the church


the church is controlled by sinners
-just like every other organization
-it has survived
-unlike any other organization
Baal worship has. Is it godly?
"Baal worship" is not an organization.

The Catholic Church is the oldest (legitimately traced back to AD 33; the next oldest is only about 500 years old) and largest organization that the world's ever seen.


And Jesus, never once encouraged Christian dogma to be made civil law... instead he said let the civil law be what it may, we have better things to do.
You don't know that. Nobody except the pope for sure knows all that the Lord taught His Apostles and what the Apostles taught to the first generation of Church bishops.

You don't know that the Lord didn't teach the Apostles to teach the Magisterium that the Church ought to vie for political power until such a time that the world learned the importance of religious liberty and the separation between Church and state.

Your interpretation of history is discontinuous, while the Magisterium implores us to interpret history continuously.


New member
You don't know that. Nobody except the pope for sure knows all that the Lord taught His Apostles and what the Apostles taught to the first generation of Church bishops.

You don't know that the Lord didn't teach the Apostles to teach the Magisterium that the Church ought to vie for political power until such a time that the world learned the importance of religious liberty and the separation between Church and state.

Your interpretation of history is discontinuous, while the Magisterium implores us to interpret history continuously.

The Pope doesn't know anything. What would a Roman, 300 years after the resurrection... 1000 miles away in enemy territory know about what Jesus taught? Especially, for the first 300 years of Christianity, the Romans put Christians to death!

You church has nothing to do with Jesus and everything to do with re-branded Roman Mithraism and Paganism... only the names have been changed to try and make it more palatable.

You really need to start studying the history of the Roman cult.


Its not about throwing stones, its about having the ability to turn our backs on people who exhibit un-christian behavior and tenets.
First of all, working backwards, what the Church teaches are by definition Christian tenets.

And secondly, can you agree that by whatever standard you judge the worthiness of the Church's Magisterium to teach authoritatively the Christian faith, ought to be applied to anybody who is claiming to teach something about the Christian faith?
Can you turn your back on your Pope and any other church leadership when they go off the deep end? Nope, because they have you believing that they hold your soul in their hands.
That's not true.


New member
First of all, working backwards, what the Church teaches are by definition Christian tenets.

And secondly, can you agree that by whatever standard you judge the worthiness of the Church's Magisterium to teach authoritatively the Christian faith, ought to be applied to anybody who is claiming to teach something about the Christian faith?
That's not true.

It would be impossible to judge the non-christian magesterium by christian standards..... they are too stupid and ignorant... and most importantly, have closed their minds to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Basically they have built themselves a false castle they cannot escape from and are doomed to roam its accursed halls.


When you sin against someone, a priest does not have the authority to forgive you for that sin, you have to go and ask forgiveness of the person you sinned against.

Matthew 5:23-24New International Version (NIV)

23 “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, 24 leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.

What do you do with the references to "the altar?"
Jesus didn't say go to a priest, Jesus said to go and reconcile with the one who has something against you.

The converse is also true. If somebody comes to you to ask your forgiveness, you have the keys to bind or lose their sin against you.
Matthew 16:19 and John 20:23 were directed at the Apostles.


Jesus messages are for the world.

His basic teachings don't need any scholars' help to understand.
Then why do so many people have so many different opinions on what He taught?
He taught us everything we need to know for God's kingdom.
He taught His Apostles everything that they needed to know to administer His Church, which is God's kingdom, now in seed form, here on earth.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
What do you do with the references to "the altar?"
Matthew 16:19 and John 20:23 were directed at the Apostles.

Within Catholic tradition, "the alter" is a clear reference to going to take communion. Within other traditions the concept holds, before you go before God, check your heart.