The criminal organization that is CPS

Gary K

New member
The following excerpt comes from a Newsweek article on child trafficking.

Most people don't know about our nation's foster care to sex trafficking pipeline, but the facts are sobering. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) found that "of the more than 18,500 endangered runaways reported to NCMEC in 2016, one in six were likely victims of child sex trafficking. Of those, 86 percent were in the care of social services when they went missing."

The outcomes of law enforcement efforts against sex traffickers repeatedly support the NCMEC estimate. In a 2013 FBI 70-city nationwide raid, 60 percent of the victims came from foster care or group homes. In 2014, New York authorities estimated that 85 percent of sex trafficking victims were previously in the child welfare system.

In 2012, Connecticut police rescued 88 children from sex trafficking; 86 were from the child welfare system. And even more alarming: the FBI discovered in a 2014 nationwide raid that many foster children rescued from sex traffickers, including children as young as 11, were never reported missing by child welfare authorities.

Here is the link to the story.


New member
Child Protective Services is run at the local level, that is, it is county bureaucrats who deal directly with parents of children, and make the decisions to take children away from their parent or parents. So, if there is child trafficking involved, it is done by these county level bureaucrats who often have undergraduate level university degrees in social work.

In the process of getting a university undergraduate level degree in social work, are not the social work students subject to Leftist ideological indoctrination by their professors and by the other students?

And does not "Leftist Ideological Indoctrination" in the early 21st century mean an ideology which is found in the present day Democratic Party? That is, the ideology comes out of Marxism, and this ideology might be said to be lacking in common morality?

Which means there is a big problem here.


New member
I do not know exactly what educational training states require to practice as a Social Worker withon the Child Protective Service bureaucracy.

In Missouri - - "How to Become a Social Worker in Missouri
Educational Paths

The Missouri Committee for Social Workers offers four different licenses for social workers. The minimum education requirement to become a licensed social worker is a bachelor’s degree in social work (BSW), while advanced licenses require a master’s degree in social work (MSW). The following details the different education options for individuals seeking licensure as social workers.
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)

To receive a Licensed Baccalaureate Social Worker (LBSW) license in Missouri, you must have a BSW from a program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). In Missouri, 16 BSW programs are currently CSWE-accredited. BSW programs introduce students to the social work profession by exposing them to human behavior, social work theory, and research courses. Most BSW programs require field practice, which allows students to gain hands-on social work experience."

This still does not answer the question of what kind of college level education is required in Missouri to work as a Social Worker in what is called the "Child Protective Service," to make decisions on taking children from their parents.

Maybe someone else has access to more information on this question in the various states.

There may be an impression that the Social Workers in what is called the "Child Protective Service" are not "professionals" in the sense that a Ph.D. clinical psychologist or a Psychiatrist might be - but the Social Workers make decisions all the time that have profound effects on the lives of people. If the Social Workers who make decisions which have profound effects upon the lives of people have only a Bachelor's Level College Degree, who then is responsible in the state bureaucracy for their decisions? And many times the decisions to take children away from parents can involve law enforcement issues, which apparently Social Workers deal with.

Again, there are big problems in this area

Gary K

New member
Here is an interview with Tammi Stefano who is the executive director of NSC, National Safe Child, an organization working to defend the rights of children and good parents. She has been involved in this for years. She brings out what is going on nation wide with CPS in this interview. It's an eye-opening video for anyone who is doubtful of what is happening.

In LA County alone in the time frame this video was shot between 500 and 600 kids were murdered who were in CPS's custody or in the foster homes in which CPS placed them. CPS also authorized 1000 convicted sexual offenders to become foster parents. Remember, this is in one county alone. One thing to remember is that southern California is a pipeline state for child traficking.


Gary K

New member
Here is another story. It is the story told by a woman hired by CPS to transport a little girl 90 miles each way to visit her parents from the foster home in which she had been placed. The foster home, which was a state approved foster care home, was run by a guy who was running a child pornography ring and a child sex trafficking ring out his house.

Beth Breen, the woman who blew the whistle on the case, was given a gag order by the judge in the case. She broke the gag order so this case could be made public. What follows is an article and an interview with Beth Breen by Jim White of Northwest Liberty News.
Beth Breen, the driver contracted by Arizona DCS to drive young Devani from the foster home where it was later learned she was repeatedly raped by her foster parent who was arrested for running a child pornographic and child sex trafficking ring out of his state-approved foster home, to her parents home 90 miles away each week for a 2-hour supervised visitation, was recently interviewed by Jim White at Northwest Liberty News.
Breen states that she is under a gag order and not supposed to speak about the case, but she “doesn’t care” because the gag order is unconstitutional.
This is one of the most horrific cases Health Impact News has ever covered. See our previous coverage:
Arizona Child Removed from Loving Family and Placed into Foster Care Where She was Repeatedly Raped – then 80% of Body Burned

Arizona Girl Raped and Burned in Foster Care Still Represented by Same Attorney – Kept Away from Family

Trial Begins for Little Arizona Girl Placed with Pedophiles in Foster Care and Burned by Adoptive Mom

Beth Breen explains how she thought it was strange that they would place this little girl in a foster home so far away from the parents, 90 miles away, and that due to the fact that she drove her once a week 180 miles total, that she actually spent more time with Devani than her parents did.

Here is the link to the article:

And here is the video of Beth Breen's interview by Jim White.


Gary K

New member
Here is an article speaking to the cause the removal of the child from her parents in my last post. This child was taken away from her parents because they got into a loud argument and some neighbor turned them in. The mother was charged by the cops with being abusive towards her husband on the spot. Devani was not there at the time of the argument. And a short time later the cops dismissed all charges against the mother. In other words there was no evidence whatsover that this child was ever abused.

It was after all criminal charges were dismissed that Arizona CPS caseworkers got involved and took this little girl away from her parents. Thus, they took the actions they took without any evidence to support their accusations.

Here is the horror story of little Devani's case and the evidence of what is going on statewide with child trafficking in Arizona. Remember, Arizona is a pipeline for human trafficking and there is more money made through human trafficking than is made by illegal arms trafficking and illegal drug trafficking combined. It is the largest money making scam on the planet, by far.

Gary K

New member
Here is another very good article on how many kids are abused by the foster care system.

[h=2]Foster Care: “Best Interest of the Child” or “Child Abuse”?[/h] Theoretically, foster care provides a temporary loving, nurturing and safe home for children who are removed from their own families due to heinous neglect or abuse. This theory helps those involved in the system sleep good at night and feel like heroes.
Molly McGrath Tierney, the former Director of the Baltimore City Department of Social Services, gave one of the most insightful TEDx talks about the problems with the “Foster Care Industry” – an industry where children become a commodity that profits doctors, lawyers, judges, social workers, advocates, and other organizations, an industry that can only exist by taking other people’s children, an industry that damages the very children it purports to be helping. She goes on to explain the trauma inflicted on children by the foster care industry, saying:
… we’re digging a wound so deep, I don’t believe we have a way of measuring it. This dismantling of families – it has enormous consequences. Kids that grow up outside of families – they don’t master the things that can only be learned in that context, like who to trust, how to love, and how to take care of yourself, and that frankly does more damage than the abuse and neglect that brought the kid to my attention in the first place.

The rest of this article can be read here:

Gary K

New member
Here is yet another very good article on how the foster care system is rife with abuse. You know, the system that CPS puts kids into often with little or no reason other than it makes money for a lot of people.

US Foster Care System a Breeding Ground for Human Trafficking

Posted by Michelle Lillie | 2013

Half of all human trafficking victims are minors, and statesthat 70 percent of these minors are children in the foster care system. Foster
Focus Magazine, an online publication devoted to the US foster care system, places
that number even higher at 80 percent. In a report by the state government of
Connecticut, 86 percent of victims rescued from domestic minor sex trafficking in
2011 had been involved with child welfare services in some manner and may had
been victimized while in foster care or residential placement.
These statistics are especially disturbing since there are an estimated 300,000
children involved in underage domestic sex trafficking in the United States which
means 210,000 to 258,000 children have been failed by the very system that
was created to protect and provide for them. Children in the foster care system
are especially vulnerable since many have experienced trauma such as physical
violence, substance abuse and parental incarceration. Children with no family and
no support system are easy prey for pimps who initially shower the girls with gifts
and attention. Many pimps pose as boyfriends or protectors to gain trust of the
young girls. Shockingly, it is often fellow housemates working for the pimps who
recruit other members of the foster home or shelter into prostitution.

According to The National Report on Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking: America’s
Prostituted Children, “children exploited through prostitution report they typically
are given a quota by their trafficker/pimp of 10 to 15 buyers per night. Utilizing a
conservative estimate, a domestic minor sex-trafficking victim would be raped by
6,000 buyers during the course of her victimization through prostitution.” After one
to two years of this horrific treatment, most children are either too sick or injured
from the brutality to be of any use to the pimps and are simply discarded on the
street. Children have not yet fully developed their natural immune system and are
more likely to be infected by diseases like AIDS, Syphilis and Hepatitis B. Since the
average age for a child to enter forced prostitution is 12-14 years old and most die
within seven years of their first sexual act, very few child prostitutes make it to
adulthood. The few that do reach their 18th birthday will have aged out of the foster
care system leaving them without food or shelter.