the church


the pope is the successor of peter, the rock Jesus built His church on
-it is in your bible
you ought to vote for hillary. we're all in this together like obama said. pope is a billion miles from me and my local gathering place for worship IS from the Bible. stay away from trump. fine with me if you like the pope. popes a nice guy but let me focus on jesus . pope doesnt do anything for me


New member
tell us what this means

Already did you cannot see it because you are BLIND to truth. YOU have man made traditions that contradict and supersede scripture to you , sadly.

Without the Holy Spirit bringing the meaning to you you will remain lost and blind to the things of God.


New member
here is another opportunity to tell us what this means

Already did you cannot see it because you are BLIND to truth. YOU have man made traditions that contradict and supersede scripture to you , Which makes God's word powerless and UN-able to be understood to you.

Without the Holy Spirit bringing the meaning to you you will remain lost and blind to the things of God.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Already did you cannot see it because you are BLIND to truth. YOU have man made traditions that contradict and supersede scripture to you , Which makes God's word powerless and UN-able to understand to you.

Without the Holy Spirit bringing the meaning to you you will remain lost and blind to the things of God.

Faith comes by hearing.

The only hope for Chrys is that he keeps hearing the gospel 1 Cor 15:1-4 (KJV) and has an epiphany, counting his religion as dung, giving up on trying to be good enough, and trusting the LORD.

God's Truth

New member
here is an opportunity to tell others what this means

Why do you keep saying that?

Hasn't anyone answered you?

What do you think it means?

Do you think the words should be changed to, "I am the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but by the Catholic denomination"?

Jesus saying he is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE and no man comes to the Father but by him MEANS you MUST OBEY JESUS to get saved, to get to the Father.


New member
here is an opportunity to tell others what this means

Already did you cannot see it because you are BLIND to truth. YOU have man made traditions that contradict and supersede scripture to you , Which makes God's word powerless and UN-able to be understood to you.

Without the Holy Spirit bringing the meaning to you you will remain lost and blind to the things of God.