the church


can the two of you clear this up and get back to me?
it stops at the bible. you're on your own. the greatest lie of the Devil was "Not everything you need for doctrine is in the Word of God, you need something that totally contradicts the Word of God, you need tradition, the same religious tradition that Christ condemned"...and the great unwashed of Catholicism bought the lie of the devil and became just like their father the devil, and nullified God's Word by their mind-numbing traditions...


New member
Notice they aren't around anymore :rolleyes:
Neither are the so-called "16th-century Reformists."

In fact, the Reformists deemed them heretics as well.
Again: So what? Christ's one historic Catholic Church had already officially done so centuries earlier. It is the Catholic Church that possesses the doctrinal authority of Jesus Christ, not the subsequent man-made sects that came along a millennium-and-a-half later.

Back to Post #4075.


Neither are the so-called "16th-century Reformists."

Again: So what? Christ's one historic Catholic Church had already officially done so centuries earlier. It is the Catholic Church that possesses the doctrinal authority of Jesus Christ, not the subsequent man-made sects that came along a millennium-and-a-half later.

The Reformed Tradition is still very much alive today. These other people's theologies will fade away just as all the others, having mistook their blossom as perseverance.


So are the Arian, Pelagian, and Sabellian traditions. And they have no more inherent doctrinal authority from Christ than does "the Reformed Tradition."

And they're all sorry, barely holding up to any real scrutiny.

But your church will be there until the end just the same. It's the Idolatress of Babylon, you see :wave:


New member
And they're all sorry, barely holding up to any real scrutiny. But your church will be there until the end just the same. It's the Idolatress of Babylon, you see :wave:
...according to the entirely non-authoritative opinions of your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect, anyway. :yawn:


New member
According to the make believe authority of your church :rolleyes:
The Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ himself in 33 A.D. This is a historic fact. If you disagree, then simply post the name of the recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect that IS, in your opinion, that one historic Church that was founded by Jesus Christ himself in 33 A.D. Post the name now, please.


Right, the New Testament doesn't fail to mention the papal office of bishop.
11 bishops !
