the church


That's right.

It reveals your ignorance and stupidity.

An idol is a false god or something a person places above God. Mary is neither. What you have there is a piece of art depicting Mary, and people kneeling in prayer. Only a pinhead like you would draw the conclusion you have drawn.

How many of you have been following the anti-police riots in the news. Many of you know that little cell-phone videos of police often result in false conclusions and false allegations about the police, right? The picture can seem to be something it is not.

This is no different. What this slimy liar Tulipbee is doing is exactly what the liberal news and Black Lives Matter does with cellphone videos of the police: Using them to make false allegations, and claiming that they show something which in fact they do not..
Reveals the feel


[Mary worship :eek:linger:] It reveals your ignorance and stupidity.

An idol is a false god or something a person places above God. Mary is neither. What you have there is a piece of art depicting Mary, and people kneeling in prayer. Only a pinhead like you would draw the conclusion you have drawn...

"Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?" :Shimei: ~ Chico Marx


No Mary Worship

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
My statements represent the authoritative teachings of Christ's one historic Church, unlike yours which merely parrot the entirely non-authoritative opinions of your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect. Big difference there.

Back to Post #3505.

Amen brother!!


Well-known member

Agree TulipBee, though I would say:

...God, who had marked him out before the foundation of the world and who sees to it that he is born, also sees to it that he is Born Again.

For Faith / Belief of the Truth about Jesus Christ, and what He has accomplished for all His Elect, Chosen In Union with Him before the foundation of the World Eph. 1:3-11; 2 Tim. 1:9, is a Fruit of the Spirit given in New Birth Gal. 5:22. For they were Chosen to Salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and Belief of the Truth 2 Thes. 2:13!



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
-the church teaches the gospel
-the gospel is the good news
-that you might be saved
-even paul says it
-it is right there in your bible
-you might be saved
-you have to walk the talk


-the church teaches the gospel
-the gospel is the good news
-that you might be saved
-even paul says it
-it is right there in your bible
-you might be saved
-you have to walk the talk
you are correct "These are not doctrinal errors, but the teaching of popery." Any Gospel that preaches "Jesus and" is a false, misleading and counterfeit Gospel. When I was raised as a Roman Catholic we were taught that the Protestant fold fell away from the truth. I now can see lock, stock and barrel it was Rome that fell away from the truth and it was truly the Reformers who restored the church to the truth of the Gospel, “PROTESTED” all the nonsense Rome added and restored the church to the way it was intended to be by adhering to the Gospel message of salvation through faith alone in Christ alone and his redemptive act on Calvary for all who place faith in Him alone for salvation and not Rome’s heretical additions.

Today I totally reject all RC Marian teachings, including the Immaculate Conception, that Mary was immaculately conceived in the womb of her mother Anne and the Assumption, that Mary was assumed into heaven to be at the side of her Son Jesus and the Father and the Holy Spirit; some say almost like a 4th person of the Trinity, which is an obvious contradiction or Oxymoron statement! Both teachings are not supported in scripture and both teachings were proclaimed under the RC doctrine of papal Infallibility on matters of faith and morals which I also reject and is another reason I am now a Protestant and No longer a Roman catholic.


once you feel better, you will realize you are in my thread
But you cludder up the TOL's bandwidth and cause it to jam up. Traffic jams are caused by you and we want to move on to truthville. Pull over if you don't care to get to truth. Your dinky yugo aint gonna make it.