The dim future of Britain


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Okay, as far as 'assimilation' goes then I agree that those who settle into the West abide by and respect the country's laws. Most do which has gotten lost with some of the far right here seeing extremists every time they see a turban or something. Add to that the crackpots who would destroy all mosques etc. Now if I'm reading you right, then you have no problem with Muslims in America provided they adopt the laws of the land and they can still worship as they see fit. If so there's not really much of a point of contention between us.

I work with a couple of peaceful muslims, that do not subscribe to, or identify with the radical sects which are causing all the problems across the globe so, in theory yes I agree with you. However if I was to see something like this in my country no...If they do not want to live peaceably alongside other westerners I say throw the ingrates out, send their sorry butts back to the barbaric, violent, throwback cultures they came from.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I work with a couple of peaceful muslims, that do not subscribe to, or identify with the radical sects which are causing all the problems across the globe so, in theory yes I agree with you. However if I was to see something like this in my country no...If they do not want to live peaceably alongside other westerners I say throw the ingrates out, send their sorry butts back to the barbaric, violent, throwback cultures they came from.

So have I, I've also literally lived around the corner from the local Muslim community and mosque for years and there's been no trouble whatsoever as there isn't in most places in the UK. Where it comes to extremists then absolutely, I'd want every single terrorist (no matter of what stripe) kicked out along with those who support atrocious acts so on this we're hardly in disagreement at all it would seem. Thanks for showing some rationality on the subject instead of telling me I'm going to be subjugated by Islam in a few years time...


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
So have I, I've also literally lived around the corner from the local Muslim community and mosque for years and there's been no trouble whatsoever as there isn't in most places in the UK. Where it comes to extremists then absolutely, I'd want every single terrorist (no matter of what stripe) kicked out along with those who support atrocious acts so on this we're hardly in disagreement at all it would seem. Thanks for showing some rationality on the subject instead of telling me I'm going to be subjugated by Islam in a few years time...

It isn't a matter of being subjugated but, it is a matter of not being tolerant in any way to cultural ideologies that oppose your national identity. Either assimilate into UK society or they should be shown the door...period.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It isn't a matter of being subjugated but, it is a matter of not being tolerant in any way to cultural ideologies that oppose your national identity. Either assimilate into UK society or they should be shown the door...period.

No, but then I'm referring to the type of moronic rubbish I've been subjected to from the likes of certain nutcases here who can't seem to differentiate between peaceable people of different religions and cultures who do integrate into society and the terrorists and extremists who don't. There is no tolerance towards extremism here whatsoever. When compared to the likes of Musterion you're almost a liberal RM...



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
No, but then I'm referring to the type of moronic rubbish I've been subjected to from the likes of certain nutcases here who can't seem to differentiate between peaceable people of different religions and cultures who do integrate into society and the terrorists and extremists who don't. There is no tolerance towards extremism here whatsoever. When compared to the likes of Musterion you're almost a liberal RM...


Not even close to being a liberal AB, I do however believe in our nation's constitution, and the idea of freedom of religion that extends from it. However I also believe in the freedom of speech to vocally oppose anything as well, you may not like Musterion, Nick, or aCW's viewpoints or worldview but, I however recognize their right to hold their beliefs & vocalize them under the banner of free speech. Free speech doesn't protect only the speech we find agreeable much to the chagrin of the marxist intolerant left who want to control the speech of others, or shape it through political correctness nonsense. The constitution does not extend the freedom to not be offended.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Not even close to being a liberal AB, I do however believe in our nation's constitution, and the idea of freedom of religion that extends from it. However I also believe in the freedom of speech to vocally oppose anything as well, you may not like Musterion, Nick, or aCW's viewpoints or worldview but, I however recognize their right to hold their beliefs & vocalize them under the banner of free speech. Free speech doesn't protect only the speech we find agreeable much to the chagrin of the marxist intolerant left who want to control the speech of others, or shape it through political correctness nonsense. The constitution does not extend the freedom to not be offended.

I know you aren't, hence the smiley at the end of my post, but in relation to the hardliners who see fit to pigeonhole people into the silly little labels they categorize people into then you may as well be if you don't see Muslims as the same as them.

Following on from this, you have very little idea about 'liberalism' if you think it entails wanting to curtail the rights of free speech. I'll be completely honest where it comes to the likes of Musty & Nick M. I have zero respect for them whatsoever. I've more respect for aCW as at least his peculiar brand of obsession is honest in its own ludicrous way. If you think for a moment I'd want to censor any of these or other far right wingers then you're as far off the mark as it's possible to get however. I also recognize their right to air views that run contrary to my own and I'd defend their right to continue doing just that. FYI I also despise 'political correctness' so maybe you shouldn't be quite so quick to bracket people or even their ideology even if they do happen to identify as 'liberal'.

It's quite ironic, considering I've 'been removed from the discussion' in certain threads on here and yet I haven't ever pushed for people to be removed from any I've started in turn.


Well-known member
I work with a couple of peaceful muslims, that do not subscribe to, or identify with the radical sects which are causing all the problems across the globe

As far as you can know.

Successful jihad = Islamic rule in the West, which every single Muslim desires (how could they not?) even if they personally won't kill to get it.
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Well-known member
It isn't a matter of being subjugated

Respectfully disagreeing with you there brother. They are being incrementally subjugated.

Two men were just arrested for burning the Quran online. Can you imagine a British patriot being arrested for burning a copy of Mein Kampf in protest of the Blitz? Neither can I.

A report I saw last week said a man was reported to the police for tweeting something factual and un-PC about the attacks. The police responded by saying they would investigate him.

During the attacks, unarmed police ran into a pub and told everybody to get down on the floor and hide. One patron uttered and expletive about Mohammedans. Another patron scolded that man for speaking poorly of Mohammedans even as Mohammedans were committing mass murder right outside their door.

They absolutely are being subjugated, bit by bit. That's what it is amounting to.
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Well-known member
hardliners who see fit to pigeonhole people

Quit being an *** and get this straight once and for all:

Were or not for taquiyya, I doubt any of us would hold the position we hold. Said it before, saying it again: every Mohammedan who has succumbed to "sudden jihad syndrome" and committed murder has had his or her share of shocked citizens just like you who would have SWORN that the murderers were "one of the peaceful ones."

That none of them can be fully trusted is NOT OUR FAULT.


Well-known member
This statement I can agree with but, who can be fully trusted?

Generally, anyone who doesn't hold to a theology that condones and promotes murder in the name of world conquest can usually be trusted not to commit murder. It still happens but to murder for Allah, or to sympathize with those who do, is to be consistent with what they say Allah commands. It is in no way an outlier.

In other words, murder is inextricably baked into the cake of Mohammedanism.

That many Muslims do not go around committing murder only proves their inconsistency with what Allah commands, not that the cake isn't what it is.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quit being an *** and get this straight once and for all:

Were or not for taquiyya, I doubt any of us would hold the position we hold. Said it before, saying it again: every Mohammedan who has succumbed to "sudden jihad syndrome" and committed murder has had his or her share of shocked citizens just like you who would have SWORN that the murderers were "one of the peaceful ones."

That none of them can be fully trusted is NOT OUR FAULT.

Quit being one yourself Musty. First off, if you think all extremists are well known beforehand then that's false for a start. Then again, you seem to think that all Muslims desire Islamic law being imposed on the West which is as bonkers as stating that all Christians celebrate when people die from cancer, yet that happens...
If you want to continue deluding yourself that Britain is gradually being subjugated from within and will resemble an Islamic state in years down the line then you crack on with it. You're completely ignorant, clueless and whacko, but that's your prerogative after all.


Well-known member
Quit being one yourself Musty. First off, if you think all extremists are well known beforehand then that's false for a start. Then again, you seem to think that all Muslims desire Islamic law being imposed on the West which is as bonkers as stating that all Christians celebrate when people die from cancer, yet that happens...
If you want to continue deluding yourself that Britain is gradually being subjugated from within and will resemble an Islamic state in years down the line then you crack on with it. You're completely ignorant, clueless and whacko, but that's your prerogative after all.

Did you have an intelligent, relevant point you wanted to make?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Generally, anyone who doesn't hold to a theology that condones and promotes murder in the name of world conquest can usually be trusted not to commit murder. It still happens but to murder for Allah, or to sympathize with those who do, is to be consistent with what they say they believe. It is in no way an outlier.

In other words, murder is inextricably baked into the cake of Mohammedanism. That many Muslims do not go around committing murder only proves their inconsistency, not that the cake isn't what it is.

No, it isn't. This is just you pulling the same ignorance over and over again. The vast majority of Muslims condemn (and have done in light of recent attacks) all terrorist acts and use their own sacred texts in doing so as well. You just want to blanket all Muslims as potential extremists which as usual with you - lacks any sort of rationality.


Well-known member
You might wanna try asking yourself that very same question and see if you can somehow pull it off...

Mohammad commanded the conversion, conquest or death of all non-Muslims. You find it unfathomable that modern people can actually believe that but more than you suspect do believe it. It is happening throughout Europe and in your own country. You can keep pretending it isn't happening, but it is happening and you can neither stop it nor defend yourself from it.