
New member
Have we looked up the definition of eternal in the dictionary? The Alpha Omega can be interpreted as timelessness too. It is one viable way out of many to see it.

Have you looked up the Hebrew word translated as eternal?

Nothing in it has anything to do with timelessness.

קֶדֶם qedem
  • east, antiquity, front, that which is before, aforetime
    • front, from the front or east, in front, mount of the East
    • ancient time, aforetime, ancient, from of old, earliest time
    • anciently, of old (adverb)
    • beginning
    • east
  • eastward, to or toward the East


New member
That is one of many definitions. There is more than one way to interpret the word eternal. What is the intent with this anyway? Are we trying to find a way to limit that which has no limits? We must ask ourselves why we are trying to do this. Perhaps we are identified with the adversary without realizing it. The devil devalues.

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New member
Your idea that the Bible should not be interpreted literally is not helping, since you can just substitute whatever meaning you want for the text.

Yes there are those who will attempt to abuse the system but we can tell in our hearts if what they are saying is true or makes sense. We know there is truth in the scriptures but we often don't know that it points to us. God gave us the soul as the guarantee of our divinity yet so many treat it with contempt, misunderstanding, rejection and insignificance in the same way they did Jesus. Jesus is symbolic for this part of us. The meaning we've been searching for all our lives is within. The soul is the source of unconditional, infinite and eternal self-worth. The understanding of this higher meaning is what humanity has been missing for centuries.


New member
That is one of many definitions. There is more than one way to interpret the word eternal.
You can interpret it or misinterpret it.
One way leads to correct doctrine, the other way leads to confusion.
What is the intent with this anyway? Are we trying to find a way to limit that which has no limits?
The Bible states clearly that God is Almighty.
The Bible does not state that God is timeless.
It is vain philosophy that assigns attributes to God that He does not declare about Himself.

Yes there are those who will attempt to abuse the system but we can tell in our hearts if what they are saying is true or makes sense.
Many people add to the Bible those things they think make sense and do it with complete disregard to what is actually written in the Bible.


New member
You can interpret it or misinterpret it.
One way leads to correct doctrine, the other way leads to confusion.

The Bible states clearly that God is Almighty.
The Bible does not state that God is timeless.
It is vain philosophy that assigns attributes to God that He does not declare about Himself.

Many people add to the Bible those things they think make sense and do it with complete disregard to what is actually written in the Bible.

The personality desperately hangs on to the bible and it's interpretations because of the need to avoid what is infinite and eternal. The bible is good but depending on it for a sense of defense, a sense of existence, a sense of feeling good enough, a sense of self-worth, a sense of foundation, a sense of security, a sense of something to hang on to, is unconscious pride. We take pleasure and comfort in not facing the blackness of infinity and eternity within. We unconsciously judge it as bad and avoid it like the plague. That is one way the enemy fools us so that we never experience God. Please be careful not to be blindsided by this.


New member
The personality desperately hangs on to the bible and it's interpretations because of the need to avoid what is infinite and eternal. The bible is good but depending on it for a sense of defense, a sense of existence, a sense of feeling good enough, a sense of self-worth, a sense of foundation, a sense of security, a sense of something to hang on to, is unconscious pride. We take pleasure and comfort in not facing the blackness of infinity and eternity within. We unconsciously judge it as bad and avoid it like the plague. That is one way the enemy fools us so that we never experience God. Please be careful not to be blindsided by this.

The deceiver took God's words and added to them in the garden.
Please be careful with God's words and do not add your own ideas to them, thinking you know better than what is written in the Bible.


New member


The deceiver took God's words and added to them in the garden.
Please be careful with God's words and do not add your own ideas to them, thinking you know better than what is written in the Bible.

It's the interpretation of the word that is in question. And yes there is a part of us that has access to intelligence that goes beyond the bible.

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New member
It's the interpretation of the word that is in question. And yes there is a part of us that has access to intelligence that goes beyond the bible.

Revelation 22:18-19
18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.​



New member


Again, subject to interpretation as is all scripture. Choosing to take it literally misses the point by a large margin.

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Not so. No, Jesus has not returned yet.

Jesus is NOT ruling from heaven. If anything the devil is in charge.
Jesus is King, even from when He was on earth.

When He ascended to the right hand of God, the Spirit of God was poured out.

If I understand this correctly He sat down on a throne or soon would.

Revelation 3:21‘He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.

When all things are subjected to Him, then He Himself will be subjected to the One who subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all in all.

1 Corinthians 15:27 For HE HAS PUT ALL THINGS IN SUBJECTION UNDER HIS FEET. But when He says, “All things are put in subjection,” it is evident that He is excepted who put all things in subjection to Him.

28 When all things are subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also will be subjected to the One who subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all in all.

Revelation 2:26-27 NASB is also important to me. I continue to seek understanding on these things. This is my best at this time.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Jesus is King, even from when He was on earth.

When He ascended to the right hand of God, the Spirit of God was poured out.

If I understand this correctly He sat down on a throne or soon would.

Revelation 3:21‘He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.

When all things are subjected to Him, then He Himself will be subjected to the One who subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all in all.

1 Corinthians 15:27 For HE HAS PUT ALL THINGS IN SUBJECTION UNDER HIS FEET. But when He says, “All things are put in subjection,” it is evident that He is excepted who put all things in subjection to Him.

28 When all things are subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also will be subjected to the One who subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all in all.

Revelation 2:26-27 NASB is also important to me. I continue to seek understanding on these things. This is my best at this time.

Nothing happens until Christ returns and then the world is going to be turned upside down.


Nothing happens until Christ returns and then the world is going to be turned upside down.

To help you with this will involve further discussion. I am willing to discuss this with you. I may learn from you. At this time I believe that my upbringing in Christianity is valuable but not perfect. I have spent much time studying scripture. I grew up with a dispensational background but I know about different eschatological views. In these specifically your interest is in the return or coming again of Christ. If you do not already recognize Him as King it will be difficult to continue. This in the realm of Christianity (eschatology). Judaism and a Biblical understanding beginning with Torah is what I desire.

patrick jane

To help you with this will involve further discussion. I am willing to discuss this with you. I may learn from you. At this time I believe that my upbringing in Christianity is valuable but not perfect. I have spent much time studying scripture. I grew up with a dispensational background but I know about different eschatological views. In these specifically your interest is in the return or coming again of Christ. If you do not already recognize Him as King it will be difficult to continue. This in the realm of Christianity (eschatology). Judaism and a Biblical understanding beginning with Torah is what I desire.
Are you a jew ?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
To help you with this will involve further discussion. I am willing to discuss this with you. I may learn from you. At this time I believe that my upbringing in Christianity is valuable but not perfect. I have spent much time studying scripture. I grew up with a dispensational background but I know about different eschatological views. In these specifically your interest is in the return or coming again of Christ. If you do not already recognize Him as King it will be difficult to continue. This in the realm of Christianity (eschatology). Judaism and a Biblical understanding beginning with Torah is what I desire.

The resounding message of the New Testament is that "Jesus is Lord". He is Lord because he has victoriously defeated sin, death and the devil, Colossians 2:15. and now sits at the right hand of God as the "King of Kings and the Lord of Lords" Revelation 19:16.

The law and the Torah have been abolished, Ephesians 2:15. Christians are no longer bound by Judaism or any religion. Because of the doing and the dying of Jesus, Christian now live by faith and not by rules, laws or religion. "The Just Shall Live By Faith" Romans 1:17. Not only are Christians called to live by faith, they are also called to live by the Holy Spirit, Romans 8:1 and Not by the letter of the law. "The letter (Law) kills, but the Spirit gives life" 2 Corinthians 3:6.

I will wait to hear from you.


The resounding message of the New Testament is that "Jesus is Lord". He is Lord because he has victoriously defeated sin, death and the devil, Colossians 2:15. and now sits at the right hand of God as the "King of Kings and the Lord of Lords" Revelation 19:16.

The law and the Torah have been abolished, Ephesians 2:15. Christians are no longer bound by Judaism or any religion. Because of the doing and the dying of Jesus, Christian now live by faith and not by rules, laws or religion. "The Just Shall Live By Faith" Romans 1:17. Not only are Christians called to live by faith, they are also called to live by the Holy Spirit, Romans 8:1 and Not by the letter of the law. "The letter (Law) kills, but the Spirit gives life" 2 Corinthians 3:6.

I will wait to hear from you.
I don't know that I can agree.