and heliocentric universe is as "imagined" as Einstein's relative space/time universe. There exists much evidence that NASA faked the moon landings and is now faking space missions to keep us from finding out the earth is flat just as our God given senses and the Bible tell us.
Awesome !!! Let everybody see how Fake it is. Do you believe Star Wars was real too, CC? I'll be back from time to time to prove the sun is CLOSE and SMALL.
NASA Live - Earth From Space (HDVR)
Keep in mind we are dealing with people who don't put a high value on being honest with themselves. The Flat Earth theory is like a drug it consumes them and makes them stupid (just like drugs do).This stupidity isn't meant to be serious is it? LOL! I guess NASA fabricated all the images of earth taken from interplanetary probes, and I guess everybody on the international space station is just hallucinating, or lying. Is that it? LOLLLLL
Keep in mind we are dealing with people who don't put a high value on being honest with themselves. The Flat Earth theory is like a drug it consumes them and makes them stupid (just like drugs do).
equatorial bulge NEW water balloon3
This video shows that absurdity of the spinning ball model and its "EQUATORIAL BULGE" with EXPERIMENTS, VIDEO MODELING AND SOUND ARGUMENTS
12 minutes - really good one -
Kind of like Liberals: Their positions have become so insane, and still they defend them because they are consumed with Liberalism.
I get it.
Keep in mind we are dealing with people who don't put a high value on being honest with themselves. The Flat Earth theory is like a drug it consumes them and makes them stupid (just like drugs do).
Keep in mind we are dealing with people who don't put a high value on being honest with themselves. The Flat Earth theory is like a drug it consumes them and makes them stupid (just like drugs do).
You and Knight and musty - :chuckle:There is also the possibility that flattards were just stupid to begin with. Perhaps they weren't made stupid by FE theory so much as they are just maintaining their status quo.