The Deception of the Teaching of the Trinity

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True, but Bright Raven believes the holy Spirit is the person who impregnated Mary. This would make the holy spirit Jesus' father if the holy Spirit were a person.

Also, since God is holy by definition then we should be able to refer to him as the Spirit as Jesus did in John 4:24.

The holy spirit is indeed an actual person, but he is not the source of power to bring conception, it is the Father and is always the Father when power is exercised. Even in the beginning, when Jesus Christ spoke the world into existence, it was always the Father that exerted the power to make it be, through the speech of Jesus Christ.


New member
The holy spirit is indeed an actual person, but he is not the source of power to bring conception, it is the Father and is always the Father when power is exercised. Even in the beginning, when Jesus Christ spoke the world into existence, it was always the Father that exerted the power to make it be, through the speech of Jesus Christ.

But that is not scriptural.

Where was the holy Spirit during Jesus' humanity?

The Father worked through Jesus just fine without the need for a third party.


But that is not scriptural.

Where was the holy Spirit during Jesus' humanity?

The Father worked through Jesus just fine without the need for a third party.

What is not scriptural? Be specific.

The holy spirit came to dwell inside Jesus Christ at his baptism.
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