The Dead Old One Cell Speck Suddenly Came To Life , , ,


Active member
JAG Writes:
You have no Empirical Evidence that your original ancestor
was at one time a dead one-celled speck that lived in the
Primordial Slime and then later begin to pulsate with life.

Pulsate , , just a slight boom , , boom , , boom , , ,

I mean the one-celled speck was not always alive --so there
was a time when Old One-Cell was as dead as a door nail , ,

, , , but , , , ,

, , lo and behold , , ,

, , ,Old One Cell at some point became alive and it began to pulsate.

Then Time Passed.

After awhile Old One Cell, increased to the size of a pecan.

Then later on Old One Cell increased to the size of a baseball.

Then to the size of a Chicken.

A chicken , , ,

Then later on as Time Passed Old One Cell has now become a Toad Frog.
{or What Ever You Claim It Became}

But Old One Cell did not remain a Toad Frog.

On no.

Old One Cell eventually became a Chimp.

Then as time Passed a "scientific miracle" occurred , , ,

Here it comes , , ,

Old One Cell now at last has become "a Ronald Reagan"
and "a Ruth Bader Ginsburg."

And all that up there happened due to , , ,

~ natural selection
~ :random mutation
~ atoms and molecules wiggling around
~ chemical reactions taking place . . .

, , , and all that was produced by

~ unthinking non-intelligent Time
~ unthinking non-intelligent Chance
~ unthinking non-intelligent Matter , , ,

, , which produced a , ,

~ highly complex Human Brain

~ and a highly complex Human Eye, and

~ a highly complex Fully Functioning Human Body


So if you believe all that up there, then you are a Great Man Of Faith
and you believe in the Religion Of Evolution.

My view is It requires MORE faith to believe in all that up there, than
it requires to believe in John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He
gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish
but have Eternal Life."




Well-known member
Well, that is true too, but they aren't going to come into the theology section to discuss it? 🤔 I think these are usually posted "And the Rest" and sometimes politics.

The first thing they will argue about is a 'cell.' they don't believe life started with a cell, but the basic ingredients that would later become a cell. -Lon


Active member
There are only 3 choices:
{1} An Intelligent Designer created life.
{2} Life eternally existed.
{3} Life sprang into being from non-living substances.
All three are faith based positions.
I choose to believe {1}


Thought For Today:
Christianity Is a Faith.
"without faith it is impossible to please God."
"for by Grace are you saved through faith"


Staff member
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Gold Subscriber
There are only 3 choices:
{1} An Intelligent Designer created life.
{2} Life eternally existed.
{3} Life sprang into being from non-living substances.
All three are faith based positions.
I choose to believe {1}


Thought For Today:
Christianity Is a Faith.
"without faith it is impossible to please God."
"for by Grace are you saved through faith"

I believe 1 and 2, since God, the intelligent designer, who is the Living God, has existed eternally.


Active member
I believe 1 and 2, since God, the intelligent designer, who is the Living God, has existed eternally.
Do you believe that there was a time back there in eternity, when nothing
existed except the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? If you do believe that, then
don't you have a logical problem with your "I believe 1 and 2, since God, the
intelligent designer, who is the Living God, has existed eternally." ?
Living creatures have not always existed, have they?





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Do you believe that there was a time back there in eternity, when nothing existed except the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

God has ALWAYS existed (infinite duration).

At some point in His eternal existence, He decided to create, and then about 7000 years ago, He did so.

Prior to His creating, nothing existed besides Himself.

If you do believe that, then don't you have a logical problem with your "I believe 1 and 2, since God, the intelligent designer, who is the Living God, has existed eternally."?

I'm not sure what you mean. Could you please clarify?

Living creatures have not always existed, have they?


But God is "The Living God." That's what He calls Himself in His word. Thus, life, namely God, has always existed.

Are you asserting that prior to creating, God wasn't alive? If so, book, chapter, verse, for evidence, please.


Active member
God has ALWAYS existed (infinite duration).

At some point in His eternal existence, He decided to create, and then about 7000 years ago, He did so.

Prior to His creating, nothing existed besides Himself.

I'm not sure what you mean. Could you please clarify?


But God is "The Living God." That's what He calls Himself in His word. Thus, life, namely God, has always existed.

Are you asserting that prior to creating, God wasn't alive? If so, book, chapter, verse, for evidence, please.
We have no disagreement here.
God has always existed and has always been alive.
Prior to His creating nothing existed, is exactly correct.

JAG Previously Wrote:
There are only 3 choices:
{1} An Intelligent Designer created life.
{2} Life eternally existed.
{3} Life sprang into being from non-living substances.
All three are faith based positions.
I choose to believe {1}
End quote.

There are no logical or Biblical problems with my {1], {2}, and {3} up there.
My # {2} OBVIOUSLY meant created life and obviously did NOT mean the life of God Himself.
So in light of that:
{1} is the correct choice
and {2} is incorrect because created life did not always exist {which was the point of my {2}
and {3} is absurd because life can NOT come from non-life {as some evolutionists claim}





Staff member
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Gold Subscriber
There are no logical or Biblical problems with my {1], {2}, and {3} up there.
My # {2} OBVIOUSLY meant created life and obviously did NOT mean the life of God Himself.

It wasn't obvious.

Had you made the distinction, I wouldn't have said anything. But you didn't, so I did.

So in light of that:
{1} is the correct choice
and {2} is incorrect because created life did not always exist {which was the point of my {2}
and {3} is absurd because life can NOT come from non-life {as some evolutionists claim}

God made man from the dust of the ground.

That's life from non-life, in the purely strictest sense.

But of course, God was involved, so to be more accurate, life cannot come from non-life without God's intervention.