Good stuff..
Interesting to note a better understanding of the Hebraic covenant as familial not judicial...implications of inheritance not just being justified...
good too to see its gone from not just reformation but closer to
The clarification on saved by grace was helpful but for me what works are done next reveal the's gratitude...
Are they works commanded by Yah? Or works obligated by man's traditions...
Do we give thanks/sacrifices and do as He instructed or bring/do what we want...with our own rationale...tradition being just extended peer pressure
I think its important, even if we disagree, to at least understand peoples' positions correctly. As a Catholic, I can tell you that I have spent most of my time arguing against things that we don't even believe! It's hard enough to discuss real differences, but having to knock down straw man charges and allegations has made me grow weary over the years. Some of the things that people think Catholics believe in is just jaw-dropping.
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