the church


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It has the appearance of evil, so it is.

As far as how one uses their time... think of all the unheard prayers the Romanists pray every day to people that cannot hear and or intercede for them.

The dead are dead.

do you believe the saints in heaven cannot talk to God?
-do you know how many here at tol talk to God?
-so why can't the saints?


New member
do you believe the saints in heaven cannot talk to God?
-do you know how many here at tol talk to God?
-so why can't the saints?

I don't believe the saints can hear particular prayers. The saints are still human and cannot read minds or hear over long distances and are removed from this reality. So prayers to them go unheard.

They are dead... period.


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I don't believe the saints can hear particular prayers. The saints are still human and cannot read minds or hear over long distances and are removed from this reality. So prayers to them go unheard.

They are dead... period.

do you think God hears the prayers to saints?


New member
do you think God hears the prayers to saints?

What would the saints be praying for except humankind in General, since they know nothing about what is transpiring on the earth right now?

So God can here their general prayers, that is all.

Anyhow, Jesus taught us how to pray, and it was only to one person.. God.

Prayer to anyone other than God is pagan in origin.... heck the Jews never even prayed to Moses, Arron or any other human being.


New member
do you believe the saints in heaven cannot talk to God?
-do you know how many here at tol talk to God?
-so why can't the saints?

When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray who did Jesus teach the disciples to direct their prayer to ?


When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray who did Jesus teach the disciples to direct their prayer to ?
Why, He taught them to pray to Our Father Who art in heaven, of course. The Our Father is the first prayer in each decade of the Rosary, which is the Church's more developed answer to the question, "How should I pray?" You should pray the Rosary.


New member
Why, He taught them to pray to Our Father Who art in heaven, of course. The Our Father is the first prayer in each decade of the Rosary, which is the Church's more developed answer to the question, "How should I pray?" You should pray the Rosary.

I do not remember Jesus teaching to pray to anyone other than God the Father. Do you have ANY scripture to support praying to anyone other than God the Father ?


I do not remember Jesus teaching to pray to anyone other than God the Father. Do you have ANY scripture to support praying to anyone other than God the Father ?
Of course I do. And the Scripture and Church history weave together into a wonderful tapestry of the Lord's grace upon us since He came. He gave to His Apostles the authority to rule His Church, and it is from the Church's bishops, the Apostles' successors, whose job it is to teach and to pray, that we get both the Rosary and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. They have been teaching and praying since the Apostles, and they reveal to us all, free of charge, what they know about both. The Lord Himself began it all, in praying, Our Father, Who are in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.


New member
Of course I do. And the Scripture and Church history weave together into a wonderful tapestry of the Lord's grace upon us since He came. He gave to His Apostles the authority to rule His Church, and it is from the Church's bishops, the Apostles' successors, whose job it is to teach and to pray, that we get both the Rosary and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. They have been teaching and praying since the Apostles, and they reveal to us all, free of charge, what they know about both. The Lord Himself began it all, in praying, Our Father, Who are in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

So you believe God gave the Apostles and those that followed instructions to CONTRADICT Jesus ?

You never provided any scripture to support anything you said. You just mimicked those other deceived folks that you follow.


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FYI, Satan is NOT stupid he quotes scripture ( out of context of course ) and even ask folks to pray especially when they disregard what Jesus taught.

Jesus taught us to pray
-mary asked us to pray
-so you are not making sense


New member
Jesus taught us to pray
-mary asked us to pray
-so you are not making sense

FYI, you CANNOT place Mary @ Jesus' level Jesus is God Mary is NOT.

Satan is always happy when people do not listen to what Jesus taught as do Roman Catholics.

Mary did not go to Calvary for anyone , and she was not born without sin as Jesus was.

STOP worshiping Mary.


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FYI, you CANNOT place Mary @ Jesus' level Jesus is God Mary is NOT.

Satan is always happy when people do not listen to what Jesus taught as do Roman Catholics.

Mary did not go to Calvary for anyone , and she was not born without sin as Jesus was.

STOP worshiping Mary.

we don't worship mary
-thanks to the church
-you know what Jesus taught