the church


New member
Cruciform;4763722]Jesus Christ founded the Catholic Church, which remains today as Christ's one historic Church, just as the Lord promised it would

A Roman emperor started the RCC in 325 A.D.

According to the entirely non-authoritative opinion of your preferred recently-invented, man-made anti-Catholic sect, anyway. :yawn:

Nope, according to scripture, which the RCC rejects to follow the traditions of evil and idolatrous men.


New member
No confusion. Protestant sectarians derive their beliefs, ideas, and assumptions from various human informational sources (doctrinal traditions), just as Catholics do. You are no exception.

Christians do not go to s sinful pope for direction they go to scripture and God.


New member
Christians do not go to s sinful pope for direction they go to scripture and God.
Rather, they go to any number of Protestant sectarian informational sources (doctrinal traditions), from which they derive their beliefs, ideas, and assumptions. You are no exception.


New member
Rather, they go to any number of Protestant sectarian informational sources (doctrinal traditions), from which they derive their beliefs, ideas, and assumptions. You are no exception.

Wrong again, Christians pray to God and ONLY God unlike those that depend on other than God to do for them what only God can do.


New member
You confuse me with Roman Catholics who trap millions in their deceptions and lies who trust what men say EVEN when it contradicts scripture. Your loss not mine.
"...even when it contradicts dodge's preferred interpretations of Scripture," you mean. Big difference there.


New member
"...even when it contradicts dodge's preferred interpretations of Scripture," you mean. Big difference there.

Ex. 20:4,5 says do not yet your ilk says do. I will stay with scripture.

Exo 20:4

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

Exo 20:5
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;


New member
Wrong again, Christians pray to God and ONLY God unlike those that depend on other than God to do for them what only God can do.
When Protestants ask someone to pray for them, are they therefore "depending on other than God"? According to your pretzel logic above, they are.


New member
When Protestants ask someone to pray for them, are they therefore "depending on other than God"? According to your pretzel logic above, they are.

Nope, because when Christians ask another to pray for them they know the asked person will pray to God the Father and ONLY God the Father in Jesus' name as per scripture.


New member
Nope, because when Christians ask another to pray for them they know the asked person will pray to God the Father and ONLY God the Father in Jesus' name as per scripture.
Doesn't mater, because you're asking someone who is not God to pray for you. Therefore, you're "depending on someone other than God." Correct?


New member
dodge's tacit claim that Christ's Church---and Christians in general---did not exist until the 16th century is noted. :doh:

No exaggeration is to far out for you is it ?

Christians have been here since the moment that Jesus was crucified , and even before that.

The RCC did her very best to destroy Christianity during the dark ages, but God would not allow that to happen.

Remember the RCC during the inquisitions murdered many , many, many christians that would NOT pray to Mary nor submit to a sinful evil pope.

Then their next plan was to control the word of God and for many years made it a crime punishable by death to even have a bible in ones home.

But Thanks and Glory be to God that he made the RCC plan FAIL !


New member
Doesn't mater, because you're asking someone who is not God to pray for you. Therefore, you're "depending on someone other than God." Correct?

YOU are working with nothing ! To ask one to pray to God for you is NOT the same as praying to Mary and dead people. You justify your idolatry to yourself ONLY.


New member
Just like every single Protestant sectarian on the planet---including dodge.

When I hear a sermon or someone tells me something ( anything ) related to God or scripture I read, pray , and study the scripture to see if what I am being told lines up with scripture.

Scripture says to study to show yourself approved unto God.

Scripture also says line upon line precept upon precept here a little there a little.

Hey, if you let someone spoon feed you deceptions and lies and do not study scripture YOURSELF then YOU are guilty of laziness and depending on others to do what God requires YOU to do.